Predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and beyond

As a system evolves and moves further up the automation maturity model, it will rely more and more on the data it generates to analyze and act upon. Similar to the monitoring, compliance, and optimization design from the previous part of the axis, a mature cloud native architecture will constantly be analyzing log event streams to detect anomalies and inefficiencies; however, the most advanced maturity is demonstrated by using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to predict how events could impact the system and make proactive adjustments before they cause performance, security, or other business degradation. The longer the event data collected is stored and the amount of disparate sources the data comes from will allow these techniques to have ever-increasing data points to take action upon.

Using the automation building blocks already discussed from this axis in combination with the AI and ML, the system has many options to deal with a potential business impacting event.

Data is king when it comes to predictive analytics and machine learning. The never-ending process of teaching a system how to categorize events takes time, data, and automation. Being able to correlate seemingly unrelated data events to each other to form a hypothesis is the basis of AI and ML techniques. These hypotheses will have a set of actions that can be taken if they occur, which, in the past, has resulted in anomaly correction. Automated responses to an event that matches an anomaly hypothesis and taking corrective action is an example of using predictive analytics based on ML to resolve an issue before it becomes business-impacting. In addition, there will always be situations where a new event is captured and historical data cannot accurately correlate that to a previously known anomaly. Even still, this lack of correlation is actually an indicator in itself and will enable the cross-connection of data events, anomalies, and responses to gain more intelligence.

There are many examples of how using ML on datasets will show correlation that could not be seen by a human reviewing the same datasetslike how often a failed user login resulted in a lockout versus a retry over millions of different attempts, and if those lockouts were the result of a harmless user forgetting a password, or a brute-force attack to gain system entry. Because the algorithm can search all required datasets and correlate the results, it will be able to identify patterns of when an event is harmless or malicious. Using the output from these patterns, predictive actions can be taken to prevent potential security issues by quickly isolating frontend resources or blocking requests from users deemed to be malicious due to where they come from (IP or country specific), the type of traffic being transmitted (Distributed Denial of Service), or another scenario.

This type of automation, if implemented correctly across a system, will result in some of the most advanced architectures that are possible today. With the current state of the cloud services available, using predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning is the cutting edge of how a mature cloud native architecture can be designed; however, as the services become more mature, additional techniques will be available and innovative people will continue to use these in ever-increasing maturity to ensure their systems are resilient to business damage.

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