

(backslash), 34

{ } (curly braces), 33-34, 377

2D graphics

2D and 3D coordinate system transformation, 541, 590-591

explained, 596

Visual.TransformToAncestor method, 596-600

Visual3D.TransformToAncestor method, 600-605

Visual3D.TransformToDescendant method, 600-605


BitmapCacheBrush class, 535

DrawingBrush class, 520-524

explained, 513

ImageBrush class, 524-525

LinearGradientBrush class, 515-518

as opacity masks, 527-529

RadialGradientBrush class, 519-520

SolidColorBrush class, 514

VisualBrush class, 525-527


clip art example, 491-492

Drawing class, 476

DrawingBrush class, 477

DrawingContext methods, 494

DrawingImage class, 477-479

DrawingVisual class, 477

GeometryDrawing class, 476-477

GlyphRunDrawing class, 476

ImageDrawing class, 476-478

Pen class, 489-491

VideoDrawing class, 476

Effects, 529-531

explained, 475-476


aggregate geometries, 483

Bézier curves, 480

CombinedGeometry class, 486-487

defined, 479

EllipseGeometry class, 479

GeometryGroup class, 484-486

LineGeometry class, 479

PathGeometry class, 479-483

RectangleGeometry class, 479

representing as strings, 487-489

StreamGeometry class, 483

house example, 538


clip art based on Shapes, 512-513

Ellipse class, 508

explained, 505-506

how they work, 509

Line class, 509-510

overuse of, 507

Path class, 511-512

Polygon class, 511

Polyline class, 510

Rectangle class, 507-508

transforms. See transforms


custom rendering, 499

displaying on screen, 496-498

DrawingContext methods, 494

DrawingVisuals, 493-496

explained, 493

visual hit testing, 499-505

WPF 3.5 enhancements, 15

3D graphics

2D and 3D coordinate system transformation, 541, 590-591

explained, 596

Visual.TransformToAncestor method, 596-600

Visual3D.TransformToAncestor method, 600-605

Visual3D.TransformToDescendant method, 600-605

3D hit testing, 592-593


blind spots, 545

coordinate systems, 542-544

explained, 542

LookDirection property, 544-548

MatrixCamera, 553

OrthographicCamera versus PerspectiveCamera, 551-553

Position property, 543-544

Transform property, 549

UpDirection property, 548-550

Z-fighting, 545

coordinate systems, 542-544

explained, 537-538

hardware acceleration

explained, 12

GDI and, 13

house example, 538-540

Lights, 542


AmbientMaterial, 575

combining, 578

DiffuseMaterial, 572-575

EmissiveMaterial, 576-578

explained, 571


explained, 563

GeometryModel3D, 571

Lights, 563-570

Model3DGroup class, 584-586

pixel boundaries, 17

resolution independence, 12

texture coordinates, 584


combining, 562

explained, 554-555

house drawing example, 555-556

MatrixTransform3D class, 554, 562

RotateTransform3D class, 554, 559-562

ScaleTransform3D class, 554, 557-559

Transform3DGroup class, 554

TranslateTransform3D class, 554-557

Viewport2DVisual3D class, 590-591

Viewport3D class, 593-596


explained, 586

ModelVisual3D class, 587-588

UIElement3D class, 588-590

WPF 3.5 enhancements, 15

3D hit testing, 592-593


About dialog

attached events, 165-167

with font properties moved to inner StackPanel, 90

with font properties set on root window, 85-86

Help command, 191-192

initial code listing, 75-76

routed events, 162-164

absolute sizing, 130


binary resources

embedded in another assembly, 348

from procedural code, 349-350

at site of origin, 348-349

from XAML, 345-348

logical resources, 360

Action property (QueryContinueDragEventArgs class), 173

ActiveEditingMode property (InkCanvas class), 317

ActiveX controls, 714-718

ActualHeight property (FrameworkElement class), 100

ActualWidth property (FrameworkElement class), 100

AddBackEntry method, 218

AddHandler method, 160-161

advantages of WPF, 13

Aero Glass, 249-253

aggregate geometries, 483

AlternationCount property (ItemsControl class), 276

AlternationIndex property (ItemsControl class), 276

AmbientLight, 564, 569-570

AmbientMaterial class, 575

AnchoredBlock class, 326-327

AND relationships (logical), 429-430

Angle property (RotateTransform class), 108

AngleX property (SkewTransform class), 112

AngleY property (SkewTransform class), 112


animation classes

AutoReverse property, 618

BeginTime property, 616-617

By property, 616

DoubleAnimation, 611-612

Duration property, 614

EasingFunction property, 620

explained, 609-610

FillBehavior property, 621

From property, 614-616

IsAdditive property, 621

IsCumulative property, 621

lack of generics, 610-611

linear interpolation, 612-613

RepeatBehavior property, 618-619

SpeedRatio property, 617

To property, 614-616

data binding and, 632

easing functions, 16

BackEase, 640

BounceEase, 640

CircleEase, 640

EasingMode property, 637

ElasticEase, 640

ExponentialEase, 640

power easing functions, 637-638

SineEase, 640

writing, 640-642

explained, 89, 607

frame-based animation, 609

keyframe animation

discrete keyframes, 634-636

easing keyframes, 636

explained, 630

linear keyframes, 631-633

spline keyframes, 633-634

path-based animations, 637

reusing animations, 613

timer-based animation, 608-609

and Visual State Manager

Button ControlTemplate with VisualStates, 643-646

transitions, 647-651

with XAML EventTriggers/Storyboards

explained, 621-622

starting animations from property triggers, 628-629

Storyboards as Timelines, 629-630

TargetName property, 625-626

TargetProperty property, 622-625

annotations, adding to flow documents, 331-334

AnnotationService class, 331

Application class

creating applications without, 204

events, 202

explained, 199-200

Properties collection, 203

Run method, 200-201

single-instance applications, 204

Windows collection, 202

ApplicationCommands class, 189

ApplicationPath property (JumpTask), 238


associating Jump Lists with, 234

embedding Win32 controls in WPF applications

explained, 677

keyboard navigation, 687-691

Webcam control, 678-687

embedding Windows Forms controls in WPF applications

explained, 699-700

PropertyGrid, 700-703

embedding WPF controls in Win32 applications

HwndSource class, 692-695

layout, 696-699

embedding WPF controls in Windows Forms applications

converting between two representatives, 707-708

ElementHost class, 704-706

launching modal dialogs, 708

gadget-style applications, 223-224

loose XAML pages, 231-232

multiple-document interface (MDI), 203

navigation-based Windows applications

explained, 211-212

hyperlinks, 215-216

journal, 216-218

Navigate method, 214-215

navigation containers, 212-214

navigation events, 218-219

Page elements, 212-214

returning data from pages, 221-222

sending data to pages, 220-221

standard Windows applications

Application class, 199-204

application state, 209-210

ClickOnce, 210-211

common dialogs, 206-207

custom dialogs, 207-208

explained, 195-196

multithreaded applications, 205

retrieving command-line arguments in, 202

single-instance applications, 204

splash screens, 205-206

Window class, 196-198

Windows Installer, 210

XAML Browser applications (XBAPs)

ClickOnce caching, 226

deployment, 229

explained, 224-226

full-trust XAML Browser applications, 228

integrated navigation, 228-229

limitations, 226-227

on-demand download, 230-231

security, 229

Apply method, 245

arbitrary objects, content and, 263

ArcSegment class, 480

Arguments property (JumpTask), 238

ArrangeOverride method, overriding, 754-755

associating Jump Lists with applications, 234

asynchronous data binding, 401

attached events, 165-167

attached properties

About dialog example, 90-91

as extensibility mechanism, 92-93

attached property providers, 92

defined, 89

attached property providers, 92

attenuation, 566

attributes, setting, 25

audio support

embedded resources, 663

explained, 653

MediaElement, 656-658

MediaPlayer, 655-656

MediaTimeline, 656-658

SoundPlayer, 654

SoundPlayerAction class, 654-655

speech recognition

converting spoken words into text, 667-670

specifying grammar with GrammarBuilder, 671-672

specifying grammar with SRGS, 670-671

speech synthesis

explained, 664

GetInstalledVoices method, 664

PromptBuilder class, 665-667

SelectVoice method, 664

SelectVoiceByHints method, 664

SetOutputToWaveFile method, 665

SpeakAsync method, 664

Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML), 665-667

SpeechSynthesizer, 664

SystemSounds class, 654

“Auto” length, 99


automation IDs, 289

UI Automation, supporting in custom controls, 749-750

AutoReverse property (animation classes), 618

autosizing, 128-130

AxisAngleRotation3D class, 559-560

AxMsTscAxNotSafeForScripting control, 716-717


BackEase function, 640

backslash (), 34

BAML (Binary Application Markup Language)

decompiling back into XAML, 47-48

defined, 45

Baml2006Reader class, 53

base values of dependency properties, calculating, 87-88

BaseValueSource enumeration, 88

BeginTime property (animation classes), 616-617


adding to custom controls

behavior, 737-739

code-behind file, 734

initial implementation, 733-737

resources, 734-735

creating for user controls, 725-727

Bézier curves, 480

BezierSegment class, 480

Binary Application Markup Language (BAML)

decompiling back into XAML, 47-48

defined, 45

binary resources


embedded in another assembly, 348

from procedural code, 349-350

at site of origin, 348-349

from XAML, 345-348

defining, 344-345

explained, 343


creating satellite assembly with LocBaml, 351

explained, 350

marking user interfaces with localization IDs, 351

preparing projects for multiple cultures, 350

Binding object. See also data binding


to .NET properties, 367-368

to collections, 370-373

to entire objects, 369-370

to UIElement, 370

DoNothing values, 385

ElementName property, 366

IsAsync property, 401

in procedural code, 363-365

RelativeSource property, 367

removing, 365

sharing source with DataContext, 374-375

StringFormat property, 375-376

TargetNullValue property, 366

UpdateSourceExceptionFilter property, 408

UpdateSourceTrigger property, 404

validation rules, 405-409

ValidationRules property, 406

in XAML, 365-367

BindingMode enumeration, 403

BitmapCache class, 533-535

BitmapCacheBrush class, 535

BitmapEffect, 530


nearest-neighbor bitmap scaling, 310

WriteableBitmap class, 15

BitmapScalingMode property (RenderOptions), 306

BlackoutDates property (Calendar control), 337-338

blind spots (Cameras), 545

Block TextElements

AnchoredBlock class, 326-327

BlockUIContainer, 321

List, 320

Paragraph, 320

sample code listing, 321-324

Section, 320

Table, 320

BlockUIContainer Blocks, 321

BlurEffect, 529-530

BooleanToVisibilityConverter, 383-384

Bottom property (Canvas), 116

BounceEase function, 640

BrushConverter type converter, 32


applying without logical resources, 352-353

BitmapCacheBrush class, 535

consolidating with logical resources, 353-355

explained, 513

ImageBrush class, 524-525

LinearGradientBrush class, 515-518

as opacity masks, 527-529

RadialGradientBrush class, 519-524

SolidColorBrush class, 514

VisualBrush class, 525-527

bubbling, 161

BuildWindowCore class, 684

built-in commands, 189-192

Button class, 81, 264-265

ButtonAutomationPeer class, 265

ButtonBase class, 263-264


Button class, 81, 264-265

Button ControlTemplate with VisualStates, 643-646

ButtonBase class, 263-264

CheckBox class, 266

defined, 263

RadioButton class, 266-268

RepeatButton class, 265

styling with built-in animations, 626-628

ToggleButton class, 265-266

By property (animation classes), 616


C++/CLI, 681-682

cached composition

BitmapCache class, 533-535

BitmapCacheBrush class, 535

Viewport2DVisual3D support for, 591

caching, ClickOnce, 226

Calendar control, 336-338

calendar controls

Calendar, 336-338

DatePicker, 338-339


blind spots, 545

coordinate systems, 542-544

explained, 542

LookDirection property, 544-548

MatrixCamera, 553

OrthographicCamera versus PerspectiveCamera, 551-553

Position property, 543-544

Transform property, 549

UpDirection property, 548-550

Z-fighting, 545

CAML (Compiled Application Markup Language), 46

CanUserDeleteRows property (DataGrid), 298

cancel buttons, 264

Cancel method, 185

CanExecute method, 189

CanExecuteChanged method, 189

CanUserAddRows property (DataGrid), 298

Canvas, 116-118. See also SimpleCanvas

mimicking with Grid, 136

capturing mouse events, 173-174

cells (DataGrid), selecting, 295

Center property (RadialGradientBrush), 519

CenterX property

RotateTransform class, 108-110

SkewTransform class, 112

CenterY property

RotateTransform class, 108-110

SkewTransform class, 112

change notification (dependency properties), 83-84

CheckBox class, 266

child object elements

content property, 35-36

dictionaries, 37-38

lists, 36-37

processing rules, 40

values type-converted to object elements, 38

/clr compiler option, 686

CircleEase function, 640

class hierarchy, 73-75

Class keyword, 44

classes. See specific classes

ClearAllBindings method, 365

ClearBinding method, 365

ClearHighlightsCommand, 331


bindings, 365

local values, 88

ClearValue method, 88

CLI (Common Language Infrastructure), 681

Click event, 263-264

clickable cube example, 588-590

ClickCount property (MouseButtonEventArgs), 172

ClickMode property (ButtonBase class), 263

ClickOnce, 210-211

ClickOnce caching, 226

with unmanaged code, 211

clients, pure-XAML Twitter client, 412-413

clip art example, 491-492

clip art based on Shapes, 512-513

drawing-based implementation, 491-492

DrawingContext-based implementation, 495-496

WindowHostingVisual.cs file, 497

clipboard interaction (DataGrid), 296

ClipboardCopyMode property (DataGrid), 296

clipping, 139-141

ClipToBounds property (panels), 140

clr-namespace directive, 39

code-behind files, 44, 734

CoerceValueCallback delegate, 89

cold start time, 205

Collapsed value (Visibility enumeration), 102


binding to, 370-373

customizing collection views

creating new views, 394-396

explained, 386

filtering, 392

grouping, 388-391

navigating, 392-393

sorting, 386-388

dictionaries, 37-38

ItemsSource, 297

lists, 36-37

Properties, 203

SortDescriptions, 387

Triggers, 85

Windows, 202

CollectionViewSource class, 394

color brushes

applying without logical resources, 352-353

consolidating with logical resources, 353-355

LinearGradientBrush class, 515-518

RadialGradientBrush class, 519-520

SolidColorBrush class, 514

color space profiles, 515

Color structure, 514

columns (Grid)

auto-generated columns, 294-295

column types, 293-294

freezing, 297

sharing row/column sizes, 134-136


absolute sizing, 130

autosizing, 130

GridLength structures, 131-132

interactive sizing with GridSplitter, 132-133

percentage sizing, 131

proportional sizing, 130

CombinedGeometry class, 486-487


Materials, 578

Transform3Ds, 562

transforms, 113-114

ComboBox control

ComboBoxItem objects, 286-287

customizing selection box, 282-285

events, 282

explained, 282

IsEditable property, 282

IsReadOnly property, 282

SelectionChanged event, 285-286

ComboBoxItem objects, 286-287

ComCtl32.dll, 255-256

command-line arguments, retrieving, 202

commands. See also specific commands

built-in commands, 189-192

controls with built-in command bindings, 193-194

executing with input gestures, 192-193

explained, 188-189

implementing with custom controls, 745

commas in geometry strings, 489

common dialogs, 206-207

Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), 681

Compiled Application Markup Language (CAML), 46

compiling XAML, 43-45

Complete method, 185

CompleteQuadraticEase class, 642

ComponentCommands class, 190

CompositeCollection class, 410

CompositionTarget_Rendering event handler, 713

conflicting triggers, 429

consolidating routed event handlers, 167-168

ConstantAttenuation property (PointLights), 566


Expander class, 273-274

Frame class, 271-272

GroupBox class, 273

Label class, 268

navigation containers, 212-214

ToolTop class, 269-271

ContainerUIElement3D class, 590

Content build action, 344

content controls

and arbitrary objects, 263


Button class, 264-265

ButtonBase class, 263-264

CheckBox class, 266

defined, 263

RadioButton class, 266-268

RepeatButton class, 265

ToggleButton class, 265-266


Expander class, 273-274

Frame class, 271-272

GroupBox class, 273

Label class, 268

ToolTip class, 269-271

ContentControl class, 262

defined, 262

content overflow, handling

clipping, 139-141

explained, 139

scaling, 143-147

scrolling, 141-143

Content property, 35-36

ContentControl class, 435-437

Frame class, 272

ContentControl class, 262, 435-437

ContentElement class, 74

ContextMenu control, 301-302

ContextMenuService class, 302

Control class, 75

control parts, 744-745

control states, 745-749

control templates

ControlTemplate with triggers, 432-434

editing, 457-458

explained, 430-431

mixing with styles, 456-457

named elements, 434

reusability of, 438-440

simple control template, 431-432

target type, restricting, 434-435

TargetType property, 434-435

templated parent properties, respecting

Content property (ContentControl class), 435-437

hijacking existing properties for new purposes, 441

other properties, 438-440

triggers, 432-434

visual states

respecting with triggers, 442-446

respecting with VSM (Visual State Manager), 447-455


ActiveX controls, 714-718


Button class, 264-265

ButtonBase class, 263-264

CheckBox class, 266

defined, 263

RadioButton class, 266-268

RepeatButton class, 265

ToggleButton class, 265-266

Calendar, 336-338


ComboBoxItem objects, 286-287

customizing selection box, 282-285

events, 282

explained, 282

IsEditable property, 282

IsReadOnly property, 282

SelectionChanged event, 285-286


Expander class, 273-274

Frame class, 271-272

GroupBox class, 273

Label class, 268

ToolTip class, 269-271

ContextMenu, 301-302

control parts, 447-449

control states, 449-455

controls with built-in command bindings, 193-194

custom controls, creating

behavior, 733-739

code-behind file, 734

commands, 745

control parts, 744-745

control states, 745-749

explained, 12, 721-722

generic resources, 741-742

resources, 734-735

UI Automation, 749-750

user controls versus custom controls, 722

user interfaces, 739-740, 742

DataGrid, 293

auto-generated columns, 294-295

CanUserAddRows property, 298

CanUserDeleteRows property, 298

clipboard interaction, 296

ClipboardCopyMode property, 296

column types, 293-294

displaying row details, 296-297

editing data, 297-298

EnableColumnVirtualization property, 296

EnableRowVirtualization property, 296

example, 292-293

freezing columns, 297

FrozenColumnCount property, 297

RowDetailsVisibilityMode property, 297

selecting rows/cells, 295

SelectionMode property, 295

SelectionUnit property, 295

virtualization, 296

DatePicker, 338-339

explained, 261-263

GridView, 290-291

InkCanvas, 316-318

ItemsControl class, 275-276

AlternationCount property, 276

AlternationIndex property, 276

DisplayMemberPath property, 276-277

HasItems property, 276

IsGrouping property, 276

IsTextSearchCaseSensitive property, 285

IsTextSearchEnabled property, 285

Items property, 275

ItemsPanel property, 276-280

ItemsSource property, 276

scrolling behavior, controlling, 280-281


automation IDs, 289

example, 287-288

scrolling, 289

SelectionMode property, 288

sorting items in, 289

support for multiple selections, 288

ListView, 290-291

Menu, 298-301

PasswordBox, 316

ProgressBar, 335

RichTextBox, 316

ScrollViewer, 141-143

Selector class, 281

Slider, 335-336

states, 745-749

StatusBar, 307-308

TabControl, 291-292


explained, 313

explicit versus implicit runs, 314

properties, 313

support for multiple lines of text, 315

whitespace, 314

TextBox, 315

ToolBar, 304-306

TreeView, 302-304

user controls, creating

behavior, 725-727

dependency properties, 728-731

explained, 721-722

protecting controls from accidental usage, 727-728

routed events, 731-732

user controls versus custom controls, 722

user interfaces, 723-725

ControlTemplate class. See control templates

Convert method, 382

converting spoken words into text, 667-670

ConvertXmlStringToObjectGraph method, 65

coordinate systems, 542-544

CountToBackgroundConverter class, 382-384

CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap method, 708

CreateHighlightCommand, 331

CreateInkStickyNoteCommand, 331

CreateTextStickyNoteCommand, 331

CreateWindow method, 685

Cube example

clickable cube, 588-590

cube and TextBlocks, 600-604

cube button style, 594-595

cube of buttons and small purple cube, 597-599

initial code listing, 585-586

cultures, preparing projects for multiple cultures, 350

curly braces ({}), 33-34

CurrentItem property (ICollectionView), 392

curves, Bézier, 480

CustomCategory property (JumpTask), 239-240


advantages/disadvantages, 416

collection views

creating new views, 394-396

explained, 386

filtering, 392

grouping, 388-391

navigating, 392-393

sorting, 386-388

color space profiles, 515

custom controls, creating

behavior, 733-739

commands, 745

control parts, 744-745

control states, 745-749

explained, 721-722

generic resources, 741-742

UI Automation, 749-750

user controls versus custom controls, 722

user interfaces, 739-742

custom rendering, 499

custom sorting, 388

data display, 385

data flow, 403-405

dialogs, 207-208

JumpTask behavior, 237-240

keyboard navigation, 306


communication between parents and children, 752-755

explained, 751-752

selection boxes (ComboBox control), 282-285


explained, 245-246

taskbar item progress bars, 246

taskbar overlays, 247

thumb buttons, 248-249

thumbnail content, 247


D3DImage class, 708-714

DashStyle class, 490-491

DashStyle property (Pen class), 490

data binding, 15

animation and, 632

asynchronous data binding, 401

Binding object, 363

binding to .NET properties, 367-368

binding to collections, 370-373

binding to entire objects, 369-370

binding to UIElement, 370

ElementName property, 366

IsAsync property, 401

in procedural code, 363-365

RelativeSource property, 367

removing, 365

sharing source with DataContext, 374-375

StringFormat property, 375-376

TargetNullValue property, 366

UpdateSourceExceptionFilter property, 408

UpdateSourceTrigger property, 404

validation rules, 405-409

ValidationRules property, 406

in XAML, 365-367

canceling temporarily, 385

CompositeCollection class, 410

controlling rendering

data templates, 378-380

explained, 375

string formatting, 375-377

value converters, 381-386

customizing collection views

creating new views, 394-396

explained, 386

filtering, 392

grouping, 388-391

navigating, 392-393

sorting, 386-388

customizing data flow, 403-405

data providers

explained, 396

ObjectDataProvider class, 401-403

XmlDataProvider class, 397-401

defined, 363

Language Integrated Query (LINQ), 396

to methods, 402-403

MultiBinding class, 410-411

PriorityBinding class, 411

pure-XAML Twitter client, 412-413

troubleshooting, 384

data flow, customizing, 403-405

Data property (DragEventArgs class), 172

data providers

explained, 396

ObjectDataProvider class, 401-403

XmlDataProvider class, 397-401

data templates, 378-380

HierarchicalDataTemplate, 399-400

template selectors, 381

data triggers, 84, 427-428

data types

bridging incompatible data types, 381-384

in XAML 2009, 50

DataContext property, 374-375

DataGrid control

CanUserAddRows property, 298

CanUserDeleteRows property, 298

clipboard interaction, 296

ClipboardCopyMode property, 296

column types, 293-295

displaying row details, 296-297

editing data, 297-298

EnableColumnVirtualization property, 296

EnableRowVirtualization property, 296

example, 292-293

freezing columns, 297

FrozenColumnCount property, 297

RowDetailsVisibilityMode property, 297

selecting rows/cells, 295

SelectionMode property, 295

SelectionUnit property, 295

virtualization, 296

DataGridCheckBoxColumn, 294

DataGridComboBoxColumn, 294

DataGridHyperlinkColumn, 293

DataGridTemplateColumn, 294

DataGridTextColumn, 293

DataTrigger class, 427-428

DatePicker control, 338-339

DateValidationError event, 339

DayOfWeek enumeration, 338

DeadCharProcessedKey property (KeyEventArgs class), 168

debugger (Visual C++), 695

declaration context, 375

declarative programming, 12

decorators, 144

default buttons, 264

default styles, 88


binary resources, 344-345

object elements, 25

properties, 53


CoerceValueCallback, 89

delegate contravariance, 168

ValidateValueCallback, 89

DeleteStickyNotesCommand, 331

dependency properties, 419-420

adding to user controls, 728-731

attached properties

About dialog example, 90-91

attached property providers, 92

defined, 89

as extensibility mechanism, 92-93

attached property providers, 92

change notification, 83-84

explained, 80-81

hijacking, 441

implementation, 81-83

property triggers, 83-85

property value inheritance, 85-86

support for multiple providers

applying animations, 89

coercion, 89

determining base values, 87-88

evaluating, 89

explained, 87

validation, 89

DependencyObject class, 74, 82

DependencyPropertyHelper class, 88


ClickOnce, 210-211

Windows Installer, 210

WPF 3.5 enhancements, 16

WPF 4 enhancements, 17

XAML Browser applications, 229

DesiredSize property (FrameworkElement class), 99

DestroyWindowCore class, 684

device-independent pixels, 102

DialogFunction method, 694


About dialog

with font properties moved to inner StackPanel, 90

with font properties set on root window, 85-86

initial code listing, 75-76

common dialogs, 206-207

custom dialogs, 207-208

dialog results, 208

modal dialogs

launching from Win32 applications, 699

launching from Windows Forms applications, 708

launching from WPF applications, 692, 703

modeless dialogs, 196

TaskDialogs, 253-256

dictionaries, 37-38, 50

DiffuseMaterial, 572-575

direct routing, 161

Direct3D, 12

Direction property

DirectionalLight, 564

PointLights, 568

DirectionalLight, 564-565

directives. See specific directives


development of, 10-11

versus WPF, 13-14

when to use, 13-14

WPF interoperability, 15, 708-714

discrete keyframes, 634-636

DispatcherObject class, 74

DispatcherPriority enumeration, 205

DispatcherTimer class, 608-609

DisplayDateEnd property (Calendar control), 337

DisplayDateStart property (Calendar control), 337


flow documents, 329-331

Visuals on screen, 496-498

DisplayMemberPath property, 276-277, 371

Dock property (DockPanel), 122


examples, 122-125

explained, 122

interaction with child layout properties, 125

mimicking with Grid, 136

properties, 122

documents, flow

annotations, 331-334


AnchoredBlock class, 326-327

BlockUIContainer, 321

List, 320

Paragraph, 320

sample code listing, 321-324

Section, 320

Table, 320

creating, 318-319

defined, 318

displaying, 329-331


AnchoredBlock, 326-327

defined, 324-325

InlineUIContainer, 329

LineBreak, 327

Span, 325-326

DoNothing value (Binding), 385

DoubleAnimation class, 611-612

download groups, 230

DownloadFileGroupAsync method, 231

drag-and-drop events, 172-173

DragEventArgs class, 172

Drawing class, 476

DrawingBrush class, 477, 520-524

DrawingContext class

clip art example, 495-496

methods, 494

DrawingImage class, 477-479


clip art example, 491-492

Drawing class, 476

DrawingBrush class, 477

DrawingContext methods, 494

DrawingImage class, 477-479

DrawingVisual class, 477

geometries. See geometries

GeometryDrawing class, 476-477

GlyphRunDrawing class, 476

ImageDrawing class, 476-478

Pen class, 489-491

VideoDrawing class, 476

WPF 3.5 enhancements, 15


explained, 477, 493

filling with content, 493-496

DropDownOpened event, 282

DropShadowEffect, 529-530

duration of animations, controlling, 614

Duration property (animation classes), 614

DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea method, 249-252

dynamic versus static resources, 355-357

DynamicResource markup extension, 356-357


Ease method, 640

EaseIn method, 642-643

EaseInOut method, 642-643

easing functions, 16

easing keyframes, 636

EasingFunction property (animation classes), 620

EasingFunctionBase class, 641

EasingMode property (easing functions), 637


control templates, 457-458

DataGrid data, 297-298

EditingCommands class, 190

EditingMode property (InkCanvas class), 317

EditingModeInverted property (InkCanvas class), 317

Effects, 529-531

ElasticEase function, 640

element trees. See trees

ElementHost class, 704-706

ElementName property (Binding object), 366

elements. See object elements; property elements

EllipseGeometry class, 479

embedded resources, 663

EmbeddedResource build action, 345


ActiveX controls in WPF applications, 714-718

Win32 controls in WPF applications

explained, 677

keyboard navigation, 687-691

Webcam control, 678-687

Windows Forms controls in WPF applications

explained, 699-700

PropertyGrid, 700-703

WPF controls in Win32 applications

HwndSource class, 692-695

layout, 696-699

WPF controls in Windows Forms applications

converting between two representatives, 707-708

ElementHost class, 704-706

launching modal dialogs, 708

EmissiveMaterial class, 576-578

EnableClearType property (BitmapCache class), 534

EnableColumnVirtualization property (DataGrid), 296

EnableRowVirtualization property (DataGrid), 296

EnableVisualStyles method, 703

EndLineCap property (Pen class), 489

EndMember value (NodeType property), 57

EndObject value (NodeType property), 57

EndPoint property (LinearGradientBrush), 516


BaseValueSource, 88

BindingMode, 403

DayOfWeek, 338

DispatcherPriority, 205

GeometryCombineMode, 486

GradientSpreadMethod, 517

JumpItemRejectionReason, 244

Key, 168-169

MouseButtonState, 171

PixelFormats, 311

RoutingStrategy, 161

ShutdownMode, 202

Stretch, 144

StretchDirection, 144

TileMode, 523

UpdateSourceTrigger, 404-405

Visibility, 102-103

error handling, 407-409

Error ProgressState, 246

EscapePressed property (QueryContinueDragEventArgs class), 173

Euler angles, 560

EvenOdd fill (FillRule property), 482

event handlers, 52

event wrappers, 160


attributes, 25

Click, 263-264

DateValidationError, 339

DropDownOpened, 282

event wrappers, 160

JumpItemsRejected, 244

JumpItemsRemovedByUser, 244

keyboard events, 168-170

mouse events

capturing, 173-174

drag-and-drop events, 172-173

explained, 170-171

MouseButtonEventArgs, 171

MouseEventArgs, 171-172

MouseWheelEventArgs, 171

transparent and null regions, 171

multi-touch events

basic touch events, 177-180

explained, 176

manipulation events, 180-188

navigation events, 218-219

order of processing, 26

Rendering, 609

routed events

About dialog example, 162-164

adding to user controls, 731-732

attached events, 165-167

consolidating routed event handlers, 167-168

defined, 159

explained, 159-160

implementation, 160-161

RoutedEventArgs class, 162

routing strategies, 161-162

stopping, 165

SelectedDatesChanged, 339

SelectionChanged, 281, 285-286

stylus events, 174-176

EventTriggers, 84, 621-622

ExceptionValidationRule object, 407

Execute method, 189

executing commands with input gestures, 192-193

Expander class, 273-274

Expansion property (ManipulationDelta class), 181

explicit sizes, avoiding, 99

explicit versus implicit runs, 314

ExponentialEase function, 640

Expression Blend, 14

expressions, 89

ExtendGlassFrame method, 252

extensibility mechanisms, attached properties as, 92-93

extensibility of XAML, 39

Extensible Application Markup Language. See XAML


factoring XAML, 357

FanCanvas, 768-772

FileInputBox control

behavior, 725-727

dependency properties, 728-731

protecting from accidental usage, 727-728

routed events, 731-732

user interface, 723-725

files. See also specific files

code-behind files, 44

MainWindow.xaml.cs, 178-179, 186-187

raw project files, opening in Visual Studio, 350

VisualStudioLikePanes.xaml, 151-153

VisualStudioLikePanes.xaml.cs, 153-157

FillBehavior property (animation classes), 621

FillRule property (PathGeometry class), 482-483

Filter property (ICollectionView), 392

filtering, 392

finding type converters, 32

FindResource method, 359

FirstDayOfWeek property (Calendar control), 338

Flat line cap (Pen), 490

flow documents

annotations, 331-334


AnchoredBlock class, 326-327

BlockUIContainer, 321

List, 320

Paragraph, 320

sample code listing, 321-324

Section, 320

Table, 320

creating, 318-319

defined, 318

displaying, 329-331


AnchoredBlock, 326-327

defined, 324-325

InlineUIContainer, 329

LineBreak, 327

Span, 325-326

FlowDirection property (FrameworkElement class), 105-106

FlowDocument element, 318

FlowDocumentPageViewer control, 329

FlowDocumentReader control, 329-333

FlowDocumentScrollViewer control, 329

FontSizeConverter type converter, 32

Form1.cs file, 704, 707

FormatConvertedBitmap class, 310

formatting strings, 375-377

Frame class, 212-214, 271-272

frame-based animation, 609

FrameworkContentElement class, 75, 80, 318

FrameworkElement class

ActualHeight property, 100

ActualWidth property, 100

DesiredSize property, 99

explained, 75, 80

FlowDirection property, 105-106

Height property, 98-100

HorizontalAlignment property, 103-104

HorizontalContentAlignment property, 104-106

LayoutTransform property, 106

Margin property, 100-102

Padding property, 100-102

RenderSize property, 99

RenderTransform property, 106

Triggers property, 85

VerticalAlignment property, 103-105

Visibility property, 102-103

Width property, 98-100

FrameworkPropertyMetadata, 731

Freezable class, 74

freezing columns, 297

From property (animation classes), 614-616

FromArgb method, 707

FrozenColumnCount property (DataGrid), 297

full-trust XAML Browser applications, 228

functions. See specific functions


gadget-style applications, 223-224

GDI (graphics device interface), 10

GDI+, 10

hardware acceleration and, 13

generated source code, 46

generic dictionaries, 467, 741-742

generics support (XAML2009), 49


aggregate geometries, 483

Bézier curves, 480

CombinedGeometry class, 486-487

defined, 479

EllipseGeometry class, 479

Geometry3D class, 578

GeometryGroup class, 484-486

LineGeometry class, 479

MeshGeometry3D class, 578-579

Normals property, 581-583

Positions property, 579

TextureCoordinates property, 583

TriangleIndices property, 580-581

PathGeometry class

ArcSegment, 480

BezierSegment, 480

example, 480-482

explained, 479

FillRule property, 482-483

LineSegment, 480

PolyBezierSegment, 480

PolyLineSegment, 480

PolyQuadraticBezierSegment, 480

QuadraticBezierSegment, 480

RectangleGeometry class, 479

representing as strings, 487-489

StreamGeometry class, 483

Geometry3D class, 578

GeometryCombineMode enumeration, 486

GeometryDrawing class, 476-477

GeometryGroup class, 484-486


defined, 563

explained, 571

Geometry3D class, 578


AmbientMaterial, 575

combining, 578

DiffuseMaterial, 572-575

EmissiveMaterial, 576-578

explained, 571

MeshGeometry3D class, 578-579

Normals property, 581-583

Positions property, 579

TextureCoordinates property, 583

TriangleIndices property, 580-581

GetCommandLineArgs method, 202

GetExceptionForHR method, 51

GetGeometry method, 479

GetHbitmap function, 708

GetInstalledVoices method, 664

GetIntermediateTouchPoints method, 177

GetObject value (NodeType property), 57

GetPosition method, 171-175

GetTouchPoint method, 177

GetValueSource method, 88

GetVisualChild method, 497-498

GlyphRunDrawing class, 476

GradientOrigin property (RadialGradientBrush), 519


GradientSpreadMethod enumeration, 517

GradientStop objects, 515

LinearGradientBrush class, 515-518

RadialGradientBrush class, 519-520

transparent colors, 520

GradientSpreadMethod enumeration, 517

GradientStop objects, 515

GrammarBuilder class, 671-672


GrammarBuilder class, 671-672

Speech Recognition Grammar Specification (SRGS), 670-671

graphics device interface (GDI), 10

graphics hardware, advances in, 11

graphics. See 2D graphics; 3D graphics


cell properties, 128

compared to other panels, 136

explained, 125

interaction with child layout properties, 137

interactive sizing with GridSplitter, 132-133

mimicking Canvas with, 136

mimicking DockPanel with, 136

mimicking StackPanel with, 136

sharing row/column sizes, 134-136

ShowGridLines property, 129

sizing rows/columns

absolute sizing, 130

autosizing, 130

GridLength structures, 131-132

percentage sizing, 131

proportional sizing, 130

start page with Grid, 126-129

GridLength structures, 131-132

GridLengthConverter, 131

GridSplitter class, 132-133

GridView control, 290-291

GridViewColumn object, 290

GroupBox control, 273

GroupDescriptions property (ICollectionView), 388

grouping, 388-391

GroupName property (RadioButton class), 267


Handled property (RoutedEventArgs class), 162

HandleRef, 684

hardware acceleration, 12-13

HasContent property (ContentControl class), 262

HasItems property (ItemsControl class), 276

Header property (ToolBar), 306

headered items controls, 299

HeaderedItemsControl class, 299

headers, containers with headers

Expander class, 273-274

GroupBox class, 273

Height property (FrameworkElement class), 98-100

Help command, 191-192

Hidden value (Visibility enumeration), 102

HierarchicalDataTemplate class, 380, 399-400

hijacking dependency properties, 441

Hillberg, Mike, 384

hit testing

3D hit testing, 592-593

input hit testing

explained, 499

InputHitTest method, 513

visual hit testing

callback methods, 505

explained, 499

with multiple Visuals, 500-503

with overlapping Visuals, 503-505

simple hit testing, 499-500

HitTest method, 502-505

HitTestCore method, 505

HitTestFilterCallback delegate, 504

HitTestResultCallback delegates, 503

HorizontalAlignment property (FrameworkElement class), 103-104

HorizontalContentAlignment property (FrameworkElement class), 104-105

HostingWin32.cpp file, 685

HostingWPF.cpp file, 693-697

house drawing, 538-539

2D drawing, 538

3D drawing, 539-540

Transform3Ds, 555-556

HwndHost class, 685

HwndSource class, 692-695

HwndSource variable, 697-698

hyperlinks, 215-216


ICC (International Color Consortium), 515

ICommand interface, 189

Icon property (MenuItem class), 299

IconResourceIndex property (JumpTask), 238

IconResourcePath property (JumpTask), 238

ICustomTypeDescriptor interface, 368

IEasingFunction interface, 640

IList interface, 36

Image control, 309-311

ImageBrush class, 524-525

ImageDrawing class, 476, 478

images. See 2D graphics; 3D graphics

ImageSource class, 310

ImageSourceConverter type converter, 309

ImeProcessedKey property (KeyEventArgs class), 168

immediate-mode graphics systems, 14, 475

implicit .NET namespaces, 27

implicit styles, creating, 421-422

implicit versus explicit runs, 314

InAir property (StylusDevice class), 174

Indeterminate ProgressState, 246

inertia, enabling, 183-188

Ingebretsen, Robby, 23


class hierarchy, 73-75

property value inheritance, 85-86

styles, 418

InitializeComponent method, 46-48, 198

InitialShowDelay property (ToolTip class), 270

InkCanvas class, 316-318

Inline elements

AnchoredBlock, 326-327

defined, 324-325

InlineUIContainer, 329

LineBreak, 327

Span, 325-326

Inlines property (TextBlock control), 314

InlineUIContainer class, 329

InnerConeAngle property (PointLights), 568

input gestures, executing commands with, 192-193

input hit testing

explained, 499

InputHitTest method, 513

InputGestureText property (MenuItem class), 300

InputHitTest method, 513

inspecting WPF elements, 14

instantiating objects

with factory methods, 51-52

with non-default constructors, 51

integration of WPF, 11

IntelliSense, 71

intensity of lights, 565

interfaces. See specific interfaces

International Color Consortium (ICC), 515

interoperability (WPF)

ActiveX content, 714-718

C++/CLI, 681

DirectX content, 15, 708-714

explained, 675-677

overlapping content, 677

Win32 controls

explained, 677

HwndSource class, 692-695

keyboard navigation, 687-691

launching modal dialogs, 692, 699

layout, 696-699

Webcam control, 678-687

Windows Forms controls

converting between two representatives, 707-708

ElementHost class, 704-706

explained, 699-700

launching modal dialogs, 703, 708

PropertyGrid, 700-703

InvalidItem value (JumpItemRejectionReason enumeration), 244

Inverted property (StylusDevice class), 174

IsAdditive property (animation classes), 621

IsAsync property (Binding object), 401

IsCheckable property (MenuItem class), 299

IsChecked property (ToggleButton class), 265

IsCumulative property (animation classes), 621

IsDefault property (Button class), 81, 264

IsDefaulted property (Button class), 264

IsDown property (KeyEventArgs class), 168

IsEditable property (ComboBox), 282

IsFrontBufferAvailableChanged event handler, 712

IsGrouping property (ItemsControl class), 276

IsIndeterminate property (ProgressBar control), 335

IsKeyboardFocused property (UIElement class), 170

IsKeyDown method, 169

IsMouseDirectlyOver property (UIElement class), 171

IsNetworkDeployed method, 231

isolated storage, 209-210

IsolatedStorage namespace, 210

IsolatedStorageFile class, 210

IsolatedStorageFileStream class, 210

IsPressed property (ButtonBase class), 263

IsReadOnly property (ComboBox), 282

IsRepeat property (KeyEventArgs class), 168

IsSelected property (Selector class), 281

IsSelectionActive property (Selector class), 281

IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem method, 373

IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem property (Selector), 373

IsTextSearchCaseSensitive property (ItemsControl class), 285

IsTextSearchEnabled property (ItemsControl class), 285

IsThreeState property (ToggleButton class), 265

IsToggled property (KeyEventArgs class), 168

IsUp property (KeyEventArgs class), 168

ItemHeight property (WrapPanel), 120

items controls


ComboBoxItem objects, 286-287

customizing selection box, 282-285

events, 282

explained, 282

IsEditable property, 282

IsReadOnly property, 282

SelectionChanged event, 285-286

ContextMenu, 301-302


auto-generated columns, 294-295

CanUserAddRows property, 298

CanUserDeleteRows property, 298

clipboard interaction, 296

ClipboardCopyMode property, 296

column types, 293-294

displaying row details, 296-297

editing data, 297-298

EnableColumnVirtualization property, 296

EnableRowVirtualization property, 296

example, 292-293

freezing columns, 297

FrozenColumnCount property, 297

RowDetailsVisibilityMode property, 297

selecting rows/cells, 295

SelectionMode property, 295

SelectionUnit property, 295

virtualization, 296

GridView, 290-291

ItemsControl class

AlternationCount property, 276

AlternationIndex property, 276

DisplayMemberPath property, 276-277

HasItems property, 276

IsGrouping property, 276

IsTextSearchCaseSensitive property, 285

IsTextSearchEnabled property, 285

Items property, 275

ItemsPanel property, 276-280

ItemsSource property, 276


automation IDs, 289

example, 287-288

scrolling, 289

SelectionMode property, 288

sorting items in, 289

support for multiple selections, 288

ListView, 290-291

Menu, 298-301

scrolling behavior, controlling, 280-281

Selector class, 281

StatusBar, 307-308

TabControl, 291-292

ToolBar, 304-306

TreeView, 302-304

items panels, 278

Items property (ItemsControl class), 275, 373

ItemsCollection object, 289

ItemsControl class

AlternationCount property, 276

AlternationIndex property, 276

DisplayMemberPath property, 276-277

HasItems property, 276

IsGrouping property, 276

IsTextSearchCaseSensitive property, 285

IsTextSearchEnabled property, 285

Items property, 275

ItemsPanel property, 276-280

ItemsSource property, 276

scrolling behavior, controlling, 280-281

ItemsPanel property (ItemsControl class), 276-280

ItemsSource collection, 297

ItemsSource property (ItemsControl class), 276, 373

ItemWidth property (WrapPanel), 120

IValueConverter interface, 382-383

IXamlLineInfo interface, 58


journal, 216-218

JournalOwnership property (Frame class), 216-217

Jump Lists

associating with applications, 234

explained, 233-234


adding, 242-243

explained, 241

recent and frequent JumpPaths, 243-244

responding to rejected or removed items, 244


customizing behavior of, 237-240

example, 235

explained, 234

and Visual Studio debugger, 236

JumpItemRejectionReason enumeration, 244

JumpItemsRejected event, 244

JumpItemsRemovedByUser event, 244


adding, 242-243

explained, 241

recent and frequent JumpPaths, 243-244

responding to rejected or removed items, 244


customizing behavior of, 237-240

example, 235

explained, 234


Kaxaml, 22-23

Key enumeration, 168-169

Key property (KeyEventArgs class), 168

keyboard events, 168-170

keyboard navigation

customizing, 306

supporting in Win32 controls, 687-688

access keys, 691

tabbing into Win32 content, 688-689

tabbing out of Win32 content, 689-690

KeyboardDevice property (KeyEventArgs class), 168

KeyboardNavigation class, 306

KeyDown event, 168

KeyEventArgs class, 168

keyframe animation

discrete keyframes, 634-636

easing keyframes, 636

explained, 630

linear keyframes, 631-633

spline keyframes, 633-634

keyless resources, 422-423

KeyStates property

KeyEventArgs class, 168

QueryContinueDragEventArgs class, 173

KeyUp event, 168

keywords. See specific keywords


Label class, 268

Language Integrated Query (LINQ), 396

LastChildFill property (DockPanel), 122

launching modal dialogs

from Win32 applications, 699

from Windows Forms applications, 708

from WPF applications, 692, 703


content overflow, handling

clipping, 139-141

explained, 139

scaling, 143-147

scrolling, 141-143

custom panels

communication between parents and children, 752-755

explained, 751-752

FanCanvas, 768-772

OverlapPanel, 763-768

SimpleCanvas, 755-760

SimpleStackPanel, 760-763

explained, 97-98


Canvas, 116-118

DockPanel, 122-125

explained, 115-116

Grid. See Grid

SelectiveScrollingGrid, 138-139

StackPanel, 118-119

TabPanel, 137

ToolBarOverflowPanel, 138

ToolBarPanel, 138

ToolBarTray, 138

UniformGrid, 138

WrapPanel, 120-122

positioning elements

content alignment, 104-105

explained, 103

flow direction, 105-106

horizontal and vertical alignment, 103-104

stretch alignment, 104

sizing elements

explained, 98

explicit sizes, avoiding, 99

height and width, 98-100

margin and padding, 100-102

visibility, 102-103


applying, 106-107

combining, 113-114

explained, 106

MatrixTransform, 112-113

RotateTransform, 108-109

ScaleTransform, 109-111

SkewTransform, 112

support for, 114

TranslateTransform, 112

Visual Studio-like panes, creating

sequential states of user interface, 147-151

VisualStudioLikePanes.xaml, 151-153

VisualStudioLikePanes.xaml.cs, 153-157

LayoutTransform property (FrameworkElement class), 106

Left property (Canvas), 116

LengthConverter type converter, 102

Light and Fluffy skin example, 463-464

Light objects

AmbientLight, 564, 569-570

defined, 563

DirectionalLight, 564-565

explained, 542, 563

intensity of, 565

PointLight, 564-566

SpotLight, 564, 566-568

Line class, 509-510

linear interpolation, 612-613

linear keyframes, 631-633

LinearAttenuation property (PointLights), 566

LinearGradientBrush class, 515-518

LineBreak class, 327

LineGeometry class, 479

LineJoin property (Pen class), 490

LineSegment class, 480

LINQ (Language Integrated Query), 396

ListBox control

arranging items horizontally, 279

automation IDs, 289

example, 287-288

placing PlayingCards custom control into, 742

scrolling, 289

SelectionMode property, 288

sorting items in, 289

support for multiple selections, 288

lists, 36-37

Jump Lists

associating with applications, 234

explained, 233-234

JumpPaths, 241-244

JumpTasks, 234-240

and Visual Studio debugger, 236

ListBox control

arranging items horizontally, 279

automation IDs, 289

example, 287-288

placing PlayingCards custom control into, 742

scrolling, 289

SelectionMode property, 288

sorting items in, 289

support for multiple selections, 288

ListView control, 290-291

ListView control, 290-291

live objects, writing to, 61-63

Load method, 40-41, 64

LoadAsync method, 41

LoadComponent method, 47

loading XAML at runtime, 40-42

Lobo, Lester, 23

local values, clearing, 88

localization IDs, marking user interfaces with, 351

localizing binary resources

creating satellite assembly with LocBaml, 351

explained, 350

marking user interfaces with localization IDs, 351

preparing projects for multiple cultures, 350

LocBaml, creating satellite assembly with, 351

locking D3DImage, 713

logical AND relationships, 429-430

logical OR relationships, 429

logical resources

accessing directly, 360

consolidating color brushes with, 353-355

defining and applying in procedural code, 359-360

explained, 351-352

interaction with system resources, 360-361

resource lookup, 355

resources without sharing, 358

static versus dynamic resources, 355-357

logical trees, 75-80

LogicalChildren property, 80

LogicalTreeHelper class, 77

LookDirection property (Cameras), 544-548

lookup, resource lookup, 355

loose XAML pages, 231-232


mage.exe command-line tool, 210

mageUI.exe graphical tool, 210

Main method, 199-201

MainWindow class, 197-198

MainWindow.xaml file, 710

MainWindow.xaml.cs file, 178-179, 186-187, 710-712

malicious skins, preventing, 464-465

managed code, mixing with unmanaged code, 682

manipulation events

adding inertia with, 183-188

enabling panning/rotating/zooming with, 182-183

explained, 180-181

ManipulationCompleted, 181

ManipulationDelta, 181

ManipulationStarted, 181

ManipulationStarting, 181

ManipulationBoundaryFeedback event, 185

ManipulationCompleted event, 181

ManipulationDelta event, 181-183

ManipulationDeltaEventArgs instance, 181

ManipulationInertiaStarting event, 183, 187

ManipulationStarted event, 181

ManipulationStarting event, 181

Margin property (FrameworkElement class), 100-102

marking user interfaces with localization IDs, 351

markup compatibility, 61

markup extensions

explained, 32-35

parameters, 33

in procedural code, 35


AmbientMaterial, 575

combining, 578

DiffuseMaterial, 572-575

EmissiveMaterial, 576-578

explained, 571

MatrixCamera class, 553

MatrixTransform, 112-113

MatrixTransform3D class, 562

MDI (multiple-document interface), 203

MeasureOverride method, overriding, 752-754

MediaCommands class, 190

MediaElement class

playing audio, 656-658

playing video, 658-660

MediaPlayer class, 655-656

MediaTimeline class

playing audio, 656-658

playing video, 661-662

Menu control, 298-301

MenuItem class, 299


ContextMenu control, 301-302

Menu control, 298-301

MenuItem class, 299

MergedDictionaries property (ResourceDictionary class), 357

MeshGeometry3D class, 578-579

Normals property, 581-583

Positions property, 579

TextureCoordinates property, 583

TriangleIndices property, 580-581

methods, binding to, 402-403. See also specific methods

Microsoft Anna, 664

missing styles, troubleshooting, 461

mnemonics, 691

modal dialogs, launching

from Win32 applications, 699

from Windows Forms applications, 708

from WPF applications, 692, 703

Model3DGroup class, 563, 584-586


explained, 563


defined, 563

explained, 571

Geometry3D class, 578

Materials, 571-578

MeshGeometry3D class, 578-583


AmbientLight, 564, 569-570

DirectionalLight, 564-565

explained, 563

intensity of, 565

PointLight, 564-566

SpotLight, 564-568

Model3DGroup class, 563, 584-586

modeless dialogs, 196

ModelUIElement3D class, 588-590

ModelVisual3D class, 587-588

Modifiers property (KeyboardDevice), 169

Mouse class, 173

mouse events

capturing, 173-174

drag-and-drop events, 172-173

explained, 170-171

MouseButtonEventArgs, 171

MouseEventArgs, 171-172

MouseWheelEventArgs, 171

transparent and null regions, 171

MouseButtonEventArgs class, 171

MouseButtonState enumeration, 171

MouseEventArgs class, 171-172

MouseWheelEventArgs class, 171

multi-touch events

basic touch events, 177-180

explained, 176

manipulation events

adding inertia with, 183-188

enabling panning/rotating/zooming with, 182-183

explained, 180-181

ManipulationCompleted, 181

ManipulationDelta, 181

ManipulationStarted, 181

ManipulationStarting, 181

multi-touch support, 16

MultiBinding class, 410-411

multiple providers, support for

applying animations, 89

coercion, 89

determining base values, 87-88

evaluating, 89

explained, 87

validation, 89

multiple Visuals, hit testing with, 500-503

multiple-document interface (MDI), 203

MultiPoint Mouse SDK, 176

multithreaded applications, 205

MyHwndHost class, 684-686


Name keyword, 42

named elements, 434

named styles, 421-422

NamespaceDeclaration value (NodeType property), 57


explained, 26-28

implicit .NET namespaces, 27

mapping, 26

naming elements, 42-43

Navigate method, 214-215


keyboard navigation, supporting in Win32 controls, 687-691

views, 392-393

XAML Browser applications, 228-229

navigation-based Windows applications

explained, 211-212

hyperlinks, 215-216

journal, 216-218

Navigate method, 214-215

navigation containers, 212-214

navigation events, 218-219

Page elements, 212-214

returning data from pages, 221-222

sending data to pages, 220-221

NavigationCommands class, 190

NavigationProgress event, 219

NavigationStopped event, 219

NavigationWindow class, 212-214

nearest-neighbor bitmap scaling, 310

.NET properties, binding to, 367-368

NodeType property (XAML), 57-58

None ProgressState, 246

None value (NodeType property), 58

nonprinciple axis, scaling about, 559

NonZero fill (FillRule property), 482

NoRegisteredHandler value (JumpItemRejectionReason enumeration), 244

Normal ProgressState, 246

normals, 581

Normals property (MeshGeometry3D class), 581-583

null regions, 171


Object class, 73

object elements

attributes, 25

content property, 35-36

declaring, 25

dictionaries, 37-38

explained, 24-26

lists, 36-37

naming, 42-43


content alignment, 104-105

explained, 103

flow direction, 105-106

horizontal and vertical alignment, 103-104

stretch alignment, 104

processing child elements, 40


explained, 98

explicit sizes, avoiding, 99

height and width, 98-100

margin and padding, 100-102

visibility, 102-103


applying, 106-107

combining, 113-114

explained, 106

MatrixTransform, 112-113

RotateTransform, 108-109

ScaleTransform, 109-111

SkewTransform, 112

support for, 114

TranslateTransform, 112

values type-converted to object elements, 38

ObjectDataProvider class, 401-403


binding to, 369-370

instantiating via factory methods, 51-52

instantiating with non-default constructors, 51

live objects, writing to, 61-63

logical trees, 75-76

Object class, 73

visual trees, 76-80

on-demand download (XAML Browser applications), 230-231

OneTime binding, 403

OneWay binding, 403

OneWayToSource binding, 403-404

OnMnemonic method, 691

OnNoMoreTabStops method, 690

opacity masks, brushes as, 527-529

Opacity property (brushes), 527

OpacityMask property (brushes), 527-529

OpenGL, 10

opening project files in Visual Studio, 350

OR relationships (logical), 429

order of property and event processing, 26

Orientation property

ProgressBar control, 335

StackPanel, 118

WrapPanel, 120

OriginalSource property (RoutedEventArgs class), 162

OrthographicCamera class

blind spots, 545

compared to PerspectiveCamera class, 551-553

LookDirection property, 544-548

Position property, 543-544

UpDirection property, 548-550

Z-fighting, 545

OuterConeAngle property (PointLights), 568

OverlapPanel, 763-768

overlapping content, 677

overlapping Visuals, hit testing with, 503-505

Overlay property (TaskbarItemInfo), 247

overlays, adding to taskbar items, 247


ArrangeOverride method, 754-755

MeasureOverride method, 752-754


packageURI, 349

Padding property (FrameworkElement class), 100-102

Page elements, 212-214

PageFunction class, 221-222


loose XAML pages, 231-232

Page elements, 212-214

refreshing, 217

returning data from, 221-222

sending data to, 220-221

stopping loading, 217


Canvas, 116-118, 136

content overflow, handling

clipping, 139-141

explained, 139

scaling, 143-147

scrolling, 141-143

custom panels

communication between parents and children, 752-755

explained, 751-752

FanCanvas, 768-772

OverlapPanel, 763-768

SimpleCanvas, 755-760

SimpleStackPanel, 760-763


examples, 122-125

explained, 122

interaction with child layout properties, 125

mimicking with Grid, 136

properties, 122

explained, 115-116


cell properties, 128

compared to other panels, 136

explained, 125

interaction with child layout properties, 137

interactive sizing with GridSplitter, 132-133

mimicking Canvas with, 136

mimicking DockPanel with, 136

mimicking StackPanel with, 136

sharing row/column sizes, 134-136

ShowGridLines property, 129

sizing rows/columns, 130-132

start page with Grid, 126-129

SelectiveScrollingGrid, 138-139


explained, 118

interaction with child layout properties, 119

mimicking with Grid, 136

TabPanel, 137

ToolBarOverflowPanel, 138

ToolBarPanel, 138

ToolBarTray, 138

UniformGrid, 138

Visual Studio-like panes, creating

sequential states of user interface, 147-151

VisualStudioLikePanes.xaml, 151-153

VisualStudioLikePanes.xaml.cs, 153-157


examples, 121

explained, 120

interaction with child layout properties, 121-122

properties, 120

and right-to-left environments, 121


enabling with multi-touch events, 182-183

with inertia, 184-185

Paragraph Blocks, 320

Parse method, 64

parsing XAML at runtime, 40-42

partial keyword, 44

partial-trust applications, 15

parts (control), 447-449

PasswordBox control, 316

path-based animations, 637

Path class, 511-512

PathGeometry class

ArcSegment, 480

BezierSegment, 480

example, 480-482

explained, 479

FillRule property, 482-483

LineSegment, 480

PolyBezierSegment, 480

PolyLineSegment, 480

PolyQuadraticBezierSegment, 480

QuadraticBezierSegment, 480

Paused ProgressState, 246

Pen class, 489-491

percentage sizing, 131


cached composition

BitmapCache class, 533-535

BitmapCacheBrush class, 535

Viewport2DVisual3D support for, 591

improving rendering performance

BitmapCache class, 533-535

BitmapCacheBrush class, 535

RenderTargetBitmap class, 532-533

XAML, 71

WPF 3.5 enhancements, 16

WPF 4 enhancements, 17

persisting application state, 209-210

PerspectiveCamera class

blind spots, 545

compared to OrthographicCamera class, 551-553

LookDirection property, 544-548

Position property, 544

UpDirection property, 548-550

Z-fighting, 545

Petzold, Charles, 23

PInvoke, 251

PixelFormats enumeration, 311


device-independent pixels, 102

pixel boundaries, 17

pixel shaders, 531

Play method, 654

PlayingCard control


code-behind file, 734

final implementation, 737-739

initial implementation, 733-737

resources, 734-735

generic resources, 741-742

placing into ListBox, 742

user interface, 739-742

PointLight, 564-566

PolyBezierSegment class, 480

Polygon class, 511

Polyline class, 510

PolyLineSegment class, 480

PolyQuadraticBezierSegment class, 480

Position property (Cameras), 543-544

positioning elements

content alignment, 104-105

explained, 103

flow direction, 105-106

horizontal and vertical alignment, 103-104

stretch alignment, 104

Positions property (MeshGeometry3D class), 579

power easing functions, 637-638

PressureFactor property (StylusPoint object), 175

PreviewKeyDown event, 168

PreviewKeyUp event, 168

printing logical/visual trees, 78-79

PrintLogicalTree method, 79

PrintVisualTree method, 78

PriorityBinding class, 411

procedural code

accessing binary resources from, 349-350

animation classes

AutoReverse property, 618

BeginTime property, 616-617

DoubleAnimation, 611-612

Duration property, 614

EasingFunction property, 620

explained, 608-610

FillBehavior property, 621

From property, 614-616

IsAdditive property, 621

IsCumulative property, 621

lack of generics, 610-611

linear interpolation, 612-613

RepeatBehavior property, 618-619

reusing animations, 613

SpeedRatio property, 617

To property, 614-616

Binding object in, 363-365

compared to XAML, 24

defining and applying resources in, 359-360

embedding PropertyGrid with, 700-702

frame-based animation, 609

markup extensions in, 35

mixing XAML with

BAML (Binary Application Markup Language), 45-48

CAML (Compiled Application Markup Language), 46

compiling XAML, 43-45

generated source code, 46

loading and parsing XAML at runtime, 40-42

naming XAML elements, 42-43

procedural code inside XAML, 47

skins, 462

timer-based animation, 608

type converters in, 31

inside XAML, 47

procedural code timer-based animation, 609

ProgressBar, 335

adding to taskbars, 246

pie chart control template, 442-444, 453-455

ProgressState property (TaskbarItemInfo), 246

ProgressValue property (TaskbarItemInfo), 246

project files, opening in Visual Studio, 350

PromptBuilder class, 665-667

properties. See also specific properties

dependency properties

attached properties, 89-93

attached property providers, 92

change notification, 83-84

explained, 80-81

implementation, 81-83

property value inheritance, 85-86

support for multiple providers, 87-89

.NET properties, binding to, 367-368

order of processing, 26

Properties collection, 203

Properties collection, 203

property attributes, 25

property elements, 29-30

property paths, 277

property triggers, 83-85, 424-427, 628-629

property value inheritance, 85-86

property wrappers, 82


embedding with procedural code, 700-702

embedding with XAML, 702-703

PropertyGroupDescription class, 390

proportional sizing, 130

protecting controls from accidental usage, 727-728

pure-XAML Twitter client, 412-413


QuadraticAttenuation property (PointLights), 566

QuadraticBezierSegment class, 480

QuaternionRotation3D class, 559

QueryContinueDragEventArgs class, 173


RadialGradientBrush class, 519-520

RadioButton class, 266-268

RadiusX property

RadialGradientBrush, 519

Rectangle class, 507

RadiusY property

RadialGradientBrush, 519

Rectangle class, 507

range controls

explained, 334

ProgressBar, 335

Slider, 335-336

Range property (PointLights), 566

raw project files, opening in Visual Studio, 350

readers (XAML)

explained, 53-54

markup compatibility, 61

node loops, 56-57

NodeType property, 57-58

sample XAML content, 58-59

XAML node stream, 59-61

XamlServices class, 64-67

recent and frequent JumpPaths, 243-244

Rectangle class, 507-508

RectangleGeometry class, 479

Refresh method, 217

refreshing pages, 217

Register method, 82

rejected items, reponding to, 244

RelativeSource property (Binding object), 367

releases of WPF

future releases, 17

WPF 3.0, 14

WPF 3.5, 14-16

WPF 3.5 SP1, 15-16

WPF 4, 14, 16-17

WPF Toolkit, 14

removed items, reponding to, 244

RemovedByUser value (JumpItemRejectionReason enumeration), 244

RemoveHandler method, 160-161

removing Binding objects, 365

RenderAtScale property (BitmapCache class), 533


custom rendering, 499

improving rendering performance

BitmapCache class, 533-535

BitmapCacheBrush class, 535

RenderTargetBitmap class, 532-533

text, 17

TextOptions class, 312

WPF 4 enhancements, 311-312

Rendering event, 609

rendering, controlling

data templates, 378-380

explained, 375

string formatting, 375-377

value converters

Binding.DoNothing values, 385

bridging incompatible data types, 381-384

customizing data display, 385

explained, 381

RenderSize property (FrameworkElement class), 99

RenderTargetBitmap class, 532-533

RenderTransform property (FrameworkElement class), 106

RenderTransformOrigin property (UIElement class), 107

RepeatBehavior property (animation classes), 618-619

RepeatButton class, 265

ResizeBehavior property (GridSplitter), 133

ResizeDirection property (GridSplitter), 133

resolution independence, 12

Resource build action, 344-345

ResourceDictionary class, 357

ResourceDictionaryLocation parameter, 467


binary resources

accessing, 345-350

defining, 344-345

explained, 343

localizing, 350-351

defined, 343

keyless resources, 422-423

logical resources

accessing directly, 360

consolidating color brushes with, 353-355

defining and applying in procedural code, 359-360

explained, 351-352

interaction with system resources, 360-361

resource lookup, 355

resources without sharing, 358

static versus dynamic resources, 355-357

for PlayingCard custom control, 734-735

responding to rejected or removed items, 244

restoring application state, 209-210

restricting style usage, 420-421

results, dialog results, 208

retained-mode graphics systems, 14, 475-476

returning data from pages, 221-222

reusing animations, 613

RichTextBox control, 316

Right property (Canvas), 116

right-hand rule, 543, 580

right-handed coordinate systems, 543-544

RotateTransform, 108-109

RotateTransform3D class, 559-562


enabling with multi-touch events, 182-183

with inertia, 184-185

RotateTransform3D class, 559-562

Rotation property (ManipulationDelta class), 181

routed events

About dialog example, 162-164

adding to user controls, 731-732

attached events, 165-167

consolidating routed event handlers, 167-168

defined, 159

explained, 159-160

implementation, 160-161

RoutedEventArgs class, 162

routing strategies, 161-162

stopping, 165

RoutedEvent property (RoutedEventArgs class), 162

RoutedEventArgs class, 162

RoutedUICommand objects, 190

routing strategies, 161-162

RoutingStrategy enumeration, 161

RowDetailsVisibilityMode property (DataGrid), 297

rows (Grid)

displaying row details, 296-297

selecting, 295

sharing row/column sizes, 134-136


absolute sizing, 130

autosizing, 130

GridLength structures, 131-132

interactive sizing with GridSplitter, 132-133

percentage sizing, 131

proportional sizing, 130

rules, 405-409

Run method, 200-201

running XAML examples, 22

runtime, loading and parsing XAML at, 40-42


satellite assemblies, creating with LocBaml, 351

Save method, 64

Scale property (ManipulationDelta class), 181

ScaleTransform, 109-111, 144

ScaleTransform3D class, 557-559

ScaleX property (RotateTransform class), 109

ScaleY property (RotateTransform class), 109

scaling, 143-147

nearest-neighbor bitmap scaling, 310

about nonprinciple axis, 559

ScaleTransform3D class, 557-559

scope of typed styles, 421

scRGB color space, 514

ScrollBars, 142-143

scrolling behavior, 141-143

controlling in items controls, 280-281

ListBox control, 289

ScrollViewer control, 141-143

Section Blocks, 320

security, XAML Browser applications, 229

SelectedDatesChanged event, 339

SelectedIndex property (Selector class), 281

SelectedItem property (Selector class), 281

SelectedValue property (Selector class), 281

selecting rows/cells, 295

selection boxes (ComboBox control), customizing, 282-285

SelectionChanged event, 281, 285-286

SelectionMode property

Calendar control, 337

DataGrid, 295

ListBox, 288

SelectionUnit property (DataGrid), 295

SelectiveScrollingGrid, 138-139

Selector class, 281

selectors, data template selectors, 381

SelectVoice method, 664

SelectVoiceByHints method, 664

sending data to pages, 220-221

Separator control, 299

SetBinding method, 365

SetCurrentValue method, 89

SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice method, 665

SetOutputToWaveFile method, 665

SetResourceReference method, 359

Setters, 419-420

Settings class, 210

ShaderEffect, 530-531


clip art based on Shapes, 512-513

Ellipse class, 508

explained, 505-506

how they work, 509

Line class, 509-510

overuse of, 507

Path class, 511-512

Polygon class, 511

Polyline class, 510

Rectangle class, 507-508


data source with DataContext, 374-375

Grid row/column sizes, 134-136

resources without sharing, 358

styles, 418-420

ShowDialog method, 208-209

ShowDuration property (ToolTip class), 270

ShowFrequentCategory property (JumpList class), 243

ShowGridLines property (Grid), 129

ShowOnDisabled property

ContextMenuService class, 302

ToolTipService class, 271

ShowRecentCategory property (JumpList class), 243

ShutdownMode enumeration, 202

Silicon Graphics OpenGL, 10

Silverlight, 18-19, 180

Silverlight XAML Vocabulary Specification 2008 (MS-SLXV), 24

SimpleCanvas, 755-760

SimpleQuadraticEase class, 641

SimpleStackPanel, 760-763

SineEase function, 640

single-instance applications, 204

single-threaded apartment (STA), 199


Grid rows/columns

absolute sizing, 130

autosizing, 130

GridLength structures, 131-132

interactive sizing with GridSplitter, 132-133

percentage sizing, 131

proportional sizing, 130

sharing row/column sizes, 134-136


explained, 98

explicit sizes, avoiding, 99

height and width, 98-100

margin and padding, 100-102

visibility, 102-103

SkewTransform, 112


defined, 415

examples, 459-461

explained, 458-459, 462

Light and Fluffy skin example, 463-464

malicious skins, preventing, 464-465

missing styles, troubleshooting, 461

procedural code, 462

Skip method, 63

Slider control, 335-336

snapshots of individual video frames, taking, 660

SnapsToDevicePixels property, 17, 534

Snoop, 14

SolidColorBrush class, 514

SortDescription class, 395

SortDescriptions collection, 387

SortDescriptions property

ICollectionView class, 386

ItemsCollection object, 289

sorting, 289, 386-388

SoundPlayer class, 654

SoundPlayerAction class, 654-655

Source property

MediaElement class, 656

RoutedEventArgs class, 162

SourceName property (Trigger class), 433

spaces in geometry strings, 489

spans, 325-326

SpeakAsync method, 664

SpeakAsyncCancelAll method, 664

speech recognition

converting spoken words into text, 667-670

specifying grammar with GrammarBuilder, 671-672

specifying grammar with SRGS, 670-671

Speech Recognition Grammar Specification (SRGS), 670-671

speech synthesis

explained, 664

GetInstalledVoices method, 664

PromptBuilder class, 665-667

SelectVoice method, 664

SelectVoiceByHints method, 664

SetOutputToWaveFile method, 665

SpeakAsync method, 664

Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML), 665-667

SpeechSynthesizer, 664

Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML), 665-667

SpeechRecognitionEngine class, 669-670

SpeechSynthesizer, 664

SpeedRatio property (animation classes), 617

spell checking, 315

Spinning Prize Wheel, 186-187

splash screens, 205-206

spline keyframes, 633-634

SpotLight, 564-568

SpreadMethod property (LinearGradientBrush), 517

Square line cap (Pen), 490

sRGB color space, 514

SRGS (Speech Recognition Grammar Specification), 670-671

SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language), 665-667

STA (single-threaded apartment), 199

StackPanel. See also SimpleStackPanel

explained, 118

interaction with child layout properties, 119

mimicking with Grid, 136

setting font properties on, 90-91

with Menu control, 300

standard Windows applications

Application class

creating applications without, 204

events, 202

explained, 199-200

Properties collection, 203

Run method, 200-201

Windows collection, 202

application state, 209-210

ClickOnce, 210-211

common dialogs, 206-207

custom dialogs, 207-208

explained, 195-196

multiple-document interface (MDI), 203

multithreaded applications, 205

retrieving command-line arguments in, 202

single-instance applications, 204

splash screens, 205-206

Window class, 196-198

Windows Installer, 210

start pages, building with Grid, 126-129

starting animations from property triggers, 628-629

StartLineCap property (Pen class), 489

StartMember value (NodeType property), 57

StartObject value (NodeType property), 57

StartPoint property (LinearGradientBrush), 516

StartupUri property (Application class), 200-201


control states, 449-455, 745-749

persisting and restoring, 209-210

visual states

respecting with triggers, 442-446

respecting with VSM (Visual State Manager), 447-455

STAThreadAttribute, 695

static versus dynamic resources, 355-357

StaticResource markup extension, 355-357

StatusBar control, 307-308

StopLoading method, 217


page loading, 217

routed events, 165


EventTriggers containing Storyboards, 621-622

Storyboards as Timelines, 629-630

TargetName property, 625-626

TargetProperty property, 622-625

StreamGeometry class, 483

Stretch alignment, 104

Stretch enumeration, 144

Stretch property

DrawingBrush class, 521

MediaElement class, 658

StretchDirection enumeration, 144

StretchDirection property (MediaElement class), 658

StringFormat property (Binding object), 375-376


formatting, 375-377

representing geometries as, 487-489

Stroke objects, 317

structures, ValueSource, 88


consolidating property assignments in, 417

default styles, 88

defined, 415

explained, 416-418

implicit styles, creating, 421-422

inheritance, 418

keyless resources, 422-423

missing styles, troubleshooting, 461

mixing with control templates, 456-457

named styles, 421-422

per-theme styles and templates, 466-469

restricting usage of, 420-421

Setter behavior, 419-420

sharing, 418-420

theme styles, 88


conflicting triggers, 429

data triggers, 427-428

explained, 423-424

expressing logic with, 428-430

property triggers, 424-427

respecting visual states with, 442-446

typed styles, 421-422

stylus events, 174-176

StylusButtonEventArgs instance, 176

StylusButtons property (StylusDevice class), 175

StylusDevice class, 174-175

StylusDownEventArgs instance, 176

StylusEventArgs class, 176

StylusPoint objects, 175

StylusSystemGestureEventArgs instance, 176

Surface Toolkit for Windows Touch, 188

system resources, interaction with logical resources, 360-361

SystemKey property (KeyEventArgs class), 168

SystemSounds class, 654


TabControl control, 291-292

TabInto method, 688

Table Blocks, 320

TabletDevice property (StylusDevice class), 175

TabPanel, 137

TargetName property (Storyboards), 625-626

TargetNullValue property (Binding object), 366

TargetProperty property (Storyboards), 622-625

TargetType property

ControlTemplate class, 434-435

Style class, 420-421

taskbar, customizing

explained, 245-246

taskbar item overlays, 247

taskbar item progress bars, 246

thumb buttons, 248-249

thumbnail content, 247

TaskDialogs, 253-256

tasks, JumpTasks

customizing behavior of, 237-240

example, 235

explained, 234

TemplateBindingExtension class, 435-437

templated parent properties, respecting, 435-439

Content property (ContentControl class), 435-437

hijacking existing properties for new purposes, 441

other properties, 440


control templates

editing, 457-458

mixing with styles, 456-457

named elements, 434

resuability of, 438-440

simple control template, 431-432

target type, restricting, 434-435

templated parent properties, respecting, 435-441

other properties, 438-439

triggers, 432-434

visual states, respecting with triggers, 442-446

visual states, respecting with VSM (Visual State Manager), 447-455

DataTemplates, 378-380

defined, 415

explained, 430-431

HierarchicalDataTemplate, 399-400

per-theme styles and templates, 466-469

template selectors, 381

Windows themes, 470

temporarily canceling data binding, 385


3D hit testing, 592-593

input hit testing

explained, 499

InputHitTest method, 513

visual hit testing

callback methods, 505

explained, 499

simple hit testing, 499-500

with multiple Visuals, 500-503

with overlapping Visuals, 503-505


converting spoken words into, 667-670

InkCanvas class, 316-318

PasswordBox control, 316

rendering, 17, 311-312

RichTextBox control, 316


explained, 664

GetInstalledVoices method, 664

PromptBuilder class, 665-667

SelectVoice method, 664

SelectVoiceByHints method, 664

SetOutputToWaveFile method, 665

SpeakAsync method, 664

Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML), 665-667

SpeechSynthesizer, 664

TextBlock control

explained, 313-314

explicit versus implicit runs, 314

properties, 313

support for multiple lines of text, 315

whitespace, 314

TextBox control, 315

TextOptions class, 312


explained, 664

GetInstalledVoices method, 664

PromptBuilder class, 665-667

SelectVoice method, 664

SelectVoiceByHints method, 664

SetOutputToWaveFile method, 665

SpeakAsync method, 664

Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML), 665-667

SpeechSynthesizer, 664

TextBlock control

explained, 313-314

explicit versus implicit runs, 314

properties, 313

support for multiple lines of text, 315

whitespace, 314

TextBox control, 315

TextElement class, 319-320


AnchoredBlock class, 326-327

BlockUIContainer, 321

List, 320

Paragraph, 320

sample code listing, 321-324

Section, 320

Table, 320


AnchoredBlock, 326-327

defined, 324-325

InlineUIContainer, 329

LineBreak, 327

Span, 325-326

TextFormattingMode property (TextOptions), 312

TextHintingMode property (TextOptions), 312

TextOptions class, 312

TextRenderingMode property (TextOptions), 312

texture coordinates, 584

TextureCoordinates property (MeshGeometry3D class), 583

theme dictionaries, 466

theme styles, 88

ThemeDictionaryExtension, 468

ThemeInfoAttribute, 467-468


defined, 415, 465

generic dictionaries, 467

per-theme styles and templates, 466-469

system colors, fonts, and parameters, 465-466

theme dictionaries, 466

Thickness class, 100-102

ThicknessConverter type converter, 102

thumb buttons (taskbar), adding, 248-249

ThumbButtonInfo property (TaskbarItemInfo), 248-249

thumbnail content (taskbar), customizing, 247

ThumbnailClipMargin property (TaskbarItemInfo), 247

tile brushes

DrawingBrush class, 520-524

ImageBrush class, 524-525

VisualBrush class, 525-527

TileMode enumeration, 523

TileMode property (DrawingBrush class), 521-523

Timelines, 629-630

timer-based animation, 608-609

To property (animation classes), 614-616

ToggleButton class, 265-266

ToolBar control, 304-306

ToolBarOverflowPanel, 138

ToolBarPanel, 138

ToolBarTray class, 138, 305

ToolTip class, 269-271

ToolTipService class, 271

Top property (Canvas), 116

touch events, 177-180

TouchDevice property (TouchEventArgs class), 177

TouchDown event, 178-180

TouchEventArgs class, 177

TouchMove event, 178-180

TouchUp event, 178-180

TraceSource object, 384

Transform method, 65

Transform property (Cameras), 549


combining, 562

explained, 554-555

house drawing example, 555-556

MatrixTransform3D class, 554, 562

RotateTransform3D class, 554, 559-562

ScaleTransform3D class, 554, 557-559

Transform3DGroup class, 554

TranslateTransform3D class, 554-557

TransformConverter type converter, 113


applying, 106-107

clipping and, 141

combining, 113-114

explained, 106

MatrixTransform, 112-113

RotateTransform, 108-109

ScaleTransform, 109-111

SkewTransform, 112

support for, 114


combining, 562

explained, 554-555

house drawing example, 555-556

MatrixTransform3D class, 554, 562

RotateTransform3D class, 554, 559-562

ScaleTransform3D class, 554, 557-559

Transform3DGroup class, 554

TranslateTransform3D class, 554-557

TranslateTransform, 112

TransformToAncestor method, 596-605

TransformToDescendant method, 600-605

transitions (animation), 647-651

Transitions property (VisualStateGroup class), 455

TranslateAccelerator method, 689-691

TranslateTransform, 112

TranslateTransform3D class, 556-557

Translation property (ManipulationDelta class), 181

transparent colors, 520

transparent regions and mouse events, 171


logical trees, 75-76

visual trees, 76-80

TreeView control, 302-304

TreeViewItem class, 303-304

TriangleIndices property (MeshGeometry3D class), 580-581

Trigger class. See triggers

TriggerBase class, 85


conflicting triggers, 429

data triggers, 84, 427-428

event triggers, 84

explained, 423-427

expressing logic with, 428

logical AND, 429-430

logical OR, 429

in control templates, 432-434

property triggers, 83-85, 424-427

respecting visual states with, 442-446

Triggers collection, 85

Triggers property (FrameworkElement class), 85


data binding, 384

missing styles, 461

TryFindResource method, 359

tunneling, 161

turning off type conversion, 50

Twitter, pure-XAML Twitter client, 412-413

TwoWay binding, 403

type converters

BrushConverter, 32

explained, 30-31

finding, 32

FontSizeConverter, 32

GridLengthConverter, 131

ImageSourceConverter, 309

LengthConverter, 102

in procedural code, 31

ThicknessConverter, 102

TransformConverter, 113

turning off type conversion, 50

values type-converted to object elements, 38

typed styles, 421-422


UI Automation, supporting in custom controls, 749-750

UICulture element, 350

Uid directive, 351

UIElement class

binding to, 370

explained, 74

IsKeyboardFocused property, 170

IsMouseDirectlyOver property, 171

RenderTransformOrigin property, 107

UIElement3D class, 15, 588

ContainerUIElement3D, 590

explained, 74

ModelUIElement3D, 588-590

uniform scale, 557

UniformGrid, 138

unmanaged code, mixing with managed code, 682

UpdateLayout method, 100

UpdateSourceExceptionFilter property (Binding object), 408

UpdateSourceTrigger enumeration, 404-405

UpdateSourceTrigger property (Binding object), 404

UpDirection property (Cameras), 548-550


packageURI, 349

URIs for accessing binary resources, 346-347

usage context, 375

UseLayoutRounding property, 17

user controls, creating

behavior, 725-727

dependency properties, 728-731

explained, 721-722

protecting controls from accidental usage, 727-728

routed events, 731-732

user controls versus custom controls, 722

user interfaces, 723-725

user interfaces

creating for PlayingCard custom control, 739-742

creating for user controls, 723-725

marking with localization IDs, 351

USER subsystems, 10


ValidateValueCallback delegate, 89

validation rules, 405-409

ValidationRules property (Binding object), 406

value converters

Binding.DoNothing values, 385

bridging incompatible data types, 381-384

customizing data display, 385

explained, 381

temporarily canceling data binding, 385

ValueMinMaxToIsLargeArcConverter, 445-446

ValueMinMaxToPointConverter, 445-446

Value value (NodeType property), 57

ValueMinMaxToIsLargeArcConverter, 445-446

ValueMinMaxToPointConverter, 445-446

ValueSource structure, 88

variables, HwndSource, 697-698

verbosity of XAML, 71

versions of WPF

future releases, 17

WPF 3.0, 14

WPF 3.5, 14-16

WPF 3.5 SP1, 15-16

WPF 4, 14, 16-17

WPF Toolkit, 14

VerticalAlignment property (FrameworkElement class), 103-105

video support

controlling underlying media, 661-662

embedded resources, 663

explained, 658

MediaElement, 658-660

taking snapshots of individual video frames, 660

Windows Media Player, 658

VideoDrawing class, 476

Viewbox class, 144-147

Viewbox property (DrawingBrush class), 523-524

Viewport2DVisual3D class, 15, 590-591

Viewport3D class, 593-596

Viewport3DVisual class, 596


customizing collection views

creating new views, 394-396

explained, 386

filtering, 392

grouping, 388-391

navigating, 392-393

sorting, 386-388

TreeView control, 302-304

viewSource_Filter method, 395

virtualization, 289, 296

VirtualizingPanel class, 120

VirtualizingStackPanel, 120, 279

Visibility property (FrameworkElement class), 102-103

Visible value (Visibility enumeration), 102

Visual C++, 681, 695

Visual class, 80

explained, 74

TransformToAncestor method, 596-600

visual effects, 529-531

visual hit testing

callback methods, 505

explained, 499

simple hit testing, 499-500

with multiple Visuals, 500-503

with overlapping Visuals, 503-505

Visual State Manager (VSM), 17

animations and

Button ControlTemplate with VisualStates, 643-646

transitions, 647-651

respecting visual states with

control parts, 447-449

control states, 449-455

visual states

respecting with triggers, 442-446

respecting with VSM (Visual State Manager)

control parts, 447-449

control states, 449-455

Visual Studio debugger, 236

Visual Studio-like panes, creating

sequential states of user interface, 147-151

VisualStudioLikePanes.xaml, 151-153

VisualStudioLikePanes.xaml.cs, 153-157


explained, 74, 586

ModelVisual3D class, 587-588

TransformToAncestor method, 600-605

TransformToDescendant method, 600-605

UIElement3D class, 588

ContainerUIElement3D, 590

ModelUIElement3D, 588-590

VisualBrush class, 525-527

VisualChildrenCount method, 497-498


custom rendering, 499

displaying on screen, 496-498

DrawingContext methods, 494


explained, 493

filling with content, 493-496

explained, 493

visual hit testing

callback methods, 505

explained, 499

simple hit testing, 499-500

with multiple Visuals, 500-503

with overlapping Visuals, 503-505

VisualStateGroup class, 455

VisualStateManager. See Visual State Manager

VisualStudioLikePanes.xaml file, 151-153

VisualStudioLikePanes.xaml.cs file, 153-157

VisualTransition objects, 647-651

VisualTreeHelper class, 77

vshost32.exe, 236

VSM (Visual State Manager), 17

animations and

Button ControlTemplate with VisualStates, 643-646

transitions, 647-651

respecting visual states with

control parts, 447-449

control states, 449-455


Webcam control (Win32)

HostingWin32.cpp file, 685-687

Webcam.cpp file, 678-681

Webcam.h file, 678

Window1.h file, 683-684

Webcam.cpp file, 679-681

Webcam.h file, 678

whitespace, TextBlock control, 314

Width property (FrameworkElement class), 98-100

Win32 controls, WPF interoperability

explained, 677

HwndSource class, 692-695

keyboard navigation, 687-691

launching modal dialogs, 692, 699

layout, 696-699

Webcam control, 678-687

winding order (mesh), 579-580

Window class, 196-198

Window1.h file, 683

Window1.xaml file, 717

Window1.xaml.cs file, 716

WindowHostingVisual.cs file, 495-497

WindowInteropHelper class, 708

Windows 7 user interface features

Aero Glass, 249-253

Jump Lists

and Visual Studio debugger, 236

associating with applications, 234

explained, 233-234

JumpPaths, 241-244

JumpTasks, 234-240

taskbar item customizations

explained, 245-246

taskbar item overlays, 247

taskbar item progress bars, 246

thumb buttons, 248-249

thumbnail content, 247

TaskDialogs, 253-256

WPF 4 support for, 16

Windows applications

multiple-document interface (MDI), 203

navigation-based Windows applications

explained, 211-212

hyperlinks, 215-216

journal, 216-218

Navigate method, 214-215

navigation containers, 212-214

navigation events, 218-219

Page elements, 212-214

returning data from pages, 221-222

sending data to pages, 220-221

single-instance applications, 204

standard Windows applications

Application class, 199-204

application state, 209-210

ClickOnce, 210-211

common dialogs, 206-207

custom dialogs, 207-208

explained, 195-196

multithreaded applications, 205

retrieving command-line arguments in, 202

splash screens, 205-206

Window class, 196-198

Windows Installer, 210

Windows collection, 202

Windows Forms controls, WPF interoperability, 10

converting between two representatives, 707-708

ElementHost class, 704-706

explained, 699-700

launching modal dialogs, 703, 708

PropertyGrid, 700-703

Windows Installer, 210

Windows Media Player, 658

Windows themes, 470

Windows XP, WPF differences on, 18

WindowsFormsHost class, 702

WorkingDirectory property (JumpTask), 238

WPF 3.0, 14

WPF 3.5, 14-16

WPF 3.5 SP1, 15-16

WPF 4, 14, 16-17

WPF Toolkit, 14

WPF XAML Vocabulary Specification 2006 (MS-WPFXV), 24


examples, 121

explained, 120

interaction with child layout properties, 121-122

properties, 120

and right-to-left environments, 121

WriteableBitmap class, 15

writers (XAML)

explained, 53-54

node loops, 56-57

writing to live objects, 61-63

writing to XML, 63-64

XamlServices class, 64-67


easing functions, 640-642

validation rules, 406-407


X property

StylusPoint object, 175

TranslateTransform class, 112

x:Arguments keyword, 51, 67

x:Array keyword, 70

x:AsyncRecords keyword, 67

x:Boolean keyword, 67

x:Byte keyword, 67

x:Char keyword, 67

x:Class keyword, 45, 67

x:ClassAttributes keyword, 68

x:ClassModifier keyword, 68

x:Code keyword, 68

x:ConnectionId keyword, 68

x:Decimal keyword, 68

x:Double keyword, 68

x:FactoryMethod keyword, 51-52, 68

x:FieldModifier keyword, 68

x:Int16 keyword, 68

x:Int32 keyword, 68

x:Int64 keyword, 68

x:Key keyword, 68

x:Members keyword, 53, 68

x:Name keyword, 42, 68, 434

x:Null keyword, 70

x:Object keyword, 68

x:Property keyword, 53, 68

x:Reference keyword, 70, 703

x:Shared keyword, 69, 358

x:Single keyword, 69

x:Static keyword, 70

x:String keyword, 69

x:Subclass keyword, 69

x:SynchronousMode keyword, 69

x:TimeSpan keyword, 69

x:Type keyword, 70

x:TypeArguments keyword, 69

x:Uid keyword, 69

x:Uri keyword, 69

x:XData keyword, 69

XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language)

{ } escape sequence, 377

accessing binary resources from, 345-348

advantages of, 22-24

animation with EventTriggers/Storyboards

explained, 621-622

starting animations from property triggers, 628-629

Storyboards as Timelines, 629-630

TargetName property, 625-626

TargetProperty property, 622-625

BAML (Binary Application Markup Language)

decompiling back into XAML, 47-48

defined, 45

Binding object in, 365-367

CAML (Compiled Application Markup Language), 46

common complaints about, 70-71

compiling, 43-45

defined, 23-24

embedding PropertyGrid with, 702-703

explained, 12, 21-22

extensibility, 39

factoring, 357

generated source code, 46

keywords, 67-70

loading and parsing at runtime, 40-42

loose XAML pages, 231-232

markup extensions

explained, 32-35

in procedural code, 35

parameters, 33


explained, 26-28

implicit .NET namespaces, 27

mapping, 26

object elements

attributes, 25

content property, 35-36

declaring, 25

dictionaries, 37-38

explained, 24-26

lists, 36-37

naming, 42-43

processing child elements, 40

values type-converted to object elements, 38

order of property and event processing, 26

procedural code inside, 47

property elements, 29-30

pure-XAML Twitter client, 412-413


explained, 53-54

markup compatibility, 61

node loops, 56-57

NodeType property, 57-58

sample XAML content, 58-59

XAML node stream, 59-61

XamlServices class, 64-67

running XAML examples, 22

specifications, 24

type converters

BrushConverter, 32

explained, 30-31

finding, 32

FontSizeConverter, 32

in procedural code, 31

values type-converted to object elements, 38


explained, 53-54

node loops, 56-57

writing to live objects, 61-63

writing to XML, 63-64

XamlServices class, 64-67

XAML Browser Applications (XBAPs), 15

ClickOnce caching, 226

deployment, 229

explained, 224-226

full-trust XAML Browser applications, 228

integrated navigation, 228-229

limitations, 226-227

on-demand download, 230-231

security, 229


built-in data types, 50

dictionary keys, 50

event handler flexibility, 52

explained, 48-49

full generics support, 49

object instantiation via factory methods, 51-52

object instantiation with non-default constructors, 51

properties, defining, 53

XAML Browser Applications (XBAPs)

ClickOnce caching, 226

deployment, 229

explained, 224-226

full-trust XAML Browser applications, 228

integrated navigation, 228-229

limitations, 226-227

on-demand download, 230-231

security, 229

XAML Cruncher, 23

XAML Object Mapping Specification 2006 (MS-XAML), 24


built-in data types, 50

dictionary keys, 50

event handler flexibility, 52

explained, 48-49

full generics support, 49

object instantiation via factory methods, 51-52

object instantiation with non-default constructors, 51

properties, defining, 53

XamlBackgroundReader class, 53

XamlMember class, 58

XamlObjectReader class, 53

XamlObjectWriter class, 54

XamlObjectWriterSettings.PreferUnconvertedDictionaryKeys property, 50

XamlPad, 23

XAMLPAD2009, 22-23

XamlPadX, 23, 77

XamlReader class

explained, 53-54

Load method, 40-41

LoadAsync method, 41

XamlServices class, 64-67

XamlType class, 58

XamlWriter class, 48, 53-54

XamlXmlReader class, 53-56

markup compatibility, 61

sample XAML content, 58-59

XAML node stream, 59-61

XamlXmlWriter class, 54

XBAPs. See XAML Browser Applications

XML, writing to, 63-64

XML Paper Specification (XPS), 319

XML Path Language (XPath), 397

xml:lang attibute, 67

xml:space attribute, 67

XmlDataProvider class, 397-401

XNA Framework, 11

XPath (XML Path Language), 397

XPS (XML Paper Specification), 319


Y property

StylusPoint object, 175

TranslateTransform class, 112

Z order, 117-118

Z-fighting, 545


enabling with multi-touch events, 182-183

with inertia, 184-185

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