

  1. AdventureWork2016ctp3

  2. AdventureWorks2016 database

    1. Microsoft SQL Server Product

    2. new database

    3. restore database dialog

    4. restore database selection

    5. select backup devices dialog

    6. server dialog

  3. Analysis Services cubes


  1. Beginning T-SQL (Third Edition)


  1. Charts and graphs

    1. adding, data bar

    2. adding, map

      1. Analytical Dataset Fields

      2. color theme and data visualization page

      3. dataset column

      4. final map report

      5. learning

      6. map legend position

      7. Map Visualization page

      8. polygon properties

      9. populated map

      10. source, map data

      11. Spatial and Analytical Data page

      12. Spatial Data and Map View Options page

      13. tooltip property

    3. AdventureWorks data source

    4. available values properties

    5. Category Group properties

    6. Category Groups section

    7. chart control

    8. Chart Data properties

    9. Chart Data window

    10. comparisons

    11. 3-D

    12. default values properties

    13. formatted tree map chart

    14. formatting

    15. gauge data properties

    16. indicator change

    17. indicator properties

    18. Interval property

    19. legend position

    20. line chart

    21. list of items

    22. markers sparkline

    23. number properties

    24. OrderYear group

    25. parts, chart

    26. report, data bars

    27. Report Data window

    28. report, sparkline

    29. sales graph

    30. select chart type dialog

    31. show data labels

    32. sorting page

    33. toolbox

    34. tree map chart

    35. value and states page

    36. year dataset

  2. Controlling properties

    1. formatting

    2. interactive sorting

    3. visibility

      1. collapsed sections

      2. control visibility

      3. drawback

      4. expanded report

      5. expressions dialog box

      6. Group Properties dialog

      7. parent group

      8. report layout

      9. report showing, square

      10. settings

D, E, F

  1. Dashboard

    1. Report Properties page

    2. visualizations

    3. year parameter properties

  2. Datasets

    1. adding, new report

    2. dataset properties dialog

    3. new data source

    4. new report properties

    5. parameter list

    6. parameter properties

    7. report data source properties

    8. Report Data window

    9. Sales dataset

    10. shared dataset properties

    11. table control

    12. table grid

    13. toolbox

    14. usage

    15. year parameter

  3. Data sources

    1. connection properties

    2. creation, report

    3. data source file

    4. project and solutions names

    5. properties

    6. report server project

    7. shared data source

    8. solution explorer

    9. type of connection

  4. Dynamic reports

    1. action properties

    2. cascading parameters

    3. cell

    4. creation

    5. database administrator

    6. data types

    7. default parameters

    8. detail report

    9. error message

    10. execute icon

    11. matrix design

    12. multivalued parameters

    13. network SQL Server

    14. parameters

    15. report layout

    16. Shared Dataset Properties

    17. Source Code/Download area

    18. stored procedure, dataset

    19. stored procs/sprocs

    20. territory parameter list

G, H, I, J

  1. Gauges

    1. configuration

    2. data properties

    3. embedded

    4. linear horizontal

    5. parts

    6. radial

    7. scale

    8. table design

  2. Grouping levels

    1. alternate layout

    2. finalization

    3. formatting

    4. grouping window

      1. parent group

      2. preview mode

      3. report design

    5. matrix report

    6. report design

    7. report layout

    8. report requirements

    9. sorting

    10. space-saving layout

    11. table row


  1. Key performance indicators (KPIs)

    1. Ad Hoc Reports

    2. dataset

    3. data source

    4. design page

    5. Edit as Text

    6. ellipsis

    7. properties

    8. query designer

    9. query results

    10. related content link

    11. sales dataset

    12. value properties


  1. List control

M, N

  1. Matrix report

    1. matrix fields configuration

    2. design

    3. OrderYear

    4. partial results

    5. pivoted results

    6. view

  2. Microsoft Business Intelligence stack

  3. Mobile reports

    1. adding, data

    2. application

    3. canvas

    4. data, column

    5. data options for Quota

    6. data properties, year control

    7. Datasets folder

    8. data view

    9. Excel data

    10. layout

    11. month data properties

    12. phone preview

    13. populated report

    14. preview

    15. publisher link

    16. report automatically adjusts

    17. Report Item Titles

    18. report server

    19. SalesByState

    20. Sales dataset and Field

    21. saving

    22. Server Connections icon

    23. server properties

    24. server selection

    25. switch to Phone

    26. tables filter, year

    27. title property

    28. up arrow

    29. US Sales, State data properties

    30. viewing

    31. web portal

  4. MS Access reports


  1. Oracle databases

P, Q

  1. Page footers

  2. Page headers

  3. Publishing reports

    1. AdventureWorks2016 data sources

    2. data source

      1. corrected

      2. creation

      3. properties

    3. creation, new folder

    4. deploying report parts

    5. error message

    6. navigation, report

    7. SharePoint

      1. configuration

      2. data source properties

      3. item dialog

      4. new document icon

      5. report data source

      6. report folder

      7. report properties menu

      8. reports dialog

      9. upload document icon


  1. Report Builder

    1. creation, paginated report

    2. Default Target Server property

    3. Deploying Report Parts

    4. Deploying Reports from SSDT

    5. design icon

    6. editing

    7. file menu

    8. Insert menu

    9. installation

    10. new report/Dataset dialog

    11. power users

    12. remove, criteria

    13. Report Data window

    14. report design area

    15. report developers

    16. Report Part Gallery

    17. report part search

    18. run icon

    19. save, Report dialog

    20. and SSDT

    21. type menu

    22. View ribbon

  2. Report components

    1. calculated fields

    2. list control

    3. page footers

    4. page headers

    5. report cover page

    6. table cell formatting

    7. text boxes

  3. Report properties


  1. SalesOrderID column

  2. Secure socket layer (SSL)

  3. SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)

    1. Charts report

    2. configuration, project

    3. creation, new project

    4. deploy

    5. moving, windows

    6. output window

    7. OverwriteDatasets and Overwrite Data Sources properties

    8. reporting services configuration connection

    9. Report Manager URL

    10. select report server project

    11. setting up, environment

    12. Solution option

    13. TargetServerURL property

    14. Visual Reports folder

    15. Visual Studio

    16. web service URL

    17. window icons

  4. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

  5. SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

    1. administration

    2. architecture

    3. configuration

      1. back up, encryption keys

      2. database name

      3. database page

      4. database server

      5. manage folder link

      6. new report server database

      7. Reporting Services Configuration page

      8. security

      9. site settings link

      10. Web Service URL page

    4. database administrator

    5. development

    6. installation

      1. center

      2. data tools

      3. feature selection

      4. instance configuration page

      5. instructions

      6. reporting service configuration page

      7. setup icon

      8. SSMS

      9. Visual Studio Dev Essentials

    7. integration

    8. Microsoft Business Intelligence stack

    9. MS Access reports

    10. reporting steps

    11. SQL server name

  6. SQL Server Security

    1. AdventureWorks2016SQL

    2. authentication

    3. configuring site security

    4. Credentials page

    5. data source credentials

    6. data source reference

    7. delivery options

    8. Destination property

    9. e-mail

    10. File Share Account

    11. File Sharing dialog box

    12. folder, security page

    13. folder-and object-level roles

    14. folder permissions

    15. hard-coded credentials

    16. infrastructure

    17. manage folder icon

    18. Manager’s and TeamLeaders’s views

    19. My Subscriptions

    20. name property

    21. network share

    22. new subscription

    23. Overwrite Options

    24. Report Data window

    25. Report Parameters

    26. ReportServer database

    27. securing delivery

    28. setting up an SQL account

      1. configuration

      2. connect, server dialog

      3. SQLReportUser account properties

      4. User Mapping page

      5. windows authentication mode

    29. sites

    30. SMTP account settings

    31. subscription properties

    32. Territory Matrix report

    33. types, accounts

    34. web portal

  7. SSMS

SeeSQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

T, U

  1. Tables

    1. company logo

    2. dataset properties

    3. dragging, new field

    4. property dialog properties

      1. filters page

      2. sorting page

      3. Tablix properties

      4. visibility properties

    5. property window properties

    6. Report Data window

    7. solution explorer


  1. Visual Studio Dev Essentials

W, X, Y, Z

  1. Web portal

    1. adding, favorites page

    2. browse page

    3. KPIs and mobile reports

    4. menu

    5. new web portal

    6. report manager

    7. reports folder

    8. SSRS developers and administrators

    9. SSRS features

  2. Wizards

    1. creation

      1. connection properties

      2. data source dialog

      3. data source property

      4. design view

      5. first and last page, report

      6. grouping, data

      7. name and location

      8. report

      9. report code

      10. report server project wizard

      11. table layout

      12. visibility property

    2. export button

    3. formatting

      1. cell, region and total due

      2. change, date format

      3. clipboard

      4. expressions dialog

      5. grand total

      6. menu bar

      7. OrderDate field

      8. Order Month column

      9. property

      10. report definition

      11. SalesOrderID column

      12. tabular report

      13. Text Box Properties dialog

      14. TotalDue field

    4. Page Setup button

    5. print layout button

    6. report preview icons

  3. zoom button

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