
Are You a Stock or a Bond?: Identify Your Own Human Capital for a Secure Financial Future, Updated and Revised

Preface to the Second (Revised) Edition

Introduction: Pensions Are Dying; Long Live Pensions

Chapter 1 You, Inc.

What Are You Worth?



Chapter 2 Insurance Is a Hedge for Human Capital

The Odds of Living and Dying

How Much Does Life Insurance Cost?

How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

Can We Put a Value on What a Life Is Worth?

Types of Life Insurance Policies



Chapter 3 Diversification over Space and Time

Why Does Diversification Work?

Decomposing Risk: Systematic Versus Non-Systematic Risk

The Importance of International Investing

Correlations: The Magic Behind Asset Allocation

How Does Time Impact Financial Risk and Volatility?

Should I Take More Risk When I’m Younger?

Diversification and the Financial Crisis



Chapter 4 Can Debt Be Good at All Ages?

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Leverage

Is Debt Good?

Putting It All Together



Chapter 5 Personal Inflation and the Retirement Cost of Living

Back to Basics: Inflation’s Impact



Chapter 6 Sequence of Investment Returns

Retirement Income Trigonometry

A Statistical Perspective

Placebos and Mirages



Chapter 7 Longevity Is a Blessing and a Risk

Life Expectancy Is Not That Meaningful

Do People Understand the Odds?



Chapter 8 Spending Your Retirement in a Risky World

Conducting a Needs Analysis



Chapter 9 Annuities Are Personal Pensions

Times and Products Are Changing

The Pros of Annuitization

The Cons of Annuitization

Back to My Research on Variable Annuities



Chapter 10 Product Allocation Is the New Asset Allocation

Introduction to Product Allocation

Guarantees Make People Feel More Comfortable



Chapter 11 Conclusion: Plan for Managing Your Retirement Risk

Retirement Income Planning Is the Goal

Last Words: Developing and Protecting Your Personal Balance Sheet

Appendix Additional References and Notes

The Oldest Stage of Age


Saving for Retirement (Without Living Like a Pauper or Winning the Lottery)


1 Start Investing Early or Start Now

Feeling Incompetent

Shared Ignorance

Get Real

2 Know What You’ll Need

The Retirement Difference: Pensions

Today’s Responsibilities Are Yours

Confusion Reigns

What Do You Need?

How Financial Planners Evaluate Your Needs

Saving Enough?

Don’t Let Fear Sidetrack You

Don’t Save Too Much

Doing a Retirement Calculation Like a Pro

Imagine Your Life at 65 and 75

Health Costs Are a Black Hole

When Will You Retire?

Nursing Homes

How Long Will You Live?

Women Live Longer, Need More Money

Dig Out These Records

How Much Security Is Social Security?

Olden Days with Old-Style Pensions

401(k), 403(b), 457, and Profit Sharing

IRAs and Other Savings Accounts

The Big Guess Numbers

The Easy Calculation

Two Easy Rules of Thumb

How Do You Turn $25 a Week into $1 Million?

Using Your Calculation: The Advanced Lesson

3 Savings on Steroids: Use a 401(k) and an IRA

The Hard Way

What’s the Difference?

Get the Match

The Power of Warding Off Taxes

Mutual Funds Get Taxed

An IRA Instead?

How to Use Your 401(k) or 403(b)

Changing Your Mind

Getting Started

More Tax Help Than You Imagined

Take Baby Steps

Can You Spare a Dime?

Finding Cash

Qualifying for the Match

Procrastination—Not Money—Hurts

Leaving Your Job

Emergency Bailout

4 An IRA: Every American’s Treasure Trove

More on the Magical Power of Compounding

5 IRA Decisions: How to Start and Where to Go

Married, with No Job

Where Do I Go? What Do I Do?

Can’t I Wait Until I File My Taxes?

The Choice Between a Traditional IRA and a Roth IRA

The Traditional Tax-Deductible IRA

The Roth IRA

The Choice Between a 401(k) and a Roth IRA

Pushing IRAs and 401(k)s to the Limit

Rules You Must Live By

Can You Get a Tax Deduction from a Traditional IRA?

Is Your Income Too High for a Roth IRA?

How Much Can You Contribute?

Do You Meet Age Requirements?

Last-Minute Regrets: I Want My Money Back

Special Help for Low-Income People

Help for Affluent People

What Comes First: College or Retirement Saving?

If You Operate a Small Business

Individual 401(k) or Solo 401(k)

SEP-IRA Simplified Employee Pension Plan

Simple IRA (Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees)

The Next Step

6 Why the Stock Market Isn’t a Roulette Wheel

Taking Control of Cycles

The 1990s: From Stock Lovefest to Disaster

Everyone Played the Game

The Game’s Up

Taming the Herd

What to Expect from the Stock Market

Stocks Provide Risks and Rewards

Bear Markets Maul Investors

Novices Choosing Stocks Are Gamblers

Making Money Takes Time

7 What’s a Mutual Fund?

Your Fund Is Designed for a Purpose

What Happens in a Mutual Fund?

The Key: Company Profits

High Stock Prices Can Be Warning Signs

Fund Managers Baby-Sit Stocks

What’s in Your Fund?

Cycles Take Stocks for a Ride

Good Funds Can Be Losers

8 Making Sense of Wacky Mutual Fund Names

Avoid the Traps

The Three Main Choices: Stocks, Bonds, and Cash

Why You Need Bonds

What’s a Bond?

How to Lose Money in Bonds

The Trade-Off Between Seeking Safety and Making Money

An Easy Bond Fund Choice

9 Know Your Mutual Fund Manager’s Job

The Cost of Ignorance

Focus on the Right Words

Stocks Come in Three Sizes: Know Your Size

Using the Remainder of This Chapter

Large-Cap U.S. Stock Funds

Small-Cap U.S. Stock Funds

Midcap U.S. Stock Funds

Recognizing the Tortoise and the Hare: Growth Versus Value

How to Recognize the Fund

Check Value and Growth Funds for Worst-Case Scenarios

International Stock (Equity) Funds

Balanced Funds

REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts)


Sector or Specialty Funds

Stable Value Fund

Company Stock

Bond Funds

10 The Only Way That Works: Asset Allocation

Why Star Funds Fade

The One Proven Way to Success: Asset Allocation

Forget Heroes—Just Match

Start the Sorting—It’s Asset Allocation Time

Getting the Proportions Right

The Logic Behind “Diversification”

This Isn’t About Math

11 Do This

Asset Allocation Is Simply Matching

Picking Within Categories

You Don’t Need to Use Every 401(k) Fund

What’s Your Age: 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60?

Doing Your Gut Check

A Reality Check for Fear: The Losses of the 2007–2009 Crash

The Scary Period

The Healing

The Easy Rule of Thumb

Starting an IRA

Avoid Market Timing

The Impact of Market Timing

Dollar-Cost Averaging


What You Can Control

12 How to Pick Mutual Funds: Bargain Shop

Tiny Percents Have a Huge Impact

Mind Your Money: Your Broker Might Not

Cheap Funds Work

Watch Out for Loads

13 Index Funds: Get What You Pay For

What’s an Index Fund?

What’s the Stock Market, and What’s a Stock Market Index?

The Dow

The Standard & Poor’s 500

The Total Stock Market

Using Index Funds in a 401(k)

Tweak Your Portfolio Once a Year: Rebalance

Using Index Funds in an IRA

Indexes Come in Many Varieties: An Advanced Lesson

Exchange-Traded Funds

Some Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) Ideas

Tinkering with ETFs: For Advance Investors

Beginning Investors: Starting an IRA with Pocket Change

Warning: Not All Index Funds Are Good

Is Your Fund Good or Bad?

Advanced Comparison Lesson

How to Analyze a Fund

14 Simple Does It: No-Brainer Investing with Target-Date Funds

Look for a Date

Tweaking As You Age

What to Do When 401(k) Funds Lack Target-Date Funds

How to Select a Target-Date Fund

Other Similar Choices

Old-Style Life-Cycle Funds

15 Do You Need a Financial Adviser?

Does the Financial Adviser Focus on People Like You?

Does the Financial Adviser Have a Conflict of Interest?

Get Limited Advice

Finding an Adviser

Advice at Your Workplace

The Bottom Line


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