Chapter 4. Parsing Structure in Text

This chapter involves a better understanding of deep structure in text and also how to deep parse text and use it in various NLP applications. Now, we are equipped with various NLP preprocessing steps. Let's move to some deeper aspect of the text. The structure of language is so complex that we can describe it by various layers of structural processing. In this chapter we will touch upon all these structures in text, differentiate between them, and provide you with enough details about the usage of one of these. We will talk about context-free grammar (CFG) and how it can be implemented with NLTK. We will also look at the various parsers and how we can use some of the existing parsing methods in NLTK. We will write a shallow parser in NLTK and will again talk about NER in the context of chunking. We will also provide details about some options that exist in NLTK to do deep structural analysis. We will also try to give you some real-world use cases of information extraction and how it can be achieved by using some of the topics that you will learn in this chapter. We want you to have an understanding of these topics by the end of this chapter.

In this chapter:

  • We will also see what parsing is and what is the relevance of parsing in NLP.
  • We will then explore different parsers and see how we can use NLTK for parsing.
  • Finally, we will see how parsing can be used for information extraction.

Shallow versus deep parsing

In deep or full parsing, typically, grammar concepts such as CFG, and probabilistic context-free grammar (PCFG), and a search strategy is used to give a complete syntactic structure to a sentence. Shallow parsing is the task of parsing a limited part of the syntactic information from the given text. While deep parsing is required for more complex NLP applications, such as dialogue systems and summarization, shallow parsing is more suited for information extraction and text mining varieties of applications. I will talk about these in the next few sections with more details about their pros and cons and how we can use them for our NLP application.

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