1.8 Power quality improvement techniques

Nonlinear loads produce harmonic currents that can propagate to other locations in the power system and eventually return back to the source. Therefore, harmonic current propagation produces harmonic voltages throughout the power systems. Many mitigation techniques have been proposed and implemented to maintain the harmonic voltages and currents within recommended levels:

 high power quality equipment design,

 harmonic cancellation,

 dedicated line or transformer,

 optimal placement and sizing of capacitor banks,

 derating of power system devices, and

 harmonic filters (passive, active, hybrid) and custom power devices such as active power line conditioners (APLCs) and unified or universal power quality conditioners (UPQCs).

The practice is that if at PCC harmonic currents are not within the permissible limits, the consumer with the nonlinear load must take some measures to comply with standards. However, if harmonic voltages are above recommended levels – and the harmonic currents injected comply with standards – the utility will have to take appropriate actions to improve the power quality.

Detailed analyses of improvement techniques for power quality are presented in Chapters 8 to 10.

1.8.1 High Power Quality Equipment Design

The use of nonlinear and electronic-based devices is steadily increasing and it is estimated that they will constitute more than 70% of power system loading by year 2010 [10]. Therefore, demand is increasing for the designers and product manufacturers to produce devices that generate lower current distortion, and for end users to select and purchase high power quality devices. These actions have already been started in many countries, as reflected by improvements in fluorescent lamp ballasts, inclusion of filters with energy saving lamps, improved PWM adjustable-speed drive controls, high power quality battery chargers, switch-mode power supplies, and uninterruptible power sources.

1.8.2 Harmonic Cancellation

There are some relatively simple techniques that use transformer connections to employ phase-shifting for the purpose of harmonic cancellation, including [10]:

 delta-delta and delta-wye transformers (or multiple phase-shifting transformers) for supplying harmonic producing loads in parallel (resulting in twelve-pulse rectifiers) to eliminate the 5th and 7th harmonic components,

 transformers with delta connections to trap and prevent triplen (zero-sequence) harmonics from entering power systems,

 transformers with zigzag connections for cancellation of certain harmonics and to compensate load imbalances,

 other phase-shifting techniques to cancel higher harmonic orders, if required, and

 canceling effects due to diversity [5759] have been discovered.

1.8.3 Dedicated Line or Transformer

Dedicated (isolated) lines or transformers are used to attenuate both low- and high-frequency electrical noise and transients as they attempt to pass from one bus to another. Therefore, disturbances are prevented from reaching sensitive loads and any load-generated noise and transients are kept from reaching the remainder of the power system. However, some common-mode and differential noise can still reach the load. Dedicated transformers with (single or multiple) electrostatic shields are effective in eliminating common-mode noise.

Interharmonics (e.g., caused by induction motor drives) and voltage notching (e.g., due to power electronic switching) are two examples of problems that can be reduced at the terminals of a sensitive load by a dedicated transformer. They can also attenuate capacitor switching and lightning transients coming from the utility system and prevent nuisance tripping of adjustable-speed drives and other equipment. Isolated transformers do not totally eliminate voltage sags or swells. However, due to the inherent large impedance, their presence between PCC and the source of disturbance (e.g., system fault) will lead to relatively shallow sags.

An additional advantage of dedicated transformers is that they allow the user to define a new ground reference that will limit neutral-to-ground voltages at sensitive equipment. Application Example 1.6: Interharmonic Reduction by Dedicated Transformer

Figure E1.6.1 shows a typical distribution system with linear and nonlinear loads. The nonlinear load (labeled as “distorting nonlinear load”) consists of two squirrel-cage induction motors used as prime movers for chiller-compressors for a building’s air-conditioning system. Note the thyristor symbol represents the induction motors, although there are no thyristors present: the thyristor symbol represents here a nonlinearity. This load produces interharmonic currents that generate interharmonic voltage drops across the system’s impedances resulting in the interharmonic content of the line-to-line voltage of the induction motors as given by Table E1.6.1. Some of the loads are very sensitive to interharmonics and these must be reduced at the terminals of sensitive loads. These loads are labeled as “sensitive loads.”

Figure E1.6.1 Overall (per phase) one-line diagram of the distribution system used in Application Example 1.6.

Table E1.6.1

Interharmonics of Phase Current and Line-to-Line Voltage Generated by a Three-Phase Induction Motor [34]

Interharmonic fh (Hz)Interharmonic amplitude of phase current (%)Interharmonic amplitude of line-to-line voltage (%)

Three case studies are considered:

 Case #1: Distorting nonlinear load and sensitive loads are fed from the same pole transformer (Fig. E1.6.2).

Figure E1.6.2 Case #1 of Application Example 1.6: distorting nonlinear load and sensitive loads are fed from same pole transformer.

 Case #2: A dedicated 1:1 isolation transformer is used between the distorting nonlinear load and sensitive loads (Fig. E1.6.3).

Figure E1.6.3 Case #2 of Application Example 1.6: use of an isolation transformer with a turns ratio 1 : 1 between distorting (nonlinear) load and sensitive loads.

 Case #3: A dedicated 7.62 kV to 120 V pole transformer is used between the distorting nonlinear load and sensitive loads (Fig. E1.6.4).

Figure E1.6.4 Case #3 of Application Example 1.6: use of a dedicated (isolation transformer with turns ratio 7620 : 120) pole transformer between distorting nonlinear load and sensitive loads.

Solution to Application Example 1.6

Computations are shown in Figs. E1.6.5 and E1.6.6 for the above three cases. As illustrated, for Vload1 = Vload2 the 1128th interharmonic amplitude is V1128 = 122.64120120si60_e (100%) = 2.2%, whereas for Vload3 this interharmonic is only 0.006%. This demonstrates the effectiveness of a dedicated line or transformer, other than an isolation transformer with a turns ratio 1 : 1.

Figure E1.6.5 Equivalent circuit of distribution and pole transformers.
Figure E1.6.6 Equivalent circuit referring all lumped reactances to the secondary of the pole transformer, where 1128Hz/60Hz = 18.8.

1.8.4 Optimal Placement and Sizing of Capacitor Banks

It is well known that proper placement and sizing of shunt capacitor banks in distorted networks can result in reactive power compensation, improved voltage regulation, power factor correction, and power/energy loss reduction. The capacitor placement problem consists of determining the optimal numbers, types, locations, and sizes of capacitor banks such that minimum yearly cost due to peak power/energy losses and cost of capacitors is achieved, while the operational constraints are maintained within required limits.

Most of the reported techniques for capacitor placement assume sinusoidal operating conditions. These methods include nonlinear programming, and near global methods (genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search, artificial neural networks, and fuzzy theory). All these approaches ignore the presence of voltage and current harmonics [60,61].

Optimal capacitor bank placement is a well-researched subject. However, limited attention is given to this problem in the presence of voltage and current harmonics. Some publications have taken into account the presence of distorted voltages for solving the capacitor placement problem. These investigations include exhaustive search, local variations, mixed integer and nonlinear programming, heuristic methods for simultaneous capacitor and filter placement, maximum sensitivities selection, fuzzy theory, and genetic algorithms.

According to newly developed investigations based on fuzzy and genetic algorithms [60,61], proper placement and sizing of capacitor banks in power systems with nonlinear loads can result in lower system losses, greater yearly benefits, better voltage profiles, and prevention of harmonic parallel resonances, as well as improved power quality. Simulation results for the standard 18-bus IEEE distorted distribution system show that proper placement and sizing of capacitor banks can limit voltage and current harmonics and decrease their THDs to the recommended levels of IEEE-519, without application of any dedicated high-order passive or active filters. For cases where the construction of new capacitor bank locations is not feasible, it is possible to perform the optimization process without defining any new locations. Therefore, reexamining capacitor bank sizes and locations before taking any major steps for power quality mitigation is highly recommended.

Detailed analyses for optimal sizing and placement of capacitor banks in the presence of harmonics and nonlinear loads are presented in Chapter 10.

1.8.5 Derating of Power System Devices

Power system components must be derated when supplying harmonic loads. Commercial buildings have drawn the most attention in recent years due to the increasing use of nonlinear loads. According to the IEEE dictionary, derating is defined as “the intentional reduction of stress/strength ratio (e.g., real or apparent power) in the application of an item (e.g., cables, transformer, electrical machines), usually for the purpose of reducing the occurrence of stress-related failure (e.g., reduction of lifetime due to increased temperature beyond rated temperature).” As discussed in Section 1.5, harmonic currents and voltages result in harmonic losses of magnetic devices, increasing their temperature rise [62]. This rise beyond the rated value results in a reduction of lifetime, as will be discussed in Chapter 6.

There are several techniques for determining the derating factors (functions) of appliances for non-sinusoidal operating conditions (as discussed in Chapter 2), including:

 from tables in standards and published research (e.g., ANSI/IEEE Std C57.110 [63] for transformer derating),

 from measured (or computed) losses,

 by determining the K-factor, and

 based on the FHL-factor.

1.8.6 Harmonic Filters, APLCs, and UPQCs

One means of ensuring that harmonic currents of nonlinear components will not unduly interact with the remaining part of the power system is to place filters near or close to nonlinear loads. The main function of a filter is either to bypass harmonic currents, block them from entering the power system, or compensate them by locally supplying harmonic currents. Due to the lower impedance of the filter in comparison to the impedance of the system, harmonic currents will circulate between the load and the filter and do not affect the entire system; this is called series resonance. If other frequencies are to be controlled (e.g., that of arc furnaces), additional tuned filters are required.

Harmonic filters are broadly classified into passive, active, and hybrid structures. These filters can only compensate for harmonic currents and/or harmonic voltages at the installed bus and do not consider the power quality of other buses. New generations of active filters are active-power line conditioners that are capable of minimizing the power quality problems of the entire system.

Passive filters are made of passive components (inductance, capacitance, and resistance) tuned to the harmonic frequencies that are to be attenuated. The values of inductors and capacitors are selected to provide low impedance paths at the selected frequencies. Passive filters are generally designed to remove one or two harmonics (e.g., the 5th and 7th). They are relatively inexpensive compared with other means for eliminating harmonic distortion, but also suffer from some inherent limitations, including:

 Interactions with the power system;

 Forming parallel resonance circuits with system impedance (at fundamental and/or harmonic frequencies). This may result in a situation that is worse than the condition being corrected. It may also result in system or equipment failure;

 Changing characteristics (e.g., their notch frequency) due to filter parameter variations;

 Unsatisfactory performance under variations of nonlinear load parameters;

 Compensating a limited number of harmonics;

 Not considering the power quality of the entire system; and

 Creating parallel resonance. This resonance frequency must not necessarily coincide with any significant system harmonic. Passive filters are commonly tuned slightly lower than the attenuated harmonic to provide a margin of safety in case there are some changes in system parameters (due to temperature variations and/or failures). For this reason filters are added to the system starting with the lowest undesired harmonic. For example, installing a seventh-harmonic filter usually requires that a fifth-harmonic filter also be installed.

Designing passive filters is a relatively simple but tedious matter. For the proper tuning of passive filters, the following steps should be followed:

 Model the power system (including nonlinear loads) to indicate the location of harmonic sources and the orders of the injected harmonics. A harmonic power (load) flow algorithm (Chapter 7) should be used; however, for most applications with a single dominating harmonic source, a simplified equivalent model and hand calculations are adequate;

 Place the hypothetical harmonic filter(s) in the model and reexamine the system. Filter(s) should be properly tuned to dominant harmonic frequencies; and

 If unacceptable results (e.g., parallel resonance within system) are obtained, change filter location(s) and modify parameter values until results are satisfactory.

In addition to power quality improvement, harmonic filters can be configured to provide power factor correction. For such cases, the filter is designed to carry resonance harmonic currents, as well as fundamental current.

Active filters rely on active power conditioning to compensate for undesirable harmonic currents. They actually replace the portion of the sine wave that is missing in the nonlinear load current by detecting the distorted current and using power electronic switching devices to inject harmonic currents with complimentary magnitudes, frequencies, and phase shifts into the power system. Their main advantage over passive filters is their fine response to changing loads and harmonic variations. Active filters can be used in very difficult circumstances where passive filters cannot operate successfully because of parallel resonance within the system. They can also take care of more than one harmonic at a time and improve or mitigate other power quality problems such as flicker. They are particularly useful for large, distorting nonlinear loads fed from relatively weak points of the power system where the system impedance is relatively large. Active filters are relatively expensive and not feasible for small facilities.

Power quality improvement using filters, unified power quality conditioners (UPQCs), and optimal placement and sizing of shunt capacitors, are discussed in Chapters 9 and 10, respectively. Application Example 1.7: Hand Calculation of Harmonics Produced by Twelve-Pulse Converters

Figure E1.7.1 shows a large industrial plant such as an oil refinery or chemical plant [64] being serviced from a utility with transmission line-to-line voltage of 115 kV. The demand on the utility system is 50 MVA and 50% of its load is a twelve-pulse static power converter load.

Figure E1.7.1 One-line diagram of a large industrial plant fed from transmission voltage [64].

Table E1.7.1 lists the harmonic currents (Ih) given in pu of the fundamental current based on the commutating reactance Xch = 0.12 pu and the firing angle α = 30° of six-pulse and twelve-pulse converters. In an ideal twelve-pulse converter, the magnitude of some current harmonics (bold in Table E1.7.1) is zero. However, for actual twelve-pulse converters, the magnitudes of these harmonics are normally taken as 10% of the six-pulse values [64]. Assume RSCPCC#1=40si61_e pu, and RSCPCC#2=8.7si62_e pu.

Table E1.7.1

Harmonic Current (Ih) Generated by Six-Pulse and Twelve-Pulse Converters [64] Based on Xch=0.12pusi1_e and α = 30°

Harmonic order (h)Ih for 6-pulse converter (pu)Ih for 12-pulse converter (pu)

Solution to Application Example 1.7

Calculating Current Harmonics at PCC #1

At PCC #1:




 IL = Iph = 251 A.

 At a short-circuit ratio of RSC=ISCIL=40si66_e pu (at PCC #1)

 The system’s impedance is Zsys (10 MVA base) = 0.5% = 0.005 pu,

 ISCPCC#1=RSCIL=40si67_e (251 A) = 10040 A.

According to Table 1.7, for PCCs from 69 to 138 kV, the current harmonic limits should be divided by two. Therefore, for ISC/IL = (20 to 50):







The actually occurring harmonic currents are for Ispc = (251/2) A = 125.5 A for 12-pulse converter (SPC means static power converter):









with IL = 251 A





As can be seen, I11actual and I13actual are too large!

Calculating Voltage Harmonics at PCC #1

Calculation of short-circuit (apparent) power SSC:

 Isc = IL · RSC = 251(40) = 10040 A






Calculation of voltage harmonics (at PCC #1) for the current harmonics:


 Sbase = 10 MVA (all three phases)



Harmonic (actually occurring) voltages:






Calculating Current Harmonics at PCC #2

At PCC #2:

 Sph = 16.67 MVA



 At a short-circuit ratio of Rsc = ISCILsi88_e = 8.7 pu (at PCC #2)

 The system’s impedance is Zsys (10 MVA base) = 2.3% = 0.023 pu,

 ISCPCC # 2 = RSC · IL = 8.7(2092 A) = 18.2 kA.

Calculation of short-circuit (apparent) power SSC:







 Zsys = 2.3% = 0.023 pu.

Actually occurring harmonic currents at PCC #2 for 12-pulse converter:









in percent









Calculating Voltage Harmonics at PCC #2








Note that on the 13.8 kV bus, the current and voltage distortions are greater than recommended by IEEE-519 (Table 1.8). A properly sized harmonic filter applied on the 13.8 kV bus would reduce the current distortion and the voltage distortion to within the harmonic current limits and the harmonic voltage limits on the 13.8 kV bus. Application Example 1.8: Filter Design to Meet IEEE-519 Requirements

Filter design for Application Example 1.7 will be performed to meet the IEEE-519 requirements. The circuit of Fig. E1.7.1 is now augmented with a passive filter, as shown by Fig. E1.8.1.

Figure E1.8.1 One-line diagram of a large industrial plant fed from transmission voltage (Fig. E1.7.1) with a passive filter placed at PCC #2.

Solution to Application Example 1.8

System Analysis

At harmonic frequencies, the circuit of Fig. E1.8.1 can be approximated by the equivalent circuit shown by Fig. E1.8.2. This circuit should be analyzed at each frequency of interest by calculating series and parallel resonances.

Figure E1.8.2 Equivalent circuit of Fig. E1.8.1 at harmonic frequencies, where Zth and Zfh are the harmonic impedances of the transformer and the filter, respectively.

For series resonance Ĩfh is large whereas for parallel resonance Ĩfh and Ĩsysh are large. The major impedance elements in the circuit respond differently as frequency changes. The impedance of the transmission line Zlineh is a complicated relationship between the inductive and capacitive reactances. Using the fundamental frequency resistance R and inductance of the transmission line, however, gives acceptable results. For most industrial systems Zth and Zlineh can be approximated by the short-circuit impedance if low-frequency phenomena are considered.

The Impedance versus Frequency Characteristic of a Transformer

The impedance versus frequency characteristic of a transformer depends on its design, size, voltage, etc. Its load loss, I2R, will constitute 75 to 85% of the total transformer loss and about 75% of this is not frequency dependent (skin effect). The remainder varies with the square of the frequency. The no-load loss (core loss) constitutes between 15 and 25% of the total loss and, depending on flux density, the loss varies as f3/2 to f3. From this, with the reactance increasing directly with frequency (inductance L is assumed to be constant), it can be seen that the harmonic (Xh/Rh) ratios will be less than the fundamental (h = 1) frequency (X1/R1) ratio, that is,



If the fundamental frequency ratio (X1/R1) is used, there will be less damping of the high-frequency current than in actuality.

Adjacent Capacitor Banks

If there are large capacitor banks or filters connected to the utility system, it is necessary to consider their effect.

Converter as a Harmonic Generator

The converter is usually considered to be a generator of harmonic currents ih, and is considered to be a constant-current source. Thus Zconv is very large and can be ignored. If the converter is a constant-voltage source Zconv should be included.

Circuit Analysis

Using Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws (Fig. E1.8.2):





















Because of



Note that ρsysh and ρfh are complex quantities. It is desirable that ρsysh be small at the various occurring harmonics. Typical values for a series tuned filter are (at the tuned frequency hf1)



Parallel resonances occur between Zfh and Zsysh if ρsysh and ρfh are large at the tuned frequency (hf1). Typical values are



The approximate 180° phase difference emphasizes why a parallel resonance cannot be tolerated at a frequency near a harmonic current generated by the converter: a current of the resonance frequency will excite the circuit and a 16.67 pu current will oscillate between the two energy storage units, the system impedance Zsysh and that of the filter capacitors Zfh.

A plot of ρsysh versus h is a useful display of filter performance. Frequently a plot of log(ρsysh) is more convenient. The harmonic voltage h is





si120_e Application Example 1.9: Several Users on a Single Distribution Feeder

Figure E1.9.1 shows a utility distribution feeder that has four users along a radial feeder [64]. Each user sees a different value of short-circuit impedance or system size. Note that



Figure E1.9.1 Overall one-line diagram of the distribution system feeder containing four users with six-pulse converters [64].

There is one type of transformer (Δ – Y); therefore, only six-pulse static power converters are used.

Solution to Application Example 1.9

Calculation of Harmonic Current for User #1 (Case A, No Filter)

For user #1:

 SSC = 350 MVA

 SSCphase = SSC3si122_e = 116.67MVA

 SSCphase = ISCphase Vphase


 ISCphase = 14.65 kA

 Sload = 2.5 MVA




For this user, there is a 25% static power converter (SPC) load:



Therefore, harmonic currents for the six-pulse static power converter of user #1 are

 I5[A] = 26.2(0.192) = 5.03A → I5%=I5AIloadphase100%=5.03A104.7A100%=4.8%si129_e

 I7[A] = 26.2(0.132) = 3.46A → I7%=I7AIloadphase100%=3.46104.7=3.3%si130_e

 I11[A] = 1.91 A → I11[%] = 1.82%

 I13[A] = 1.49 A → I13[%] = 1.42%

Calculation of Harmonic Current for User #2 (Case A, No Filter)

For user #2:

 SSC = 300 MVA

 SSCphase = SSC3=100MVAsi131_e

 Vphase = 7.967 kV

 ISCphase = SSCphaseVphase=100MVA7.967kV=12.56kAsi132_e

 Sload = 5 MVA

 Sloadphase = 1.667 MVA

 Iloadphase = SloadphaseVphasesi133_e

 Iloadphase = 209.5 A.

The 50% static power converter (SPC) load of this user yields:

 IloadSPC = 104.73 A

 RSC = ISCphaseIloadphase=12560A209.5A=59.95pusi134_e

 RSC ≈ 60 pu.

Therefore, harmonic currents for the six-pulse static power converter of user #2 are

 I5[A] = 104.73(0.192) = 20.11A → I5%=I5AIloadphase100%=20.11A209.5A100%=9.6%si135_e

 I7[A] = 104.73(0.132) = 13.82A → I7%=I7AIloadphase100%=13.82A209.5A100%=6.6%,si136_e

 I11[A] = 7.64 A → i11[%] = 3.65%

 I13[A] = 5.96 A → I13[%] = 2.9%

Calculation of Harmonic Voltages Vh (Case A, No Filter)

The harmonic equivalent circuit of Fig. E1.9.1 in pu and ohms is shown by Fig. E1.9.2a and E1.9.2b, respectively. Using the harmonic equivalent circuits of Fig. E.1.9.2:

Figure E1.9.2 Harmonic equivalent circuit of Fig. E1.9.1 with impedances expressed in (a) pu without harmonic order h, (b) expressed in ohms.

 Sbase = 10 MVA

 Sbasephase = 103MVAsi137_e


 Ibase = 418.83 A

 Zbase = VphaseIbase=VbaseIbasesi139_e

Note that Vbase = Vphase; therefore,



Voltage harmonics are computed using the total harmonic currents. For example, for the fifth harmonic:



The fifth voltage harmonic amplitudes for users 1 and 2 are

 V5PCCuser#1 = 4.18(5)(5.03) + 0.5428(5)(25.14)
V5PCCuser#1 = 173.38 V
V5PCCuser#1 = 2.18%,

 V5PCCuser#2 = 2.18(5)(20.11) + 0.5428(5)(25.14)
V5PCCuser#2 = 287.46 V
V5PCCuser#2 = 3.61%.

The total fifth harmonic voltage is



1.9 Summary

The focus of this chapter has been on definition, measures, and classification of electric power quality as well as related issues that will be covered in the following chapters. Power quality can be defined as “the measure, analysis, and improvement of the bus voltage to maintain a sinusoidal waveform at rated voltage and frequency.” Main causes of disturbances and power quality problems are unpredictable events, the electric utility, the customer, and the manufacturer.

The magnitude–duration plot can be used to classify power quality events, where the voltage magnitude is split into three regions (e.g., interruption, undervoltage, and overvoltage) and the duration of these events is split into four regions (e.g., very short, short, long, and very long). However, IEEE standards use several additional terms to classify power quality events into seven categories including: transient, short-duration voltage variation, long-duration voltage variation, voltage imbalance, waveform distortion, voltage fluctuation (and flicker), and power–frequency variation. Main sources for the formulations and measures of power quality are IEEE Std 100, IEC Std 61000-1-1, and CENELEC Std EN 50160. Some of the main detrimental effects of poor power quality include increase or decrease of the fundamental voltage component, additional losses, heating, and noise, decrease of appliance and equipment lifetime, malfunction and failure of components, controllers, and loads, resonance and ferroresonance, flicker, harmonic instability, and undesired (harmonic, subharmonic, and interharmonic) torques.

Documents for control of power quality come in three levels of applicability and validity: guidelines, recommendations, and standards. IEEE-Std 519 and IEC 61000 (or EN 61000) are the most commonly used references for power quality in the United States and Europe, respectively.

Three techniques are used for harmonic analysis: time-domain simulation, frequency (harmonic)-domain modeling, and iterative procedures.

Many mitigation techniques for controlling power quality have been proposed, including high power quality equipment design, harmonic cancellation, dedicated line or transformer, optimal placement and sizing of capacitor banks, derating of devices, harmonic filters (passive, active, hybrid), and custom-build power devices. The practice is that if at PCC harmonic currents are not within the permissible limits, the consumer with the nonlinear load must take some measures to comply with standards. However, if harmonic voltages are above recommended levels–and the harmonic currents injected comply with standards – the utility will have to take appropriate actions to improve the power quality.

Nine application examples with solutions are provided for further clarifications of the presented materials. The reader is encouraged to read the overview of the text given in the preface before delving further into the book.

1.10 Problems

Problem 1.1: Delta/Wye Three-Phase Transformer Configuration

a) Perform a PSpice analysis for the circuit of Fig. P1.1, where a three-phase diode rectifier with filter (e.g., capacitor Cf) serves a load (Rload). You may assume ideal transformer conditions. For your convenience you may assume (N1/N2) = 1, Rsyst = 0.01 Ω, Xsyst = 0.05 Ω @ f = 60 Hz, vAB (t) = 2600Vsi143_e cos(ωt, vBC(t) = 2600Vsi144_e cos(ωt – 120°), vCA(t) = 2600Vsi145_e cos(ωt – 240°), ideal diodes D1 to D6, Cf = 500 μF, and Rload = 10 Ω. Plot one period of either voltage or current after steady state has been reached as requested in parts b to e.

Figure P1.1 Connection of a delta/wye three-phase transformer with a diode rectifier, filter, and load.

b) Plot and subject the line-to-line voltages vAB(t) and vab(t) to Fourier analysis. Why are they different?

c) Plot and subject the input line current iAL(t) of the delta primary to a Fourier analysis. Note that the input line currents of the primary delta do not contain the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, …, that is, harmonic zero-sequence current components.

d) Plot and subject the phase current iAph(t) of the delta primary to a Fourier analysis. Why do the phase currents of the primary delta not contain the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, …, that is, harmonic zero-sequence current components?

e) Plot and subject the output current iaph(t) of the wye secondary to a Fourier analysis. Why do the output currents of the secondary wye not contain the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, …, that is, zero-sequence current components?

Problem 1.2: Voltage Phasor Diagrams of a Three-Phase Transformer in Delta/Zigzag Connection

Figure P1.2 depicts the so-called delta/zigzag configuration of a three-phase transformer, which is used for supplying power to unbalanced loads and three-phase rectifiers. You may assume ideal transformer conditions. Draw a phasor diagram of the primary and secondary voltages when there is no load on the secondary side. For your convenience you may assume (N1/N2) = 1. For balanced phase angles 0°, 120°, and 240° of voltages and currents you may use hexagonal paper.

Figure P1.2 Connection of a delta/zigzag, three-phase transformer with the definition of primary and secondary voltages.

Problem 1.3: Current Phasor Diagrams of a Three-Phase Transformer in Delta/Zigzag Connection with Line-To-Line Load

The delta/zigzag, three-phase configuration is used for feeding unbalanced loads and three-phase rectifiers. You may assume ideal transformer conditions. Even when only one line-to-line load (e.g., Rload) of the secondary is present as indicated in Fig. P1.3, the primary line currents ĨLAĨLB, and ĨLC will be balanced because the line-to-line load is distributed to all three (single-phase) transformers. This is the advantage of a delta/zigzag configuration. If there is a resistive line-to-line load on the secondary side (|Ĩload| = 10 A) present as illustrated in Fig. P1.3, draw a phasor diagram of the primary and secondary currents as defined in Fig. P1.3. For your convenience you may assume that the same voltage definitions apply as in Fig. P1.2 and (N1/N2) = 1. For balanced phase angles 0°, 120°, and 240° of voltages and currents you may use hexagonal paper.

Figure P1.3 Connection of a delta/zigzag, three-phase transformer with the definition of current for line-to-line load.

Problem 1.4: Current Phasor Diagrams of a Three-Phase Transformer in Delta/Zigzag Connection with Line-To-Neutral Load

Repeat the analysis of Problem 1.3 if there is a resistive line-to-neutral load on the secondary side (|Ĩload| = 10 A) present, as illustrated in Fig. P1.4; that is, draw a phasor diagram of the primary and secondary currents as defined in Fig. P1.4. For your convenience you may assume that the same voltage definitions apply as in Fig. P1.2 and (N1/N2) = 1. In this case the load is distributed to two (single-phase) transformers. For balanced phase angles 0°, 120°, and 240° of voltages and currents you may use hexagonal paper.

Figure P1.4 Connection of a delta/zigzag, three-phase transformer with the definition of current for line-to-neutral load.

Problem 1.5: Current Phasor Diagrams of a Three-Phase Transformer in Delta/Zigzag Connection with Three-Phase Unbalanced Load

Repeat the analysis of Problem 1.3 if there is a resistive unbalanced load on the secondary side (|I~loadasi146_e| = 30 A, (|I~loadbsi147_e| = 20 A, (|I~loadcsi148_e| = 10 A) present as illustrated in Fig. P1.5; that is, draw a phasor diagram of the primary and secondary currents as defined in Fig. P1.5. For your convenience you may assume that the same voltage definitions apply as in Fig. P1.2 and (N1/N2) = 1. For balanced phase angles 0°, 120°, and 240° of voltages and currents you may use hexagonal paper.

Figure P1.5 Connection of a delta/zigzag, three-phase transformer with the definition of currents for three-phase unbalanced line-to-neutral loads.

Problem 1.6: Delta/Zigzag Three-Phase Transformer Configuration without Filter

Perform a PSpice analysis for the circuit of Fig. P1.6 where a three-phase diode rectifier without filter (e.g., capacitance Cf = 0) serves Rload. You may assume ideal transformer conditions. For your convenience you may assume (N1/N2) = 1, Rsyst = 0.01 Ω, Xsyst = 0.05 Ω @ f = 60 Hz, vAB(t) = 2600Vsi149_e cos ωt, vBC(t) = 2600Vsi150_e cos(ωt – 120°), v_subscript_CA_no subscript_(t) = 2600Vsi151_e cos(ωt – 240°), ideal diodes D1 to D6, and Rload = 10 Ω. Plot one period of either voltage or current after steady state has been reached as requested in the following parts.

Figure P1.6 Connection of a delta/zigzag, three-phase transformer with a diode rectifier and load Rload.

a) Plot and subject the line-to-line voltages vAB(t) and vab(t) to a Fourier analysis. Why are they different?

b) Plot and subject the input line current iAL(t) of the delta primary to a Fourier analysis. Note that the input line currents of the primary delta do not contain the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, …, that is, harmonic zero-sequence current components.

c) Plot and subject the phase current iAph(t) of the delta primary to a Fourier analysis. Why do the phase currents of the primary delta not contain the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, …, that is, harmonic zero-sequence current components?

d) Plot and subject the output current iaph(t) of the zigzag secondary to a Fourier analysis. Why do the output currents of the secondary zigzag not contain the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, …, that is, harmonic zero-sequence current components?

e) Plot and subject the output voltage vload(t) to a Fourier analysis.

Problem 1.7: Delta/Zigzag Three-Phase Transformer Configuration with Filter

Perform a PSpice analysis for the circuit of Fig. P1.6 where a three-phase diode rectifier with filter (e.g., capacitance Cf = 500 μF) serves the load Rload. You may assume ideal transformer conditions. For your convenience you may assume (N1/N2= 1, Rsyst = 0.01 Ω, Xsyst = 0.05 Ω @ f = 60 Hz, vAB(t) = 2600Vsi152_e cos ωt, vBC(t) = 2600Vsi153_e cos(ωt-120°), vCA(t) = 2600Vsi154_e cos(ωt – 240°), ideal diodes D1 to D6, and Rload = 10 Ω. Plot one period of either voltage or current after steady state has been reached as requested in the following parts.

a) Plot and subject the line-to-line voltages vAB(t) and vab(t) to a Fourier analysis. Why are they different?

b) Plot and subject the input line current iAL(t) of the delta primary to a Fourier analysis. Note that the input line currents of the primary delta do not contain the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, …, that is, harmonic zero-sequence current components.

c) Plot and subject the phase current iAph(t) of the delta primary to a Fourier analysis. Why do the phase currents of the primary delta not contain the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, …, that is, zero-sequence current components?

d) Plot and subject the output current iaph(t) of the zigzag secondary to a Fourier analysis. Why do the output currents of the secondary zigzag not contain the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, …, that is, harmonic zero-sequence current components?

e) Plot and subject the output voltage vload(t) to a Fourier analysis.

Problem 1.8: Transient Performance of a Brushless DC Motor Fed by a Fuel Cell [65]

Replace the battery [66] (with the voltage VDC = 300 V) of Fig. E1.3.1 by the equivalent circuit of the fuel cell as described in Fig. 2 of [67]. You may assume that in Fig. 2 of [67] the voltage E = 300 ± 30 V, where the superimposed rectangular voltage ± 30 V has a period of T± 30 V = 1 s. The remaining parameters of the fuel cell equivalent circuit can be extrapolated from Table III of [67]. Repeat the analysis as requested in Application Example 1.3.

Problem 1.9: Transient Performance of an Inverter Feeding into Three-Phase Power System When Supplied by a Fuel Cell [65]

Replace the DC source (with the voltage Vdc = 450 V) of Fig. E1.5.1 by the equivalent circuit of the fuel cell as described in Fig. 2 of [67]. You may assume that in Fig. 2 of [67] the voltage E = 390 ± 30 V, where the superimposed rectangular voltage ± 30 V has a period of T± 30 V = 1 s. The remaining parameters of the fuel cell equivalent circuit can be extrapolated from Table III of [67]. Repeat the analysis as requested in Application Example 1.5.

Problem 1.10: Suppression of Subharmonic of 30 Hz with a Dedicated Transformer

An air-conditioning drive (compressor motor) generates a subharmonic current of I30Hz = 1 A due to spatial harmonics (e.g., selection of number of slots, rotor eccentricity). A sensitive load fed from the same pole transformer is exposed to a terminal voltage with the low beat frequency of 30 Hz. A dedicated transformer can be used to suppress the 30 Hz component from the power supply of the sensitive load (see Fig. E1.6.1 and Figs. E1.6.4 to E1.6.6).

The parameters of the single-phase pole transformer at 60 Hz are XsP = X′pP = 0.07 Ω, RsP = R′pP = 0.

a) Draw an equivalent circuit of the substation transformer (per phase) and that of the pole transformer.

b) Find the required leakage primary and secondary leakage inductances LpD and LsD of the substation distribution transformer (per phase) for RpD = RsD = 0 such that the subharmonic voltage across the sensitive load V30Hz ≤ 1 mV provided LsD = L′pD, where the prime refers the inductance L of the primary to the secondary side of the distribution transformer.

c) Without using a dedicated transformer, design a passive filter such that the same reduction of the subharmonic is achieved.

Problem 1.11: Harmonic Currents of a Feeder

For Application Example 1.9 (Fig. E1.9.1), calculate the harmonic currents associated with users #3 and #4. Are they within the permissible power quality limits of IEEE-519?

Problem 1.12: Design a Filter so that the Displacement (Fundamental Power) Factor cos ϕ1withfiltertotal will be 0.9 Lagging (Consumer Notation) ≤ cos ϕ1withfiltertotal ≤ 1.0

Figure P1.12.1 shows the one-line diagram of an industrial plant being serviced from a utility transmission voltage at 13.8 kVL-L. The total power demand on the utility system is 5 MVA: 3 MVA is a six-pulse static power converter load (three-phase rectifier with firing angle α = 30°, note cos ϕ1nonlinear = 0.955 cos α lagging), while the remaining 2 MVA is a linear (induction motor) load at cos ϕ1linear = 0.8 lagging (inductive) displacement (fundamental power) factor. The system impedance is Zsyst = 10% referred to a 10 MVA base.

Figure P1.12.1 Distribution feeder with nonlinear and linear loads as well as a filter.

a) Calculate the short-circuit apparent power SSC at PCC.

b) Find the short-circuit current Iscphase.

c) Before filter installation, calculate the displacement (fundamental power) factor cos ϕ1 without filtertotal, where ϕ1 without filtertotal is the angle between the fundamental voltage V~phase=Vphase0°si155_e and the total fundamental phase current. Hint: For calculation of Ĩtotalphase you may:

 use a (per-phase) phasor diagram and perform calculations using the cosine law (see Fig. P1.12.2): a2 = b2 + c2 – 2 · b · c · cos (α)

Figure P1.12.2 The application of cosine law.

 draw the phasor diagram to scale and find Ĩtotalphase by graphical means, or

 draw the phasor diagram and use complex calculations.

d) Calculate harmonic currents and voltages without filter.

e) Design a passive LC filter at the point of common coupling (PCC) such that the fundamental (60 Hz) current through the filter is ĨF = j100A. In your filter design calculation you may neglect the influence of the ohmic resistance of the filter (RF = 0). Tune the filter to the 6th harmonic: this will lead to two equations and two unknowns (LF and CF).

f) Calculate the displacement (fundamental power) factor cos ϕ1 with filtertotal after the filter has been installed. Is this filter design acceptable from a displacement (fundamental power) factor point of view?

g) After the filter has been installed (LF = 6.04 mH, CF = 32.36 μF, RF = 0), compute ρsystem5th and ρsystem7th. These two values provide information about resonance conditions within the feeder. What type of resonance exists?

h) Calculate the harmonic currents and voltages with filter.

i) Is there any advantage of using the LFCF filter (see Fig. P1.12.3b) as compared to that of Fig. P1.12.3a? What is the effect on filtering if a resistance RFparallel is connected in parallel with the inductor LF (see Fig. P1.12.3c)?

Figure P1.12.3 Types of filters under consideration (CF = 32.36 μF, LF = 6.04 mH, RFparallel = 500 Ω).

Problem 1.13: Passive Filter Calculations as Applied to a Distribution Feeder with One User Including a Twelve-Pulse Static Power Converter Load

Figure P1.13 shows the one-line diagram of a large industrial plant being serviced from a utility transmission voltage at 13.8 kVL-L. The demand on the utility system is 50 MVA and 50% of its load is a 12-pulse static power converter load. For a system impedance Zsyst = 2.3% referred to a 10 MVA base and a short-circuit current to load current ratio of Rsc = 8.7 pu, design a passive RLC filter at the point of common coupling (PCC) such that the injected current harmonics and the resulting voltage harmonics at PCC are within the limits of IEEE-519 as proposed by the paper of Duffey and Stratford [64]: this paper shows that (without filter) the 11th, 13th, 23rd, 25th, 35th, 37th, 47th, and 49th current harmonics do not satisfy the limits of IEEE-519, and the 11th and 13th harmonic voltages violate the guidelines of IEEE-519 as well.

Figure P1.13 Distribution feeder with one user including linear and nonlinear (12-pulse converter) load.

a) For your design you may assume that an inductor with L = 1 mH and R = 0.10 Ω is available. Is this inductor suitable for such an RLC filter design? Compute the fundamental (60 Hz) current through the RLC filter and compare this current with the total load current.

b) Calculate the harmonic currents and the harmonic voltages (5th to 19th) at PCC after the filter has been installed.

Problem 1.14: Passive Filter Calculations as Applied to a Distribution Feeder with Two Users Each with a Six-Pulse Static Power Converter Load

Figure P1.14 shows a utility distribution feeder that has two users along the radial feeder. Each user sees a different value of short-circuit or system size.

Figure P1.14 Utility distribution feeder with two users.

a) For each user compute from the plant specifications apparent short-circuit power Ssc, short-circuit phase current Iscph, apparent load power Sl, load phase current Ilph, load phase current of static power converter Ilspc, and short-circuit ratio Rsc.

b) Determine the harmonic currents (in amperes and %) injected into the system due to the static power converter loads (up to 19th harmonic).

c) Compute the harmonic voltages (in volts and %) induced at the 13.8 kV bus due to the harmonic currents transmitted (up to 19th harmonic).

d) Design an RLC filter tuned to the frequency of the current with the largest harmonic amplitude. You may assume that an inductor with R = 0.10 Ω and L = 1 mH is available. The filter is to be installed at the 13.8 kV bus next to user #1 (see Fig. P1.14).

e) Recompute the current harmonics (up to 19th harmonic) transmitted into the system and their associated harmonic voltages at the 13.8 kV bus after the filter has been installed.

f) Are the harmonic currents and voltages at user #1 and user #2 within the limits of IEEE-519 as recommended by the paper of Duffey and Stratford [64]?

Problem 1.15: Design Two Series LC Filters so that the Total Displacement Power Factor cos ϕ1 with filtertotal will be 0.9 Lagging ≤ cos ϕ1 with filtertotal ≤ 1.0, and the Recommendations According to IEEE-519 are Satisfied

Figure P1.15 shows the one-line diagram of an industrial plant being serviced from a utility transmission voltage at 13.8 kVL-L. The total power demand on the utility system is 5 MVA: 3 MVA is a six-pulse static power converter load (three-phase rectifier with firing angle α = 30°, note cos ϕ1nonlinear = 0.955 cos α lagging), while the remaining 2 MVA is a linear (induction motor) load at cos ϕ1linear = 0.8 lagging (inductive) displacement power factor. The system impedance is Zsyst = 10% referred to a Sbase = 10 MVA base.

Figure P1.15 Distribution feeder with nonlinear and linear loads and two LC series filters.

a) Before any filter installation, the displacement power factor is cos ϕ1 with filtertotal = 0.826 or ϕ1 without filtertotal = 34.2° lagging. The nonlinear load current is |Ĩnonlinear_load| = 125.5 A, the linear load current is |Ĩlinear_load| = 83.66 A, and the total load current is |Ĩtotal_load| = 209.1 A. Verify these data.

b) Calculate short-circuit apparent power SSC at the point of common coupling (PCC).

c) Find short-circuit current Iscphase and the short-circuit current ratio Rsc.

d) If no filter is employed the harmonic currents Ih exceed IEEE-519 limits. Calculate the harmonic currents and voltages at PCC without filter up to 19th harmonic.

e) To comply with IEEE-519 it is recommended to install two filters: one tuned at the 5th and the other one tuned at the 11th harmonic. Design two passive, series LC filters at PCC such that the fundamental (60 Hz) current through each of the filters is I~F1=I~f2=j50A.si156_e In your filter design calculation you may neglect the influence of the ohmic resistances of the two filters (RF1 = RF2 = 0). As a function of the filter impedance of filter #1, ZF1_h, and the filter impedance of filter #2, ZF2_h, you may calculate an equivalent filter impedance ZFequivalent_h which can be used for the calculation of the parameter ρsys_h. Make sure there are no parallel resonances.

f) Calculate the harmonic currents Isys5 through Isys19 after the two filters have been installed. Are the harmonic currents after these two filters have been installed below the recommended IEEE-519 limits?

g) Calculate the harmonic voltages Vh at PCC. Do they meet IEEE-519 recommendations?


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[35] Fuller JF, Fuchs EF, Roesler DJ. Influence of harmonics on power system distribution protection. IEEE Trans Power Deliv. 1988;TPWRD-3(2):546–554.

[36] Standard IEC 61000-4-7.

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[40] Standard IEEE Std 100.

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[50] Budeanu CI. Puissances Reactive et Fictive. Inst Romain de l‘Energie, Bucharest. 1927.

[51] Yildirim D. Commissioning of a 30kVA variable-speed, direct-drive wind power plant. Ph.D. Thesis University of Colorado at Boulder; February 14, 1999.

[52] Fuchs EF, Fei R, Hong J. Harmonic losses in isotropic and anisotropic transformer cores at low frequencies (60–3,000 Hz). Final Report prepared for Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Contract No. 19X-SD079C January 1991.

[53] de Abreu JPG, Emanuel AE. The need to limit subharmonic injection”. 251–253. Proceedings of the 9th international conference on harmonics and quality of power. October 1–4, 2000;vol. I.

[54] Standard IEC 61000.

[55] Vladimirescu A. SPICE – the third decade. In: Proceedings of the 1990 bipolar circuits and technology meeting, 1990; 17–18 Sept. 1990:96–101.

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[58] Mansoor A, Grady WM, Thallam RS, Doyle MT, Krein SD, Samotyj MJ. Effect of supply voltage harmonics on the input current of single-phase diode bridge rectifier loads. ibid. 1995;10(3):1416–1422.

[59] Mansoor A, Grady WM, Staats PT, Thallam RS, Doyle MT, Samotyj MJ. Predicting the net harmonic currents produced by large numbers of distributed single-phase computer loads. ibid. 1995;10(4):2001–2006.

[60] Masoum MAS, Jafarian A, Ladjevardi M, Fuchs EF, Grady WM. Fuzzy approach for optimal placement and sizing of capacitor banks in the presence of harmonics. IEEE Trans Power Deliv. 2004;19(2):822–829.

[61] Masoum MAS, Ladjevardi M, Jafarian A, Fuchs EF. Optimal placement, replacement and sizing of capacitor banks in distorted distribution networks by genetic algorithms. IEEE Trans Power Deliv. 2004;19(4):1794–1801.

[62] Fuchs EF. Are harmonic recommendations according to IEEE 519 and CEI/IEC too restrictive? In: Proceedings of annual frontiers of power conference; Stillwater, Oklahoma: Oklahoma State University; Oct. 28–29, 2002:IV-1–IV-18.

[63] Standard ANSI/IEEE Std C57.110.

[64] Duffey CK, Stratford RP. Update of harmonic standard IEEE-519: IEEE recommended practices and requirements for harmonic control in power systems. IEEE Trans Ind Appl. 1989;25(6):1025–1034.

[65] www.ballard.com, private communication with the Ballard Company.

[66] The road ahead for EV batteries. ERPI J March/April 1996.

[67] Wang C, Nehrir MH, Shaw SR. Dynamic models and model validation for PEM fuel cells using electrical circuits. IEEE Trans Energ Convers. 2005;20(2):442–451.

Additional bibliography

[68] Fuchs EF, You Y, Roesler DJ. Modeling, simulation and their validation of three-phase transformers with three legs under DC bias. IEEE Trans Power Deliv. 1999;14(2):443–449.

[69] Fardoun AA, Fuchs EF, Huang H. Modeling and simulation of an electronically commutated permanent-magnet machine drive system using SPICE. IEEE Trans Ind Appl. 1994;30(4):927–937.

[70] Fuchs EF, Lin D, Martynaitis J. Measurement of three-phase transformer derating and reactive power demand under nonlinear loading conditions. IEEE Trans Power Deliv. 2006;21(2):665–672.

[71] Fuchs EF, Roesler DJ, Kovacs KP. Aging of electrical appliances due to harmonics of the power system’s voltage. IEEE Trans Power Deliv. 1986;TPWRD-1(3):301–307.

[72] Fuchs EF, Hanna WJ. Measured efficiency improvements of induction motors with thyristor/triac controllers. IEEE Trans Energ Convers. 2002;17(4):437–444.

[73] Lin D, Fuchs EF. Real-time monitoring of iron-core and copper losses of three-phase transformer under (non)sinusoidal operation. IEEE Trans Power Deliv. 2006;21(3):1333–1341.

[74] Yildirim D, Fuchs EF. Commentary to various formulations of distortion power D. IEEE Power Eng Rev. 1999;19(5):50–52.

[75] Fuchs EF, Fei R. A New computer-aided method for the efficiency measurement of low-loss transformers and inductors under nonsinusoidal operation. IEEE Trans Power Deliv. 1996;PWRD-11(1):292–304.

[76] Fuchs EF, Roesler DJ, Masoum MAS. Are harmonic recommendations according to IEEE and IEC too restrictive? IEEE Trans Power Deliv. 2004;19(4):1775–1786.

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