
Note: Page numbers followed by b indicates boxes, f indicates figures and t indicates tables.

3:2 pull-down, 38


ABC Movie of the Week title design, 55

Absorption, sound, 269

Achromatic color harmony, 124

Action edits, 252

Adobe. see After Effects; Flash; Illustrator; Photoshop

Aerial camera movement, 243

After Effects, 56

alpha channels, 203b

audio file formats supported, 271

audio integration with, 271274

audio layer, 272, 273f

camera creation, 216

Cinema 4D plug-in for, 327329

composition creation, 210f, 219

Composition Cropped Layers document, 160f

continuous rasterization, 156

default camera, 215

depth of field, 234

dolly camera movement, 245246

exposure settings, 230

expressions, 278

Flash versus, 9495

focus, 227, 228f

frame rate setting, 221, 221f

framing angle, 240

f-stop value range, 230

handheld camera movement, 246

image size determination, 239

import types, 191, 191f

importing files into, 191

layer parenting, 278

light additions in, 140

moving type animation to Flash, 9899

nondestructive effects, 156b

opening in editor, 170171

pan camera movement, 245

pedestal camera movement, 246

preset creation, 169

rack focus camera movement, 246

rulers and guides, 82b

setting up in, 167171

Shape layer function, 161b, 161f, 162f, 163f

shutter angle and motion-blur options, 235237

Steadycam camera movement, 246

stopwatches, 295b

tilt camera movement, 245

title card-based title sequences with, 200

as type animation tool, 95

for Web-based content, 94

when to use, 9598

zoom camera movement, 245

After Effects tools/options

3D layer icon, 217f

3D Switch, 257f, 258f

Alpha Channel option, 347f

Animate option, 197f, 198b, 201f

Audio Output option, 274

Audio panel, 272, 277f

Bevel Alpha option, 212f

Blur Length option, 330f

Blur option, 311f

Camera Settings window, 230, 230f, 231, 232f, 234

Canvas Size option, 166b, 167f

CC Burn effect, 166f, 169f, 333f

CC Light Rays effect, 280f, 281f

CC Radial Wipe effect, 316f, 317f

CC Vector Blur effect, 342f

Character Panel, 197f

Collapse Transformations option, 158b

Composition Settings, 167168, 221

Constrain Proportions option, 166f

Continuous Rasterize option, 323

Convert to Audio Keyframes option, 280f

Ctrl-D (Command-D), 202f, 300f, 304f

Ctrl-E (Command-E), 170, 193f

Ctrl-M (Command-M), 207f

Difference blend mode, 334f

Directional Blur option, 339f

Echo option, 337f

Effects & Presets menu, 209f

Eraser tool, 318f, 341f

Extrude NURBS option, 346f

Fast Blur option, 320f, 336f

Focal Length parameter, 231, 232

Glow option, 336f

Gradient editor, 204f

Graph editor, 213f, 226f

Intensity option, 298f, 299f

Keyframe Interpolation option, 213f

Light option, 298f

Mask Expansion option, 294f, 306f, 307f

Mask Feather option, 295b, 295f, 302f, 303f, 307f

Mask Opacity option, 306f, 307f

Mask Shape tool, 294f

Motion Blur option, 205f, 235, 309f, 311f, 328f, 339f

Move tool, 346f

Multiply blend mode, 333f

Null Object option, 344f

Opacity blend mode, 335f

Opacity option, 290f, 291f, 292f, 293f, 337f

Orbit Camera tool, 241

Output Module Settings, 274, 274f, 359f

Paragraph panel, 296f, 299f, 332f

Pen tool, 161f, 162f

Per Character 3D option, 310f

Photoshop Sequence option, 341f

Point of Interest controls, 298f, 299f

Position tool, 336f, 343f

Pre-Compose, 158b, 158f, 317f, 318f

Property option, 308f

Radial Blur option, 301f

Raining Character In option, 338f

Range Selectors, 201b, 202f, 308f

Rectangle tool, 211f, 302f

Reduce Interlace Flicker option, 325f

Reload Footage option, 171, 195f

Render Queue panel, 236

Render Settings tool, 346f

Resample Image option, 166

Reverb option, 277f

Reverse Transition, 316f

Rotation tool, 311f, 336f

Scale tool, 169f, 170f, 199f, 201f, 300f, 306f

Selection tool, 302f

Skew option, 329f

Smudge tool, 340f

Stencil Alpha, 157b

Stereo Mixer option, 277f, 278f

Straight Alpha option, 347f

Text tool, 331f

Time Remap feature, 224, 226f, 314f, 342f

Time Reverse Keyframes, 318f

Tracking option, 296f

Transparency Grid, 203f

Type tool, 200f, 321f, 338f

Wiggler panel, 334f

Workspace for Text option, 196b

X Rotation option, 205f, 206f

After Effects tutorials

adding animated illustrative elements, 161b

adding music and sound effects, 277b

animated title cards, 196b

animating layer styles, 159161

Dawn of the Dead blood-splatter type, 339340

end scroll animation, 323b

exploding type, 309b

fading up and down, basic move, 290

fading up and down by character, 292b

falling into place, 307

footage editing, 254256

horror-jittery type, 333

in-scene title wipes, 304b

large blocks of type, 207b

Lost-style 3D title, 342

lower third title creation, 203b

Matrix raining characters, 338

painterly effects, 319b

painting/writing text on screen, 315b

preset creation, 169b

resizing movie poster logo, 166b

shaped fade up and fade down, 294b

Sopranos-style wipe, 327

Spiderman-style full-3D text animation, 344345

spotlight reveals, 297b

Star Wars backward crawl, 331

Stencil Alpha, 157b

stop-motion titles, 312b

Superman-style explosive type, 335

suspense-style glowing back light, 329

synching sound with type, 279b

text bounce, 299b

ticker creation, 210b

title card-based title sequence, 200b

title sequence with virtual camera, 256259

title wipes, 302b

tracking animation, 295b

“whoosh” creation, 275b

write-on effect with font, 317b

zoom-in effect, 306

Afterimages, 129b

Alberti, Leon Battista, 115

Alpha Channel option (After Effects), 347f

Alpha channels, 203b

The Alphabet Conspiracy

background, 101

case study, 99b

cues, 101

custom typefaces, 102

defined, 101

Alphabetic writing system, 73

Alternating title cards and footage, 13

Ambient lights, 141

Amplitude, 269

decibels, 269

defined, 269

see also sound

Analogous color harmony, 125, 125f

Anchor Point animation, 332f

Anchor points, 191192, 192f

Animated title cards, 196b

completed, 199f

composition length setting, 196f

type animation, 198f

type appearance, 197f


defined, 30

as pre-production step, 6

presentation, 6

Animation-based title sequences, 16


defined, 291

Opacity, 292

range selector, 291, 292

Aperture, 229230

Apple Final Cut Pro

editing footage in, 254256

software setup, 253254

Apple Motion

2D mode, 216

3D mode, 216

Angle of View parameter, 233f

camera creation, 216

default camera, 215

dolly camera movement, 245246

editing footage with, 254256

focus, 228

frame rate, 221, 222f

image size determination, 239

light properties, 146

light types, 144

Optical Flow option, 226f

pan camera movement, 245

pedestal camera movement, 246

project creation, 219

rack focus camera movement, 246

Rotation values, changing, 240, 242

software setup, 254

Steadycam camera movement, 246

tilt camera movement, 245

Time Remap feature, 224, 225f

Timing option, 225f

Variable Speed Time Remap feature, 226f

zoom camera movement, 245

Aristotle, 114116

Aspect ratios

defined, 218

film cameras, 218

in film/video workflows, 3536

mobile devices, 88t


creating and animating, as production step, 7

frame size, 33


adding sound effect in, 275b

defined, 275

Fade In/Fade Out options, 276f

High Pass Filter option, 276f

Phaser option, 276f

White Noise option, 275f

Audio Amplitude layer, 280f

Audio files

formats supported, 271

imported, 272

working with, 271

Audio integration (After Effects), 271274

Audio Output option (After Effects), 274


Background lights, 138

Balloon lights, 136

Baseline, 77

Bass, Saul, 4952, 252

background, 49

career, 4950

graphic design education, 49

North by Northwest, 50

Psycho, 5051, 52

title sequences, 49

Bed, 358f

The Better Angels (Chen)

creative justification, 364365

description, 364

illustrated title sequence, 365f, 366f

software and techniques, 365

synopsis of movie, 364

technical challenges, 365366

see also Title sequences by Ex’pression graduates

The Better Angels (McLeod)

creative description/treatment, 368

illustrated title sequence, 368f, 369f

software and techniques, 368369

synopsis of movie, 368

see also Title sequences by Ex’pression graduates

Bevel and Emboss layer style

complexity, 154

defined, 148

effect, 153154

illustrated, 153f

Stroke layer and, 153b

Style setting, 153

Technique setting, 153

Texture setting, 154

see also Layer styles (Photoshop)

Bezier paths, 157

Bitmap screen fonts, 75

Black background, 129

Blur Length option (After Effects), 330f

Blur option (After Effects), 311f

Bold, faux, 7677


in color deficiency, 127

defined, 124

Broadcast title design, 5556


in creative brief, 4

title sequence, 349

as transition decision-making factor, 10

Building/creating title sequence workflow, 354

bed completion, 358f

concept pitching, 355f

concept planning, 354f

getting approval, 358f

project management, 356f

protection, 357f

rendering to client spec, 358f

technical planning, 355f

title movement determination, 357f


Camera framing, 238242

high angle, 239

high-level, 239

image size and, 238239

level and angle of, 239242

low angle, 239

low-level, 239

real-world cameras, 239

Camera movements, 242246

aerial, 243

computer-generated, 244246

dolly, 243, 244, 244f

green-screen production, 249

handheld, 243

motivations for, 244

pan, 243, 244, 244f

pedestal, 243, 244f

point of view (POV) and, 244

rack focus, 243

Steadicam, 243

tilt, 243, 244f

types of, 242243

zoom, 243

Camera Settings window (After Effects)

Blur Level option, 234

Depth of Field option, 234

Enable Depth of Field option, 230, 230f, 258f

Film Size option, 234

Focus Distance option, 234

F-Stop option, 234


computer-generated, 215

depth of field, 233234

film, 132, 133, 215

frame rates, 220224

lenses, 227232

real-world versus CG, 215237

shutter angle, 235237

shutter speed, 234235

video, 133134, 215

virtual, 256259

Case studies

The Alphabet Conspiracy, 99b

The Kite Runner, 6567

Le Tourment Vert, 185b

Pop!Tech 2008, 260b

Quantum of Solace, 6165

Stranger Than Fiction, 6768

Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, 15b

TED 2009, 171b

title sequences by Ex’pression graduates, 360b

Urbanicity, 282b

Cast shadows, 143

Casting, in order of credits, 352

CC Burn effect (After Effects), 333f

CC Radial Wipe effect (After Effects), 316f, 317f

CC Vector Blur effect (After Effects), 342f

Cell phones, titles on, 8789

Chevreul, Michel, 116

Cinema 4D plug-in, 327329

Cirque du Freak (Weitz), 16

City Lights (Chaplin), 46

Client dynamic

The Kite Runner case study, 6667

Quantum of Solace case study, 63

Stranger Than Fiction case study, 68

Close-up (CU), 238

Closing titles, 3032

CMYK color system, 120, 120f

Collapse Transformations option (After Effects), 158b


brightness, 124, 127

complementary, 128

computer-generated lighting, 142

contrasts, 127129

cool/warm, 116, 116t 119t

cultural and sociological connotations, 117

deficiency, 126127

as essential title component, 113

history, 114116

hue, 124

mood and, 117

online resources for, 126b

perception of, 113

political connotations of, 117

preference, 118

primary, 123

properties, 124

psychological responses to, 119t

Radatz, Ben on, 264

religious connotation of, 117

saturation, 124, 127

secondary, 123

senses and, 117

shades, 124, 124f

spectrum, 113, 114f

symbolism and psychology of, 116118

tertiary, 123

as therapy, 118

tints, 124, 124f

tones, 124, 124f

understanding, 113127

in Urbanicity case study, 283

Color harmonies, 124126

achromatic, 124

analogous, 125, 125f

complementary, 125, 125f

cool, 126

creation techniques, 124

defined, 124

monochromatic, 124, 125f

split-complementary, 125, 125f

square, 126, 126f

tetradic, 125, 126f

triadic, 125, 125f

warm, 126

Color Overlay layer style, 148, 154, 154f

Color palette

Adobe Illustrator, 121

Adobe Photoshop, 121

deciding, 116

evocation, 117118

Color systems, 119123

CMYK, 120, 120f

color motion picture film, 123

color values, 120

HSL (or HSI), 120

HSV (or HSB), 120

Pantone (PMS), 120

RGB, 119, 119f

RYB, 119

use decision, 122

YUV, 120

Color temperature, 131132

chart, 131f

daylight light fixtures, 131132

defined, 131

tungsten light fixtures, 131

Color wheel, 120f, 123

Complementary color harmony, 125, 125f

Complementary colors, 128

Composition Cropped Layers import type, 192, 209f, 257f

Composition import type, 191192

Composition Settings (After Effects), 167168, 221

Advanced tab, 237, 237f

Basic tab, 167f


creating, 210f, 219

length setting, 196f, 200f, 209f

settings, 219

Compression, client decision, 34

Computer-assisted title sequences, 56

Computer-generated camera movements, 244246

dolly, 245246

handheld, 246

pan, 245

ped, 246

rack focus, 246

Steadycam, 246

tilt, 245

zoom, 245

see also Camera movements

Computer-generated cameras

creating, 216

defined, 215

frame rate, 221

see also Cameras

Computer-generated lighting, 140146

ambient lights, 141

cast shadows, 143

characteristics of, 140

color, 142

cone angle, 143

cone feather, 143

differences in, 140

intensity, 142

light options, 142

parallel lights, 141

point lights, 141

shadow darkness, 143

shadow diffusion, 143

spot lights, 140

see also Lighting


edit, 252

pitching, 355f

planning, 354f

Cone angle, 143

Cone feather, 143

Cone of vision, 84

Continuous rasterization, 156

Continuous Rasterize option (After Effects), 323

Contours, layer styles, 149151

Cool color harmony, 126

Cool colors, 116, 116t 119t

Cooper, Kyle, 351

Creative briefs

budget section, 4

common sections, 4

compiling, 3

defined, 3

deliverables section, 4

objective of, 4

overview, 37

as pre-production step, 5

section examples, 3

target audience section, 4

timeline section, 4

Creative process

completing, 349359

The Kite Runner case study, 65, 66

Nimmo, Stacy on, 109110

preparation and testing, 172

Quantum of Solace case study, 61, 6263

Ross, Rock on, 40

Stranger Than Fiction case study, 6768

TED 2009 case study, 171

Critical focus, 227

Cuts, 250251


Da Vinci, Leonardo, 115

Dawn of the Dead blood-splatter type, 339340

After Effects tutorial, 340342

defined, 339

see also Famous movie title techniques

Daylight light fixtures, 131132

Dead Man on Campus (Frankfurt and Fong), 2728

Delicatessen (Caro and Jeunet), 56, 57

film opening, 56

music, 56

transition into movie, 57

type qualities, 57

Deliverables, 353

client decision on, 34

in creative brief, 4

Depth of field, 233234

After Effects, 234

defined, 233

great (long), 233, 234t

less (shallow), 233234, 234t

variation, 234

see also Cameras

Design blocks, 8184

Deteuranopes, 127

DI. see Digital intermediate (DI)

Difference blend mode (After Effects), 334f

Digital Intermediate (DI)

defined, 36

digital video source/deliverable, 37

digital video source/film deliverable, 38

film source/digital video deliverable, 37

film source/film deliverable, 3738

image sequence conformed/manipulated, 36

image sequence printed, 36

process, 3638

scanning, 36

workflow, 36, 37t

workflow variations, 3637

Dimmers, 137

Directional Blur option (After Effects), 339f

Director, in order of credits, 353

Director of photography, 352

Display typefaces, 75

Dissolves, 251

Distance, in light intensity, 136

Distribution contracts, 32

Dolly, 243, 244, 244f, 245246

Double title cards, 30

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (Kubrick and Ferro), 52, 53

Drop Shadow layer style

defined, 148

illustrated, 151f

Drop shadows, 151

Duchamp, Marcel, 46


Early titles, 4549

City Lights (Chaplin), 46

Duchamp, Marcel, 46

Forbidden Games (Clément), 4849

Griffith, D. W, 45

Scenic and Title Artist 816 union and, 48

Spook Sport (Bute and McLaren), 4748

superimposing technique, 4647

talkies, 46

The Women (Cukor), 47

Echo option (After Effects), 337f


footage for title sequence, 250254, 254256

music, 254

Nimmo, Stacy on, 107

software setup for, 253254


offline, 359

online, 359

in order of credits, 352


action, 252

concept, 252

cut, 250251

for designers, 252253

dissolve, 251

fade, 251

form, 252

motivation of, 251252

planning, 253

rules and art of, 251252

screen position, 252

sound, 270271

types of, 250251

Emotional response, as title sequence function, 3

Emotive lighting, 139

End scrolls, 322323

animating, 323b

difficulty with video, 322

effects for, 323

processing, 323

setting, 323

typefaces for, 322

Engage and excite, as title sequence function, 2

Eraser tool (After Effects), 318f, 341f

Exploding type, 309

After Effects tutorial, 309b

defined, 309

rotation, 311f

starting from ending, 309f

timeline, 310f

see also Techniques

Expressions (After Effects), 278

Extreme close-up (ECU), 239

Extreme long shot (ELS), 239

Extrude NURBS option (After Effects), 346f

Eyelights, 138


Fade up and fade down, 290292

After Effects tutorial, 290b

basic move, 290

by character, 291292

as most common, 290

playhead placement for, 291f

shaped, 294b

see also Techniques

Fades, 251

Fahrenheit 451 (Truffaut), 54

Falling into place, 307

After Effects tutorial, 315b

defined, 307

see also Techniques

Famous movie title techniques, 327345

Dawn of the Dead blood-splatter type, 339340

horror-jittery type, 333

Lost-style 3D title, 342

Matrix raining characters, 338

Sopranos-style wipe, 327

Spiderman-style full-3D text animation, 344345

Star Wars backward crawl, 331

Superman-style explosive type, 335

suspense-style glowing back light, 329

Fantastic Voyage (Fleischer and Kuhn), 53

Fast Blur option, 320f, 336f

Fast-motion shots, 223, 223f

A Father’s Will

creative justification, 370

description, 370

illustrated title sequence, 370f, 371f

software and techniques, 370

synopsis of movie, 369

see also Title sequences by Ex’pression graduates

Featured cast members, in order of credits, 352

Files, importing into After Effects, 191

Fill lights, 138


DI workflow, 37

frame size, 38

process and transfer, 3638

Film cameras

aspect ratio, 218

color-balancing, 132, 133

default recording speed, 220

defined, 215

focus rings, 227

framing, 239

f-stops, 229

use of, 215b

see also cameras

Film title, in order of credits, 352

Film transfer, 65

Film-out, 13

Final deliverable, as postproduction step, 7

Fine cut, 7

Fine-art techniques, 315319

painterly effects, 319b

painting/writing text on screen, 315b

write-on effect with font, 317b

see also Techniques


After Effects versus, 9495

Convert to Symbol option, 97f

Document window, 96f

Dynamic Text feature, 97b

F keys, 97b

FLV format, 99f

Free Transform tool, 97f

keyframes, 97f

as motion graphics tool, 95

moving type animation to, 9899

moving type with, 9398

Properties panel, 97f

type animation, 9697, 97b

Type tool, 96f

when to use, 95

Focal length, 227, 231232

After Effects, 232

defined, 231

illustrated, 231f

see also Lenses

Focus, 227228

adjusting, 227

After Effects, 227, 228f

critical, 227

film cameras, 227

Motion, 228

pull, 227

video cameras, 227

see also Lenses

Foley, 270271

Font families, 75

Font size

distance and, 8586

Legibility index (LI), 85, 85t

Nimmo, Stacy on, 105

Peng, Synderela on, 69

point size and, 86t

Radatz, Ben on, 263

Ross, Rock on, 42

Fontlab Studio

defined, 90

Generate Font option, 93f

glyphs, 92f

illustrated, 90f

typeface creation with, 9193


bitmap, 75

creating, 9091

handwritten, 77

monospaced, 75

OpenType, 80

Psycho (Bass), 52

tracking and, 79

TrueType, 80

Type 1 (PostScript), 80

use decision for, 73, 77

weights, 75

write-on effect with, 317b

see also Typefaces


alternating title cards and, 13

editing for title sequence, 250254, 254256

in importing workflow, 191

in titles over picture, 1213

titles placed over, 195

Footage import type, 191

Footage and motion graphics, 1827

How We Built Britain title sequence, 1827

notable title sequences using, 27

Footcandles, 136

Forbidden Games (Clément), 4849

Form edits, 252

Frame rates, 220224

in After Effects, 221, 221f

CG camera and, 221

changing in post-production, 224

client decision, 34

common, 222t

defined, 220

faster, 223, 223f

film camera, 220

in Motion, 221, 222f

slower, 223, 223f

variable, 224, 224b

video camera, 220

Frame sizes

asset, 33

client decision in, 34

common, 33t

for film, 38

for mobile devices, 88t

in post-production, 33

for video, 38, 218t

Frames per second (fps), 220

Fresnel lights, 135

F-stops, 227, 229230

After Effects, 230

defined, 229

determining, 229

in film cameras, 229

in video cameras, 229

see also Lenses


Glow option (After Effects), 336f

Glyphs, 92b, 92f

Gradient Overlay layer style

defined, 148

effect, 155

illustrated, 155f


editing, 212f

linear, 211f

Graphics design department, working with, 165

Great (long) depth of field, 233, 234t

Greatest Story Ever Told

creative justification, 360

description, 360

software and techniques, 361362

synopsis of movie, 360

see also Title sequences by Ex’pression graduates

Green-screen production, 247250

camera movement, 249

camera settings, 249

factors in, 247

foreground/background lighting setups, 248249

green light bulbs, 249

green spill, 247248

lighting, 247

lighting sources, 249

screen area maximization, 250

shadows, 248

waveform monitor, 247

Grid systems, 81

breaking the grid, 8384

characteristics of, 81

implementation of, 8283

use of, 81

Griffith, D. W, 45

Guides, hiding/showing, 8384


Handheld camera movement, 243, 246

Handwritten fonts, 77

Harmonics, 268

High Pass Filter option (Audacity), 276f

High-key lighting schemes, 139

High-level framing, 239

History, title sequences, 4560

ABC Movie of the Week, 55

Bass, Saul, 4952

broadcast, 5556

computer-assisted, 56

Delicatessen (Caro and Jeunet), 56, 57

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (Kubrick and Ferro), 52, 53

early titles, 4549

Fahrenheit 451 (Truffaut), 54

Fantastic Voyage (Fleischer and Kuhn), 53

Irreversible (Noé), 60

Lost Highway (Lynch and Johnson), 58, 59

modern, 5760

Monsoon Wedding (Nair and Trollbäck+co), 59

The Partridge Family, 5556

Repulsion (Polanski and Binder), 53

Se7en (Fincher and Cooper), 57, 58

Uccellacci e Uccellini (Pasolini), 5455

Holmes, Steve, 185, 185f, 282

Horror-jittery type, 333

How We Built Britain (Edwards)

aerial video footage, 19

defined, 18

final shot, 27

in footage and motion graphics combination, 1827

Jeep as narrator, 27

sequence beginning, 27

see also Footage and motion graphics

HSL (or HSI) color system, 120

HSV (or HSB) color system, 120

Hue, 124


Illustrator, 89

3D Extrude and Bevel effect, 194f

Appearance panel, 194f

Character panel, 194f

color palette, 121

Create Outlines option, 89f

editing type from, 193b

Eraser tool, 90f

Lasso tool, 90f

Live Trace, 91f

modifying text with, 89

swatch libraries, 122

with Wacom tablet, 333f

Image size

in After Effects/Motion, 239

in camera framing, 238239


as Composition, 191192

as Composition Cropped Layer, 192, 315f, 320f, 324f

files into After Effects, 191

as Footage, 191, 341f

as Projects, 193

type changes and, 193

workflow, 191193

Incident light, 229

Inner Glow layer style

controls, 152

defined, 148

effect, 152

illustrated, 152f

see also Layer styles

Inner Shadow layer style

defined, 148

effect, 151

see also Layer styles

In-scene title wipes, 303

After Effects tutorial, 304b

creating, 304b

defined, 303

Inspector (Motion)

Camera tab, 228, 228f, 233f

Properties tab, 240, 241f, 242

Intensity, light, 136


defined, 31

use of, 195

see also Title cards

Intervalometers, 220b

Irreversible (Noé), 60

Italic, faux, 7677



defined, 7778

manual, 78

metric, 78

optical, 78

Ross, Rock on, 43

typefaces and, 78

Key lights, 138


Flash, 97f

Position, 204f, 213f, 305f, 306f, 328f, 336f

Scale, 300f

X Rotation, 205f, 206f

Kickers, 138

The Kingdom (Berg), 2829

The Kite Runner case study, 6567

client dynamic, 6667

craft, 66

creative process, 65, 66

production/post-production team, 66

project length, 66

title sequence concept/inspiration, 65


Large type blocks

adding in animations to, 210f

background texture of, 209f

extending, 209f

importing, 209f

setting type in, 207f

type animation, 209f

working with, 207b

Latin alphabet, 73

Layer parenting, 278

Layer styles (Photoshop), 147155

adding and adjusting, 147148

animating with After Effects, 159161

Bevel and Emboss, 148, 153154

Color Overlay, 148, 154

contours of, 149151

dialog box, 148f

Drop Shadow, 148, 151

Gradient Overlay, 148, 155

Inner Glow, 148, 152

Inner Shadow, 148, 151

Outer Glow, 148, 151152

Pattern Overlay, 155

Satin, 148, 154

Stroke, 148, 155

types of, 148

Use Global Light option, 149

uses for, 147


anchor points, 191192, 192f

Animator added to, 198f

audio, 272, 273f

Audio Amplitude, 280f

Null Object, 332f

text, importing, 193

Le Tourment Vert case study, 185b

camera use, 188

concept and inspiration, 185, 186, 187

creative freedom, 187

French background, 188

Holmes, Steve and, 185, 185f

illustrations, 189f, 190f

project timeline, 188

research influence, 187

type approach, 187


defined, 79

Ross, Rock on, 43

Legibility index (LI), 85

defined, 85

reference, 85t

for smaller screens, 8889

translation to screen sizes, 86, 86t

Lenses, 227232

features of, 227

focal length, 227, 231232

focus, 227228

f-stops, 227, 229230

long, 231

normal, 231

prime, 231

short, 231

use decision for, 227

zoom, 231

see also Cameras

Less (shallow) depth of field, 233234, 234t

LI. see Legibility Index

Ligatures, 76

Light gels, 133134, 137

Light intensity, 136

computer-generated lighting, 142

manipulating, 136

measurement, 136

Light meters, 229


computer-generated, 140146

emotive, 139

green screen, 247, 248249

high-key, 139

low-key, 139

Radatz, Ben on, 264

set, tips for, 138b


ambient, 141

angle of, 137

Apple Motion, 144, 146

background, 138

balloon, 136

changing type of, 144

color temperature and, 131132

daylight, 131132

as essential title component, 113

eyelight, 138

fill, 138

Fresnel, 135

function of, 137138

hard sources, 134135

incident, 229

key, 138

kicker, 138

model and settings, 135

open face, 135

parallel, 141

plate creation, 130

point, 141

qualities of, 134138

reflective, 229

in samples/plates, 130

size and output, 135

soft sources, 135

space, 136

spot, 140

tungsten, 131

understanding, 129146

visible spectrum, 114f

Linear gradients, 211f

Live-action footage, Quantum of Solace case study, 6364

Live-action shoot

in pre-production, 67

as production step, 7

Logographic writing system, 73


main title card as, 159163

movie poster, resizing, 166b

studio, 32

Long shot (LS), 238

Lost Highway (Lynch and Johnson), 58, 59

Lost-style 3D title, 342

After Effects tutorial, 343344

defined, 342

Lower third titles

adding text layer for, 205f

background creation for, 203f

composition creation for, 203f

creating, 203b

defined, 31, 203

keyframe animation in, 205f

keyframes, copying/pasting, 206f

Motion Blur, 205f

opacity in, 204f

render setting for, 207f


ascender, 79

defined, 76

descender, 79

in Legibility Index (LI), 85, 85t

Low-frequency effects, 268

Low-key lighting schemes, 139

Low-level framing, 239

Lumens, 136


Main title cards

adding animated illustrative elements to, 161

defined, 30

as movie logo, 159163

Manual kerning, 78

Mask Expansion option (After Effects), 294f, 306f, 307f

Mask Feather option (After Effects), 295b, 295f, 302f, 303f, 307f

Mask Opacity option (After Effects), 306f, 307f

Mask Shape tool (After Effects), 294f, 302f

Match frame transitions, 1011

defined, 10

designer involvement, 10

examples, 1011

see also Transitions

Matrix raining characters, 338

After Effects tutorial, 338339

defined, 338

Matte titling, 54b

Medium close-up (MCU), 239

Medium long shot (MLS), 239

Medium shot (MS), 238

Metric kerning, 78

Mixed case, 76

Mixers, 271

Mobile devices, viewing considerations, 9394

Modern title sequences, 5760

Monochromatic color harmony, 124, 125f

Monospaced fonts, 75

Monsoon Wedding (Nair and Trollbäck+co), 59

Motion blur

as After Effects option, 205f, 235237, 309f, 311f, 323, 328f, 339f

rendering, disabling, 236

shutter angle and, 235

Motion graphics

footage and, 1827

Peng, Synderela on, 69

Quantum of Solace case study, 65

Stranger Than Fiction case study, 68

Move tool (After Effects), 346f

Movie posters logo, resizing, 166b

Multiple title cards, 30

Multiply blend mode (After Effects), 333f

Murch, Walter

In the Blink of an Eye, 270

Synesthesia, 269270


adding in After Effects, 277b

adding to title sequence, 275

in editing process, 254

in order of credits, 352


Newton, Isaac, 115

Nimmo, Stacy

on camera movement and transitions, 107

on challenges, 110

on color and lighting, 109

on creative process, 109110

on current projects, 111

on editing, 107

example work (Higher Level), 104f

example work (Jacked Auto Theft Task Force), 106f

example work (The Word), 110f

example work (Vision 08), 108f

on favorite parts, 110

on font size and readability, 105

graphic design background, 103

on Gunshop, 105

influences, interests, and passions, 105

on inspirations, 111

on screen time, 106

on soundtracks, 108

on technology, 110

on title design, 103b

on title safe boundaries, 106107

Noise, 268

North by Northwest (Bass), 50

Null Object layer, 332f

Null Object option (After Effects), 344f

Number 24

creative justification, 366367

description, 366

illustrated title sequence, 367f

music, 367368

software and techniques, 367

synopsis of movie, 366

see also Title sequences by Ex’pression graduates


Objective, in creative brief, 4

Offline editors, 359

Online, titles, 8789

Online editors, 359

Opacity Animator, 292

Opacity blend mode (After Effects), 335f

Opacity option (After Effects), 290f, 291f, 292f, 293f, 337f

Open face lights, 135

Opening titles, 3032

terminology and concepts of, 30

typical order of credits of, 352353

OpenType, 80

Optical kerning, 78

Orbit Camera tool (After Effects), 241

Order of credits, opening title sequence, 352353

Outer Glow layer style

defined, 148

effect, 151152

Elements section, 152

illustrated, 151f

Quality section, 152

sections illustration, 152f

Structure section, 151

Output Module Settings (After Effects), 274, 274f, 359f

Overtones, 268


Painterly effects, 319b

After Effects tutorial, 319b

defined, 319

letter form creation for, 322f

paint splatters for, 320f, 321f

type layer creation for, 321f

Painting text on screen, 315b


defined, 243

illustrated, 244f

motivation for, 244, 245

in post-production, 33

Panic Room (Fincher), 1718

Pantone (PMS) color system, 120

Paragraph panel (After Effects), 296f, 299f, 332f

Parallel lights, 141

The Partridge Family title design, 5556

Pattern Overlay layer style, 155

Pedestal camera movement, 243, 244f, 246

Peng, Synderela

on challenges, 70

on designing title sequences, 69b

on editing, 6970

on font size, 69

on goals/objectives, 70

on inspiration/influence, 71

on motion graphics, 69

on project length, 70

on score, 70

on technology, 70

on title card order, 69

Per Character 3D option (After Effects), 310f

Phaser option (Audacity), 276f

Photogrammetry, 1718


color palette, 121

continuous rasterization, 156

layer styles, 147155

NTSC DV preset, 208f

swatch libraries, 122

Photoshop Sequence option (After Effects), 341f

Picture edit, 11

Pitch, as pre-production step, 6

Pitch (sound), 267268

frequency dependence of, 267

frequency measurement for, 268

low-frequency effects of, 268

see also Sound

Pitching concepts, 355f


concept, 354f

edits, 253

technical, 355f

title sequences, 350351

Point lights, 141

Pop!Tech 2008 case study, 260b

challenges, 260

imagery selection, 260

integration, 260

Trollbäck, Jacob, 260

Position tool (After Effects), 336f, 343f

Positioning, title sequence, 89

at beginning of movie, 8

at beginning/end of movie, 8, 9

at end of movie, 89

in middle of movie, 8


changing frame rates in, 224

frame size and, 33

panning and scanning in, 33

sound in, 270271

steps, 7

Sympathy for Lady Vengeance case study, 15

Pre-compose option (After Effects), 158b, 158f, 317f, 318f

Preliminary testing, as preproduction step, 6

Premiere Pro, Title Designer tool, 325f

Preminger, Otto, 350


steps, 5

Sympathy for Lady Vengeance case study, 15

title sequences, 351


contour (Photoshop), 149150

creating, 169

NTSC DV, 208f

project, 219

Typewriter, 209f

Primary colors, 123

Prime lenses, 231

Producers, in order of credits, 353


early stages, designers in, 352

green-screen, 247250

steps, 7

Sympathy for Lady Vengeance case study, 15

title sequences in, 215266

Production company, in order of credits, 352

Production designer, in order of credits, 352

Production/post-production team

The Kite Runner case study, 66

Quantum of Solace case study, 63

Stranger Than Fiction case study, 68

Project import type, 193

Project length

The Kite Runner case study, 66

Peng, Synderela on, 70

Quantum of Solace case study, 63

Radatz, Ben on, 265

Ross, Rock on, 4243

Stranger Than Fiction case study, 68

Project management, 163164

AE Project folder in, 164

AE Renders folder in, 164

defined, 163

master folder in, 163

original art folder in, 164

Photoshop folder in, 164

Project Properties (Motion), 222f


creating, 219

element preparation for, 351352

importing, 193

presets, 219

Propagation, sound, 269

Protecting work, 357f

Psycho (Bass), 5051, 52

aluminum bars, 51

fonts, 52

foreground/background visual illusion, 51

horizontal black lines, 51, 52

structural forms, 51

Pulling the threads title

sequences, 2930


Quantum of Solace case study, 6165

challenges, 65

client dynamic, 63

creative process, 61, 6263

female forms, 62

forensic table sequence, 64

live-action footage, 6364

motion graphics and film transfer workflow, 65

previsualization, 61, 6263

production/post-production team, 63

project length, 63

soundtrack, 65

special effects, 64


Rack focus, 243, 246

Radatz, Ben, 262b

advice for novice title designers, 266

background, 262

on challenges, 265

on color and lighting, 264

on favorite titles, 266

on font size and readability, 263

on goals and objectives, 265

illustrated, 262f

on MK12 beginnings, 262263

on project length, 265

on score in place, 264

on studio guidelines, 264

on team dynamic, 265

on technology, 265

on transitions and hard cuts, 217, 218

on work influences, 263

Radial Blur option (After Effects), 301f

Raining Character In option (After Effects), 338f

Range selectors, 291, 292

Range Selectors (After Effects), 201b, 202f, 308f

Raster images, 156

Readability, 8489

cone of vision and, 84

factors, 84

font size and, 8586

Nimmo, Stacy on, 105

Radatz, Ben on, 263

Ross, Rock on, 41

Rectangle tool (After Effects), 211f, 302f

Red Doors, 349, 353, 358f

Reduce Interlace Flicker option (After Effects), 325f

Reflection, sound, 269

Reflective light, 229

Refraction, sound, 269

Reload Footage option (After Effects), 171, 195f

Render Settings tool (After Effects), 346f

Rendering title sequences, 359

Repulsion (Polanski and Binder), 53

Research, as pre-production step, 5


in film/video workflow, 35

reduction, 165166

Reverse pull-down, 38

Reverse Transition option (After Effects), 316f

Revised storyboards, as pre-production step, 6

RGB color system, 119, 119f

Roman Capital, 7374

defined, 7374

as form following function, 74b

primary use of, 74

Ross, Rock, 39b

on challenging aspects, 4344

on creative freedom, 41

on creative process, 40

defined, 39

on font size, 42

illustrated, 39f

interest in film titles, 39

on job rewards, 44

on kerning and leading, 43

on life experience as influence, 3940

on number of movies worked on, 44

on preliminary testing, 42

on project length, 4243

on readability, 41

on score/soundtrack, 41, 42

Rotation tool (After Effects), 311f, 336f

Rough cut, 7

RYB color system, 119


Sans serif typefaces, 75

Satin layer style, 148, 154, 154f


in color deficiency, 127

defined, 124

Saw-style horror-jittery type, 333

Scale tool (After Effects), 169f, 170f, 199f, 201f, 300f, 306f

Scanning, in post-production, 33

Scenic and Title Artist 816 union, 48

Scores, 271

Screen position edits, 252

Scrims, 136137

Script typefaces, 75

Scrolling titles, 31

Se7en (Fincher and Cooper), 57, 58

aesthetical qualities, 58

close-up shots, 57

defined, 57

Se7en-style horror-jittery type, 333

Secondary colors, 123

seen and Not Heard

creative justification, 363

description, 363

software techniques, 363

synopsis of movie, 362

technical challenges, 363364

title sequence illustration, 363f, 364f

see also Title sequences by Ex’pression graduates

Selection tool (After Effects), 302f

Serif typefaces, 74

Shades, 124, 124f


cast, 143

darkness, 143

diffusion, 143

drop, 151

Shape layers (After Effects), 161b, 161f, 162f, 163f

Shaped fade up and fade down, 294b

Shot composition, 238246

camera framing in, 238242

camera movement in, 242246

Shutter angle, 235

in After Effects, 235237

defined, 235

motion blur and, 235

see also Cameras

Shutter speed, 234235

defined, 234

higher, 235

range, 234235

slower, 235

see also Cameras

Single title cards, 30

Skew option (After Effects), 329f

Slow-motion shots, 223, 223f

Small caps, 76

Smart quotes, 76

Smith, Gareth, 349350

Smudge tool (After Effects), 340f

Sopranos-style wipe, 327

After Effects tutorial, 327329

creating, 327329

defined, 327

matching look/feel of, 327f

skewing in, 329f see also Techniques

Sound, 267278

absorption, 269

amplitude, 267, 269

audio integration of (After Effects), 271274

characteristics, 267269

edit, 270271

importing, 279f

mix, 271

pitch, 267268

in post-production, 270271

propagation, 269

reflection, 269

refraction, 269

score and, 271

synching with type, 279b

tone, 267, 268

Sound effects

adding in After Effects, 277b

adding in Audacity, 275b

adding to title sequence, 275


defined, 271

Nimmo, Stacy on, 108

Quantum of Solace case study, 65

Space lights, 136

Special effects, Quantum of Solace case study, 64

Spiderman-style full-3D text animation, 344345

After Effects tutorial, 345348

background animation, 347f

defined, 344

Split-complementary color harmony, 125, 125f

Spook Sport (Bute and McLaren), 4748

Spot lights, 140

Spotlight reveals, 297

After Effects tutorial, 297b

defined, 297

see also Techniques

Square color harmony, 126, 126f

Star Wars backward crawl, 331

After Effects tutorial, 331332

defined, 331

type formatting in, 331f

Steadicam, 243

Steadycam, 246

Stencil Alpha

cutting out textures with, 157b

defined, 157f

using, 158f

Stop-motion titles, 312

After Effects tutorial, 312b

defined, 312

equipment requirement for, 312f

importing photos for, 313f

with modern equipment, 312b


Offset, 338f

Position, 324f, 328f

Scale, 334f

Story by, in order of credits, 353

Story within a story, 2829

The Kingdom title sequence, 2829

notable title sequences using, 29

Storyboard revision, 6

Storyboarding, as preproduction step, 5

Straight Alpha option (After Effects), 347f

Stranger Than Fiction case study, 6768

client dynamic, 68

creative process, 6768

main-on-end title sequence, 68

motion graphics and film transfer workflow, 68

opening sequence, 68

production/post-production team, 68

project length, 68

rotoscoping and motion tracking, 68

title sequence concept/inspiration, 67

type treatment, 68

Stroke layer style

defined, 148

effect, 155

illustrated, 156f

Stroke weight, 76

Studio logos, 32

Studio name, in order of credits, 352

Style frames, as pre-production step, 56

Subtitles, 31

Superimposing technique, 4647

Superman-style explosive type, 335

After Effects tutorial, 335

defined, 335

flying title animation in, 336f

type towards camera in, 337f

Supertitles, 195

Suspense-style glowing back light, 329

After Effect tutorial, 329330

defined, 329

Syllabic writing system, 73

Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (yU+co)

case study, 15b

video-based title sequence, 14

Synesthesia (Murch), 269270


Talent contracts, 32

Talkies, 46

Target audience, in creative brief, 4

Technical planning, 355f


Dawn of the Dead blood-splatter type, 339340

end scroll, 322323

essential, 289323

exploding type, 309

fade up and fade down, 290292

falling into place, 307

famous movie title, 327345

fine-art, 315319

horror-jittery type, 333

Lost-style 3D title, 342

Matrix raining characters, 338

painterly effects, 319b

painting/writing text on screen, 315b

Sopranos-style wipe, 327

Spiderman-style full-3D text animation, 344345

spotlight reveal, 297

Star Wars backward crawl, 331

stop-motion titles, 312

Superman-style explosive type, 335

suspense-style glowing back light, 329

text bounce, 299

timing, 289

title wipes, 301303

tracking, 295

write-on effect with font, 317b

zoom-in effect, 306


Nimmo, Stacy on, 110

Peng, Synderela on, 70

Radatz, Ben on, 265

TED 2009 case study, 171b

creative process, 171

Trollbäck, Jacob and, 171, 171f

Tertiary colors, 123


preliminary, 6

as production step, 7

TED 2009 case study, 172

Tetradic color harmony, 125, 126f

Text bounce, 299

After Effects tutorial, 299b

defined, 299

see also Techniques

Text as character, 1718

Text tool (After Effects), 331f

Textures, cutting out with Stencil Alpha, 157b

Thirds, 82, 83b


color transition for, 212f

composition creation for, 210f

creating, 210b

defined, 210

effect completion for, 214f

keyframe interpolation for, 213f

linear gradient for, 211f

rectangle expansion for, 212f

setting keyframes for, 213f

setting speed for, 213f

setting type for, 212f

Tilt, 243, 244f, 245

Time remapping, 224

in After Effects, 224, 226f, 314f, 342f

for stop-motion titles, 312

Time Reverse Keyframes option (After Effects), 318f

Timelines, in creative brief, 4

Timing, 289, 353

Tints, 124, 124f

Title card-based title sequence, 200b

with After Effects, 200

animation template, 202f

composition setup, 200f

title creation, 200f

title duplication, 202f

title trimming, 201f

Title cards

animated, 196b

in avoiding typos, 32

creating, 195

defined, 30, 195

double, 30

early, 45

intertitle, 31, 195

main, 30, 159163

matte, 54

multiple, 30

nonmoving, 195

order, Peng, Synderela on, 69

single, 30

triple, 30

Title Designer tool (Premier Pro), 325f

Title designers

choosing of, 350

delivery responsibility of, 351352

with design team, 351

in early stages of production, 352

edits for, 252253

in match frame transitions, 10

novice, advice for, 266

time with creative team, 350

Title Safe boundary box, 86

Title sequences

adding sound effects/music to, 275

alternating title cards and footage, 13

animation-based, 16

brief history of, 4560

budget and, 349

computer-assisted, 56

creative brief and, 37, 4b

creative process overview for, 37

editing footage for, 250254, 254256

effective, 2

elements of, 2, 3

footage and motion graphics in, 1827

functions of, 2b

match frame transitions in, 1011

music of, 1

opening, typical order of credits, 352353

planning, 350351

positioning, 89

in pre-production, 351

in production, 215266

pulling the threads and, 2930

purpose and functions of, 13

rendering, 359

in setting tone, 1

story within a story and, 2829

text as character and, 1718

title card-based, 200b

titles over picture and, 1113

transitions in, 930

video-based, 14

with virtual camera, 256259

workflow for, 57, 163171

Title sequences by Ex’pression graduates, 360b

The Better Angels (Chen), 364366

The Better Angels (McLeod), 368369

A Father’s Will, 369, 370

Greatest Story Ever Told, 360, 361362

Number 24, 366368

seen and Not Heard, 362, 363364

Title wipes, 301303

After Effects tutorial, 302b

creating, 302303

defined, 301

in-scene, 303

see also Techniques


average speed on, 289

on cell phones, 8789

distribution contracts for, 32

early, 4549

Lost-style 3D, 342

lower third, 31, 203b

movement determination in workflow, 357f

online, 8789

opening/closing, 3032

preparing, 113171

safety, 86b

scrolling, 31

sound in, 267278

stop-motion, 312

subtitles, 31

talent contracts and, 32

typos, avoiding, 32b

Titles over picture, 1113

defined, 11

footage quality and, 1213

readability and, 12

title placement in, 12

Tone, 124, 124f, 267, 268

defined, 268

harmonics, 268

overtones, 268

see also Sound


defined, 7879

fonts and, 79

typefaces and, 79

Tracking animation, 295

After Effects tutorial, 295b

defined, 295

Tracking option (After Effects), 296f


alternative, 2728

decision-making factors for, 9

match frame, 1011

Nimmo, Stacy on, 107

Radatz, Ben on, 217, 218

title sequence, 930

Treatment, as pre-production step, 5

Triadic color harmony, 125, 125f

Triple title cards, 30

Trollbäck, Jacob

Pop!Tech 2008 case study, 260

TED 2009 case study, 171, 171f

TrueType, 80

Tungsten light fixtures, 131

Two-dimensional motion tracking, 1213

Type 1 (PostScript), 80


animation, moving from After Effects to Flash, 9899

animation (Flash), 9697, 97b

editing from Illustrator document, 193b

horror-jittery, 333

importing Photoshop documents and, 193

large blocks of, 207b

Matrix raining, 338

Photoshop layer styles with, 147155

size, 76

Superman-style explosive, 335

synching with sound, 279b

Type tool (After Effects), 200f, 321f, 338f


The Alphabet Conspiracy case study, 102

bitmap, 75

color combinations for, 127129

custom, creating, 9193

display, 75

do’s and don’ts for, 7677

emotional qualities, 74

end scroll, 322

kerning and, 78

ligatures, 76

lowercase, 76

mixed case, 76

monospaced, 75

moving, for the Web, 9398

properties for, 75

sans serif, 75

script, 75

serif, 74

small caps, 76

stroke weight, 76

tracking and, 79

type size, 76

uppercase, 76

x-heights, 75

see also Fonts

Typographic narrative, 79b


function of, 73

Websites for, 80b

Typos, avoiding, 32b


Uccellacci e Uccellini (Pasolini), 5455


defined, 76

Legibility Index (LI), 85, 85t

Urbanicity case study, 282b

color use, 283

concept and inspiration, 282

Holmes, Steve, 282

influences, 287

research, 287


Variable frame rates, 224, 224b

Vector images, 157

defined, 157

resizing, 168


DI workflow, 37

end scrolls with, 322

frame size, 38, 218t

Video cameras

ASA rating, 230

color-balancing, 133134

default recording speed, 220

defined, 215

focus rings, 227

frame format, 218

framing, 239

f-stops, 229

white balance alteration, 134

see also cameras

Video-based title sequence, 14

Virtual cameras

creating title sequences with, 256259

functioning of, 256

Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 115116


Warm colors, 116, 116t 119t

Waveform monitors, 247


titles, 8789

video displays, 93

viewing considerations, 9394

White balance

defined, 133

video camera alteration and, 134

White Noise option (Audacity), 275f

Wide shot (WS), 239

Wiggler panel (After Effects), 334f

The Women (Cukor), 47

Workflow, importing text/files, 191193

composition, 191192

files into After Effects, 191

footage, 191

Workflow, title sequence, 57, 163171

bed completion, 358f

building and creating, 354

concept pitching, 355f

concept planning, 354f

getting approval, 358f

with graphic design department, 165

logo resizing, 166b

post-production, 7

pre-production, 5

production, 7

project management, 163164, 356f

rendering to client spec, 358f

resolution reduction, 165166

setting up in After Effects, 167171

technical planning, 355f

title movement determination, 357f

work protection, 357f

Workflow, video/film, 3336

aspect ratios, 3536

asset frame size, 33

deliverable format, 33

deliverables decision, 34

resolution, 35

source format, 33

Write-on effect with font, 317b

After Effects tutorial, 317b

defined, 317

see also Techniques

Writing credits, in order of credits, 353

Writing text on screen, 315b


XFL format, 9899

X-heights, 75


YUV color system, 120


Zoom camera movement, 243, 245

Zoom lenses, 231

Zoom-in effect, 306

After Effects tutorial, 306b

defined, 306

see also Techniques

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