Get Couples Really Close


One of the biggest mistakes I see people make when they’re taking shots of couples is also one of the easiest to fix. If you pose a couple side by side, even with their arms around one another, they generally look like brother and sister (not a great look if it’s a husband and wife, or a couple, or an engagement shot). What’s missing is the intimacy and connection. So, what you need to do is tell them to start making out like crazy (I’m kidding, just a joke). The problem is this: their bodies are touching, usually up against each other, in fact, but there is often a big gap between their heads, and that’s where the connection falls apart. They’re standing beside each other; they’re not “cuddled up.” Just have each of them tilt their head toward the other, so they touch (if one is taller than the other, it’s okay if their head touches up against an arm or shoulder). That tilting fills that gap, it creates that connection, and they don’t look like they’re siblings any longer (well, if they do, they’re uncomfortably close siblings). Make this one little adjustment, and you’ll see the instant difference in your shots.

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