Chapter 9. IBM Tivoli NetView integration 305
Systems Manager console menu in order to launch all available NetView
information at once.
You should now have a working interface between NetView and IBM Tivoli
Business Systems Manager and should be able to launch the NetView Web
console from your IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager Java console.
Figure 9-19 The Web Console Launch results
9.6 Troubleshooting the environment
The following section discusses a few troubleshooting issues in case the
connection between NetView and IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager fails to
work as expected. The information is based mainly on our experience with the
components in our lab environment as outlined in Figure 1-11 on page 22.
9.6.1 TBSM adapter basics
First, ensure all relevant IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager processes are
running. The TBSM adapter requires three running processes to work correctly:
tbsmadapter Executed under control of the NetView process launcher,
ovspmd. Start or stop it using the /usr/OV/bin/ovstart
306 Tivoli Business Systems Manager Version 2.1: End-to-End Business Impact Management
and /usr/OV/bin/ovstop commands. To check its current
status, use either the /usr/OV/bin/ovstatus
<process_name> command, where <process_name> is the
name of the NetView process to be checked, or use
/usr/OV/service/nvstat to check the status of
NetView processes. Example 9-10 shows the expected
output of the ovstatus command along with a ps -ef
command with the process PID filtered.
The tbsmadapter is a Java application that formats the
data to be transferred to the remote IBM Tivoli Business
Systems Manager Common Listener. It also maintains a
TCP connection to the Common Listener.
Example 9-10 Checking the tbsmadapter status
capecod:/usr/OV/www/logs #ovstatus tbsmadapter
object manager name: tbsmadapter
behavior: OVs_WELL_BEHAVED
state: RUNNING
PID: 19870
last message: Initialization complete
exit status: -
capecod:/usr/OV/www/logs #
capecod:/ #ps -ef|grep 19870|grep -v grep
root 19640 19870 0 16:57:13 - 0:23 /usr/OV/jre/bin/java -classpath
/usr/OV/jars/xerces.jar:/usr/OV/jars/scaffold.jar tbsma
root 19870 15480 0 16:57:13 - 0:00 /usr/OV/service/spmsur
-w 15 /usr/OV/bin/
tbsmtopo Starts with the netviewd daemon or the NetView GUI. It is
responsible for handling requests to extratct data from the
NetView database. It also translates this data into XML
records before it is given to the tbsmadapter process.
tbsmtrap Also launched by the netviewd daemon or the NetView
GUI. It listens for traps and NetView-generated events.
For a trap specified in /usr/OV/conf/topxgate.conf, it
creates the IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager
message appropriate for this trap. For a topology change
event, it signals to tbsmtopo to generate either an IBM
Tivoli Business Systems Manager delta upload or an IBM
Tivoli Business Systems Manager delete event in case
the NetView object was deleted.
Chapter 9. IBM Tivoli NetView integration 307
Use the ps command to verify that both processes are running. Example 9-11 on
page 307 show the expected output. Both processes must be running. These
processes get launched together with the netviewd daemon or the NetView GUI.
Example 9-11 Checking tbsmtopo and tbsmtrap
capecod:/ #ps -ef|grep tbsm|grep -v tbsma|grep -v grep
root 19168 17354 0 18:15:33 - 0:00 /usr/OV/bin/tbsmtopo 6770 1
root 23684 17354 0 18:15:33 - 0:00 /usr/OV/bin/tbsmtrap
capecod:/ #
9.6.2 TBSM communication
If you experience problems in updating IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager
with NetView data, check whether a communication link exists between the
common listener and the NetView TBSM adapter. During the configuration of the
TBSM adapter, you had to edit the /usr/OV/conf/ file.
(Refer to Example 9-7 on page 295.) In this file, two TCP ports are specified: one
port for the NetView adapter end of the connection, and the second port to
specify the listening port of the common listener. The two default assignments
are port 8082 for the common listener end of the communication link, and port
9898 for the adapter side of the link.
You should check /usr/OV/conf/ for the actual port
assignments, then use the netstat command on the NetView server to verify that
two connections exist. As Example 9-12 shows, you can filter the output of the
netstat command to limit the display to the existing connections from the NetView
server to the common listener. Example 9-12 also shows the correct directions of
the connections from both systems. Our common listener is connected to port
9898 at the NetView server while the NetView server maintains a connection to
port 8082 on the common listener side. Both connections must be in the
ESTABLISHED state. That means data can be exchanged via both connections.
Example 9-12 Checking TBSM adapter connections
capecod:/ #netstat -a|grep ibmtiv3
tcp4 0 0 capecod.itsc.aus.9898 ibmtiv3.itsc.aus.2245 ESTABLISHED
tcp4 0 0 capecod.itsc.aus.45632 ibmtiv3.itsc.aus.8082 ESTABLISHED
capecod:/ #
c:>netstat -a|grep capecod
TCP ibmtiv3:2245 ESTABLISHED
TCP ibmtiv3:8082 ESTABLISHED
308 Tivoli Business Systems Manager Version 2.1: End-to-End Business Impact Management
9.6.3 Testing the launch functions
If launching a NetView Web console from the IBM Tivoli Business Systems
Manager Java console does not work, you will, in most cases, receive the error
message shown in Figure 9-20 on page 308. The message does not give you
any hints about the nature of the problem, so follow these steps to figure it out:
? Carefully examine the function and parameter strings provided for the launch
menu in the IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager object database. Inspect
the launch parameters in the object database RDM_LAUNCHER table.
Figure 9-20 Launch error message
? If the table entries seem to be correct, try to launch the suspicious command
direct from your console workstation using nvlaunch.jar.
a. In the <NVWC>in directory, where <NVWC> is the path to the NetView
Web console code on your workstation, locate the script nvlaunch.bat.
This script requires four parameters in the form
nvlaunch.bat port <port_number> stdin <parameter_file> where
<port_number> is any free TCP port and <parameter_file> is a text file
containing a single line to insert the parameters required to launch the
NetView Web console. Specify the parameter in a keyword=value form as
shown in Example 9-13. The parameters are:
serverinfo The IP address or name of your NetView server.
scripturl The location of the script being executed at the
server side. The location must be specified relative
to /usr/OV/www/webapps.
targetnode The name or IP address of the node under
Remember to put all the parameters in a single line separated by blanks.
Chapter 9. IBM Tivoli NetView integration 309
Example 9-13 Contents of a nvlaunch.bat parameter file
serverinfo=capecod scripturl=/netview/scripts/3beansalad.js
b. In a console window, enter the nvlaunch command as in Example 9-14 on
page 309. For the parameter file launch.txt this would appear as:
nvlaunch port 1234 stdin ..inlaunch.txt
Note the specification of the parameter file. The nvlaunch script changes
the working directory to <NVWC>lib, so you must provide the path to your
parameter file. You can provide the full (absolute) path or use the notation
shown in Example 9-14.
Example 9-14 Executing a Web console launch manually
C:NVWCin>nvlaunch port 1234 stdin ..inlaunch.txt
C:NVWClib>"c:NVWCjreinjava.exe" -jar launch.jar --port 1234 --stdin
C:NVWCin>if NOT "Windows_NT" == "Windows_NT" goto SKIP_ENDLOCAL
? If the parameters provided are correct, a Web console screen opens. After
you enter your user name and password, the Web console should display the
functions specified in the server script.
9.6.4 TBSM adapter log and trace files
All three TBSM adapter processes write their own log files. In addition, the
tbsmtopo process can be triggered to write a trace. All the log files are written
into NetViews default log directory /usr/OV/log.
The tbsma.log contains log data from the local IBM Tivoli Business Systems
Manager transport code. It logs the start sequence of the adapter and all
operations initiated by the two processes tbsmtrap and tbsmtopo, as shown in
example Example 9-15. The file is truncated at each stop/start of the
Example 9-15 tbsma.log contents
5:25:55 PM CST INST_ID: TBSM Instrumentation for Distributed NetView -
5:25:57 PM CST Asking for adapter...
5:26:10 PM CST setAdapterListenerIF...
..................Content has been hidden....................

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