Configure the Shop Scene

In the Project Navigator, select the ShopScene.swift file; this file is the brains behind the shop scene. Take a moment to look around and when you’re ready to get into the thick of it, keep reading.

Viewing the Store Messages

Notice the static properties in the custom ShopMessages struct:

 struct​ ​ShopMessages​ {
 static​ ​let​ welcome = ​"Welcome to the Shop!"
 static​ ​let​ success = ​"Thank you! Enjoy your purchase."
 static​ ​let​ restored = ​"Excellent! Your purchases have been restored."
 static​ ​let​ restoredComplete = ​"Restoration complete."
 static​ ​let​ makingPurchase = ​"Standby, attempting to make purchase."
 static​ ​let​ restoringPurchases = ​"Standby, attempting to restore purchases."

These are the messages players will see as they interact with the store. You’re welcome to update these messages as you see fit.

This file also contains the ShopScene class. This custom class is what operates the shop scene behind the scenes (no pun intended). At the moment, though, it shows the following compile error:


You probably already know why you’re getting this error and how to fix it, but just in case, let’s take care of that next.

Adding the New Layer Enum

Open the SpriteKitHelper.swift file, and in the Layer enum, add a new case for shop, like so:

 enum​ ​Layer​: ​CGFloat​ {
 case​ background
 case​ foreground
 case​ player
 case​ collectible
 case​ ui
»case​ shop

Save the file and return to the ShopScene.swift file. The error should now be resolved; if not, build the project (but don’t run it), and the error will clear.

With the error gone, it’s time to set up the shop.

Setting up the Shop

Working your way through the ShopScene.swift file, you’ll see a beginInteraction() method and an endInteraction() method. These are the methods the GameScene calls when the player opens and closes the shop; they don’t do anything fancy, but they are necessary to set up the scene:

 func​ ​beginInteraction​() {
 updateMessageText​(with: ​ShopMessages​.welcome) ​// reset message text
 updateUI​() ​// reset UI
 let​ scale = ​SKAction​.​scale​(to: 1.0, duration: 0.15)
 let​ fade = ​SKAction​.​fadeIn​(withDuration: 0.15)
 let​ group = ​SKAction​.​group​([fade, scale])
 run​(group, completion: {})
 func​ ​endInteraction​() {
 let​ scale = ​SKAction​.​scale​(to: 0.25, duration: 0.15)
 let​ fade = ​SKAction​.​fadeOut​(withDuration: 0.15)
 let​ group = ​SKAction​.​group​([fade, scale])
 run​(group, completion: {})

Further down the file, you’ll see the two methods that handle purchasing products and restoring purchases:

 func​ ​purchaseProduct​(node: ​SKNode​) {
 let​ productIdentifier = node.userData?.​value​(forKey: ​"productId"​) ​as?​ ​String
 if​ ​let​ product = ​StoreManager​.shared.availableProducts.​first​(where:
  { $0.productIdentifier == productIdentifier }) {
 updateMessageText​(with: ​ShopMessages​.makingPurchase)
 StoreManager​.shared.​buyProduct​(product: product, qty: 1)
 func​ ​restorePurchases​() {
 updateMessageText​(with: ​ShopMessages​.restoringPurchases)

You will also see the updateMessageText(with:) method, which updates the message text:

 func​ ​updateMessageText​(with message: ​String​?) {
 if​ ​let​ shopMessage = ​childNode​(withName: ​"//shop.message"​) ​as?​ ​SKLabelNode​ {
  shopMessage.text = message

The next group of methods deals with notifications. You’ll observe and use six notifications to handle the various in-app purchase delegate methods. You’ll learn more about these delegate methods in Using the StoreKit Delegate Methods.

Finally, you’ll see a group of methods responsible for setting up and customizing the shop. There’s a lot going on with these methods, but as you look through the code, you should start to see how it all works. Let’s have a closer look.

The first notable method is setupShop(), which looks like this:

 func​ ​setupShop​() {
 for​ product ​in​ ​StoreManager​.shared.availableProducts {

With this method, you’re looping through the StoreManager.shared.availableProducts array, and with each object, you’re calling setupProduct(_:). Don’t worry, you’ll learn more about the StoreManager class in Interface with StoreKit Using the Store Manager. For now, know that the StoreManager class is where most of the magic happens.

Next up is the setupProduct(_:) method. This method first grabs the product ID; it then uses that ID to set up the product information within the scene.

To get a better idea of how the setupProduct(_:) method works, look at the following image:


In this case, only two products are being sold, so the interface is rather simple. The two nodes, shop.product.removeads and shop.product.continue.1, are both part of the node tree.

Notice the call to the StoreManager.shared.resourceNameForProductIdentifier() method, which looks like this:

 func​ ​resourceNameForProductIdentifier​(_ productIdentifier: ​String​)
  -> ​String​? {
 let​ product = ​StoreProducts​.​Product​(productID: productIdentifier)
 return​​replacingOccurrences​(of: ​StoreProducts​.prefixID, with: ​""​)

This method returns the product ID after it removes the prefix. For example, net.justwritecode.gloopdrop.removeads is shortened to removeads, and net.justwritecode.gloopdrop.continue.1 is shortened to continue.1.

You then use the return string to build the node name:

 let​ productNodeName = ​"shop.product.​​(​id​)​​"

The result of which is shop.product.removeads and shop.product.continue.1.

With these two node names, you can build out each part of the product; this includes the title, image, description, price, and buy button.

Furthermore, to set the proper image, the setupProduct(_:) method makes a call to setupImageFor(node:productID:), which looks like this:

 func​ ​setupImageFor​(node: ​SKSpriteNode​, productID: ​String​) {
 let​ product =
 let​ resourceName =
 StoreManager​.shared.​resourceNameForProductIdentifier​(productID) ?? ​""
 var​ imageName = resourceName.​replacingOccurrences​(of: ​"."​, with: ​"-"​)
 let​ textureAtlas = ​SKTextureAtlas​(named: ​"shop_iaps"​)
 if​ textureAtlas.textureNames.​contains​(imageName) == ​false​ {
  imageName =
  imageName.​replacingOccurrences​(of: ​"-​​(​product.quantity​)​​"​, with: ​""​)
 if​ textureAtlas.textureNames.​contains​(imageName) == ​false​ {
  node.texture = ​SKTexture​(imageNamed: ​"none"​)
  node.texture = ​SKTexture​(imageNamed: imageName)

There’s also a call to another method, setUserDataFor(node:productID:), which sets up the node’s userData, storing the value of and product.quantity:

 func​ ​setUserDataFor​(node: ​SKNode​, productID: ​String​) {
 let​ product =
  node.userData = ​NSMutableDictionary​()
  node.userData?.​setValue​(, forKey: ​"productId"​)
  node.userData?.​setValue​(product.quantity, forKey: ​"quantity"​)

The final method in this file is UpdateUI(). At the moment, it’s empty (except for a TODO comment). You’ll update this later in Buying Products and Restoring Purchases.

Now that you have the shop set up and you’re a little more familiar with the methods inside, you need to add the shop scene to the main game scene.

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