Mobile security

The web is increasingly mobile driven—most web traffic is now from mobile devices and mobile apps dominate the development landscape. A cloud native security approach must take into account the security of data generated on these apps and the secure flow of data between cloud systems and end users.

In the past, mobile developers have managed these keys through custom code implementations or through third-party tools purchased with per-license or per-user pricing models. This not only introduces increased overhead to the development teams, but also means they must maintain and update this code to deal with new vulnerabilities. Instead of managing backend infrastructure for these capabilities within applications, CSPs have native services we can leverage to do this in an efficient scalable manner.

Services such as AWS Cognito help developers and architects tackle several of these challenges. This starts with defining users and groups that will interact with your app. You can customize and define the attributes that you need to identify unique users. Password complexity, length, and the use of special characters and case conditions can be easily set to ensure a base level of security. The service supports MFA through email and SMS, in which the service also takes care of the SMS messaging infrastructure.

Furthermore, these cloud native services make application client integration straightforward. Supporting OAuth 2.0 standards, services such as AWS Cognito can issue access tokens to end users, allowing access to the protected resources supporting your application front end:

Figure 6.8: Client integration

A cloud native mobile application identity management system built using cloud services helps mitigate the heavy lifting of standing up scalable and secure services. These services use common standards such as OAuth 2.0 to delegate access to resources your application uses.

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