Chapter 9
Some Basic Concepts of Portfolio Theory

Portfolio theory studies two related problems: (1) how to construct a portfolio with desirable properties and (2) how to evaluate the performance of a portfolio. In this chapter, we concentrate on the concepts related to the construction of portfolios. A portfolio is constructed by allocating the available wealth among some basic assets. The return of a portfolio is a weighted average of the returns of the basic assets, the weights expressing the proportion of wealth allocated to each basic assets. There exist also portfolios that require zero initial wealth. Such portfolios are constructed using borrowing or option writing.

A main topic of the chapter is to introduce concepts related to the comparison of return and wealth distributions, and this topic is addressed in Section 9.2. In order to study portfolio construction we need to define what it means that a wealth distribution or a return distribution is better than another such distribution. (Here wealth distribution means the probability distribution of wealth, when wealth is considered as a random variable, and we do not mean the distribution of wealth in the sense of allocation of wealth among different people.) In portfolio selection we try to select the weights of basic assets so that the distribution of the return of the portfolio is in some sense optimal.

The optimal distribution of the return is such that the expected return is high but the risk of negative returns is small. The expected return of a portfolio is determined by the expected returns of the basic assets, but the risk of the return distribution depends on the joint distribution of the returns of the basic assets. The two main ways to compare returns is the use of the mean–variance criterion and the use of the expected utility.

The issue of multiperiod portfolio selection is an important and interesting research topic. However, we do not address this topic in any depth, but only in Section 9.3. The bypassing of multiperiod portfolio selection can be justified by the fact that for the logarithmic utility function there is no difference between the one period and multiperiod portfolio selection. Thus, when we ignore the effect of varying risk aversion and restrict ourselves to the logarithmic utility, then we can ignore the issues related to multiperiod portfolio selection. Note that we discuss certain aspects of multiperiod portfolio in the connection of pricing of options, because prices of options are related to the initial wealth of a trading strategy, which approximately replicates the payoff of the option.

Section 9.1 discusses some basic concepts related to portfolios and their returns. These concepts include the concept of a trading strategy, wealth process, self-financing, portfolio weight, shorting, and leveraging. Section 9.2 discusses the comparison of return and wealth distributions. Section 9.3 discusses issues related to multiperiod portfolio selection.

9.1 Portfolios and Their Returns

The components of a portfolio can be stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, or other financial assets. The risk-free bond (bank account) can also be included in the portfolio. The price of the risk-free bond is denoted by c09-math-001. Let us have c09-math-002 risky portfolio components and let


be the vector of the prices of the risky portfolio components at time c09-math-003. Prices satisfy c09-math-004 and c09-math-005. The price vector which includes the risk-free bond is denoted by


Sometimes it is convenient to denote


The time series of the prices of the riskless bond, the vector time series of the prices of the risky assets, and the combined time series are denoted by


As an example, the bond price could be defined as c09-math-006, where c09-math-007 is the risk-free rate. To take changing rates into account we could define c09-math-008 and c09-math-009 for c09-math-010, where c09-math-011 are the risk-free rates for one period. The risk-free rate c09-math-012 is different depending on the length of the period. For the 1-day period the risk-free rate could be the Eonia rate. For the 1-month period the risk-free rate could be the rate of a 1-month government bond.

9.1.1 Trading Strategies

A trading strategy is vector time series c09-math-013, where


The value c09-math-014 expresses the number of bonds held between c09-math-015 and c09-math-016. The value c09-math-017 expresses the number of shares of the c09-math-018th risky asset held between c09-math-019 and c09-math-020. Vector c09-math-021 is chosen at time c09-math-022, using information which is available at time c09-math-023. Since the values c09-math-024 are known (chosen) at time c09-math-025, it is said that c09-math-026 is a predictable random vector. In our setting, components of c09-math-027 can be any real numbers and not just integers.

A portfolio is typically chosen using available relevant information. We assume that the relevant information is expressed with the state vector c09-math-028, where c09-math-029 is the length of c09-math-030. The vector c09-math-031 is obtained with a function


and we have


More generally, the function c09-math-032 may be time dependent, and the definition of the relevant information c09-math-033 may be time dependent. In the time dependent case, we define c09-math-034 and


which maps at each time c09-math-035 the relevant information to a portfolio vector. Now


The relevant information for portfolio selection may include the following constituents:

  1. 1. The relevant information used in choosing the portfolio vector c09-math-036 can include the vector time series of the previous gross returns: c09-math-037, where c09-math-038. Since c09-math-039, we have that c09-math-040.

    According to a version of efficient market hypothesis, the historical stock prices contain all relevant information. In this case, we use only the information in the past asset prices to choose the portfolio.

  2. 2. The relevant information can include information about the state of the economy, or about the state of individual companies. For example, c09-math-041 can contain macroeconomic information like default spreads and term spreads. Also, c09-math-042 can contain information about the individual companies like dividend yields and earnings.

9.1.2 The Wealth and Return in the One- Period Model

The one-period model has a special interest for portfolio selection, whereas for option pricing the multiperiod model is more interesting. In particular, for the logarithmic utility function the multiperiod portfolio selection reduces to the one-period portfolio selection (see Section 9.3).

We use the following notation for the inner product:


Sometimes it is convenient to use the notation


for the inner product, where c09-math-043 denotes the transpose of matrix c09-math-044, and the vectors are taken as column vectors. The Wealth and Self-financing

The wealth at time c09-math-045 is

At time c09-math-047 the wealth is equal to


We interpret (9.1) in the following way. We take c09-math-048 to be the total wealth available for investment at time c09-math-049. The total wealth is allocated among the portfolio components. This self-financing condition states that no wealth is reserved for consumption and no wealth is inserted from outside into the portfolio. We could also interpret (9.1) to be the definition of the initial wealth, but in the multiperiod model the self-financing condition is applied at the beginning of each period. Portfolio Weights

Let us assume c09-math-050. The portfolio weights are defined as


Note that we use time index c09-math-051 for the portfolio weights c09-math-052 but time index c09-math-053 for the portfolio quantities c09-math-054, to follow the typical practice in the literature. We define the weight vector by


The weight vector satisfies

The number c09-math-056 determines the proportion of the total wealth invested in asset c09-math-057 at time c09-math-058. The self-financing condition (9.1) leads to (9.2), when c09-math-059. Portfolio Returns

The gross return of the portfolio is obtained as a weighted average of the gross returns of the portfolio components. Indeed, the gross return of the portfolio is equal to



is the vector of the gross returns of the portfolio components. The gross returns of the portfolio components are defined by

equation The Product and Additive Forms of Wealth

The wealth can be written either in the product form or in the additive form. These two ways of writing the wealth will be applied in Section 9.1.3 to write the wealth process.

Wealth in the Product Form

We can write the wealth at time c09-math-061 as

where c09-math-063 satisfies restriction (9.2), which can be written as

9.5 equation

where c09-math-065 is the vector of length c09-math-066 whose components are ones. Second, the wealth can be written using only the unrestricted weight vector c09-math-067. Indeed, the restriction can be written as





is called the excess return. We arrive at

which expresses the wealth at time c09-math-070 in terms of the unrestricted weight vector c09-math-071.

Wealth in the Additive Form

We can write the wealth at time c09-math-072 as

where c09-math-074 satisfies restriction (9.1) :


Second, the wealth can be written using only the unrestricted vector c09-math-075. Indeed, the restriction can be written as




We arrive at





We have expressed the wealth at time c09-math-077 in terms of the unrestricted vector c09-math-078.

9.1.3 The Wealth Process in the Multiperiod Model

The wealth process c09-math-079 can be written either multiplicatively or additively. Furthermore, we can write the wealth either so that the self-financing restrictions are implicitly assumed, or so that the self-financing conditions are eliminated by moving from the gross returns to the excess returns (product form) or by moving from the prices to the discounted prices (additive form). In the case of the product form the elimination of the self-financing restrictions does not bring essential simplifications but in the case of the additive form the elimination of the self-financing conditions simplifies the dynamic optimization algorithm for the maximization of the expected wealth. The Wealth in the Product Form

We assume that c09-math-080 and self-financing holds at each of the c09-math-081 periods (wealth c09-math-082 is obtained from wealth c09-math-083 only through the changes in asset prices and through the changes in wealth allocation). We can write


We get from (9.4) that

where c09-math-085 satisfies restriction


The wealth process can be written in terms of only the weights c09-math-086 of the risky assets. We obtain from (9.7) that

9.11 equation

where c09-math-088 is unrestricted.

When the sequence c09-math-089 of portfolio vectors is constant, not changing with c09-math-090, then we call the portfolios “constant weight portfolios.” Note that when using a constant weight portfolio strategy there is a need to make a rebalancing at each period because the prices of the portfolio components are changing, and to keep the weights constant we have to decrease the weight of those assets whose price has increased and to increase the weights of those assets whose price has declined. In this sense a constant weight portfolio strategy is a counter trend strategy. The Wealth in the Additive Form

The additive wealth process is applied more in option pricing than in portfolio management, but it is useful also in the portfolio selection, especially when the exponential utility is used. We summarize the definitions related to the additive wealth process, but the detailed explanations are given in Section 13.2.2, where option pricing is studied.

We can write


We get from (9.8) that


where c09-math-091 satisfy restrictions

We say that a trading strategy c09-math-093 is self-financing if (9.12) holds.

We define the value process, which is useful because it involves only the numbers c09-math-094 of risky assets. The discounted price process is defined by


We denote


The value process is defined as


We obtain from (9.9) that



9.1.4 Examples of Portfolios

The collection of possible portfolios is determined by the collection of possible portfolio weights. The most general collection of portfolio weights consists of all weights satisfying the constraint (9.2):


We can impose various restrictions on portfolio weights and obtain smaller collections of weights. For example, we can allow leveraging but forbid shorting of stocks, or we can restrict ourselves to long only portfolios. Shorting

A portfolio is described by giving weights for the portfolio components. The weights are such that they sum to one, as stated in (9.2). Without any further constraints, borrowing and short selling are allowed. When shorting is allowed, then the elements of portfolio vectors can take negative values. Borrowing is interpreted as selling short the risk-free rate. Thus, when borrowing is allowed, the weight of the risk-free rate can take negative values. When short selling or borrowing occurs, then some weights are larger than one.

Selling a stock short means that we sell a stock that we do not own. Typically the stock that is sold short is first borrowed from somebody who owns the stock. If the stock is sold without first borrowing it, the short selling is called naked short selling. Short selling a stock changes the character of the portfolio: a short position on a stock has an unlimited downside risk, but only a limited upside potential. In contrast, a long position on a stock can lose only the invested capital but has an unlimited upside potential.

A return that is obtained when being short a stock is

9.14 equation

where c09-math-097, c09-math-098 is the gross return of the stock to be shorted, and c09-math-099 is the gross return of another asset. For example, c09-math-100 can be the return of the risk-free investment. The return c09-math-101 arises when the available wealth is invested in the risk-free rate, the stock is shorted with the amount of the total wealth, and the proceedings obtained from shorting the stock are invested in the risk-free rate.

It can happen that c09-math-102, because c09-math-103 is not bounded from above. Gross returns less or equal to zero can be interpreted as leading to bankruptcy, but they can also be interpreted as leading to debt.

Figure 9.1 shows functions c09-math-104, where c09-math-105 is the previous value of the stock. The case c09-math-106 (black) means that we are long the stock (we have bought the stock). The case c09-math-107 (blue) means that we are leveraged. The case c09-math-108 (red) means that we are short the stock. We have taken the gross return of the risk-free investment as c09-math-109.

Graphical illustration of Being long and short a stock.

Figure 9.1 Being long and short a stock. The blue lines show the gross return of being long a stock for c09-math-110 and c09-math-111 as a function of the stock price. The red line shows the gross return of being short a stock. Shown are the functions c09-math-112, where c09-math-113 is the previous value of the stock. Long Only Portfolios

In a long only portfolio borrowing and short selling are excluded. In the case of long only portfolios the portfolio weights are nonnegative. Thus, the weights satisfy


for c09-math-114.

The nonnegativity constraint together with the condition c09-math-115 imply that


for c09-math-116. Leveraged Portfolios

A portfolio allowing leveraging but forbidding short selling is such that the weight of the risk-free rate can be negative but the weights of the other assets are nonnegative. In a leveraged portfolio it is allowed to borrow money and invest the borrowed money to stocks or other assets. Borrowing money is interpreted as shorting the risk-free rate. Let c09-math-117 be the bank account. The portfolio vectors of a leveraged portfolio satisfy, in addition to the constraint c09-math-118, the additional constraint


for c09-math-119.

We allow negative values for the portfolio weight c09-math-120 of the bank account, but the other portfolio weights c09-math-121, c09-math-122, are nonnegative. Restrictions on Short Selling

In practice investors have a constraint on the amount of short selling. It is natural to make a constraint on the amount of short selling by requiring that the portfolio weights satisfy

where c09-math-124. Under the constraint c09-math-125, the constraint (9.15) is equivalent to any of the following two constraints:


where we denote by c09-math-126 the positive part of c09-math-127 and by c09-math-128 the negative part of c09-math-129.1 Thus, c09-math-132 is such factor that we are allowed to short sell c09-math-133 times the current wealth. Portfolios Used in Trading

There are several reasons to define very restricted finite collections of the allowed portfolio weights. The use of restricted collections of weights brings computational advantages, and restricted collections are often used in such trading strategies as market timing and stock selection.

  1. 1. Computational advantages. For computational reasons, we might prefer to search the portfolio vector from a rather small collection of the allowed portfolio weights. When the collection of the allowed portfolio weights is small, we do not have to use involved optimization techniques to find the portfolio weights.
  2. 2. Market timing. Some market timing strategies require only the choice between two different assets. These market timing strategies might be such that we have two available assets, and at the beginning of every month we choose to invest everything into the one asset and nothing into the other asset, or we might go long the one asset and go short the other asset. The two assets might both be risky assets, or the one asset might be the risk-free rate and only the other asset would be risky. Market timing strategies are often trend following strategies, which are discussed in Section 12.1.1.
  3. 3. Stock selection. Sometimes a mutual fund uses a strategy where a search is made for an optimal subset of the stocks in the index that is the benchmark for the performance. For example, a mutual fund whose aim is to beat the performance of S&P 500 index might try to select a subset of the stocks in S&P 500 index, invest equal weights to this subset, and allocate zero weights to the remaining stocks of S&P 500 index. For instance, the mutual fund might look for a subset of 20 companies whose price to earnings ratio is the smallest, and to invest 5% to each of the companies with the smallest P/E ratios. More involved stock selection methods might use regression on economic indicators to estimate the expected returns or the expected utility, as discussed in Sections 12.1.1 and 12.1.3.

Let us have basis assets c09-math-134 and predictions c09-math-135 for the performance of the basis assets. The performance predictions might be estimates for the expected return, estimates for the expected utility, estimates for the Markowitz criterion, or the price to earnings ratio (which could be considered as an estimate for the expected return) . These performance predictions are discussed in Section 12.1.

  1. 1. Let us consider the case c09-math-136, so that we have two basis assets c09-math-137 and c09-math-138. A possible strategy is to put weight one to the first asset and to put weight zero to the second asset, when c09-math-139. Otherwise, when c09-math-140, then we put weight zero to the first asset and weight one to the second asset. Now the set of the allowed portfolio vectors is
    9.16 equation
  2. 2. Let us secondly consider the case c09-math-142, so that we have three basis assets. As examples, we consider two strategies.
    1. a. We put weight one to the asset with the highest value for the performance measure c09-math-143, c09-math-144, and zero weight to the two other assets. Now the set of the allowed portfolio vectors is
    2. b. We put the equal weight c09-math-146 to the two assets with the highest value for the performance measure c09-math-147, c09-math-148, and the zero weight to the remaining asset. Now the set of the allowed portfolio vectors is
  3. 3. Let us thirdly consider the general case of c09-math-150. We consider the strategy where we choose from c09-math-151 basis assets a subset of c09-math-152 assets with the highest values for the performance measure c09-math-153, c09-math-154, and put equal weights to the c09-math-155 selected assets. Now the set of the allowed portfolio vectors is
    9.19 equation
  4. where c09-math-157 if c09-math-158 and otherwise c09-math-159, we use the notation c09-math-160, and c09-math-161 means the number of elements in set c09-math-162. We get (9.17) as a special case by choosing c09-math-163 and c09-math-164. We get (9.18) as a special case by choosing c09-math-165 and c09-math-166.

The previous collections of portfolio weights defined long only portfolios. We can define in an analogous way collections of portfolio weights that allow shorting.

  1. 1. Let us consider the case c09-math-167, so that we have two basis assets, and we assume that the first basis asset is the risk-free rate and the second asset is a risky asset. Let the risky asset have return c09-math-168 and let the risk-free rate be c09-math-169. Taking
    9.20 equation
  2. means that we are either long of the stock, which gives return c09-math-171, or we are short of the stock, which gives return c09-math-172. Taking
    9.21 equation
  3. means that we are either not invested, which gives return c09-math-174, or we are leveraged, which gives return c09-math-175.
  4. 2. When the number c09-math-176 of the basis assets increases, the cardinality of the set of possible and reasonable portfolio vectors increases rapidly. As an example, let us consider the case c09-math-177, where the first asset is the risk-free rate and two basis assets are risky. Now,
    9.22 equation
  5. describes the choices of being long of one of the stocks, being short of one of the stocks, and staying out of the market. Pairs Trading

In pairs trading we have two risky assets and typically two alternatives are considered: (1) go long of the first asset and short of the second asset or (2) go short of the first asset and long of the second asset. Then the return of the portfolio is

where (1) c09-math-180, or (2) c09-math-181. More generally, we can consider pairs trading with other values for c09-math-182. Choosing the weights from set

9.24 equation

where c09-math-184, means that we are leveraged of the first asset and short of the second asset. We can include the risk-free rate and consider returns

9.25 equation

Sometimes a strategy for pairs trading is defined in terms of asset prices. The strategy could be such that coefficients c09-math-186 are determined so that the linear combination


of prices satisfies certain conditions. For example the aim could be to choose c09-math-187 and c09-math-188 so that the linear combination is stationary. This is possible when the prices c09-math-189 and c09-math-190 are colinear. When c09-math-191, the return of the portfolio is


and the weight in (9.23) is


9.2 Comparison of Return and Wealth Distributions

In order to study portfolio selection and performance measurement we need to define what it means that a wealth distribution or a return distribution is better than another such distribution. Let the initial wealth be c09-math-192 and the wealth at time c09-math-193 be c09-math-194. Terminal wealth c09-math-195 is a random variable. When c09-math-196 then we can define the gross return c09-math-197. The gross return c09-math-198 is a random variable. We can use either the distribution of c09-math-199 or the distribution of c09-math-200 to study portfolio selection and performance measurement.

In portfolio selection, we need to choose the portfolio weights so that the return c09-math-201 or the terminal wealth c09-math-202 of the portfolio is optimized. To measure the performance of asset managers we need to define what it means that a return distribution (or the distribution of the terminal wealth) generated by an asset manager is better than the distribution generated by another asset manager.2

To compare return and wealth distributions, we make a mapping from a class of distributions to the set of real numbers. This mapping assigns to each distribution a number that can be used to rank the distributions.

It might seem reasonable to compare return and wealth distributions using only the expected returns and expected wealths: we would prefer always the distribution with the highest (estimated) expectation. However, this would lead to the preference of investment strategies with extremely high risk. Thus, the comparison of distributions has to take into account not only the expectation but also the risk associated with the distribution.

A classical idea to rank the return distributions is to use the variance penalized expected return. This idea is discussed in Section 9.2.1, and it is related to the Markowitz portfolio selection.

The expected utility is discussed in Section 9.2.2. The Markowitz criterion uses only the first two moments of the distribution; it uses only the mean and the variance. However, the expected utility takes into account the higher order moments of the distribution. A Taylor expansion of the expected utility shows that all the moments make a contribution to the expected utility. Conversely, a Taylor expansion of the expected utility can be used to justify the mean–variance criterion, and various other criteria that involve a collection of moments of various degrees, such as the third and the fourth-order moments.

Figure 9.2 shows densities of two gross return distributions whose comparison is not obvious. The distributions are Gaussian, and the expected return of the red distribution is higher, but also the variance of the red distribution is higher.3 Thus, the red return distribution has a higher risk and a higher expected return. There exists no universal or objective way to compare these two distributions. Instead, the comparison depends on the risk aversion of the investor. An investor with a high-risk aversion would prefer the black distribution, but an investor with a low-risk aversion would prefer the red distribution.

Graphical illustration of Comparison of distributions.

Figure 9.2 Comparison of distributions. Shown are two return densities, where the red distribution has a higher risk and a higher return than the black distribution. It is not obvious which return distribution should be preferred.

9.2.1 Mean–Variance Preferences

Portfolio choice with mean–variance preferences was proposed by Markowitz (1952 1959). This method ranks the distributions of the portfolio return c09-math-205 according to

where c09-math-207 is the risk aversion parameter, and c09-math-208 and c09-math-209 mean the conditional expectation and conditional variance, respectively. The expected return is penalized by subtracting the variance of the return. Parameter c09-math-210 measures the investor's risk aversion, or more precisely, absolute risk aversion, as defined in (9.30).

We consider now basically one-period model, with time points c09-math-211 and c09-math-212. We could apply the notations used in Section 9.1, and denote c09-math-213, and replace (9.26) by c09-math-214. However, it is convenient to denote the time points by c09-math-215 and c09-math-216, because in practice we will use the sequence of one-period models with c09-math-217.

Remember that the gross return of a portfolio was written in (9.3) as


where c09-math-218 is the column vector of the gross returns of the portfolio components, the gross return of a single portfolio component is c09-math-219, and c09-math-220 is the vector of the portfolio weights. Here c09-math-221 is the risk-free bond and c09-math-222 is the risk-free gross return.

In order to calculate the conditional variance of c09-math-223 it is convenient to separate the risk-free rate. This was done in (9.6), where we wrote


where c09-math-224 and c09-math-225 are the weights and the returns of the risky assets.

We can write




where c09-math-226 is the c09-math-227-vector of the expected returns of the risky assets and c09-math-228 is the c09-math-229 covariance matrix of c09-math-230. Note that the risk-free rate c09-math-231 is known at time c09-math-232, and therefore it does not affect the conditional variance.4

Section 9.2.2 discusses the use of the expected utility to rank the distributions. The Markowitz ranking is related to the use of the quadratic utility function


because the Markowitz criterion (9.26) with c09-math-235 is approximately equal to c09-math-236, the difference being due to the the fact that the expected quadratic utility involves the squared return but the Markowitz criterion in (9.26) involves variance.

Chapter 11 discusses portfolio selection when the Markowitz criterion is used. Next, we give two examples that illustrate how the variance of the portfolio can be decreased by a skillful choice of the portfolio weights. The first example considers uncorrelated basis assets and the second example considers correlated assets. In practice, it is difficult to find uncorrelated basis assets and it is even more difficult to find anticorrelated basis assets. However, even when the basis assets are correlated it is possible to decrease the risk of the portfolio by allocating the portfolio weights skillfully among the basis assets. A Large Number of Uncorrelated Assets

The variance of the portfolio return can be close to zero, when we have a large number of uncorrelated basis assets. Consider c09-math-237 risky assets c09-math-238, whose gross returns are c09-math-239, c09-math-240. We denote c09-math-241, c09-math-242, and we assume that the returns are uncorrelated. Let the portfolio vector be c09-math-243. Then,


Thus, when the number c09-math-244 of assets in the portfolio is large, the variance of the portfolio return is close to zero. Two Correlated Assets

In the case of two risky basis assets, the variance of the portfolio return can be close to zero when the two assets are anticorrelated. Let c09-math-245 and c09-math-246 be the gross returns of two basis assets. Let us assume that the c09-math-247 and c09-math-248. Then the variance of the portfolio return is


where c09-math-249 is the weight of the first asset. Figure 9.3 shows the function c09-math-250, where we have chosen the variance of the portfolio components to be c09-math-251. The variance of the portfolio becomes smaller when c09-math-252. When c09-math-253, then variance of the portfolio is smaller than one, otherwise it is larger than one. Thus, the variance of the portfolio is smaller than the variance of the components when c09-math-254, and the reduction in the variance is greatest when portfolio components are anticorrelated.

Graphical illustration of Two correlated assets.

Figure 9.3 Two correlated assets. A contour plot of function c09-math-255 is shown. The function is equal to the variance of the portfolio when the portfolio components have variance one, correlation c09-math-256, and the weight of the portfolio components are c09-math-257 and c09-math-258.

9.2.2 Expected Utility

We can order distributions according to the value of the expected utility. Introducing the utility function c09-math-259 and ranking the distributions according to the expected utility c09-math-260 brings in the element of risk aversion, whereas ranking the return distributions solely according to the expected returns c09-math-261 does not take risk into account.

The expected utility can be calculated either from the wealth or from the return. The expected utility calculated from the wealth is


where c09-math-262 is the wealth (in Euros, Dollars, etc.), and c09-math-263 is a utility function. The negative wealth means that more is borrowed than owned. The expected utility calculated from the gross returns is


where c09-math-264 is a utility function and c09-math-265 is the gross return. The gross return c09-math-266 is always nonnegative. It is natural to define c09-math-267, because the gross return of zero means bankruptcy.

Sometimes it is equivalent to calculate the expected utility from the wealth and calculate it from the return. Consider the logarithmic utility c09-math-268. Now c09-math-269. This issue is discussed in Section 9.3.

Figure 9.4 illustrates the ranking of distributions according to the expected utility, when the densities have the same shape but different locations. Panel (a) shows four densities of gross return distributions. The distribution with the black density is the best because its expectation is the largest, and the distribution with the red density is the worst, because its expectation is the smallest. Panel (b) shows the densities of c09-math-270, where c09-math-271 is the power utility function with risk aversion c09-math-272 and c09-math-273 is the return.5 The power utility functions are defined in (9.28). The expectations c09-math-285 are marked with vertical lines. We can see that although the densities of returns c09-math-286 are symmetrical, the densities of c09-math-287 are skewed to the left, so that the expectations c09-math-288 are smaller than the modes of the distributions.

Graphical illustration of Ranking distributions with the expected utility: Different means.

Figure 9.4 Ranking distributions with the expected utility: Different means. (a) Four density functions of gross return c09-math-289; (b) the four density functions of c09-math-290. The expectations c09-math-291 are marked with vertical vectors.

Figure 9.5 illustrates the ranking of distributions according to the expected utility, when the densities have the same location but different variances. The utility function is the power utility function with risk aversion c09-math-292. The power utility functions are defined in (9.28). Panel (a) shows four densities of return distributions. The distribution with the black density is the best because its spread is the smallest, and the distribution with the red density is the worst, because its spread is the largest. Panel (b) shows the densities of c09-math-293, where c09-math-294 is the utility function and c09-math-295 is the return. The expectations c09-math-296 are marked with vertical lines. We can see that although the mode of the red density is located furthest to the right, its expected value is furthest to the left.

Graphical illustration of Ranking of distributions with expected utility: Different variances.

Figure 9.5 Ranking of distributions with expected utility: Different variances. (a) Four density functions of return c09-math-297; (b) the density functions of c09-math-298. The expectations c09-math-299 are marked with vertical vectors. Basic Properties of Utility Functions

In our examples a utility function can have as its domain either the positive real axis or the real line. When the argument is a gross return, then utility function c09-math-300 is defined on the positive real axis.6 When the argument is the wealth which can take negative values, then utility function c09-math-302 is defined on the real line.

It is natural to require that a utility function is strictly increasing and strictly concave.

  1. 1. A strictly increasing function c09-math-303 satisfies c09-math-304 for all c09-math-305, when the function is differentiable. A function is strictly increasing if c09-math-306 for all c09-math-307.

    A utility function should be increasing because investors prefer a larger wealth to a lesser wealth.

  2. 2. A strictly concave function c09-math-308 satisfies c09-math-309 for all c09-math-310, when the function is two times differentiable. A concave function is such that the rate of increase decreases.

    A utility function should be concave since increasing the wealth makes the value of additional wealth decline: The marginal value of additional consumption is declining. The concavity of a utility function is a consequence of risk aversion: The curvature of the utility function captures the subjective aversion to risk.

Concavity can also be defined in the case where the function is not two times differentiable. A function c09-math-311 is strictly concave, when

9.27 equation

for all c09-math-313 and for all c09-math-314.

In addition, sometimes it is assumed that utility function c09-math-315 is continuously differentiability with c09-math-316, c09-math-317. Power and Exponential Utility Functions

The power utility functions are defined as

where c09-math-319 is the risk aversion parameter. Note that c09-math-320 for c09-math-321, c09-math-322 and c09-math-323, which can be used to explain why the logarithmic function is obtained as the limit when c09-math-324. The power utility functions are constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) utility functions, as defined in (9.31).

The exponential utility functions are defined as

where c09-math-326 is the risk aversion parameter. The exponential utility functions are constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) utility functions, as defined in (9.30).

The power utility functions are defined on c09-math-327, but the exponential utility functions are defined on the whole real line. Thus, the exponential utility functions can be applied in the case of negative wealth. The exponential utility functions are useful when we consider portfolios of derivatives (selling of options), because in these cases the wealth can become negative. There exists also other than power and exponential utility functions.7

Figure 9.6 plots normalized utility functions with different risk aversion parameters. Panel (a) shows power utility functions (9.28) and panel (b) shows exponential utility functions (9.29). The normalized utility functions are defined by


The normalization is such that c09-math-331 and c09-math-332. Note that the ordering of the distributions according to the expected utility is not affected by linear transformations c09-math-333, c09-math-334, c09-math-335, because


Figure 9.6 shows that larger values of c09-math-336 or c09-math-337 are used when one is more risk averse, because the curvature of the utility functions increases when c09-math-338 or c09-math-339 are increased.

Graphical illustration of Utility functions.

Figure 9.6 Utility functions. (a) Power utility functions (9.28) for risk aversion values c09-math-340, c09-math-341, and c09-math-342; (b) exponential utility functions (9.29) for risk aversion values c09-math-343, c09-math-344, and c09-math-345.

Figure 9.7 shows contour plots of functions c09-math-346, where c09-math-347 follows distribution c09-math-348, where c09-math-349, where c09-math-350, c09-math-351. In panel (a) the utility function is logarithmic c09-math-352 and in panel (b) c09-math-353 with c09-math-354.8 The expected utility is maximized when the mean is high and the standard deviation is low, which happens in the upper left corner. We see that for the logarithmic utility the expected utility is determined by the expectation, but increasing the risk aversion to c09-math-356 makes the expected utility sensitive both to mean and to standard deviation. When risk aversion is increased more, then the expected utility becomes sensitive only to standard deviation.

Graphical illustration of Expected utility as a function of mean and standard deviation.

Figure 9.7 Expected utility as a function of mean and standard deviation. We show contour plots of functions c09-math-357, where c09-math-358 follows a normal distribution c09-math-359. (a) c09-math-360; (b) c09-math-361 with c09-math-362. Taylor Expansion of the Utility

A Taylor expansion of a utility function can be used to gain insight into the differences between the use of the mean–variance criterion and the use of the expected utility, because the use of the mean–variance criterion is approximately equal to the use of the second-order Taylor expansion to approximate the utility function. Also, we can use a Taylor expansion to replace the expected utility with a series containing higher than the second-order moment, which leads to a useful tool in portfolio selection.

We restrict ourselves to the fourth-order Taylor expansion, because the extension to higher order expansions is obvious. For a utility function c09-math-363 that has fourth-order continuous derivatives we have the approximation


where c09-math-364. This approximation holds for a power utility function c09-math-365, when c09-math-366 and c09-math-367. We can write


where c09-math-368 is the risk-free rate and


is the vector of the excess gross returns. We can choose also c09-math-369, so that c09-math-370 is the net return instead of the excess return. When we take c09-math-371 and c09-math-372, then we obtain the approximation


where c09-math-373, c09-math-374, c09-math-375, c09-math-376, and c09-math-377.9 As a special case, when c09-math-386, then the fourth-order Taylor expansion leads to the approximation


Figure 9.8 shows the first four Taylor approximations to the logarithmic utility. The black curve shows log-utility c09-math-387, the blue curve shows the linear function c09-math-388, the red curve shows the quadratic function c09-math-389, the green curve shows the third-order polynomial c09-math-390, and the yellow curve shows the fourth-order polynomial c09-math-391. The approximations are accurate when the gross return is close to one. A gross return close to one means that the asset price has not changed much. However, when the gross return is close to zero or much larger than one, then even the fourth-order approximation is not accurate. Thus, using the logarithmic utility in portfolio selection leads to taking large fluctuations into account, and in particular, the logarithmic utility is better than any finite approximation when we consider portfolios with extreme tail risk: the logarithmic utility approaches c09-math-392 when the gross return approaches zero.

Graphical illustration of Approximation of logarithmic utility.

Figure 9.8 Approximation of logarithmic utility. The black curve shows log-utility c09-math-393, the blue curve shows the linear approximation, the red curve shows the quadratic approximation, the green curve shows the third-order approximation, and the yellow curve shows the fourth-order approximation. Risk Aversion

We can classify utility functions using measures of risk aversion.

CARA Utility Functions

The coefficient of absolute risk aversion of utility function c09-math-394 at point c09-math-395 is defined as

Utility functions with constant absolute risk aversion are called CARA utility functions. For example, the exponential utility functions, defined in (9.29), are CARA utility functions and have the coefficient of absolute risk aversion c09-math-397, whereas the power utility functions, defined in (9.28), are not CARA utility functions because they have the coefficient of absolute risk aversion c09-math-398. When an investor whose wealth is 100 is willing to risk 50, and after reaching wealth 1000, is still willing to risk 50, then the investor has constant absolute risk aversion. Most investors have decreasing absolute risk aversion (so that after reaching wealth 1000, the investor is willing to risk more than 50).

CRRA Utility Functions

The coefficient of relative risk aversion of utility function c09-math-399 at point c09-math-400 is defined as

Utility functions with constant relative risk aversion are called CRRA utility functions. For example, the power utility functions are CRRA utility functions and have the coefficient of relative risk aversion c09-math-402, whereas the exponential utility functions are not CRRA utility functions because they have the coefficient of relative risk aversion c09-math-403. When an investor whose wealth is 100 is willing to risk 50, and after reaching wealth 1000, is willing to risk 500, then the investor has constant relative risk aversion.

Expected Utility and Portfolio Weights

It is helpful to plot a curve that shows estimates of the expected utility for a scale of risk aversion parameters. The expected utility curve is the function



and c09-math-405 is the power utility function, defined in (9.28). Since the expected value is unknown, we have to estimate it using a sample average of historical values.

In the case of two basis assets, it is helpful to look at functions

for various values of c09-math-407, where c09-math-408 and c09-math-409 are the gross returns of the two basis assets.

Figure 9.9 considers daily S&P 500 and Nasdaq-100 data, described in Section 2.4.2. Panel (a) shows functions (9.32) for S&P 500 (black) and Nasdaq-100 (red). We see that Nasdaq-100 is better for a risky investor but S&P 500 is better for a risk averse investor. Panel (b) shows functions (9.33) for c09-math-410 (blue) and c09-math-411 (green). Here c09-math-412 is the return of S&P 500 and c09-math-413 is the return of Nasdaq-100. The optimal value of weight c09-math-414 is indicated by vertical lines. We see that when risk aversion c09-math-415 increases, then the weight c09-math-416 of Nasdaq-100 decreases.

Graphical illustration of Portfolio selection: S&P 500 and Nasdaq-100.

Figure 9.9 Portfolio selection: S&P 500 and Nasdaq-100. (a) Functions (9.32) for S&P 500 (black) and Nasdaq-100 (red); (b) functions (9.33) for c09-math-417 (blue) and c09-math-418 (green).

Figure 9.10 considers monthly S&P 500 data, described in Section 2.4.3. Panel (a) shows functions

where c09-math-420 is the gross return of S&P 500. Thus, c09-math-421 is the gross return of a portfolio whose components are the risk-free rate with gross return one and the S&P 500. We show cases c09-math-422 (black), c09-math-423 (red), c09-math-424 (blue), and c09-math-425 (green). Panel (b) shows functions

for c09-math-427 (purple) and c09-math-428 (dark green). The optimal value of weight c09-math-429 is indicated by vertical lines.

Graphical illustration of Portfolio selection: Risk-free rate and S&P 500.

Figure 9.10 Portfolio selection: Risk-free rate and S&P 500. (a) Functions (9.34) for c09-math-430 (black), c09-math-431 (red), c09-math-432 (blue), and c09-math-433 (green); (b) functions (9.35) for c09-math-434 (purple) and c09-math-435 (dark green).

9.2.3 Stochastic Dominance

Sometimes a return distribution stochastically dominates another return distribution, so that it is preferred regardless of the chosen utility function. However, stochastic dominance occurs rarely in practice.

The distribution of c09-math-436 stochastically dominates the distribution of c09-math-437, if

for all c09-math-439, where c09-math-440 and c09-math-441 are the distribution functions. Inequality (9.36) is equivalent to

9.37 equation

for all c09-math-443.

Stochastic dominance is also called first-order stochastic dominance to distinguish it from second-order stochastic dominance. The distribution of c09-math-444 second-order dominates stochastically the distribution of c09-math-445, if


for all c09-math-446.

Figure 9.11 shows an example of first-order stochastic dominance. Panel (a) shows the densities of two distributions, and the distribution of the black density stochastically dominates the distribution of the red density. The densities have the same shape but the black density is located to the right of the red density. Panel (b) shows the distribution functions.

Graphical illustration of First-order stochastic dominance: (a) Density functions; (b) distribution functions.

Figure 9.11 First-order stochastic dominance. The black distribution dominates the red distribution. (a) Density functions; (b) distribution functions.

Figure 3.8(b) shows two empirical distribution functions, which are such that neither of the distribution functions dominates the other.

Figure 9.12 shows an example of second-order stochastic dominance. The distribution of the black density dominates the distribution of the red density. Panel (a) shows the densities of the two distributions, panel (b) shows the distribution functions, and panel (c) shows the functions c09-math-447, c09-math-448, where c09-math-449 and c09-math-450 are the distribution functions. The black and the red densities have the same location, but the red distribution has a larger variance than the black distribution.

Graphical illustration of Second-order stochastic dominance.

Figure 9.12 Second-order stochastic dominance. The black distribution dominates the red distribution. (a) Density functions; (b) distribution functions; (c) functions c09-math-451, c09-math-452, where c09-math-453 and c09-math-454 are the distribution functions.

When a return distribution second-order dominates stochastically another return distribution, then it is preferred, regardless of risk aversion. In fact, it holds that the distribution of c09-math-455 second-order dominates the distribution of c09-math-456 if and only if


for every increasing and concave utility function c09-math-457, which is two times continuously differentiable. First-order stochastic dominance occurs if and only if the dominant distribution has a higher expected utility for all increasing and continuously differentiable utility functions.

9.3 Multiperiod Portfolio Selection

In the multiperiod model the wealth of the portfolio is obtained from (9.10) as

where c09-math-459 is the initial wealth at time 0, c09-math-460 is the vector of the portfolio weights, and c09-math-461 is the vector of gross returns of the c09-math-462 portfolio components. We write


where c09-math-463, c09-math-464. The portfolio weights satisfy

Now c09-math-466 is the one period gross return. We can write

c09-math-468. In this way we do not have to worry about the restriction (9.39).

The wealth of the portfolio is obtained in additive form from (9.13) as





The vector c09-math-470 gives the numbers of risky assets in the portfolio. Vector c09-math-471 is unrestricted. Note that the time indexing is such that c09-math-472 and c09-math-473 both describe the portfolio for the period c09-math-474. Note that we have assumed in (9.41) that c09-math-475 almost surely. This holds when c09-math-476 is a risk-free investment.

The multiplicative way of writing the wealth presupposes a positive wealth, whereas the additive way of writing the wealth allows for a nonpositive wealth. The multiplicative way of writing the wealth is convenient for the power utility functions, whereas the additive way of writing the wealth is convenient for the exponential utility functions, because factoring the wealth as a product makes the writing of the backward induction convenient.

At time c09-math-477 we want to find the portfolio vector c09-math-478 or c09-math-479 so that

is maximized, where the rebalancing of the portfolio will be made at times c09-math-481. The maximization of (9.42) is over the sequence of weights c09-math-482 or over the sequence of numbers c09-math-483, although at time c09-math-484 we need to choose only c09-math-485 or c09-math-486.

We can summarize the results in the following way:

  1. 1. For the logarithmic utility function the multiperiod portfolio selection reduces to the one-period portfolio selection.
  2. 2. For the power utility functions (which include the logarithmic utility) and for the exponential utility functions the optimal portfolio vector does not depend on the initial wealth.

The power utility functions need a positive wealth as the argument, and they can be applied when the wealth process is written in the product form. The exponential utility functions can take a negative wealth as the argument, and they lead to tractable dynamic programming when the wealth process is written additively.

We describe first the one-period optimization in Section 9.3.1, and then the multiperiod optimization in Section 9.3.2. The understanding of the multiperiod optimization is easier when it is contrasted with the single period optimization. We describe first the case of the logarithmic utility function. After that we describe the solution for the power utility functions. Third, we describe the case of the exponential utility functions. In the multiperiod model we give also the formulas for arbitrary utility functions.

9.3.1 One-Period Optimization

We want to maximize at time 0 the expected utility of the wealth at time 1:


We discuss the cases where c09-math-487 is the logarithmic utility function, a power utility function, and an exponential utility function. The Logarithmic Utility Function

The logarithmic utility function is c09-math-488. We have


Thus, we need to maximize


over c09-math-489, under restriction c09-math-490. Thus, the optimal c09-math-491 does not depend on the initial wealth c09-math-492.

The maximization can be done unrestricted when we apply (9.40), so that we need to maximize


over c09-math-493. The Power Utility Functions

The power utility functions are c09-math-494 for c09-math-495, where c09-math-496, c09-math-497. We have


Thus, we need to maximize

over c09-math-499, under restriction c09-math-500. Thus, the optimal c09-math-501 does not depend on the initial wealth c09-math-502.

The maximization can be done unrestricted when we apply (9.40), so that we need to maximize


over c09-math-503. The Exponential Utility Functions

The exponential utility functions are c09-math-504 for c09-math-505, where c09-math-506. The maximization of c09-math-507 is equivalent to the minimization of


We apply the additive form in (9.41) to obtain


Thus, we need to minimize


over c09-math-508. This is unrestricted minimization. The optimal c09-math-509 does not depend on the initial wealth c09-math-510.

9.3.2 The Multiperiod Optimization

We want to maximize at time 0 the expected utility of the wealth at time c09-math-511:


We discuss the cases where c09-math-512 is the logarithmic utility function, a power utility function, an exponential utility function, and a general utility function. The Logarithmic Utility Function

For the logarithmic utility c09-math-513 we have from (9.38) that




We want to find portfolio vector c09-math-514 maximizing


under restriction c09-math-515. We see that for the logarithmic utility the optimal portfolio vector at time c09-math-516 is the maximizer over c09-math-517 of the single period expected logarithmic return


when the maximization is done under restriction c09-math-518. In particular, the initial wealth c09-math-519 does not affect the solution.

We can use (9.40) to note that the maximization can be done without the restriction: we need to maximize


over c09-math-520.

We have shown that in the case of the logarithmic utility the multiperiod optimization reduces to the single period optimization, since c09-math-521 can be found by ignoring the time points c09-math-522. The Power Utility Functions

Let c09-math-523 be the power utility function


where c09-math-524 is the risk aversion parameter. For c09-math-525 we define c09-math-526. For c09-math-527 we get from (9.38) that


Thus, for c09-math-528 we need to maximize

under restrictions




Thus, the optimal portfolio vector c09-math-530 does not depend on the initial wealth c09-math-531.

Using (9.40) we see that we can maximize


over c09-math-532, c09-math-533.

The Case c09-math-534

Let us consider the maximization of (9.44) for the case c09-math-535. We present first the case c09-math-536 because the structure of the argument is visible already in the two period case but this case is notationally more transparent than the general case c09-math-537. Define function




The optimal portfolio vector at time c09-math-538 is the maximizer of function c09-math-539: Our purpose is to find


We can write, using the law of the iterated expectations,




Comparing to (9.43) we see the difference between the one- and two-period portfolio selections: In the two-period case, we have the additional multiplier c09-math-540.

We can use (9.40) to note that the maximization can be done without the restrictions. Write


where c09-math-541 and c09-math-542 are unrestricted.

The Case c09-math-543

Let us consider the maximization of (9.44). Define


where , c09-math-544,


Here c09-math-545 means the c09-math-546 fold product c09-math-547. The optimal portfolio vector a time c09-math-548 is the maximizer of function c09-math-549: Our purpose is to find


We give a recursive formula for c09-math-550.

  1. 1. Denote
  2. and let c09-math-551 be the maximizer of c09-math-552 over c09-math-553.
  3. 2. For c09-math-554, define
  4. and let c09-math-555 be the maximizer of c09-math-556 over c09-math-557.

We can use (9.40) to note that the maximization can be done without the restrictions: we can define the functions to be maximized as




c09-math-558. The maximization is done over c09-math-559 in the one before the previous function, and over c09-math-560 in the previous function. The Exponential Utility Functions

Let c09-math-561 be the exponential utility function


where c09-math-562 is the risk aversion parameter. Maximizing c09-math-563 is equivalent to minimizing c09-math-564. We get from (9.41) that


Thus, we need to minimize


over c09-math-565, where


Thus, the optimal portfolio vector c09-math-566 does not depend on the initial wealth c09-math-567.



The optimal portfolio vector a time c09-math-568 is the minimizer of function c09-math-569: Our purpose is to find


We give a recursive formula for c09-math-570.

  1. 1. Denote
  2. and let c09-math-571 be the minimizer of c09-math-572 over c09-math-573.
  3. 2. For c09-math-574, define
  4. and let c09-math-575 be the minimizer of c09-math-576 over c09-math-577. General Utility Functions

When the utility function is not the logarithmic function, of a power form, or of an exponential form, then the maximizer of the expected wealth can depend on the initial wealth. Also, for the general utility functions we do not obtain such factorization as for the logarithmic and power utility functions (when the product form is used) or such factorization as for the exponential utility functions (when the additive form is used). However, we can obtain recursive formulas for the maximization of the expected wealth.

The Product Form

The optimal portfolio vector at time c09-math-578 is defined as the maximizer of the expected utility c09-math-579. Thus, the optimal portfolio vector maximizes function c09-math-580, defined as




We can define the optimal portfolio vector recursively as follows:

  1. 1. Define
  2. and let c09-math-581 be the maximizer of c09-math-582 over c09-math-583.
  3. 2. For c09-math-584, define
  4. where
  5. Let c09-math-585 be the maximizer of c09-math-586 over c09-math-587.

This gives a recursive definition of c09-math-588.10

The Additive Form

The optimal portfolio vector at time c09-math-589 is defined as the maximizer of the expected utility c09-math-590. Thus, the optimal portfolio vector maximizes function c09-math-591, defined as


We can define the optimal portfolio vector recursively as follows:

  1. 1. Define
  2. and let c09-math-592 be the maximizer of c09-math-593 over c09-math-594.
  3. 2. For c09-math-595, define
  4. where
  5. Let c09-math-596 be the maximizer of c09-math-597 over c09-math-598.

This gives a recursive definition of c09-math-599.




where c09-math-284.


We can write, using the law of the iterated expectations,


Thus, in the two-period case,

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