198 IBM Enterprise Workload Manager
? If option b or c is selected, the domain manager’s keystore (-sslks <keystore path>) as
well as the keystore password (-sslpw <keystore password>) are needed. These options
can be specified as configuration parameters on the changeDM command.
7.7 Monitoring the routing environment
Although most of the monitoring is done from the load balancer, there are commands
available from the managed server and the domain manager to verify load balancing can
occur at the application level.
7.7.1 Load balancer
The load balancer should provide the following:
? The ability to display the server groups which have been defined to it.
? Commands to identify all of the instances of a server group by the real IP address.
? A command to list the virtual IP address associated with the server group.
? A command or display to show which instances are actively receiving work.
? Commands to display what the current weights are, as well as the default weights (if
provided by the load balancer), for each instance of the server group.
? A command to display how many requests have been forwarded to which instance and, of
those requests, how many have ended.
? The ability to “ping” the domain manager to verify that communication can occur.
7.7.2 Managed server
To list the applications registered to ARM on an AIX:
/usr/sbin/lsarm -a
To see if the netwlm daemon is started on AIX:
ps -ef netwlm
To determine if the common code and the netwlm code was installed (refer to “Configuring
managed servers on AIX and Windows” on page 46):
AIX - smitty.
To display current properties of the managed server:
displayMS commands
To determine how many transactions a particular system or application has processed:
This is application-specific. Each application may have tools or commands to show the
number of transactions that have been processed. For the HTTP Server, there are logs
which can be manually processed via a script to determine how many transactions were
processed and how many have failed:
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