Animal World and Self-improvement

In the zoo at Lusaka, Zambia, there is a cage where the notice board reads ‘The world’s dangerous animal’. Inside the cage there is no animal but a mirror where you see yourself

– Nani Palkhiwala


Flora and fauna are a key integral component of our environment. This is a physical aspect. In addition to this, animal world also provides a set of living role models for one’s own self-improvement. Charity begins at home. Revolution takes its birth in one’s thought. Hence, self-improvement should start first at the individual level and in the individual’s mind. To facilitate this process, animal world provides certain wonderful models.


Continual improvement process has a bearing on an individual’s emotional well-being also. Involvement in continual improvement process enhances one’s credibility, self-esteem and pride in one’s work, besides developing one’s capability to relate oneself with others and work in a team. In acquiring and strengthening these characteristics related to emotional factors, observing the animal world gives an array of useful inputs for everyone. Many of the birds and animals standout prominently as role models for certain characteristics. Some of these birds and animals are listed here.

Role model

Every animal has its own behavioural pattern. What is of relevance to self-improvement is to look upon those behaviours not as those of animals but as our own reflected by them or manifested in them. Once this view is accepted, self-improvement can become an ongoing process within each individual.

On this premise, listed are certain animals and their corresponding dominant behavioural patterns, which are a manifestation of our own in order to facilitate the self-improvement process.

The behaviour of different birds and animals reflect the abilities and infirmities we have within us. These need to be taken due note of to improve the abilities and eliminate infirmities. Hence, they deserve our respect and also deserve to be protected by us.

Love and adopt

1) Cow
Please be aware that every part of my body as well as its output is useful.
2) Donkey
Know my perseverance and commitment. Do not forget the power of my back foot when undue liberty is taken.
3) Crow
Scavenging is a sacred work. Great servants of mankind have been scavenging to get out the kinks and confusion in the minds of human beings to restore love, affection concern. I am a living model of a scavenger. Learn to be good at scavenging. Besides this learn to share, learn to work in a team.
4) Dog
DOG, its reverse word is GOD. Pathway of DOG to GOD—love, action, trust and commitment.

Abhor and avoid

1) Ostrich
There is no problem; to think there is a problem is only in one’s imagination.
2) Giraffe
I know all; I know all better than all.
3) Tortoise
I am different from the rest. I need none and I need to interact with none.
4) Peacock
Who can excel me?
5) Rat
Timid, frightened, shy to communicate.
6) Monkey
Mischievous, joker, buffoonery—no focus.
7) Cat
Demanding sympathy, pity—for inaction and for no results.
8) (Old) Horse
Obstinacy, stubbornness—why change?
9) Rabbit
Never at a place—running away from an inconvenient encounter, difficult situation; may be a difference in opinion.
10) Lion
I am the king. Do not forget—my view, my stand, my decision, my approach, my arrangement are the best. Demolish the rest.
11) Snake
Proverbial bite of the snake hidden in a bush—give a slip in a secretive and surprising manner.
12) Elephant
Be a roadblock like an elephant.
13) Rhinoceros
Raise dust and storm, attack—all with no purpose.
14) Frog
Repeat the same again and again—boredom.
15) Owl
Behave and appear like the one to be ‘profound’ and ‘intelligent’.
16) Jackal
Do not kill; live on the ones killed by others. Find ways and means for this parasitic living.


Animals and birds enrich our life; they bring great joy and cheerfulness to our living. Most important fact is that they symbolise our abilities as well as disabilities. If one understands these and tries to maximise the goodness within oneself, one has set oneself on the path of continual improvement process with a focus on self. This provides the rich energy and impetus needed to make a success of continual improvement process one undertakes in one’s work place.

Continual improvement is not just an ordinary task confined to industrial establishments. Continual improvement has to be transformed into national fervour embracing all institutions; it calls for understanding the process of managing knowledge institutions, challenges that are to be faced and managerial practices suited to continual improvement. These are dealt in Section G.

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