46 IBM Enterprise Workload Manager
Linux domain manager at /opt/EWLMDM/WAS/logs/server1 and are called SystemOut.log
and SystemErr.log.
When we log in to the EWLM Control Center now and look at the managed servers in the
monitoring section on the left we do not see any servers. The domain manager does not
detect any managed servers because there are no managed servers that have joined this
domain yet.
2.4.2 Configuring managed servers on AIX and Windows
Once our domain manager is running we are ready to install and configure the managed
servers that belong to the EWLM management domain. In our ITSO environment, the EWLM
Management Domain consists of two systems running AIX 5L Version 5.2 ML03, and two
systems running Windows Server Version 2003. For information on the installation and
configuration of managed servers running other supported operating systems refer to 2.6.1,
“Managed server on i5/OS” and to 2.6.2, “Managed server on Solaris” . In this section we
describe the setup of the managed servers of our ITSO environment only. On Windows we do
not configure and run the managed server as Administrator but as user tested. On AIX we
show the configuration as root user even though it is not required. The managed server must
be able to call the EWLM APIs, which require either root authority or that you use a non-root
user like ibmewlm and grant authority by typing the following command:
chuser capabilities=CAP_EWLM_AGENT,CAP_PROPAGATE ibmewlm
When you install the EWLM code on the domain manager you are also given the option to
install the images for the managed servers. This means that the code for the managed
servers is copied to your domain manager but it does not get pushed out to the managed
servers automatically. You need to manually transfer the EWLM managed server code from
the domain manager to each managed server. This distribution of managed server images
can be done either by file transfer protocol (FTP) using binary mode on AIX and Solaris, or by
mapping a drive and copying the files to the file system, or by any other distribution
mechanism that works in your environment. Be aware that FTP does not maintain the
executable bit on the installation image file. You need to run chmod 700 on the installation
image to turn on the executable bit.
The managed server code location on the domain manager is a subdirectory of your
installation directory; on our domain manager it is at /opt/IBM/VE/ManagedNodes. For the
current release of EWLM, the IBM installation image includes AIX and i5/OS. The non-IBM
installation image includes images for Windows and Solaris. Which image will be in your
domain manager directory depends on what you have purchased. You can identify which
image goes with which platform by the names of the installable files, which are as follows:
? AIX - EWLMAixMS.bin
? Windows - EWLMWinMS.exe
? Solaris - EWLMSolarisMS.bin
? i5/OS - EWLMOS400MS.jar and Q5733VE1110.savf
We explain in 2.6.1, “Managed server on i5/OS” why you need two files for a managed server
installation on i5/OS.
Installing managed server code
In our ITSO environment, the managed servers are Windows and AIX machines which
means we need the files called EWLMWinMS.exe and EWLMAixMS.bin. We transfer these files to
our managed servers into the /software/EWLM directory, which can be a location of your
choice. Make sure the rights are set so the files can be executed. We start the installation
Chapter 2. Installing and configuring EWLM 47
wizard by double-clicking the EWLMWinMS.exe file on Windows and by issuing the
./EWLMAixMS.bin command on AIX. This brings up the installation window shown in
Figure 2-21. This installation shield looks similar for all operating systems.
Figure 2-21 Installation wizard to configure the managed servers
In the next step you are asked to provide an installation directory for the managed server or
you can use the default directory. This is the /opt/IBM/VE/EWLMMS directory on AIX or
C:Program FilesIBMVEEWLMMS on Windows. When proceeding further with the
installation you are asked which features you would like to install. The choice is to install the
managed servers with or without Firewall Broker; we chose the managed servers only. For
information on firewall issues in this server topology refer to 6.1, “Firewalls” . You are then
provided with an installation summary before the installation process starts. With the choice
of installing the managed servers only you need about 60 MB of space in the installation
directory you provided. The installation process takes only a few minutes including some post
installation tasks. The final summary includes the following message:
The InstallShield Wizard has successfully installed IBM Enterprise Workload Manager -
managed server. Choose Finish to exit the wizard.
Looking then at the directory we chose in the installation process we see a variety of available
commands and associated log files for the managed servers. This looks similar to the
command directory for the domain manager but with fewer commands available. An output
taken from one of our AIX machines is shown in Example 2-10. It looks similar for Windows
except that for Windows the directory is at C:Program FilesIBMVEEWLMMSin.
Example 2-10 AIX command directory
ls /opt/IBM/VE/EWLMMS/bin
# ls
ConfigurationWizard.log createFB.sh displayMS.log
changeFB.sh createMS.log displayMS.sh
changeMS.sh createMS.sh startFB.sh
config.jar deleteFB.sh startMS.log
configWizardMS.sh deleteMS.sh startMS.sh
48 IBM Enterprise Workload Manager
createFB.log displayFB.sh variables.sh
We are now ready to run the createMS command to configure the managed servers. We
divide this configuration section into separate sections for Windows and AIX, but first we need
to say a few words about syntax of the createMS command shown here:
createMS <working dir> -ma <address> -mp <port> -auth [None |ServerSSL | ClientSSL] -sslks
<path> -sslpw <password>
As with the creation of the domain manager, the working directory should not exist. It is
created by the createMS command and must be provided as an absolute path. With the -ma
flag we specify the IP Address or hostname of the domain manager. With the -mp flag we
specify the port used for communication between the domain manager and the managed
servers. The -auth flag is provided for the specification of authority level. The -ssl values are
needed if you want to have security settings active. Similar to what we described for the
domain manager, you can also run an installation wizard to go through the createMS process.
Double-click configWizardMS.bat in Windows or call the ./configWizardMS.sh script on AIX
and fill in the required values.
Creation of managed server on Windows
We start running the createMS command on our Windows managed servers with the following
command sequence:
> cd "C:Program FilesIBMVEEWLMMSin"
> createMS C:ewlmMS -ma -mp 3333 -auth None
We can then use the startMS command to start our managed server as shown:
> cd "C:Program FilesIBMVEEWLMMSin"
> startMS C:ewlmMS
Starting EWLM Managed Server....
A message is displayed when the EWLM Managed Server completes activation.
WARNING: Closing this message window ends the EWLM Managed Server.
<10:22:16.2216> EWLM successfully started
This command runs in a command window. To stop the managed server use the Ctrl-C keys.
In addition, there are commands like displayMS and changeMS to view or change the
properties of the managed servers, as well as a deleteMS command. The output of the
managed servers properties looks very similar to the one shown in Example 2-4 on page 35.
Once you are comfortable with the startMS command, we recommend running this process
as a service by using the startMSService.bat command. This is also the recommended way
to run it in a production environment.
Creation of managed server on AIX
Setting up the managed server on AIX works in a very similar way but some additional steps
are necessary. The first thing to notice is that with ML03 of AIX 5L Version 5.2 there are some
SMIT panels available to manage the EWLM environment. You can verify this by typing the
smitty ewlm command. The two available options are to change or show the EWLM
configuration and the status of the EWLM services. Alternatively, you can run the ewlmcfg
command with several options. With the -q flag, for example, you query the status of EWLM.
Note: Alternatively, you can install the manage server from a command line or batch file.
From the directory where you copied the installation images run the following command:
EWLM_MSfilename -silent -P managedServerBean.active=[true | false]
-P firewallBrokerBean.active=[true | false]
-P productBean.installLocation=mydirectory
Chapter 2. Installing and configuring EWLM 49
This step provides interfaces that are required by the EWLM code. With any default
installation you will not see any filesets when searching for EWLM using the lslpp command.
After you run the managed server installation wizard described in 2.4.2, “Configuring
managed servers on AIX and Windows” the lslpp command output looks as follows:
# lslpp -l |grep ewlm
ewlm.common COMMITTED EWLM Common AIX Support
This fileset comes with the EWLM code. In addition, when setting up your AIX system as a
managed server you need to install one additional fileset called bos.net.ewlm.rte from the
standard AIX CDs. It is part of ML03 of AIX 5L Version 5.2 and can also be downloaded from
the following Web site:
When installing from CD, insert the CD into the CDROM and issue the following command:
# installp -acgXd /dev/cd0 bos.net.ewlm.rte
When this fileset is installed successfully the output of the lslpp command should look as
# lslpp -l |grep ewlm
bos.net.ewlm.rte COMMITTED netWLM
ewlm.common COMMITTED EWLM Common AIX Support
At this point we are ready to run the createMS and the startMS commands similarly to what
we just did on Windows. We show the command sequence for AIX in Example 2-11.
Optionally you can also run the displayMS command to view the properties of this managed
server or use the changeMS or deleteMS command to modify your setup.
Example 2-11 Configuring AIX as managed server
# cd /opt/IBM/VE/EWLMMS/bin
# ./createMS.sh /opt/ewlmMS -ma -mp 3333 -auth None
# ./startMS.sh /opt/ewlmMS
Starting EWLM Managed Server....
A message is displayed when the EWLM Managed Server completes activation.
WARNING: Closing this message window ends the EWLM Managed Server.
<10:22:16.2216> EWLM successfully started
As mentioned previously, there are SMIT panels available for EWLM managed server
configuration, including the permanent or temporary enablement of EWLM services. When
you look at the AIX ARM/EWLM implementation you see that there are a number of
configurable values. Most of the values indicate the maximum number of specified items that
may be created. For example,
registered applications specifies the maximum number of
applications that can be concurrently registered in the system. If an application calls one of
the ARM services that would exceed the limit, the application will get a failure return code
indicating the limit was exceeded. Another example is the
transactions per process limit. This
limit is there to catch applications that have a
transaction leak flaw in their instrumentation.
Note: You can use the command ewlmcfg -c to enable and ewlmcfg -u to disable the
EWLM/ARM on AIX. If you disable the EWLM environment using the ewlmcfg -u
command after EWLM is up, the domain manager shows a server state indicating that
ARM is disabled. Also you need to stop and start a managed server after enabling the
EWLM environment. If you don't restart the managed server, it does not communicate with
domain manager.
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