• Alexa, 25
  • Alger, Andy, 5, 6, 9, 13
  • Anderson, Mark and Laura, 84–85
  • Anecdotal evidence, by name:
    • David Blackston, 76–77
    • Todd Bland, 65
    • Care and Share Food Bank, 66–68
    • Paul Case, 71, 73
    • Brad DeVries, 65
    • Danny Doerksen, 73–74
    • Justen Martin, 75
    • Jesse Peters, 64
    • Daniel Pink, 61–62
    • Clifton Saunders, 74–75
    • Dan Smith, 59–61
    • Donovan Steinberg, 71
    • James Stites, 68–70
    • Michael Thorne, 62–64
  • Anecdotal evidence, by topic:
    • child-related considerations, 63–64
    • leadership benefits, 65–66
    • name use, 63–64, 74
    • prerecorded evergreen videos, 71, 76
    • quantifying success, 15–20
    • quantity and length of videos, 73–74
    • recording tips, 77
    • relationship building, 61, 73–74, 76, 77
    • sales acceleration and customer experience improvement, 59–77
    • sales vs. support replies, 68–70, 76
    • teacher benefits, 59–61
    • thank you expression, 63, 64, 66–68, 76
    • word of mouth referrals, 76
  • Angelou, Maya, 66
  • Anonymity:
    • email, 29, 31
    • personal video eliminating, 76
  • Answers, unscripted, 121–126, 129–130
  • Apologies, communicating, 86–89
  • Appearance in recordings, 118–121, 180
  • Apple Mail, 114
  • Apple's Clips, 167
  • Appreciation, 65–68. See also thank yous
  • Approachability, 12, 14–15, 126
  • Authenticity, 120–123, 133, 177, 181
  • Automation:


  • Bad news, relaying, 87–88
  • Blackston, David, 76–77
  • Bland, Todd, 65, 91
  • Blue Snowball microphones, 139
  • Blue Yeti microphones, 139
  • Boome, Ken, 171, 172
  • Brain function:
    • communication evolution and, 34–36, 38
    • dual theory of the mind, 42
    • mental shortcuts and patterns, 42–45
    • name recognition and, 63–64
  • Brice, Shannon, 67
  • Brodsky, Andrew, 28, 177, 182
  • Brown, Brené, 120
  • Burg, Bob, 33



  • Daugherty, Paul R., 52
  • Delivery:
    • of information, unscripted, 121–126, 129–130
    • of videos, 105, 112–114
  • DeVries, Brad, 65, 91
  • Differentiation, 150
  • Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) cameras, 137, 143
  • Disintermediation risk reduction, 51–52
  • DJI Osmo, 141
  • Doerksen, Danny, 73–74
  • Doornbos, Justin, 15
  • Dual theory of the mind, 42


  • Edison Mail, 114
  • Email:
    • alternatives to, 25–27
    • automated, 25
    • communication via, 23–31
    • contact information in, 74, 151
    • dehumanization with, 29
    • delivery of, 105, 112–114
    • difference of written vs. video, 6–11
    • emojis in, 30, 161
    • “From” name and address, 151
    • as indispensable tool, 27–28
    • limitations of communication in, 28
    • mass, 102, 112–113, 149, 165, 168–170
    • opening of, increasing, 150–152
    • outcome improvements for videos in, 147–162
    • pairing text with video in, 154, 159–161, 167
    • problem of overcrafting, 28–30
    • recording tools in, 68, 105–106
    • repairing, 31
    • reply rate to, 68–70, 76, 155–158, 169–170
    • return on investment with, 27, 174
    • sending videos in, 68, 99–107, 112–113
    • spam, 24, 112
    • subject line of, 151, 152, 166, 169
    • unopened, follow-ups to, 164–166
    • video cameras and equipment for videos with, 134
    • viewing videos in, 114–115
    • volume and management of, 23–25, 27
  • Emma, 101
  • Emojis or emoticons, 30, 161
  • Emotions:
    • dual theory of the mind on, 42
    • empathy for others', 124–126
    • facial expressions showing, 36–38
    • fear as barrier to recording, 117
    • personal videos conveying, 9, 60, 92, 96
    • smiles expressing warmth of, 41–42, 130
    • written communication challenge of expressing, 28–29
  • Empathy, communicating, 124–126
  • Employees:
    • internal communication with, 90–92, 108, 180
    • leadership of, 65–66, 91
    • next steps in video use for, 184–185
  • Empowerment, 36
  • Engagement in videos, 154–155
  • Equipment. See Video cameras and equipment
  • Evergreen videos. See Prerecorded evergreen videos
  • Eye contact, 38–39, 107, 129


  • Facebook:
    • as email alternative, 26
    • recording videos in, 12, 111
    • self-image and appearance in, 181
    • sending videos with, 110–112
  • Facial expressions, 36–38, 107–108. See also Smiles
  • Falls, Jason, 152
  • Familiarity, 14–15
  • Ferris, Susan, 21
  • File size constraints, 103
  • Firewalls, 113
  • Follow-ups:
    • to latent demand, 172–173
    • long-term, 173–174
    • to multiple views, 171–174
    • overview of, 163–164, 174
    • tracking analytics informing, 164, 173, 174
    • to unopened emails, 164–166
    • to unplayed videos, 166–169
    • to unreplied emails, 169–170
  • FORD technique (family, occupation, recreation, and dreams), 93
  • Foxworth, Charlie, 13
  • Fromm, Jeff, 181
  • Future of personal videos:
    • comfort level improvements in, 181
    • demographic considerations for, 180–181
    • next steps in, 183–185
    • overview of, 175–176, 185
    • relationship building in, 176–179, 181
    • soft edge focus and, 178–179
    • state of movement, 179–181
    • technological change and, 176, 179
    • tracking analytics development in, 176, 182–183


  • GDPR (EU), 109
  • GIF images, 101, 105
  • Gmail:
  • Godin, Seth, 178
  • Google Assistant, 25
  • Google Chrome Extension, 16, 105
  • Grant and Glueck Study, 32, 178
  • Gratitude, 67–68, 94. See also Thank yous
  • Grynberg, Ruby, 82–84


  • Hand gestures, 39–40
  • Heskett, James, 90
  • Holidays, 84–85
  • Houston, Trevor, 93
  • Hyperbolic statistics, ignoring, 20–22
  • Hyperlapse app, 141


  • Imperfections, recordings with, 121–123, 133
  • Informality of videos, 12
  • Instagram, 12, 26, 112, 181
  • Internal communication, 90–92, 108, 180
  • Introductions:
    • first, 9, 79–80
    • “great to meet you” videos after, 81–82
    • sending videos in social media for, 112
    • as trigger points for video use, 79–81
  • Invitations, 92–93


  • Karlgaard, Rich, 178
  • Kahneman, Daniel, 42, 43
  • Keenan, 44
  • Khan, Javed, 89


  • Latent demand, 172–173
  • Leadership, 65–66, 91
  • Leads, nurturing, 80–81
  • Length of videos, 9, 21, 74, 83, 91, 111–112, 153
  • Levinas, Emmanuel, 39
  • Lighting, 130, 133, 134, 137, 138, 141, 144
  • LinkedIn:
    • as email alternative, 26
    • personalized details gathered from, 79
    • recording videos in, 12, 112
    • sending videos with, 105, 110–112


  • MacIvor, Connor, 15
  • MailChimp, 101, 102
  • Mann, John David, 33
  • Marche, Stephen, 30, 31, 45
  • Marketing through video, 11, 13, 22, 62, 133, 136, 171
  • Martin, Justen, 75
  • Maxwell, John, 41
  • Mehrabian, Albert, 21–22
  • Microphones, 133, 137–143
  • Minervini, Mike, 86–87
  • Mirrorless cameras, 136–138, 143
  • Mobile phones:
  • Montgomery, Brad, 171
  • Motivations for video communication:
    • approachability and familiarity as, 12, 14–15
    • convenient timing as, 5–6
    • difference to client relations as, 6–11
    • effective communication as, 22
    • ignoring hyperbolic statistics on, 20–22
    • psychological proximity as, 5, 9, 13
    • recording time efficiency as, 6, 9
    • relationship building as, 11–13
    • survey and anecdotal results quantifying, 15–20
  • Mucha, Ken, 155–157


  • Names:
    • personal videos addressing by, 63–64, 74, 161
    • sender contact information including, 74, 151
  • Needs assessment:
    • for customer experience improvement, 49–50
    • for disintermediation risk reduction, 51–52
    • for face-to-face meeting opportunities, 48–49
    • for opportunity enhancement face-to face, 54–55
    • overview of, 46, 55–56
    • for teaching, training, sales, or service, 47
    • for word of mouth benefits, 52–54
  • Nonverbal communication:
    • eye contact as, 38–39, 107, 129
    • facial expressions as, 36–38, 107–108 (see also Smiles)
    • hand gestures as, 39–40
    • hyperbolic statistics on, 20–21
    • mental patterns changed with, 42–45
    • posture as, 40
    • relationship building and, 34
    • smiles as, 41–42, 130


  • Osmo Mobile, 141
  • Outcome improvements:
    • clear messages for, 148–149
    • for cold prospecting, 158–162
    • compliance encouragement for, 157
    • differentiation for, 150
    • engagement in videos for, 154–155
    • increased email opens for, 150–152
    • increased reply rate for, 155–158
    • increased video plays for, 153–154
    • overview of, 147
    • sincere messages for, 148
    • systematizing approach for, 158
    • targeted messages for, 149, 151, 161
    • tracking analytics for, 149–150
    • underperformance factors, 147–150
  • Outlines for recordings, 122–123, 129
  • Outlook:
    • delivery of videos in, 105, 113
    • recording videos in, 106
    • sending videos from, 101, 105, 106
    • tracking videos in, 104, 105
    • viewing videos in, 114


  • Performance, improving. See Outcome improvements
  • Personal videos:
  • Peters, Jesse, 64
  • Pink, Daniel, 47, 61–62, 179
  • Pizana, Eric, 67
  • Plato, 29, 42, 43
  • Playing videos. See Viewing videos
  • Poore, Stacy, 67
  • Posture, 40
  • Practice, recording, 128
  • Prerecorded evergreen videos:
    • cold prospecting and first introductions with, 79–80, 161, 162
    • customer experience improvement with, 49, 71
    • holiday and special occasion messages with, 85
    • integrated access to, 106
    • internal communication with, 92
    • invitations with, 92–93
    • nurturing leads with, 80
    • relationship building with, 76
    • scripts for, 124
    • sending, 102, 106, 112–113, 149
    • targeted recipients of, 149
    • thank you expression with, 71, 79, 110
  • Project or process updates:
    • customer experience improvement with, 49
    • relationship building with, 76
    • screen recordings for, 108
    • as trigger points for video use, 82–84
  • Pro method, for sending videos, 105–106, 108
  • Prospecting. See Cold prospecting


  • QuickTime, 100


  • Read, Angela, 181
  • Recording videos:
  • Referrals, word of mouth, 52–54, 76
  • Regulatory compliance, 95–96, 109
  • Rehumanization:
    • current and future status of, 175–185
    • dehumanization vs., 29
    • improving, 145–185
    • personal videos for (see Personal videos)
    • reasons and motivations for, 1–56
    • recording and sending techniques and equipment for, 97–144
    • timing and opportunities for, 57–96
  • Relationship building:
    • checking in for maintaining, 89
    • connection development and, 120–121, 157, 177–179, 181
    • future effective and satisfying, 176–179, 181
    • gratitude and appreciation for, 68
    • health effects of, 178
    • importance of, 32–34
    • marketing through video vs., 11, 12, 133, 136
    • personal videos for, 11–13, 34, 61, 67, 73–74, 76, 77, 89, 120–121, 133, 157, 176–179, 181
    • psychological proximity and, 5, 9, 13, 177
    • soft edge focus on, 178–179
  • Reply rate:
    • follow-ups to low, 169–170
    • increasing, 155–158
    • sales vs. support, 68–70, 76
  • Results, improving. See Outcome improvements
  • Richards, Ronnell, 110
  • Roosevelt, Teddy, 41
  • Ryan, Shane, 79


  • Sales:
    • anecdotal evidence of videos accelerating, 59–77
    • cold prospecting for, 79–80, 108, 158–162
    • nurturing leads for, 80–81
    • personal video benefits for, 47, 59–77, 79–81, 108, 158–162
    • screen recordings for, 107–108
  • Samson Meteor microphones, 139
  • Sasser, W. Earl, 90
  • Saunders, Clifton, 74–75
  • Schlesinger, Leonard, 90
  • Schramm, George, 159
  • Screen recording, 107–108
  • Screenshot method, for sending videos, 99–101, 108
  • Scripts, avoiding, 121–126, 129–130
  • Sending videos:
    • delivery after, 105, 112–114
    • demographic considerations and, 180–181
    • email for, 68, 99–107, 112–113
    • face to face contact by, 115
    • file size constraints, 103
    • firewalls hampering, 113
    • follow-ups after, 163–174
    • integrated access to, 106
    • mass sends, 102, 112–113, 149, 165, 168–170
    • mobile method of, 102–105
    • options for, 99–115
    • pro method of, 105–106, 108
    • regulatory compliance for, 109
    • of screen recordings, 107–108
    • screenshot method of, 99–102, 108
    • social media for, 106, 110–112
    • text messaging for, 108–109, 112
    • time of day best for, 69, 151
    • trigger points for, 78–96, 127, 162
    • viewing experience after, 114–115
    • web apps for, 106
  • Service, video benefits for, 47, 49–50
  • Shields, Ryan, 13
  • Signs of personal video needs. See Needs assessment
  • Sincerity, 148
  • Siri, 25, 29
  • Slack, 25, 105
  • Smart phones. See Mobile phones
  • Smiles, 41–42, 130
  • Smith, Daniel, 59–61, 91
  • SMS. See Text messaging
  • Snapchat, 12, 181
  • Social media:
    • cold prospecting through, 161
    • delivery of videos in, 112
    • as email alternatives, 25
    • holidays and special occasions videos with, 85
    • personalized details gathered from, 79, 92
    • recording videos in, 12, 111–112
    • self-image and appearance in, 181
    • sending videos with, 106, 110–112
    • tracking videos in, 109
    • video cameras and equipment for videos with, 134
  • Soft edge, focus on, 178–179
  • Soto, Joe, 85
  • Sound:
    • in recordings, 118, 143
    • transcription apps to view without, 167
  • Special occasions, 84–85, 110
  • Starting points, 126–127
  • Steinberg, Donovan, 71
  • Stites, James, 68–70, 159
  • Stories of personal video use. See Anecdotal evidence entries
  • Successful video use:
    • anecdotal evidence of, 15–20, 59–77
    • concepts underlying, 9–10
    • effective communication and, 22
    • outcome improvements for, 147–162
    • recording tips for, 77, 128–130
    • survey results on, 15–20, 68–70, 177
    • trigger points for, 78–96, 127, 162
  • Survey results, 15–20, 68–70, 177. See also Anecdotal evidence entries


  • Targeted messaging, 149, 151, 161
  • Teachers, video benefits for, 47, 59–61
  • Telephone calls. See also Mobile phones
    • cold calling, 158–161
    • as email alternative, 26
    • fraudulent or spam, 26
    • personal videos paired with, 74, 93, 158, 167
    • personal videos vs., 5
    • relationship building with, 33
    • robocalls, 26
  • Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (US), 109
  • Telford, Lynne, 67
  • Text messaging:
    • delivery of videos in, 112
    • as email alternative, 26
    • recording videos in, 12
    • sending videos with, 108–109, 112
    • tracking videos in, 109
  • Thank yous:
    • internal communication of, 91
    • personal video benefits for, 63, 64, 66–68, 76, 92, 94–95
    • prerecorded evergreen videos for, 71, 79, 110
    • as trigger points for video use, 94–95
  • Thorne, Michael, 62–64
  • Thumbnail images:
    • personalized message in, 9, 49, 105, 153
    • sending videos with, 101, 103–105, 109, 110
    • video plays increased with strong, 153–154
  • Time:
    • of day, best for sending videos, 69, 151
    • email overcrafting taking excessive, 28
    • to follow-ups, 164, 165, 167
    • latent demand at later, 172–173
    • length of videos, 9, 21, 74, 83, 91, 111–112, 153
    • reading email at convenient, 26
    • recording videos, 6, 9
    • to resolution of customer needs, 71
    • saving, with personal videos, 74–75
    • trigger points for video use, 78–96, 127, 162
    • video conferencing at scheduled, 26
    • viewing videos at convenient, 5–6, 27, 55, 82
  • Tools, digital, disintermediation by, 51–52
  • Tracking analytics:
    • bad news receipt confirmed by, 87
    • follow-ups based on, 164, 173, 174
    • future of, 176, 182–183
    • outcome improvements using, 149–150
    • sending videos methods with/without, 103–105, 109, 110
    • survey results on, 16
    • time of viewing confirmed with, 26, 82
    • viewing method effects on, 115
  • Trainers, video benefits for, 47
  • Transcription apps, 167
  • Treece, Becky, 67
  • Trigger points for video use:
    • bad news or apologies as, 86–89
    • checking in as, 89
    • cold prospecting and first introductions as, 79–80, 162
    • emotional expression as, 96
    • exceptions to, 78, 95–96
    • “great to meet you” messages as, 81–82
    • holidays and special occasions as, 84–85
    • internal communication as, 90–92
    • invitations as, 92–93
    • nurturing leads as, 80–81
    • overview of, 78, 127
    • project or process updates as, 82–84
    • thank you as, 94–95
  • Trolling, 29
  • Twitter, 26, 112


  • Underperformance factors:
    • clarity lack as, 148–149
    • differentiation lack as, 150
    • sincerity lack as, 148
    • targeting lack as, 149
    • tracking absence as, 149–150
  • Updates, project. See Project or process updates


  • Value, recordings providing, 124, 125, 176
  • Vaynerchuk, Gary, 33
  • Video cameras and equipment:
    • angle of, 40, 77, 128–129, 133, 141
    • authenticity conveyed with, 133
    • camcorders as, 136–137, 143
    • Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) cameras as, 137, 143
    • frame rates of, 135
    • future of, 176, 180
    • guide to, 132–144
    • high definition and resolution of, 134, 135
    • Internet connections with, 141, 142
    • lighting with, 133, 134, 137, 141, 144
    • marketing through video caliber, 133, 136
    • microphones in, 133, 137–143
    • mirrorless cameras as, 136–138, 143
    • mobile phones with, 133, 135–136, 138, 139, 141–143, 180
    • mobile setup for, 141–143
    • office setup for, 141
    • prices for, 137–139
    • prior barriers to use of, 132
    • pro setup for, 143–144
    • right tool for the job, 144
    • tips for selection of, 133–140
    • tips for set-up of, 140–144
    • webcams as, 133–135, 139, 141, 180
  • Video conferencing or chat, 26, 134
  • VideoLAN, 100
  • Videos, personal. See Personal videos
  • Viewing videos:
    • convenient timing of, 5–6, 27, 55, 82
    • engagement during, 154–155
    • experience of, 114–115
    • follow-ups to lack of, 166–169
    • increasing, for outcome improvements, 153–154
    • multiple times, 171–172
    • tracking of (see Tracking analytics)
  • Vimeo, 100, 110
  • VLC, 100
  • Voice, in recordings, 118
  • Vulnerability, 120–121, 177


  • Wagner, Jeff, 93
  • Waldinger, Robert, 33
  • Waldow, D. J., 152
  • Warmth, smiles conveying, 41–42, 130
  • Web apps:
    • disintermediation by, 51–52
    • recording videos with, 106
    • sending videos with, 106
  • Webcams:
  • Whitelisting information, 113–114
  • Wiener, Morton, 21
  • Williams, Kyle, 124
  • Wilson, H. James, 52
  • Windows Camera, 100
  • Word of mouth referrals, 52–54, 76
  • Words, unscripted, 121–126, 129–130
  • Written communication:
    • apologies inadequately conveyed in, 86–89
    • brain function and evolution of, 34–36
    • cold prospecting language choice, 159–161
    • difference of video vs., 6–11
    • email as (see Email)
    • hand-written notes as, 65–66
    • pairing with video, 154, 159–160, 167
    • preferential use of, 78, 95
    • thank yous in, 65, 68
    • transcription apps for, 167


  • Yahoo, 114
  • YouTube:
    • hosting videos with, 100–102, 110, 115
    • internal communication through, 92
    • recording videos in, 12
    • video cameras and equipment for, 133


  • Zeigarnik Effect, 154
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