Monolithic, SOA, and microservices architectures

Architecture design patterns are always evolving to take advantage of the newest technology innovations. For a long time, monolithic architectures were popular, often due to the cost of physical resources and the slow velocity in which applications were developed and deployed. These patterns fit well with the workhorse of computing and mainframes, and even today there are plenty of legacy applications running as a monolithic architecture. As IT operations and business requirements became more complex, and speed to market was gaining importance, additional monolithic applications were deployed to support these requirements. Eventually, these monolithic applications needed to communicate with each other to share data or execute functions that the other systems contained. This intercommunication was the precursor to service-oriented architectures (SOA), which allowed design teams to create smaller application components (as compared to monolithic), implement middleware components to mediate the communication, and isolate the ability to access the components, except through specific endpoints. SOA designs increasingly gained popularity during the virtualization boom, since deploying services became easier and less expensive on virtualized hardware. 

Service-oriented architectures consist of two or more components which provide their services to other services through specific communication protocols. The communication protocols are often referred to as web services, and consist of a few different common ones: WSDL, SOAP, and RESTful HTTP, in addition to messaging protocols like JMS. As the complexity of these different protocols and services grew, using an enterprise service bus (ESB) became increasingly common as a mediation layer between services. This allowed for services to abstract their endpoints, and the ESB could take care of the message translations from various sources to get a correctly formatted call to the desired system. While this ESB approach reduced the complexity of communicating between services, it also introduced new complexity in the middleware logic required to translate service calls and handle workflows. This often resulted in very complex SOA applications where application code for each of the components needed to be deployed at the same time, resulting in a big bang and risky major deployment across the composite application. The SOA approach had a positive impact on the blast radius issues that monolithic architectures inherently had by separating core components into their own discrete applications; however, it also introduced a new challenge in the complexity of deployment. This complexity manifested itself in a way that caused so many interdependencies that a single large deployment across all SOA applications was often required. As a result of these risky big bang deployments, they were often only undertaken a few times a year, and drastically reduced velocity slowed the pace of the business requirements. As cloud computing became more common and the constraints of the on-premises environments began to fade a way, a new architecture pattern evolved: microservices. With the cloud, application teams no longer needed to wait months to have compute capacity to test their code, nor were they constrained by a limited number of physical resources, either.

The microservices architecture style takes the distributed nature of SOA and breaks those services up into even more discrete and loosely coupled application functions. Microservices not only reduce blast radius by even further isolating functions, but they also dramatically increase the velocity of application deployments by treating each microservice function as its own component. Using a small DevOps team accountable for a specific microservice will allow for the continuous integration and continuous delivery of the code in small chunks, which increases velocity and also allow for quick rollbacks in the event of unintended issues being introduced to the service.

Microservices and cloud computing fit well together, and often microservices are considered the most mature type of cloud native architecture at this point in time. The reason why they fit so well together is due to the way cloud vendors develop their services, often as individual building blocks that can be used in many ways to achieve a business result. This building block approach gives the application design teams the creativity to mix and match services to solve their problems, rather then being forced into using a specific type of data store or programming language. This has led to increased innovation and design patterns that take advantage of the cloud, like serverless computing services to further obfuscate the management of resources from the development teams, allowing them to focus on business logic.

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