A Clever Way to Get More Camera Lenses


If you want more lens options for your iPhone, here’s something you might love: it’s a specialized iPhone case with different focal length lenses and filters built right into the case, and when you want to use one, you just slide it into place right over your iPhone’s existing lens(es). It’s called the ShiftCam MultiLens Case, and it keeps you from having to carry around a little bag full of lenses and accessories, and then having to attach them when you’re ready to shoot. Since the lenses are built into the case, you literally just slide the lenses already on your iPhone case over into place and you’re ready to shoot. Now, the downside is this becomes your new iPhone case (unless you don’t mind switching cases when it’s time to go shooting, in which case you’re not switching lenses, you are switching cases. If you’re not emotionally attached to your current iPhone case, and you have no problem switching to this different one, then all this worry is a moot point, but I thought it was worth mentioning nevertheless). There are different cases with a different number of lenses for different styles of iPhones, so your best bet is to just visit their site, see which ones are available for your model of iPhone, and go from there.

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