190 Tivoli Business Systems Manager Version 2.1: End-to-End Business Impact Management
Figure 6-42 Services setting
6.4 Console and propagation server installation
Most of the steps used to install the database server apply to console and
propagation server installation. Follow the installation procedure provided in 6.3,
Database server installation on page 176, with the following exceptions:
1. You can follow step 1 on page 177 through step 8 on page 182 for the
Systems File Upgrade.
Chapter 6. Base services implementation 191
Then, Select Components window shown in Figure 6-43, install the following
Console Server
Propagation Server
Common Listener
Figure 6-43 Component selection
2. The next dialog is the host name dialog as shown in Figure 6-35 on page 184.
Click Next to continue.
3. Fill in the parameters for the database server host name and enter sa and
sa_<hostname> for the Username and Password fields. The dialog is shown
in Figure 6-36 on page 185. If you specified a different password in Changing
SQL Server authentication password on page 169, use it now.
4. The console server authenticates and confirms the authority of the connected
users using Windows groups. Be sure Yes is chosen in the Create local
groups dialog, as shown in Figure 6-44 on page 192. Click Next to continue.
192 Tivoli Business Systems Manager Version 2.1: End-to-End Business Impact Management
Figure 6-44 Create local groups dialog
5. Choose which JDBC driver to use. We use the Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Driver, as shown in Figure 6-45. Click Next to continue.
Figure 6-45 JDBC driver selection dialog
Chapter 6. Base services implementation 193
6. Now the installer is ready to copy the files and present the summary of
selected installation options as shown in Figure 6-46.
Figure 6-46 Installation options
7. The installer starts copying files. When it is finished, the Setup Complete
dialog appears. Click Finish.
8. In the TivoliManagerConsoleServerServers.properties file, several
parameters may have to be configured manually. The file contain extensive
comment and explanation of each parameter. We do not configure this file for
our installation.
9. You may want to configure the banner text for the console using the html files
in the TivoliManagerConsoleServerbanner directory. There are different
HTML files for each level of authority. Note that these banners will be shown
in a fixed-height area on the console.
10.Manual configuration of the common listener is performed in the file
TivoliManagerCommonListenerASICommonListener.properties. We do not
change this file for our installation.
The Services list for our ibmtiv3 server is shown in Figure 6-47 on page 194.
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