Deploying the API

After successfully testing the API, we have to deploy the API as well so that it can be active in the prod environment. For that, select the Deploy API option from the Actions drop-down menu within the API configuration screen, as follows:

Once the API is deployed, you can go to the Stages option on the left-hand side, select the prod stage, and under that, GET the HTTP method, as follows:

The Stages option

You can copy the deployed API's URL and try accessing it by providing the zip and the appid parameters as part of the URL as follows:,us&appid=qwertyasdfg98765zxcv
Note: Please replace the highlighted text with your environment's specific values.

To make the testing process of the deployed API easier, you can also use the sample HTML page, which is available at the GitHub link, as follows:

  1. Download the HTML page, edit the source to update your API endpoint on line 28, and save it:
<form method="get" action="https://<<updated-endpoint>>>/Prod/weatherservice">
  1. Open the web page in a browser, supply the required field values, and hit the Get Weather button to retrieve the weather for that location:
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