What’s Not in This Book

Not many people want to read an 800+ page book while trying to learn something new—and even if they did, how many of those 800 pages would stick in their brains afterward?

There’s a lot to Apple game frameworks and technologies, and although I eventually want to cover all of it, doing so in a single book is a terrible idea. The goal of learning (and teaching) shouldn’t be about who makes it to the finish line first. Instead, it should be about the journey. With that thought in mind, I took a considerable amount of time deciding what to include in this book and what to save for another day.

So there is no confusion, misunderstanding, or disappointment for a lack of coverage, please understand that the following Apple game frameworks and technologies are not covered in this book:

  • ARKit
  • Metal
  • SceneKit
  • ReplayKit
  • Game Controller
  • On-Demand Resources
  • Apple Arcade
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