Named Entity Recognition (NER)

Aside from POS, one of the most common labeling problems is finding entities in the text. Typically NER constitutes name, location, and organizations. There are NER systems that tag more entities than just three of these. The problem can be seen as a sequence, labeling the Named entities using the context and other features. There is a lot more research going on in this area of NLP where people are trying to tag Biomedical entities, product entities in retail, and so on. Again, there are two ways of tagging the NER using NLTK. One is by using the pre-trained NER model that just scores the test data, the other is to build a Machine learning based model. NLTK provides the ne_chunk() method and a wrapper around Stanford NER tagger for Named Entity Recognition.

NER tagger

NLTK provides a method for Named Entity Extraction: ne_chunk. We have shown a small snippet to demonstrate how to use it for tagging any sentence. This method will require you to preprocess the text to tokenize for sentences, tokens, and POS tags in the same order to be able to tag for Named entities. NLTK used ne_chunking, where chunking is nothing but tagging multiple tokens to a call it a meaningful entity.

NE chunking is loosely used in the same way as Named entity:

>>>import nltk
>>>from nltk import ne_chunk
>>>Sent = "Mark is studying at Stanford University in California"
>>>print(ne_chunk(nltk.pos_tag(word_tokenize(sent)), binary=False))
  (ORGANIZATION Stanford/NNP University/NNP)
  NY(GPE California/NNP)))

The ne_chunking method recognizes people (names), places (location), and organizations. If binary is set to True then it provides the output for the entire sentence tree and tags everything. Setting it to False will give us detailed person, location and organizations information, as with the preceding example using the Stanford NER Tagger.

Similar to the POS tagger, NLTK also has a wrapper around Stanford NER. This NER tagger has better accuracy. The code following snippet will let you use the tagger. You can see in the given example that we are able to tag all the entities with just three lines of code:

>>>from nltk.tag.stanford import NERTagger
>>>st = NERTagger('<PATH>/stanford-ner/classifiers/all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz',...               '<PATH>/stanford-ner/stanford-ner.jar')
>>>st.tag('Rami Eid is studying at Stony Brook University in NY'.split()) [('Rami', 'PERSON'), ('Eid', 'PERSON'), ('is', 'O'), ('studying', 'O'), ('at', 'O'), ('Stony', 'ORGANIZATION'), ('Brook', 'ORGANIZATION'), ('University', 'ORGANIZATION'), ('in', 'O'), ('NY', 'LOCATION')]

If you observe closely, even with a very small test sentence, we can say Stanford Tagger outperformed the NLTK ne_chunk tagger.

Now, these kinds of NER taggers are a nice solution for a generic kind of entity tagging, but we have to train our own tagger, when it comes, to tag domain specific entities like biomedical and product names, so we have to build our own NER system. I would also recommend an NER Calais. It has ways of tagging not just typical NER, but also some more entities. The performance of this tagger is also very good:

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