A Closer Look at Physics Bodies

There are two types of physics bodies: volume-based bodies and edge-based bodies, which are illustrated in the images that follow.


To create these physics bodies, you use the SKPhysicsBody class and one of its initializers. Typically, you’ll use an initializer that matches your sprite node’s shape, such as a rectangle, circle, polygon, or custom path. You then assign this physics body to the node’s physicsBody property, like so:

 ball.physicsBody = ​SKPhysicsBody​(circleOfRadius: ball.frame.width/2)

When defining shapes, always consider performance. A circle is the most efficient shape, whereas a path-based polygon is the least efficient shape. As you add complexity to these custom shapes, the overall performance of your scene decreases. Also, consider that not every object (node) within a scene needs a physics body; you only need to add a physics body if you intend to apply physics to the node or track it for collision detection.

A volume-based body, such as the ball in the previous example, reacts according to its mass, density, and other properties. For example, in the touchDown(atPoint:) method after setting the restitution property, add the following line:

 ball.physicsBody?.mass = 5.0 ​// in kilograms

This code sets the mass of the ball to 5 kilograms. The default value is based on the size of the physics body and the body’s default density, which is 1.0. Because these two values are related, changing one automatically changes the other to be consistent. This number is arbitrary, so as long as you keep things consistent in your physics world, you won’t have a problem. In other words, don’t set one body’s mass to 5 kilograms and another to 500 kilograms if they’re supposed to represent a similarly sized object.

Now, look at the didMove(to:) method. There, you’ll see the following three lines that set up the floor node’s physics body:

 // Set up its physics body using a rectangle
 floor.physicsBody = ​SKPhysicsBody​(rectangleOf: floor.frame.size)
 floor.physicsBody?.isDynamic = ​false​ ​// static, not moved by physics engine
 floor.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = ​false​ ​// ignores world gravity

Like the ball node’s physics body, this type of physics body is also a volume-based body. However, unlike the ball node, which uses a circle shape, the floor node’s initializer uses a rectangle.

Something else to note is two new properties: isDynamic and affectedByGravity.

The isDynamic property for the floor node is set to false. By setting this property to false, you tell the physics engine not to move this body—that’s why the floor doesn’t move when the balls hit it. This type of volume-based body is known as a static volume body because it never moves.

It’s time for a little science experiment. Set the isDynamic property of the floor node to true, which is the default value, and run the playground again. Notice that this time the floor falls to the edge of the scene after the first ball hits it. The floor node moves because it’s now using a dynamic volume body like the balls, so the physics simulation can move it.


Go back to the touchDown(atPoint:) method and change the mass of the ball node from 5 to 50, like so:

 ball.physicsBody?.mass = 50

Restart the playground and notice how much heavier the balls are this time around—so much so that they make the floor bounce when they hit it.

One more experiment. Currently, the floor node’s affectedByGravity property is set to false, which means this physics body ignores gravity. Set this value to true, and restart the playground. Notice this time, as soon as you start the playground, the floor falls to the bottom of the scene, but it doesn’t fall out of the scene. Instead, it stops precisely at the bottom or edge of the scene.


The floor node doesn’t fall past the scene’s edge into nothingness because the scene also has a physics body attached to it. At the end of the didMove(to:) method, notice the following code:

 // Set up a physics body around the frame using an edge loop
 physicsBody = ​SKPhysicsBody​(edgeLoopFrom: frame)

This code sets the scene’s physicsBody property using what’s known as an edge-based body. Unlike volume-based bodies, edge-based bodies do not have mass and are never moved by the physics simulation, which makes them a great choice for providing invisible boundaries like a scene’s edge. If you were to comment out that line and restart the playground, the floor would fall into nothingness. In fact, it would happen so fast that it’s unlikely you’d even see it fall.

To finish out this final experiment, you’ll adjust the gravity of the simulated physics world. At the top of the didMove(to:) method, add the following code:

 // Adjust the physics world gravity
 physicsWorld.gravity = ​CGVector​(dx: 0, dy: -1.62)
 // Earth's gravity: -9.8 meters per second
 // Moon's gravity: -1.62 meters per second

This code changes the physicsWorld.gravity from its default of -9.8, which simulates Earth’s gravity, to -1.62, which simulates the gravity on the Moon. Build and run the project, start dropping balls with physics bodies attached, and you’ll notice a significant difference in how the balls react to gravity.

The Gravity of the Situation


Gravity is measured by how fast an object falls to the ground. On planet Earth, the acceleration at which an object falls is about 9.8 meters (32 feet) per second. In SpriteKit, you can simulate Earth’s gravity by setting the physicsWorld.gravity to (dx: 0, dy: -9.8). Likewise, to simulate the Moon’s gravity, you can use (dx: 0, dy: -1.62). The negative numbers in both cases indicate a downward pull, like gravity.

You may have noticed that the gravity property includes both a dx and dy value. Not only can you set the world’s vertical gravity (y-axis) by setting a value for dy, but you can also set the horizontal gravity (x-axis) by providing a value for dx, too.

There’s no doubt that the SpriteKit physics engine is powerful; with just a few lines of code, you can implement a sophisticated physics world, complete with mass, density, gravity, and more. But the SpriteKit physics engine and physics bodies do more than simulate physics.

In the next section, you’ll return to the gloopdrop project and discover how you can use physics bodies for more than simulated physics.

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