

adjusting target-date funds, 233-236

age at retirement, 22-23

age requirements for IRAs, 82

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 87

analyzing stocks, 114

company profit potential, 114-115

high stock prices, 115-117

“Are You Saving Enough?” calculator, 16

asset allocation, 168-170

choosing funds for, 170-172

diversification and, 173-175

investment percentages, 172-173

fund manager’s role, 175

investment percentages

by age, 184-187

classic 60/40 mixture, 177-183

fear of losses, 187-193

rebalancing, 198-199

rules of thumb, 193

automatic deposits in IRAs, 73


back-end loads, 205

balanced funds, 157-159, 241

Ballpark Estimate calculator, 16, 28

Bear Market Rank, 154

bear markets

history of, 105

recovering from, 106

Bernstein, Peter L., 196

blend funds, 153

blue chips, 143


balanced funds, 157-159

expected returns, 101

investment percentages, 178

compound annual rates of return, 189

stock market crash of 2007-2009 example, 191-193

as mutual fund category, 126-128

explained, 130-131

intermediate-term bonds, 135-136

purpose of, 128-130

risks of, 131-134

safety versus risk, 134-135

in mutual funds, 163

borrowing from 401(k), 59

Brennan, John, 96

Brinson, Gary, 169


conflict of interest, 203

loads and expense ratio, 205-207

Buffett, Warren, 98, 156



inflation rate, 31

life expectancy, 25

retirement savings

401(k) plans, 30-31

compounding, power of, 36-37

evaluating your needs. See evaluating your needs

financial records needed, 26

IRAs, 31

pension benefits, 28-30

planning for economic downturns, 37-40

quick and easy calculations, 33-36

rate of return, 31-33

Social Security benefits, 26, 28

Social Security, 17-18

calculators, 249

401(k) contribution amounts, 51

401(k) planning, 54, 88

Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Calculator, 87

loads and expense ratios, 205

online calculators, 3, 15-16

Quick Savings Calculator, 56, 77

tax effect on savings, 47, 88

capitalization, 142


as mutual fund category, 126-128

stable value funds, 161-162

suggestions for finding, 55-56

certified financial planners (CFPs), 245, 250

certified public accountants (CPAs), 251

CFAs (chartered financial analysts), 250

CFPs (certified financial planners), 245, 250

Charles Schwab, 72

chartered financial analysts (CFAs), 250

chartered financial consultants (ChFCs), 251

chartered life underwriters (CLUs), 251

ChFCs (chartered financial consultants), 251, 16, 28

CLUs (chartered life underwriters), 251

CNN Money Retirement Planner, 16

college funds, retirement savings plans versus, 86-87

company profit potential, analyzing stocks, 114-115

company stock

avoiding, 199-200

in retirement savings plans, 162-163

comparing mutual funds with comparable index funds, 226-230


advantages of, 64-66

fees and, 202

power of, 36-37

Compounding Calculator, 3

conflict of interest, 203, 247-249

contribution amount

finding cash for, 55-56

for 401(k)

calculating, 50-52

changing, 49-50

qualifying for employer matching, 56-57

starting small, 53-55

for IRAs

limits on, 69-70, 81-82

Roth IRAs versus 401(k), 78-79

at tax time, 73

for retirement accounts, limits on, 52

core funds, 153, 182

costs of switching mutual funds, 139-140. See also fees

CPAs (certified public accountants), 251

crashes, 2007-2009, 189-193

credit cards, payments on, 56

credit counselors, 251

credit risk, 132


in gold investing, 160-161

in growth versus value stocks, 167-168

in international stock funds, 155

in investments, 93-95

herd mentality, 99-100

technology stock crash, 95-99

mutual funds and, 119-121

choosing mutual funds, 125-126

purposes of, 112-113

stock market, 115-117


dates on target-date funds, 232-233, 35

discount brokers, 72

diversification, 127

in asset allocation, 170, 173-175. See also investment percentages

in intermediate-term bonds, 135-136

in international stock funds, 154

REITs, 159

dividends, 152, 182

dollar-cost averaging, 198

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 213-214


E-Trade, 72

early withdrawals from IRAs, 82-83

economic downturns, planning for, 37, 39-40

economy (U.S.), investing in, 103

emerging market funds, 155


employer matching in 401(k), 45, 56-57, 78

financial advisers in workplace, 251-252

pensions, 10-11

enrolling in 401(k), 48-49

equity mutual funds, 114, 126

ETFs (exchange-traded funds), 221-224

evaluating mutual funds, 226-230

evaluating your needs, 14-15

asking questions, 19

healthcare costs, 21-22

life expectancy, 24-25

lifestyle expectations, 19-21

nursing home care, 23-24

online calculators, 15-16

retirement age, 22-23

saving too much, 18-19

Social Security and working longer, 17-18

women’s life expectancy, 25-26

exchange-traded funds (ETFs), 221-224

Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Calculator, 87

expected returns

bonds, 101

stock market, 100-103

expense ratios (mutual funds), 205-207

expenses during retirement, 6-7


fear of losses, preventing, 187-193


broker conflict of interest, 203

effect of differences in, 202-205

ETFs (exchange-traded funds), 222

importance of knowing, 201-202

for index funds, avoiding, 225-226

IRAs, 71-72

loads and expense ratios, 205-207

target-date funds, 239

Fidelity, 72, 233, 87

financial advisers


clientele of adviser, 246-247

conflicts of interest, 247-249

finding qualified, 249-251

warnings about, 243-246

limiting advice from, 249

in workplace, 251-252

financial aid for college, 87

financial consultants (stock brokers), 251

financial planners

discount brokers, 72

evaluating your needs, 14-15, 19

full-service brokers, 71

planning for economic downturns, 39

financial records for retirement savings calculations, 26

401(k) plans, 30-31

IRAs, 31

pension benefits, 28-30

rate of return, 31-33

Social Security benefits, 26-28


cash, 55-56

financial advisers, 249-251

fixed income mutual funds, 126


advantages of, 44-45

avoiding taxes, 45-47

balanced funds, 241

borrowing from, 59

calculating contribution amount, 50-52

changing contribution amount, 49-50

checking amount in, 30-31

company stock, avoiding, 199-200

company stock in, 162-163

dollar-cost averaging, 198

employer matches, 78

employer matching, 45, 56-57

enrolling, 48-49

financial advisers in workplace, 251-252

index funds in, 215-218

IRAs versus, 47-48

leaving your job, options for, 59

limits on contribution amounts, 52

mutual funds, choosing. See mutual funds

procrastination, effect of, 57-59

Roth 401(k), 85-86

Roth IRAs versus, 78-79

shortfalls in, 12-13

solo 401(k), 88

starting small, 53-55

target-date funds, lacking, 237

tax advantages, 53

front-end loads, 205

full-service brokers, 71

Fund Finder, 146

fund managers

role in asset allocation, 175

role of, 113-118, 137-139

success of, 165-168


gambling, investments versus, 91-93, 107-108

Garrett, Sheryl, 14

glide path, 236

gold, investing in, 160-161

Great Depression, recovery after, 106

growth funds, value funds versus

cycles in, 167-168

investment percentages in retirement plans, 153, 182-183

risks, 151-152

what to choose, 153-154


hands-free portfolio, 223

Harrison, Al, 97

healthcare costs, 21-22

herd mentality in investment cycles, 99-100

high stock prices, 115-117

high-yield bond funds, 135

history of bear markets, 105

housing market cycles, 93-94


income during retirement, Social Security, 6-7

income limits

on IRAs

avoiding, 85-86

Roth IRAs, 81

traditional IRAs, 80

saver’s credit, 83-84

index funds, 146, 182, 204, 209-213

avoiding high fees, 225-226

defined, 211-213

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 213-214

ETFs (exchange-traded funds), 221-224

evaluating mutual funds by, 226-230

in 401(k), 215-218

in IRAs, 218-220

minimum contributions, 225

rebalancing, 218

returns, 210-211

specialized types of, 220-221

Standard & Poor’s 500, 214

total stock market, 214-215

individual 401(k), 88

individual retirement accounts. See IRAs

industry sector cycles, 120

inflation protection with ETFs (exchange-traded funds), 223-224

inflation rate, calculating, 31

inheritances, 26

insurance, CLUs (chartered life underwriters), 251

interest rate risk, 133

intermediate-term bonds, 135-136

international stock funds

choosing, 156-157

cycles, 120

in 401(k), 217

investment percentages, 180-181

risks, 154-156

investment percentages

by age, 184-187

for asset allocation, 172-173

balanced funds, 159

bond funds, 163

classic 60/40 mixture, 177-183

company stock, 163

fear of losses, 187, 189-193

growth versus value funds, 153

for IRAs, 194-195

in large-cap U.S. stock funds, 146

in midcap U.S. stock funds, 150

rebalancing, 198-199

REITs, 160

rules of thumb, 193

in small-cap U.S. stock funds, 148-149

IRAs (individual retirement accounts)

401(k) versus, 47-48

advantages of, 61-64

automatic deposits, 73

checking amount in, 31

common misconceptions, 67-69

compounding, advantages of, 64-66

fees, 71-72

index funds in, 218-220

investment percentages for mutual funds, 194-195

investments, choosing, 70-71

limits on contribution amounts, 52

maximum annual contributions, 69-70

mutual funds, choosing. See mutual funds

non-deductible IRAs, 85

for non-working spouses, 69-70

opening, 70-74

Roth IRAs

401(k) versus, 78-79

taxes and, 76-77

rules, 79

age requirements, 82

avoiding income limits, 85-86

contribution limits, 81-82

early withdrawals, 82-83

Roth IRA income limits, 81

saver’s credit, 83-84

traditional IRA tax deductions, 80

for small businesses

SEP-IRA, 88-89


traditional IRAs, 74-76

types of, 74

IRS Publication 590, 79

IRS Publication 3998, 87


job loss, 401(k) options, 59

junk bonds, 135

Kennedy, Paula, 249

Kinnel, Russel, 204-206, 16


large-cap stocks, 141-144

investment percentages, 179, 182-183

percentage in retirement funds, 146

risks, 144-145

what to choose, 146-147

leaving your job, 401(k) options, 59

life-cycle funds, 240-241. See also target-date funds

life expectancy

of women, 25-26

retirement costs and, 24-25

lifestyle expectations in retirement, 19-21, 25

loads (mutual funds), 71, 205-207

loans from 401(k), 59

long-term care insurance, 23

Long-Term Care: Your Financial Planning Guide (Shelton), 24


“Manager of the Year” award, 166

market timing, 195-197

married couples, IRA contributions, 69-70

matching in 401(k), 45, 56-57, 78

maximum IRA contributions, 69-70

medical expenses during retirement, 7

medical insurance, cost of, 21-22

Medicare, 7

Merrill Lynch, 71

midcap U.S. stock funds

investment percentages, 181

percentage in retirement funds, 150

risks, 150

what to choose, 150

Millionaire Calculator, 3

minimum contributions, buying index funds, 225

money market funds, 71, 126

Monte Carlo simulations, 39

Montgomery, Henry, 244

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, 71, 72, 146, 204

comparing mutual funds, 227

“Manager of the Year,” 166

Mullainathan, Sendhil, 207

mutual funds. See also stocks

asset allocation, 168-170

choosing funds for, 170-173

diversification and, 173-175

fund manager’s role, 175

investment percentages. See investment percentages

balanced funds, 157-159, 241

bonds, 163

choosing best mix, 72, 123-125

avoiding traps, 125-126

bonds, 128-134

categories of funds, 126-128

intermediate-term bonds, 135-136

safety versus risk, 134-135

stock terminology, 140-143

common misconceptions, 111-112

costs of switching among, 139-140

cycles, 95

dollar-cost averaging, 198

evaluating by index funds, 226-230


broker conflict of interest, 203

effect of differences in, 202-205

importance of knowing, 201-202

loads and expense ratios, 205-207

fund managers

role of, 113-118, 137-139

success of, 165-168

gold in, 160-161

index funds, 209-213

avoiding high fees, 225-226

defined, 211-213

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 213-214

ETFs (exchange-traded funds), 221-224

in 401(k), 215-218

in IRAs, 218-220

minimum contributions, 225

rebalancing, 218

returns, 210-211

specialized types of, 220-221

Standard & Poor’s 500, 214

total stock market, 214-215

for IRAs, 194-195

life-cycle funds, 240-241

loads, 71

market timing, 195-197

purposes of, 112-113

REITs, 159-160

screeners, 72

specialty funds, 161

stable value funds, 161-162

stock cycles and, 119-121

stock mixtures in, 118-119


growth versus value funds, 151-154

growth versus value stocks, 167-168

international funds, 154-157

large-cap U.S. stock funds, 143-147

midcap U.S. stock funds, 150

small-cap U.S. stock funds, 147-149

target-date funds, 231-232

401(k) funds without, 237

adjustments in, 233-236

choosing, 238-240

dates on, 232-233

taxes on, 46-47

in technology stock crash, 97-98


National Foundation for Consumer Credit, 251

no-load mutual funds, 206

non-deductible IRAs, 85

non-working spouses, IRA contributions, 69-70

nursing home care, cost of, 23-24

Nygren, Bill, 116


O’Neal, Edward, 203

online calculators, 3, 15-16, 249

401(k) contribution amounts, 51

401(k) planning, 54, 88

Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Calculator, 87

loads and expense ratios, 205

Quick Savings Calculator, 56, 77

tax effect on savings, 47

opening IRAs, 70-74

operating expenses. See expense ratios


Parlay Your IRA into a Family Fortune (Slott), 77 calculator, 51, 54

payments on credit cards, 56

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 29


calculating, 28-30

explained, 10-11

planning for economic downturns, 37, 39-40

The Portable MBA of Investment (Bernstein), 196

preferred lists, 248

procrastination, effect on 401(k), 57-59

profit potential, analyzing stocks, 114-115

profit-sharing plans, checking amount in, 31


Quick Savings Calculator, 56

rate of return, calculating, 31, 33

real estate investment trusts (REITs), 159-160


index fund investments, 218

investment percentages, 198-199

recovering from bear markets, 106

referrals for financial advisers, 245

REITs (real estate investment trusts), 159-160

retirement age, 22-23

retirement calculations. See evaluating your needs

retirement-date funds. See target-date funds

Retirement Income calculator, 40

retirement savings plans

amount needed in, 13-14

college funds versus, 86-87

company stock in, 162-163, 199-200

compounding, advantages of, 64-66

dollar-cost averaging, 198


borrowing from, 59

calculating contribution amount, 50, 52

changing contribution amount, 49-50

employer matching, 56-57

enrolling, 48-49

leaving your job, options for, 59

procrastination, effect of, 57-59

starting small, 53-55

tax advantages, 53

investment percentages

by age, 184-187

for asset allocation, 172-173

balanced funds, 159

bond funds, 163

classic 60/40 mixture, 177-183

company stock, 163

fear of losses, 187, 189-193

growth versus value funds, 153

for IRAs, 194-195

in large-cap U.S. stock funds, 146

in midcap U.S. stock funds, 150

rebalancing, 198-199

REITs, 160

rules of thumb, 193

in small-cap U.S. stock funds, 148-149

IRAs. See IRAs

limits on contribution amounts, 52

mutual funds. See mutual funds

responsibility for, 11-12

savings accounts versus, 43-44

advantages of 401(k), 44-45

avoiding taxes with 401(k), 45-47

employer matching in 401(k), 45

shortfalls in, 12-13

for small businesses, 87

SEP-IRA, 88-89


solo 401(k), 88

starting small, 41-42


bonds, 101

index funds, 210-211

stock market, 100-103

rewards of holding stocks, 103-104, 108-109

Riepe, Mark, 197


in balanced funds, 157-159

in bond funds, 163

in bonds, 131-134

in gold, 160-161

in growth versus value funds, 151-152

in international stock funds, 154-156

in large-cap U.S. stock funds, 144-145

of leaving stock market, 103-104

in life-cycle funds, 240-241

in midcap U.S. stock funds, 150

safety versus, 134-135

of selling stocks, 108-109

in small-cap U.S. stock funds, 147-148

in specialty funds, 161

in target-date funds, 234-235

Roth 401(k), 85-86

Roth IRAs. See also IRAs

avoiding income limits, 85-86

401(k) versus, 78-79

income limits, 81

taxes and, 76-77

traditional IRAs versus, 74, 79

rules for IRAs, 79

age requirements, 82

avoiding income limits, 85-86

contribution limits, 81-82

early withdrawals, 82-83

Roth IRAincome limits, 81

saver’s credit, 83-84

traditional IRA tax deductions, 80


safety, risk versus, 134-135

salary, percentage replaced during retirement, 20-21

sales charge. See loads

saver’s credit, 83-84

savings accounts, investments versus, 43-44

advantages of 401(k), 44-45

avoiding taxes with 401(k), 45-47

employer matching in 401(k), 45

Schoar, Antoinette, 207

Scottrade, 72

screeners, mutual funds, 72

sector mutual funds, 161

self-employment, retirement savings plans, 87

SEP-IRA, 88-89


solo 401(k), 88

SEP-IRA, 88-89

Shelton, Phyllis, 24


Slott, Ed, 77

small businesses, retirement savings plans, 87

SEP-IRA, 88-89


solo 401(k), 88

small-cap U.S. stock funds, 141

investment percentages, 179-180

percentage in retirement funds, 148-149

risks, 147-148

what to choose, 149, 77

Social Security

average monthly payment, 6-7

calculating, 17-18, 26-28

solo 401(k), 88

specialty mutual funds, 161

stable value funds, 161-162

Standard & Poor’s 500, 144, 214

starting IRAs, 194-195

stock brokers, 251

stock cycles, 125-126

stock market. See also mutual funds; stocks

bear markets, 105-106

choosing individual stocks, 107-108

crash of 2007-2009, 189-193

cycles, 94-95

defined, 213

expected returns, 100-103

herd mentality, 99-100

risks and rewards, 103-104

technology stock crash, 95-99

timespan required, 108-109

stocks. See also mutual funds; stock market

analyzing, 114

company profit potential, 114-115

high stock prices, 115-117

balanced funds, 157-159

capitalization, 142

company stock

avoiding, 199-200

in retirement savings plans, 162-163

cycles, 119-121

growth versus value funds

cycles in, 167-168

investment percentages in retirement plans, 153

risks, 151-152

what to choose, 153-154

index funds, 209-213

avoiding high fees, 225-226

defined, 211-213

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 213-214

ETFs (exchange-traded funds), 221-224

evaluating mutual funds by, 226-230

in 401(k), 215-218

in IRAs, 218-220

minimum contributions, 225

rebalancing, 218

returns, 210-211

specialized types of, 220-221

Standard & Poor’s 500, 214

total stock market, 214-215

international funds

choosing, 156-157

risks, 154-156

investment percentages, 179-183

by age, 184-187

compound annual rates of return, 189

fear of losses, 187, 189-193

in IRAs, 194-195

stock market crash of 2007-2009 example, 191-193

large-cap U.S. stock funds, 143-144

percentage in retirement funds, 146

risks, 144-145

what to choose, 146-147

market timing, 195-197

midcap U.S. stock funds

percentage in retirement funds, 150

risks, 150

what to choose, 150

mixture in mutual funds, 118-119

as mutual fund category, 126-128

safety versus risk, 134-135

terminology, 140-143

small-cap U.S. stock funds

percentage in retirement funds, 148-149

risks, 147-148

what to choose, 149

student loans, 86

successful fund managers, 165-168

summary plan description, 28

Surgent, Jack, 61-62

symbols for mutual funds, 146


T. Rowe Price, 69, 233

T. Rowe Price calculator, 40

Tarbox, Laura, 247

target-date funds, 231-232

401(k) funds without, 237

vvvadjustments in, 233-236

choosing, 238-240

dates on, 232-233

life-cycle funds versus, 240-241


avoiding with 401(k), 45-47, 53

CPAs (certified public accountants), 251

IRA rules, 62-64, 79

age requirements, 82

avoiding income limits, 85-86

contribution limits, 81-82

early withdrawals, 82-83

Roth IRAs, 76-77, 81

saver’s credit, 83-84

taxable IRAs, 85

traditional IRAs, 74-76, 80

opening IRAs, 72-74

Roth 401(k), 85-86

TD Ameritrade, 72

technology stock crash, 95-99, 107

terminology, 140-143

tickers (for mutual funds), 146

time requirements for stock market investments, 108-109

total stock market index, 214-215

traditional IRAs. See also IRAs

income limits for tax deductions, 80

Roth IRAs versus, 74

taxes and, 74-76

2007-2009 stock market crash, 189-193


U.S. economy, investing in, 103

value funds

cycles in, 167-168

growth funds versus

investment percentages, 153, 182-183

risks, 151-152

what to choose, 153-154

Vanguard, 233


Wien, Byron, 212

withdrawals from IRAs, 82-83

women, life expectancy of, 25-26

working longer

calculating Social Security, 17-18

risks in, 22-23

workplace, financial advisers in, 251-252

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