Chapter 10
Performance Measurement

When the performance of a fund is measured, there is a temptation to look only at the past return on the investment. However, it is important to measure the performance by taking the risk into account. An investor can increase both the expected return and the risk by leveraging, so that it is of interest to find the inherent quality of the fund, and leave the choice of the leveraging factor to the investor. The Sharpe ratio is defined as the ratio of the expected excess return to the standard deviation of the excess return. This is an example of a performance measure that penalizes the expected return with the risk.

The measures of performance are usually single numbers, but we cannot hope to completely reduce the characteristics of a fund into a single number. For example, the Sharpe ratio is a single number, but we obtain more information by giving separately the expected excess return and the standard deviation of the excess return, instead of giving only their ratio.

Section 9.2 discussed the ranking of return distributions from the point of view of portfolio selection. This discussion is relevant for the performance measurement. For example, in portfolio selection we could be interested in the conditional expected utility

where c010-math-002 is a utility function, c010-math-003 is a return, and the expectation is taken conditionally on the state variable c010-math-004 having value c010-math-005. If we would have information about the conditional expected utility of all portfolios, then we could choose an optimal portfolio. When c010-math-006 is the return of a fund, then the conditional expected utility characterizes the properties of the fund. However, since the conditional expected utility is a function of c010-math-007, this is a very complicated way to describe the properties of a fund. We can summarize the performance using a single number, and the unconditional expected utility


is a single number summarizing the performance. The unconditional expected utility averages over all states c010-math-008.

Has the past performance of a fund been due to a luck or to a skill? This question could be answered by testing the null hypothesis, which states that the long-time performance of a fund is equal to the performance of a market index. Testing is related to the construction of confidence bands to a performance measure. Hypothesis testing and confidence bands can be used to try to answer the question whether the better performance of a fund, as compared to the performance of another fund, is due to a luck or skill. We address the issue of hypothesis testing and confidence bands only when the Sharpe ratio is the performance measure. We note that the confidence bands tend to be quite wide.

Performance measures are computed using a time period c010-math-009 of historical returns. One has to address the issue whether the choice of the time period of historical returns affects the performance measures. This question is considered in Section 10.5, where we provide tools to simultaneously look at the all possible time intervals contained in c010-math-010. These tools are an alternative to looking at the conditional expectation in (10.1). A problem with the conditional expectations in (10.1) is that we have to choose the conditioning state variables c010-math-011, which is a difficult task, as there is a huge number of potentially useful conditioning variables. When we look at the performance of a fund over all subintervals of c010-math-012, then we get clues about which conditioning variables are relevant for the performance of the fund. For example, we could find answers to the questions: Does this fund perform well only in the bull markets? Does this fund perform well only when the inflation is high?

Section 10.1 considers Sharpe ratio. Section 10.2 considers certainty equivalent. Section 10.3 discusses drawdown. Section 10.4 discusses alpha. Section 10.5 presents graphical tools to help the performance measurement.

10.1 The Sharpe Ratio

First, we give the definition of the Sharpe ratio. Then, we derive confidence intervals for the Sharpe ratio and test the equality of two Sharpe ratios. Finally, we give examples of some other measures of risk-adjusted return.

10.1.1 Definition of the Sharpe Ratio

The Sharpe ratio of a financial asset is defined as the expected excess return divided by the standard deviation of the excess return:1

where c010-math-017 is the return of the asset, and c010-math-018 is the return of a risk-free investment.

Note that we have not defined the Sharpe ratio as c010-math-019, where the conditional expectation and the conditional standard deviation are used. Under this definition, we could write the Sharpe ratio as c010-math-020, since the risk-free rate for the period c010-math-021 is not a random variable at time c010-math-022, and thus it can be dropped from the conditional standard deviation. Instead, we have defined the Sharpe ratio in (10.2) using the unconditional expectation and the unconditional standard deviation, so that the risk-free rate is a random variable.

The return period can be, for example, 1 day, 1 month, or 1 year. The annualized Sharpe ratio is defined as


where c010-math-023 is the return horizon: c010-math-024 for daily returns, c010-math-025 for monthly returns, and so on.2 The Sharpe ratio was defined by Sharpe (1966).

An estimator of the Sharpe ratio is obtained from historical returns c010-math-028 and from historical risk-free rates c010-math-029 by replacing the population mean and the population standard deviation by the sample mean and the sample standard deviation:



where c010-math-031 is the excess return.

We can increase as much as we like the expected return of a given asset by leveraging. However, leveraging increases also the risk. The Sharpe ratio is invariant with respect to leveraging. Consider an asset with the expected excess return c010-math-032 and the variance of the excess return c010-math-033:


where c010-math-034 is the time c010-math-035 return of the risky asset and c010-math-036 is the risk-free rate. Consider a portfolio of the risky asset and the risk-free rate, where the weight of the original asset is c010-math-037 and the weight of the risk-free asset is c010-math-038, where c010-math-039. The return of the portfolio is


The excess return of the portfolio is


Thus, c010-math-040 and c010-math-041. Thus,


10.1.2 Confidence Intervals for the Sharpe Ratio

Assume we observe historical excess returns c010-math-042 for c010-math-043. The estimator (10.3) of the Sharpe ratio, when multiplied by the annualizing factor, can be written as




and c010-math-045. Let us assume that

as c010-math-047, where c010-math-048 and c010-math-049 is a c010-math-050 covariance matrix. The central limit theorem (10.5) holds at least when the observed excess returns are independent and identically distributed, and the fourth moment of the excess returns is finite. Independence does not hold for financial returns, but the central limit theorem holds when the returns are weakly dependent, as discussed in Section 3.5.1. An application of the delta-method gives3


as c010-math-060, where c010-math-061 is the gradient, and c010-math-062 is the Sharpe ratio. We have that


The boundaries of the confidence interval for the Sharpe ratio c010-math-063 with the confidence level c010-math-064 are


where c010-math-065 is the c010-math-066-quantile of the standard normal distribution,

and c010-math-068 is an estimator of c010-math-069. Indeed, c010-math-070 where c010-math-071. Independent Returns

The central limit theorem (10.5) holds when the observed excess returns are independent and identically distributed, and the fourth moment of the excess returns is finite. In this case the asymptotic covariance matrix is


and estimator c010-math-072 is obtained by using the sample variances and the sample covariance. We can write

where c010-math-074 and c010-math-075 is defined in (10.4). Dependent Returns

A central limit theorem holds when the dependence is weak. Let c010-math-076 be a vector time series, where c010-math-077. A central limit theorem states that



and the autocovariance matrix c010-math-079 is defined as


Note that we used the property c010-math-080. Weak dependence can be defined in terms of mixing coefficients.4

To estimate c010-math-083 in (10.8) we use



for c010-math-085, and the weights are defined as

10.10 equation

where c010-math-087 is a kernel function satisfying c010-math-088 and c010-math-089 for all c010-math-090. We get the estimator (10.7) by choosing c010-math-091 and c010-math-092. We get the estimator


by choosing c010-math-093 and c010-math-094. A further example is c010-math-095 and c010-math-096. The idea of using weights in asymptotic covariance estimation can be found in Newey and West (1987). Confidence Intervals for the S&P 500 Sharpe Ratio

Figure 10.1(a) shows the confidence intervals for the Sharpe ratio of S&P 500 index, when the coverage probability is in the range c010-math-097. The S&P 500 monthly data is described in Section 2.4.3. We have used the estimator (10.7) of the asymptotic covariance matrix. The c010-math-098-axis shows the range of possible values of the Sharpe ratio and the c010-math-099-axis shows the coverage probabilities of the confidence intervals. The yellow vector shows the point estimate of the Sharpe ratio and the red vectors show the confidence interval with 0.95 coverage.

Figure 10.1(b) studies how the confidence intervals change when we use the autocorrelation robust estimator (10.9) of the asymptotic covariance matrix. We show the ratios c010-math-100 as a function of smoothing parameter, where c010-math-101 is defined by (10.6) and by the estimator (10.7) for the covariance matrix, whereas c010-math-102 is defined by (10.6) and by the estimator (10.9) for the covariance matrix. These ratios are equal to the ratios of the lengths of the corresponding confidence intervals. We use the kernel function c010-math-103 and try values c010-math-104. For c010-math-105 the ratio is equal to one, because the estimators for the covariance matrix are equal. We see that taking the autocorrelation into account makes the confidence bands eventually shorter, but for moderate c010-math-106 the confidence intervals can be longer, too.

Graphical illustration of Confidence intervals for the S&P 500 Sharpe ratio.

Figure 10.1 Confidence intervals for the S&P 500 Sharpe ratio. (a) Confidence intervals corresponding to a coverage probability in c010-math-107. The c010-math-108-axis shows the range of possible values of the Sharpe ratio and the c010-math-109-axis shows the coverage probabilities of the confidence intervals. The yellow vertical vector indicates the point estimate of the Sharpe ratio and the red vertical vectors show the confidence interval with c010-math-110 coverage. (b) The ratios c010-math-111 as a function of smoothing parameter, where c010-math-112 is the estimator assuming zero autocorrelation, whereas c010-math-113 assumes autocorrelation.

10.1.3 Testing the Sharpe Ratio

Let us have two portfolios c010-math-114 and c010-math-115 with excess returns c010-math-116 and c010-math-117. We want to test the equality of the Sharpe ratios, so that the null hypothesis is


where c010-math-118 and c010-math-119. Portfolio c010-math-120 could typically be an actively managed portfolio and portfolio c010-math-121 could be the benchmark index.

Let us have historical returns c010-math-122 of portfolio c010-math-123 and historical returns c010-math-124 of portfolio c010-math-125. We use the test statistics


where c010-math-126 is the estimate of the Sharpe ratio of portfolio c010-math-127, and c010-math-128 is the estimate of the Sharpe ratio of portfolio c010-math-129. The test statistics can be written as





10.11 equation

Let us assume that

10.12 equation

as c010-math-132, where c010-math-133 and c010-math-134 is a c010-math-135 covariance matrix. An application of the delta-method gives


as c010-math-136, where c010-math-137 is the gradient, and c010-math-138 is the difference of the Sharpe ratios. We have that


When the alternative hypothesis is


then the null hypothesis is rejected for large values of the test statistics c010-math-139, and thus the c010-math-140-value for the one-sided test is


where c010-math-141 is the distribution function of the standard normal distribution and


The estimator c010-math-142 of c010-math-143 can be defined similarly as in (10.7) or (10.9). Indeed, under the null hypothesis c010-math-144, where c010-math-145. When the alternative hypothesis is


then the null hypothesis is rejected for large values of the absolute values of test statistics c010-math-146, and thus the c010-math-147-value for the two-sided test is c010-math-148. Indeed, under the null hypothesis c010-math-149. These tests were defined in Ledoit and Wolf (2008). A Test Under Normality

A test for the equality of Sharpe ratios is presented in Jobson and Korkie (1981), with the corrected formula in Memmel (2003). They use the test statistics


where c010-math-150 is the sample mean calculated from c010-math-151, c010-math-152 is the corresponding sample standard deviation, c010-math-153 and c010-math-154 are the sample mean and standard deviation calculated from c010-math-155, and


where c010-math-156 is the sample covariance. Under the assumption that the returns are normally distributed, the distribution of the test statistics under the null hypothesis can be approximated by the standard normal distribution: c010-math-157. For the one sided alternative, the null hypothesis is rejected for the large values of the test statistics c010-math-158 and thus the c010-math-159-value for the one-sided test is c010-math-160, where c010-math-161 is the distribution function of the standard normal distribution.

10.1.4 Other Measures of Risk-Adjusted Return

There exist several performance measures that resemble the Sharpe ratio. These performance measures are defined by dividing a measure for the expected return by a measure for the risk. Information Ratio

The information ratio is defined as


where c010-math-162 is the return of the portfolio and c010-math-163 is the return of a benchmark portfolio. Thus, the information ratio is like the Sharpe ratio, but the risk-free rate in the Sharpe ratio is replaced by the return of a benchmark.

The benchmark return is the return of an asset that is chosen as the benchmark for the asset manager. S&P 500 could be chosen as a benchmark for a US equity fund and MSCI World could be chosen as a benchmark for a global equity fund investing in developed markets. (MSCI is an acronym for Morgan Stanley Capital International.) Sortino ratio

The Sortino ratio is otherwise similar to Sharpe ratio but the standard deviation is replaced by a lower partial moment, and the risk-free rate is replaced by a constant c010-math-164. The Sortino ratio is defined as


where the lower partial moment of order 2 is defined in (3.15) as


Another version of the Sortino ratio is defined as


where c010-math-165 is a risk-free rate. Omega Ratio

The Omega ratio is the ratio of the upper partial moment of order one to the lower partial moment of order one:


where c010-math-166 is the chosen threshold (the target rate). We have defined the upper and lower partial moments in (3.14) and (3.15). The definition was made in Shadwick and Keating (2002). Note that the Omega ratio is written often using the expressions




where c010-math-167 is the distribution function of c010-math-168. The sample Omega ratio is


Another version of the Omega ratio is defined as


where c010-math-169 is a risk-free rate. Note that c010-math-170 and c010-math-171 are close to each other, because probability c010-math-172 is small.

10.2 Certainty Equivalent

The certainty equivalent of a return distribution is defined as


where c010-math-173 is a gross return and c010-math-174 is a utility function. The certainty equivalent is the minimal risk-free rate that is preferred to the rate c010-math-175.

As an example, let us consider return c010-math-176 that takes only two values. The distribution of the return is defined by


for some c010-math-177 and for some probability c010-math-178. Then, for a concave utility function c010-math-179, using (9.27),


Thus, one would prefer always the certainly received amount c010-math-180 to the lottery. In particular, in the case c010-math-181, one would prefer to preserve the current wealth to the lottery with equal probabilities c010-math-182 of winning and losing the amount c010-math-183. Thus, the number c010-math-184 is called the certainty equivalent, since this is the minimal risk-free rate which is preferred to the rate c010-math-185. Similarly, c010-math-186 is the minimum amount of wealth, guaranteed preservation of which allows the investor to decline the proposed game.

The certainty equivalent can be estimated using a time series of historical returns c010-math-187. The sample certainty equivalent is

For example, when c010-math-189 is the power utility, then c010-math-190, where c010-math-191, c010-math-192. For c010-math-193, c010-math-194 and c010-math-195.

10.3 Drawdown

Drawdown is a new time series constructed from the time series c010-math-196 of asset prices. Define the return for the period c010-math-197 as


where c010-math-198. The drawdown at time c010-math-199 is


where c010-math-200. Thus, drawdown at time c010-math-201 is one minus the minimum gross return. We can write






Large values of drawdown indicate that the asset has a high level of riskiness, just like a high value of variance indicates a high level of riskiness. Also, when c010-math-202 is the net return, then


Sometimes drawdown is defined as c010-math-203, but this definition is not in terms of returns.

Interesting statistics are the maximum drawdown, the mean drawdown, and the variance of drawdowns.

Figure 10.2 shows drawdown time series for the monthly S&P 500 and 10-year bond data, described in Section 2.4.3. Panel (a) shows drawdown time series for S&P 500 (red) and 10-year bond (blue). Panel (b) shows time series c010-math-204 (red) and the cumulative wealth (orange) for S&P 500. The original time series of cumulative wealth starts with value one, but we have normalized the time series to take values on c010-math-205.

Graphical illustration of Drawdown.

Figure 10.2 Drawdown. (a) Drawdown time series c010-math-206 for S&P 500 (red) and 10-year bond (blue); (b) time series c010-math-207 (red) and the cumulative wealth (orange) for S&P 500.

10.4 Alpha and Conditional Alpha

Linear regression can be used to describe assets and portfolios. A beta of an asset describes the exposure of a portfolio to a risk factor and the alpha of a portfolio can be used to measure the performance of the portfolio. The beta is the coefficient of the linear regression and the alpha is the intercept of the linear regression.

The alpha as a performance measure was proposed in Jensen (1968), and therefore the term Jensen's alpha is sometimes used. The alpha has been used to evaluate portfolio performance, for example, in Carhart (1997), Kosowski et al. (2006), and Fama and French (2010).

10.4.1 Alpha

First, we consider the case of a single risk factor. The single risk factor is usually the return of a market index. Second, we consider the case of several risk factors. The arbitrage pricing model is an example of using several risk factors. A Single Risk Factor

Efficient Markets

In the framework of Markowitz theory of portfolio selection, it can be shown that the optimal portfolios in the Markowitz sense are a combination of the market portfolio and the risk-free investment; see Section 11.3, where the concepts of the efficient frontier and the tangency portfolio are explained.5 Thus, the returns of the optimal portfolios for the period c010-math-208 are

where c010-math-210 is the return of the risk-free investment and c010-math-211 is the return of the market portfolio, both returns being for the investment period ending at time c010-math-212. The coefficient c010-math-213 is the proportion invested in the market portfolio. When c010-math-214, then the portfolio is investing available wealth; but if c010-math-215, then amount c010-math-216 is borrowed and amount c010-math-217 is invested in the market portfolio, where c010-math-218 is the investment wealth at the beginning of the period.

The coefficient c010-math-219 is determined by the risk aversion of the investor. For an investor whose portfolio returns are c010-math-220 we do not know the coefficient c010-math-221, but we obtain from (10.14) that


We can collect past returns c010-math-222, c010-math-223, and use these, together with the past returns c010-math-224 of the risk-free return and the past returns c010-math-225 of the market portfolio, to estimate the coefficient c010-math-226 in the linear model

where c010-math-228 is an error term. Now c010-math-229 is the response variable and c010-math-230 is the explanatory variable. The returns c010-math-231 of the market portfolio are approximated with the returns of a wide market index, like S&P 500 index, Wilshire 5000 index, or DAX 30 index. The risk-free rate c010-math-232 can be taken to be the rate of return of a government bond. This model is called the capital asset pricing model, or CAP model.

Alpha of a Portfolio

In (10.15), we have a regression model without a constant term. The exclusion of the intercept can be justified by arguments based on efficient markets. However, we can include the intercept, in order to study whether it is positive in some cases.

We extend model (10.15) to the model

where c010-math-234 is the return of the actively managed portfolio, c010-math-235 is the return of the market portfolio, c010-math-236 is the risk-free rate, and c010-math-237 is an error term. The excess return of a market index is chosen as the explanatory variable, and the excess return of the actively managed portfolio is chosen as the response variable. The estimated constant c010-math-238 is taken as the measure of the performance, so that larger values of c010-math-239 indicate a better performance of the portfolio.

Denote the response variable c010-math-240 and the explanatory variable c010-math-241. We have that

10.17 equation

when c010-math-243 and c010-math-244. This follows from (10.22) and (10.23), by specializing to the one-dimensional case c010-math-245. Note that


where c010-math-246 and c010-math-247 are the standard deviations, and c010-math-248 is the correlation.

Given a sample c010-math-249, c010-math-250, the estimators are

where c010-math-252 and c010-math-253 are the sample means. The formulas are special cases of (10.25) and (10.26), for the case c010-math-254.

The beta of an asset gives information about the volatility of the stock in relation to the volatility of the benchmark. If c010-math-255, the asset tends to move in the opposite direction as the benchmark; if c010-math-256, the asset is uncorrelated with the benchmark; if c010-math-257, the asset tends to move in the same direction as the benchmark but it tends to move less; and if c010-math-258, the asset tends to move in the same direction as the benchmark but it tends to move more.

We see from (10.18) that the alpha of an asset is not equal to the sample mean of the excess returns c010-math-259, but we have subtracted term c010-math-260. Thus, the assets that are negatively correlated with the market index have alpha larger than the sample mean of the excess returns, whereas the assets that are positively correlated with the market index have alpha smaller than the sample mean of the excess returns, when we assume that the sample mean c010-math-261 is positive.

Figure 10.3 shows alphas and betas for the S&P 500 components. S&P 500 components daily data is defined in Section 2.4.5. Panel (a) shows a scatter plot of c010-math-262, when c010-math-263 runs over the S&P 500 components which are included in the data. Panel (b) shows the linear functions c010-math-264, when c010-math-265-axis is the S&P 500 excess return, and the c010-math-266-axis shows the excess returns of S&P 500 components. We see that almost all alphas are positive, and betas range between 0.2 and 0.8.

Graphical illustration of Alphas and betas of S&P 500 components.

Figure 10.3 Alphas and betas of S&P 500 components. (a) A scatter plot of c010-math-267; (b) linear functions c010-math-268. Several Risk Factors

Instead of one risk factor, we can consider several risk factors whose returns are c010-math-269. These risk factors should ideally be such that the returns c010-math-270 of all reasonable portfolios can be represented as

Since this relation can hold only approximately we need an error term c010-math-272. Since we want to allow for the possibility of abnormal returns we need the intercept c010-math-273. This leads to the extension of the one-dimensional model (10.16) into the model

where c010-math-275 is the return of the actively managed portfolio, c010-math-276, c010-math-277, are the returns of the risk factors, c010-math-278 is the risk-free rate, and c010-math-279 is an error term.

Note that in (10.19) we have ensured that the weights of the assets sum to one with the help of a risk-free rate. There are other ways to make the portfolio weights sum to one. For example, we could have

This kind of construction is used in the Fama–French model (see (10.34)).

Least Squares Formulas

Denote c010-math-281 and c010-math-282. Now we can write the model (10.20) as


where c010-math-283, c010-math-284, and c010-math-285. Note that in the case of construction (10.21) we would choose c010-math-286 and c010-math-287.

If c010-math-288, then




and we assume additionally that c010-math-291 is invertible.6

In the two-dimensional case c010-math-299 we have c010-math-300,




where c010-math-301, c010-math-302, and c010-math-303.

The least squares estimates are c010-math-304 and c010-math-305 are defined as the minimizers of the least squares criterion

The solution can be written as

where c010-math-309 and c010-math-310.

Further Least Squares Formulas

It is often convenient to use notation where the intercept is included in the vector c010-math-311. This can be done by choosing the first component of the vector of explanatory variables as the constant one. Denote


We use below the notation

10.27 equation

Write the regression model as

where c010-math-314, c010-math-315, c010-math-316, and c010-math-317 is the scalar error term.

Multiplying (10.28) with vector c010-math-318, we get


If c010-math-319, then

10.29 equation

If c010-math-321 is invertible, then

Let us observe

10.31 equation

where c010-math-324. We assume that c010-math-325 are identically distributed and have the same distribution as c010-math-326. The least squares estimator of parameter c010-math-327 can be written as

where c010-math-329 is the c010-math-330 matrix whose rows are c010-math-331, and c010-math-332 is the c010-math-333 vector. The estimator can be written as

This estimator is the same as the least squares estimator in (10.32), as can be seen by noting that


Note that (10.33) is obtained from (10.30) by replacing the expectations with the sample means.7

A Three-Factor Model

Fama and French (1993) proposes a three-factor model, where the factors are the market return, size, and value versus growth. The model is related to the arbitrage pricing theory. Let c010-math-336 be the return of a diversified portfolio of small stocks, and let c010-math-337 be the return of a diversified portfolio of large stocks, where largeness and smallness is measured by the market capitalization. Let c010-math-338 be the return of a diversified portfolio of value stocks, and let c010-math-339 be the return of a diversified portfolio of growth stocks, where a value stock has a high book-to-market ratio, and a growth stock has a low book-to-market ratio.

Fama and French (1993 2012) formulate the model as8

Factors of Smart Alpha

It can happen that a hedge fund achieves a large positive alpha, when the alpha is measured in the capital asset pricing model (10.20) or in the arbitrage pricing model (10.34). However, we can introduce models with additional factors. The alpha defined by a model with some additional factors can be called smart alpha.

The momentum factor has been proposed to be an additional factor, which generates positive returns. Carhart (1997) defines the momentum factor for monthly returns as the difference


where c010-math-345 is the return of a diversified portfolio of the winners of the past year, and c010-math-346 is the return of a diversified portfolio of losers of the past year.

Fung and Hsieh (2004) define seven risk factors: three trend-following risk factors, two equity-oriented risk factors, and two bond-oriented risk factors. The trend-following risk factors are a bond trend-following factor, a currency trend-following factor, and a commodity trend-following factor. The equity-oriented risk factors are the equity market factor, which is the S&P 500 index monthly total return, and the size spread factor, which can be defined as the Wilshire Small Cap 1750 minus the Wilshire Large Cap 750 monthly return or Russell 2000 index monthly total return minus the S&P 500 monthly total return. The bond-oriented risk factors are the bond market factor, which is the monthly change in the 10-year treasury constant maturity yield (month end-to-month end), and the credit spread factor, which is the monthly change in the Moody's Baa yield minus the 10-year treasury constant maturity yield (month end-to-month end).

Eurex provides futures on six factor indexes. The six factors include the size and value factors from the three-factor model, and the momentum factor. Additional factors are the low-risk factor (stocks with volatility below average), quality factor (stocks with solid financial background based on debt coverage, earnings and other metrics), and carry factor (stocks with high-growth potential based on earnings and dividends).9

10.4.2 Conditional Alpha

We have applied a linear model to the evaluation of portfolio performance. The performance was measured by the estimate c010-math-347 of the constant term c010-math-348 of linear regression. We can use varying coefficient regression to estimate conditional alpha. It has been argued that the conditional alpha measures better hedge fund performance, since hedge funds do not use long only strategies but apply short selling, buying of options, and writing of options.

We choose a collection of risk factors c010-math-349 and make a linear regression of hedge fund return c010-math-350 on these risk factors, where c010-math-351. The unconditional alpha is defined as


The conditional alpha, conditionally on the information c010-math-352 at time c010-math-353, is defined as




where c010-math-354 is the scaled-kernel function, c010-math-355 is the kernel function, and c010-math-356 is the smoothing parameter.

10.5 Graphical Tools of Performance Measurement

We describe how cumulative wealth, Sharpe ratios, and certainty equivalents can be used to evaluate a given return time series using graphical tools.

A central idea is to find the periods of good performance and the periods of bad performance. It occurs seldom that a return series would indicate good performance for every time period. Instead, a typical series of returns of a financial asset has some periods of good performance and some periods of bad performance. It is useful to to find during which periods the performance is good and during which it is bad, instead of looking only at the aggregate performance. It is also of interest to find characteristics of the type: “the return series is good in recession,” or “the return series is good when the commodity prices are rising.”

We describe methods to evaluate a return time series. The methods can be used to study the properties of any return time series, but it is of particular interest to study a time series created by historical simulation, as described in Section 12.2. We can study also a time series of historical returns of an asset manager. In this section, we use the monthly data of S&P 500, US Treasury 10-year bond, And US Treasury 1-month bill, described in Section 2.4.3.

Section 10.5.1 describes the use of wealth in evaluation, Section 10.5.2 describes the use of Sharpe ratio in evaluation, and Section 10.5.3 describes the use of certainty equivalent in evaluation.

10.5.1 Using Wealth in Evaluation

Given a time series of gross returns c010-math-357, we can construct the time series of cumulative wealth by




Time series c010-math-358 of wealth can be more instructive to find periods of good returns than looking at the original return time series. Plotting the logarithmic wealth c010-math-359 can be helpful in cases where c010-math-360 increases exponentially.

Figure 10.4 shows cumulative wealths of monthly time series of S&P 500 (red), 10-year US Treasury bond (blue), and 1-month US Treasury bill (black). Panel (a) has wealth at the c010-math-361-axis, and panel (b) has a logarithmic scale at the c010-math-362-axis. Time series in Figure 10.4 have a concrete interpretation as the cumulative wealth, but they do not reveal the periods of relative outperformance and underperformance in such a detail than we are able to see in Figures 10.5 and 10.6.

Graphical illustration of Time series of cumulativewealths.

Figure 10.4 Time series of cumulative wealths. (a) The c010-math-363-axis shows the cumulative wealth; (b) the c010-math-364-axis has a logarithmic scale. We show the cumulative wealth of S&P 500 (red), 10-year bond (blue), and 1-month bill (black).

To compare two return time series, we can use the relative cumulative wealth. Let us consider two return time series c010-math-365 and c010-math-366. The corresponding time series of cumulative wealths are c010-math-367 and c010-math-368. The time series

can be used to compare the two return series. Indeed, for c010-math-370,


Thus, when c010-math-371, then asset 2 is performing better than asset 1 over time period c010-math-372. Conversely, when c010-math-373, then asset 1 is performing better than asset 2 over time period c010-math-374.

Time series


can sometimes be more illustrative in comparing the two return series. Again, when c010-math-375, then asset 2 is performing better than asset 1 over period c010-math-376, where c010-math-377. Conversely, when c010-math-378, then asset 1 is performing better than asset 2 over period c010-math-379.

Note that this graphical method is analogous to the looking at the time series (6.26), which shows the periods of good prediction performance, in terms of the sum of squared prediction errors.

Figure 10.5 compares monthly time series of US Treasury 10-year bond returns to the S&P 500 returns, and to 1-month US Treasury bill rates. Panel (a) shows the wealth ratio c010-math-380, when asset 2 is 10-year bond and asset 1 is S&P 500 (green), or asset 1 is 1-month bill (purple). Panel (b) shows time series c010-math-381. We can see a clear pattern in the purple curves (ratio of 10-year bond to 1-month bill): it is near to monotonically decreasing until about 1985, after that it is near to monotonically increasing. This means that 10-year bond performs worse than 1-month bill in practically all time periods before 1985, and better in practically all time periods after 1985. Such a clear pattern cannot be seen in the green curves (ratio of 10-year bond to S&P 500). However, looking at the details, we can detect the time periods where 10-year bond has better returns than S&P 500, unlike in Figure 10.4, where such details cannot be seen.

Graphical illustration of Time series of relative cumulative wealth of 10-year bond.

Figure 10.5 Time series of relative cumulative wealth of 10-year bond. We compare 10-year bond to S&P 500 and to 1-month bill. (a) The wealth ratio c010-math-382, where c010-math-383 is the wealth of the 10-year bond, c010-math-384 is the wealth of S&P 500 (green), and c010-math-385 is the wealth of 1-month bill (purple). Panel (b) shows time series c010-math-386.

Figure 10.6 compares monthly time series of S&P 500 returns to US Treasury 10-year bond returns, and to US Treasury 1-month bill rates. Panel (a) shows the wealth ratio c010-math-387, where asset 2 is S&P 500. Asset 1 is 10-year bond (green), or asset 1 is 1-month bill (purple). Panel (b) shows time series c010-math-388. The green curves are mirror images of the green curves in Figure 10.5. The purple curve (ratio of S&P 500 to 1-month bill) does not express such a clear pattern as the purple curve in Figure 10.5 (ratio of 10-year bond to 1-month bill). However, we can see that the purple curves increase almost monotonically from 1953 until about 1970, and from about 1985 until about 2000. The purple curves decrease almost monotonically from about 1970 until about 1985. After 2000 there are several periods of increase and decrease. Purple and green curves have somewhat similar periods of increase and decrease, but the moves in the purple curves are more profound.

Graphical illustration of Time series of relative cumulative wealth of S&P 500.

Figure 10.6 Time series of relative cumulative wealth of S&P 500. We compare S&P 500 to 10-year bond and to 1-month bill. (a) The wealth ratio c010-math-389, where c010-math-390 is the wealth of S&P 500, c010-math-391 is the wealth of 10-year bond (green), and c010-math-392 is the wealth of 1-month bill (purple). Panel (b) shows time series c010-math-393.

10.5.2 Using the Sharpe Ratio in Evaluation

It is not enough to compute the Sharpe ratio of a return time series c010-math-394, but it is important to study the Sharpe ratios for any time periods c010-math-395, where c010-math-396, instead of just computing the Sharpe ratio for the complete time period c010-math-397. Sharpe Ratios over All Possible Time Periods

We were able to compare graphically two return time series over all possible time periods by looking at the single time series of wealth ratios, defined in (10.35). However, when we want to compare the Sharpe ratios of two return time series over all time periods, such a simple tool does not seem to be available. Instead, we define function c010-math-398 of two variables whose value is the annualized Sharpe ratio of the return series c010-math-399, where c010-math-400. Given a time series c010-math-401, we define

where c010-math-403 is equal to the time step between two observations of the time series (for monthly data c010-math-404), c010-math-405 is the sample mean over time period c010-math-406 of the excess return, and c010-math-407 is the sample standard deviation over time period c010-math-408 of the excess return.10 In addition, we have introduced parameter c010-math-413 to guarantee that there are at least two observations to calculate the Sharpe ratio. In fact, we need several observations to guarantee that the estimate of the Sharpe ratio has some accuracy.

To compare two return time series, we calculate function c010-math-414 for both of these time series: call these functions c010-math-415 and c010-math-416. Then we can study difference


Note that ratio c010-math-417 is useful only when c010-math-418 and c010-math-419, but this is not always the case, because a return time series of a risky asset can have a smaller mean than the mean of the returns of the risk-free rate.

Figure 10.7 shows a contour plot of function c010-math-420. In panel (a) function c010-math-421 is calculated from the monthly returns of of S&P 500. In panel (b) the returns are of US Treasury 10-year bond. Parameter c010-math-422 in the definition of the domain of c010-math-423 is equal to 36 months, and furthermore, function c010-math-424 is evaluated only at the points c010-math-425. Function has lots of fluctuation near the diagonal, because near the diagonal c010-math-426 and c010-math-427 are close to each other, and thus the Sharpe ratio is computed over a short time period.

Illustration of Sharpe ratios for every period: Contour plots.

Figure 10.7 Sharpe ratios for every period: Contour plots. We show contour plots of function c010-math-428, defined in (10.36). (a) Sharpe ratios of S&P 500; (b) Sharpe ratios of US Treasury 10-year bond.

Figure 10.8 shows an image plot corresponding to the contour plot in Figure 10.7. The bright yellow shows the time periods where the Sharpe ratio is high and the red color shows the time periods where the Sharpe ratio is low. The image plot can be useful in showing more details than the contour plot. Parameter c010-math-429 in the definition of the domain of c010-math-430 is equal to 12 months.

Illustration of Sharpe ratios for every period: Image plots.

Figure 10.8 Sharpe ratios for every period: Image plots. The bright yellow shows the time periods where the Sharpe ratio is high and the red color shows the time periods where the Sharpe ratio is low. (a) S&P 500; (b) 10-year bond.

Functions c010-math-431 and c010-math-432 are often quite unsmooth, which makes contour plots, perspective plots, or image plots inconvenient to interpret. However, we can plot few individual level sets of these functions. This shows for which time periods the performance, or the relative performance, is good. A level set of c010-math-433, for level c010-math-434, is defined by

where the domain is


where c010-math-436.

Figure 10.9 shows a level set c010-math-437 with blue color. The blue and red regions together show the domain of the function c010-math-438. In panel (a) function c010-math-439 is calculated from the monthly returns of of S&P 500. In panel (b) the returns are of US Treasury 10-year bond. The level c010-math-440 is the Sharpe ratio over the complete period. Parameter c010-math-441 in the definition of the domain of c010-math-442 is equal to 36 months. Thus, the blue region shows the time periods c010-math-443 for which the Sharpe ratio is above the usual value, and the red region shows the time periods c010-math-444 for which the Sharpe ratio is below the usual value.

Illustration of Sharpe ratios for every period: Level sets.

Figure 10.9 Sharpe ratios for every period: Level sets. We show a level set c010-math-445 in (10.39) with blue color. (a) Function c010-math-446 is the Sharpe ratio of S&P 500; (b) function c010-math-447 is the Sharpe ratio of US Treasury 10-year bond. The blue regions show the time periods c010-math-448 for which the Sharpe ratio is above the usual value, and the red color shows when it is below the usual value. Sharpe Ratios Over a Sequence of Intervals

A useful way to visualize function c010-math-449, defined in (10.36), is to draw slices of this function. Slices are univariate functions


where c010-math-450 and c010-math-451 are fixed. When c010-math-452 is fixed, then we are looking at Sharpe ratios over periods with a fixed starting point c010-math-453. When c010-math-454 is fixed, then we are looking at Sharpe ratios over periods with a fixed end point c010-math-455. For function c010-math-456 we choose c010-math-457 so that c010-math-458, and then c010-math-459 satisfies c010-math-460. For function c010-math-461 we choose c010-math-462 so that c010-math-463, and then c010-math-464 satisfies c010-math-465.

Figure 10.10 shows slices of function c010-math-466. Panel (a) shows slices c010-math-467, where c010-math-468 (red), c010-math-469 (blue), c010-math-470 (green), and c010-math-471 (black). Panel (b) shows slices c010-math-472, where c010-math-473 (black), c010-math-474 (red), c010-math-475 (blue), and c010-math-476 (green).

Illustration of Time series of Sharpe ratios: Slices.

Figure 10.10 Time series of Sharpe ratios: Slices. (a) A slice at time c010-math-477 shows the Sharpe ratio computed with the data starting at c010-math-478 and ending c010-math-479, where c010-math-480 (red), c010-math-481 (blue), c010-math-482 (green), and c010-math-483 (black). (b) A slice at time c010-math-484 shows the Sharpe ratio computed with the data starting at c010-math-485 and ending c010-math-486, where c010-math-487 (black), c010-math-488 (red), c010-math-489 (blue), and c010-math-490 (green).

Figure 10.11 shows function c010-math-491 as black curves. In panel (a) we use S&P 500 monthly returns and in panel (b) we use monthly returns of US Treasury 10-year bond. Parameter c010-math-492 is equal to 120 months. The green curves show time series of means: c010-math-493, and the blue curves show time series of standard deviations: c010-math-494, where c010-math-495 is defined in (10.37) and c010-math-496 is defined in (10.38). Note that the upper borders of the level sets in Figure 10.9 show the level sets of black functions in Figure 10.11. The violet horizontal lines show the Sharpe ratios over the complete time period.

Both time series of Sharpe ratios of S&P 500 and 10-year bond show a similar pattern: The Sharpe ratios make a jump at the end of 1970s. This pattern is more profound for 10-year bond than for S&P 500. We can see that the changes in the time series of Sharpe ratios are caused mainly by the changes in the time series of the arithmetic means of the returns.

Illustration of Time series of Sharpe ratios.

Figure 10.11 Time series of Sharpe ratios. (a) Sharpe ratios of S&P 500; (b) Sharpe ratios of US 10-year bond. The black curves show the Sharpe ratios, the green curves show the means of the excess returns, and the blue curves show the standard deviations of the excess returns. The time series at time c010-math-497 show Sharpe ratios computed with the data starting at c010-math-498 and ending c010-math-499. The violet horizontal lines show the Sharpe ratios over the complete time period.

Note that the Sharpe ratios in Figure 10.11 are relevant in the case when we choose time point c010-math-500 to divide the historical data to the estimation part and to the testing part. After that we calculate the Sharpe ratio from the historically simulated returns c010-math-501, and compare the Sharpe ratio to the Sharpe ratio of a benchmark (S&P 500 or 10-year bond). The choice of time point c010-math-502 affects the Sharpe ratio of the benchmark, as shown by the black curve in Figure 10.11, and in a sense, we study the robustness of the performance measures of the benchmarks to the choice of the time point c010-math-503, which sets the beginning of the testing period.

10.5.3 Using the Certainty Equivalent in Evaluation

The certainty equivalent can be used in much the same way as the Sharpe ratio. Sample certainty equivalent is defined in (10.13). Given a time series c010-math-504 of gross returns, we define the sample certainty equivalent over interval c010-math-505 as


where c010-math-506 is a utility function. Parameter c010-math-507 guarantees that there are at least two observations to calculate the certainty equivalent. The slices of function c010-math-508 are often more informative than contour plots or perspective plots. Slices are univariate functions


where c010-math-509 and c010-math-510 are fixed. For function c010-math-511 we choose c010-math-512 so that c010-math-513, and then c010-math-514 satisfies c010-math-515. For function c010-math-516 we choose c010-math-517 so that c010-math-518, and then c010-math-519 satisfies c010-math-520.

Illustration of Time series of certainty equivalents.

Figure 10.12 Time series of certainty equivalents. (a) Certainty equivalents of S&P 500; (b) certainty equivalents of US Treasury 10-year bond. The green curves show the case of risk aversion c010-math-521, the red curves have c010-math-522, and the purple curves have c010-math-523. Time series at time c010-math-524 show certainty equivalents computed with the data starting at c010-math-525 and ending c010-math-526.

Figure 10.12 shows function c010-math-527: the sample mean is taken only over the last part of the original return time series. We have chosen c010-math-528. In panel (a) the returns c010-math-529 are monthly gross returns of S&P 500 index, and in panel (b) the returns c010-math-530 are monthly gross returns of US Treasury 10-year bond. The utility function c010-math-531 is the power utility function, defined in (9.28). The green curve shows certainty equivalents when the risk aversion parameter of the utility function is c010-math-532 (plain gross returns), the red curve shows the case c010-math-533 (logarithmic utility), and the purple curve shows the case c010-math-534. Note that the green curves in Figure 10.11 show the means of the excess returns, whereas the green curves in Figure 10.12 show the means of the gross returns.

We can see that the certainty equivalents of S&P 500 are rather stable when the testing period starts before the mid-1990s, whereas the certainty equivalents of 10-year bond are rather unstable even when the testing period starts early. The risk aversion parameter c010-math-535 does not change qualitatively time series but affects only the level: a lower risk aversion leads to a larger certainty equivalent.


Derivation of this with respect to c010-math-335, and setting the gradient to zero, gives the equations


which leads to the solution (10.32).


where c010-math-340 is the return of a market index, c010-math-341 is the return of the risk-free rate, c010-math-342, and c010-math-343.


Note that the sample Sharpe ratio is defined in (10.3).

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