80 Tivoli Business Systems Manager Version 2.1: End-to-End Business Impact Management
3.2 The databases
IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager comes with pre-populated databases.
Detailed installation procedure is given in 6.3, Database server installation on
page 176. The following databases are provided:
Objects The primary IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager
database that stores most of the management data. As
the name implies, it stores IBM Tivoli Business Systems
Manager objects information, attributes, and links.
ASIRuleSvc Rule database that contains a mirror image of selective
IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager objects for rule
processing. This database offloads some heavy rule
processing from the main object database, as most of the
rules are not concerned with state changes.
Meta Metadata database that contains the most information
about IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager database
objects structure, attributes, and methods. Some of the
tables here are provided as views in the object database.
RODM, RODMLoad Temporary loading database for SNA network objects
from RODM.
OPCLoad Temporary loading database for Tivoli Workload
Scheduler (used to be called Tivoli OPC) data.
WebServer Database for the help and reporting system resources.
ObjectEvents Contains the processing queues of IBM Tivoli Business
Systems Manager. Each queue isrepresented in three
tables: Pending<qtype>, LastProcessed<qtype>, and
ObjectQueues Not used.
3.3 Object implementation
IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager uses an object-oriented data structure. It
implements the objects in Microsoft SQL Server relational database. Typically, an
object in IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager has:
? Class definition and attributes
? Methods that can be invoked
? Links to other objects
Our discussion provides some information about object implementation.
Chapter 3. Database structure 81
3.3.1 Important information sources
Tables that show important information about IBM Tivoli Business Systems
Manager object structure typically reside in the Meta database, but they can be
accessed through views in the Object database. Those are:
obj_class Primary table that contains an objects class definition.
link_type Primary table that describes existing link types.
isa_table Inheritance structure table.
obj_link_table Lists all possible links between object types.
link_chain Generated containment structure table.
isa_chain_table Generated inheritance structure paths.
method_table Lists the available methods for a specific class.
Extensions to these core information tables address required new functions.
These additional informational tables are not related directly to the object
implementation, but provide good information about the IBM Tivoli Business
Systems Manager object classes:
? Tables provided with the IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager agent listener
GEM_LookupCID Provides a master list of all Gxxx classes that are
dynamically created and mapped to the
triplet (the
information about Manufacturer, Product, and
Version). The triplet is the key matching attribute for
the TEC integration as discussed in Chapter 7, TEC
components integration on page 209.
GEMIDLookup Provides the field key lookup for TEC-related objects,
such as IP Address, TMR, and host name, so that
finding an object does not require searching through
multiple tables with dynamically created names
Gxxxcname_C and Gxxxcname_A.
GEM_DMtoCID Provides a mapping for the old Tivoli Distributed
Monitoring Version 3.6 objects implementation.
Multiple DM profiles can be mapped to a single IBM
Tivoli Business Systems Manager class, therefore this
table is necessary.
? Tables provided with the Common Listener implementation:
CL_AutoPlacement Mapping of instrumentation to enterprise
CL_LinkRules Rules for creating a link based on the cid and other
CL_Options Common Listener global options
CL_Registration All known registered connectors
82 Tivoli Business Systems Manager Version 2.1: End-to-End Business Impact Management
CL_RegistrationList List of objects registered through the common listener
CL_Severities Platform-specific severity mapping to alert state
CL_Stage List of staging transactions whose data resides in the
tables CL_StageBulkData, CL_StageDeltaData, and
CL_Status Status of staging load processes
3.3.2 Object structure implementation
An object is implemented as a set of tables, indexes, stored procedures, and
triggers. An object class has the following primary attributes, which are stored in
obj_class table:
cid Class ID, which is a 4 characters name of the object class
cno Class number, which is a numeric identifier for each cid
cname Class name, which is the long name for a cid
cdesc Class description
Example 3-1 shows these attributes from the Network Region class.
Example 3-1 Attributes of the Network Region class
> select cid, cno, cname, description, label from obj_class where cid = 'NREG'
cid cno cname description label
---- ------ ------------- ----------------- -----------------
NREG 253 NetworkRegion Network Region Network Region
(1 row(s) affected)
Typically an object class will have the following tables:
<cid>_ID A single row, single column table that contains the next
instance ID for the specific cid.
<cname>_C Primary table for the class that stores all the standard
attributes for instances of this class. This table is indexed
with the instance ID.
<cname>_A Attribute table for all non-standard attributes of a class.
<cname>_S Provides such class-wide information as status
propagation information, icons, and other attributes.
<cname>_V The existence of this view signifies that this is a managed
object, not an abstract object that is used internally by
IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager.
Chapter 3. Database structure 83
Each object has links to other objects in IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager
that are implemented as link tables. There are several important link types:
PHYC Physical containment link. These are the links that build
the object hierarchy in IBM Tivoli Business Systems
Managers All Resources View.
LOBC Business Systems containment link. These are the links
that build the IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager
business systems hierarchy structure.
LOB This link provides a mapping from the real object class to
a business system object. See 3.3.3, Business Systems
implementation on page 84.
TOPO Topology link, used for the new Topology views in IBM
Tivoli Business Systems Manager V2.
There are other links that signify links to other object types, such as propagation
information. See 3.4, Status propagation on page 87 for more about these.
Links are implemented in tables. Using the physical containment for the Network
Region class as an example, the containment table displays the information as
shown in Example 3-2.
Example 3-2 Containment information for Network Region
> select src_cid, dst_cid from Meta..obj_link_table
where src_cid = 'NREG' or dst_cid = 'NREG' and link_type='PHYC'
src_cid dst_cid
------- -------
(4 row(s) affected)
As you can see, only certain classes can connect to the Network Region object.
Link tables are created for each class that can connect, so these are the tables
for our example:
84 Tivoli Business Systems Manager Version 2.1: End-to-End Business Impact Management
The content of these link tables is reflected in a table called link. Specifically for
PHYC links, the content also is reflected in a table called containment.
Each object class has default stored procedures that are used for basic
manipulation of the object. Typically these stored procedures are created:
alloc<cid> Allocates a new ID and increment the <cid>_ID table
asisp_create<cid> Creates a new instance of cid
delete_<cid> Deletes an instance of cid
asisp_view<cid> Retrieves instance information of an object in cid
asisp_joinedview<cid> Combines a view from the view table and an arbitrary
cl_process<cid> Common listener processing for the cid
Certain triggers are created to ensure data validity and consistency. There are
three types of triggers: insert, update, and delete. Triggers are specific to a table,
and IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager typically names the triggers
t<type>_<tablename>, where type can be I, U or D. The following are some
trigger examples:
? Most of the <cname>_C tables have update triggers that increment the
revision number and set the ctime (changed time) column to the current
? Most of the <cname>_C and <cname>_A tables that are monitored have
insert and update triggers that will queue information to the Automatic
Business System feature of IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager.
? Note object has an Update trigger to provide closure for external events that
are closed by the Take Ownership function.
3.3.3 Business Systems implementation
A special class has been created for implementing provided business systems.
This class is called LineOfBusiness (LOB), and is special in that:
? It is not part of the physical containment hierarchy (All Resources View).
? It can have multiple icons depending on the LOB link that exists between the
object and an object in the physical containment hierarchy.
? It can be nested in the Business System View any way you prefer.
? Some propagation attributes can be modified for each instance so that it will
be able to accomodate any type of business system condition.
Each object that appears in the Business System View has a single type, which
is derived from the LOB class. Except for the container objectsthat represent the
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