Stop word removal

Stop word removal is one of the most commonly used preprocessing steps across different NLP applications. The idea is simply removing the words that occur commonly across all the documents in the corpus. Typically, articles and pronouns are generally classified as stop words. These words have no significance in some of the NLP tasks like information retrieval and classification, which means these words are not very discriminative. On the contrary, in some NLP applications stop word removal will have very little impact. Most of the time, the stop word list for the given language is a well hand-curated list of words that occur most commonly across corpuses. While the stop word lists for most languages are available online, these are also ways to automatically generate the stop word list for the given corpus. A very simple way to build a stop word list is based on word's document frequency (Number of documents the word presents), where the words present across the corpus can be treated as stop words. Enough research has been done to get the optimum list of stop words for some specific corpus. NLTK comes with a pre-built list of stop words for around 22 languages.

To implement the process of stop word removal, below is code that uses NLTK stop word. You can also create a dictionary on a lookup based approach like we did in Chapter 1, Introduction to Natural Language Processing.

>>>from nltk.corpus import stopwords
>>>stoplist = stopwords.words('english') # config the language name
# NLTK supports 22 languages for removing the stop words
>>>text = "This is just a test"
>>>cleanwordlist = [word for word in text.split() if word not in stoplist]
# apart from just and test others are stopwords

In the preceding code snippet, we have deployed a cleaner version of the same stop word removal we did in Chapter 1, Introduction to Natural Language Processing. Previously, we were using a lookup based approach. Even in this case, NLTK internally did a very similar approach. I would recommend using the NLTK list of stop words, because this is more of a standardized list, and this is robust when compared to any other implementation. We also have a way to use similar methods for other languages by just passing the language name as a parameter to the stop words constructor.

  • What's the math behind removing stop words?
  • Can we perform other NLP operations after stop word removal?
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