Using termbases in SDL Trados Studio

Once you have created a termbase in MultiTerm, you can open it in SDL Trados Studio so that you can add entries and get matches from the termbase during translation.

Selecting termbases in SDL Trados Studio

In the Editor view, with a document open in Translation mode, the Term Recognition window at the top right initially indicates that there is no termbase open, as shown in the following screenshot:

Selecting termbases in SDL Trados Studio

To select a termbase to use during translation, perform the following steps:

  1. To open a termbase, click the Project Termbase Settings button on the right of the toolbar (highlighted in the preceding screenshot). In the Termbases pane of the Project Settings dialog box, click Add. In the Select Termbases dialog box, click Browse and select one or more termbases. The selected termbases then appear in a list identified by their friendly name. Each has a checkbox by which it can be selected or deselected for use, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Selecting termbases in SDL Trados Studio
  2. Click OK to add the termbases to the list in the Termbases pane of the Project Settings dialog box, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Selecting termbases in SDL Trados Studio

    Entries that you add to a termbase while translating in SDL Trados Studio are added only to the termbase marked default, which is always the one at the top of the list. The other termbases will provide matches but not receive new term entries. To change the default termbase, use the Move Up and Move Down buttons, or Set Default button, on the right.

  3. Click OK to open the termbase(s) for use during translation.


If the Term Recognition window displays the text No results available, this means that there is at least one open termbase, but that the termbase does not contain any matches for the segment active in the Editor.

Using termbases during translation

In this section, we will describe several ways to add entries to a termbase and to insert termbase matches in your target segments efficiently as you translate.

Adding entries to a termbase during translation

First use your mouse to select the text in both the source and target segments, as shown in the following screenshot:

Adding entries to a termbase during translation

To add the entry to the default termbase, right-click the selected phrase and choose Add new term, or press Ctrl + F2. The source and target terms now appear in editable mode on the left of the Editor in the Termbase Viewer pane (which is minimized until you create a new termbase entry).


Sometimes, messages relating to the user's Java setup can appear at this point. For information on this issue, see the SDL Knowledgebase article at

To edit a term entry before you add it to the termbase, double-click in the term field to expand it as shown in the following screenshot, and edit the text:

Adding entries to a termbase during translation

To finish editing the term, click anywhere in the Termbase Viewer pane outside the term field or press Enter. You can also use the Tab key to jump between the fields of the editing form.

To add information to a descriptive field, click the down arrow icon at the appropriate entry level (entry, language, or term), and select the descriptive field from the list. In the following screenshot, we are adding information to the Subject field at entry level:

Adding entries to a termbase during translation

To finish editing the descriptive field, click anywhere in the Termbase Viewer pane outside the descriptive field or press Enter.

To add a synonym, click the down arrow icon next to the language name and choose Term.

To remove a descriptive field, click the name of the descriptive field and press Delete.

To add the entry to the termbase, you must save it by clicking the Save this Entry button or pressing Ctrl + F12. Note that the entry is not added to the termbase until you save it.

To edit an existing entry, on the left of the Termbase Viewer pane, select the term in the list, and click the Edit this Entry button or press F2. If the Termbase Viewer pane is not displayed, from the View tab, choose Termbase Viewer.


You can close the Termbase Viewer pane when you are not using it to add or edit entries. In Translation mode, it will reappear automatically each time you add a new entry. If you have more than one termbase open, the Termbase Viewer displays the default termbase.

To open Termbase Viewer with terms displayed in the Term Recognition window as matching entries for the segment that is active in the side-by-side Editor, select the entry in the Term Recognition window, right-click, and choose View term details.

Inserting termbase matches into your translation

Termbase matches are displayed by a red line over the corresponding text in the source segment, as with the two entries European Union institutions and open competition shown in the following screenshot:

Inserting termbase matches into your translation

The entries also appear in the Term Recognition window. If there is more than one termbase, the name of the termbase that produces the match appears on the right of the source term as in the following screenshot:

Inserting termbase matches into your translation

The buttons at the top of the screenshot are, from left to right, View term details, Insert term translation, Hitlist settings, and Project Termbase Settings. We will refer to these buttons in the explanations later in this chapter.


Term entries are matched based on fuzzy recognition, so the word apple in your segment should produce a match based on the termbase entry apples. The minimum match level is set under Project Settings | Language Pairs | All Language Pairs | Termbases | Seach Settings | Minimum match value.

Three ways to insert terms

In each of the following methods, position the cursor at the appropriate point in the target segment first.

  • AutoSuggest method: Type the first letter of the entry in the target language. You will be given a list of AutoSuggest matches, including termbase entries beginning with that letter. AutoSuggest matches can come from any AutoSuggest dictionaries or AutoText entries that you are working with, as well as from the termbase. The following screenshot shows an AutoSuggest list with matches from the termbase (at the top) and the AutoSuggest dictionary, represented by different icons:
    Three ways to insert terms

    To insert the termbase entry, double-click it in the list, or select it and press Enter.


    To make best use of the AutoSuggest method, it is best not to add entries beginning with articles such as "the" and "a" to the termbase, because the articles will then form the first letters of the entries, making it more difficult for you to select the term that you want.

    AutoSuggest matches are, by default, not case sensitive. This means that if you type the first letter as a capital, the entry is inserted with an initial capital, even if the entry in the termbase does not itself begin with a capital letter.


    If the same entry occurs more than once in the segment and no AutoSuggest match is produced after you insert it the first time, choose File | Options | AutoSuggest and uncheck the option Hide suggestions which have already been used.

  • Shortcut method: The shortcut Ctrl + Shift + L produces a list of termbase entries for the segment, as shown in the following screenshot. To insert the term, double-click it in the list, or select it and press Enter.
    Three ways to insert terms
  • Mouse method: In the Term Recognition window, select the target term and click the Insert term translation button.

Configuring how termbase matches are displayed

Descriptive field information is, by default, not displayed alongside termbase matches in the Term Recognition window. To change this behavior, in the Term Recognition window, click the Hitlist settings button, choose Select fields, and select the descriptive fields that you want to appear. In the following screenshot, we select the Subject field at entry level and the Notes fields that appear by the terms themselves:

Configuring how termbase matches are displayed

An entry for which we have selected an option from the Subject list and entered some text in the Note field against the target term will appear in the Term Recognition window as in the following screenshot:

Configuring how termbase matches are displayed
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