








  • halftone  4–6, 8, 24, 62–64, 66
  • half‐wave optical switch (λ/2)  159
  • haze  100, 123, 273
  • HDMI  93
  • heat uniformity  249–251, 261
  • helical axis  99, 100, 105
  • helical twisting power (HTP)  101
  • Helmholtz layer  43
  • hemispherical shaped micro‐lenses  78
  • Herschel Bulkley model  48
  • high contrast  85, 90, 93, 123, 159, 168, 202, 244, 245, 251, 262
  • highest negative curvature  133
  • highest positive surface curvature  134
  • high reflected brightness  86
  • high‐resolution  19, 21, 23, 138, 144, 159, 172, 186, 210, 211, 263, 264
  • high‐resolution panels  23
  • high‐throughput compositional gradient approaches  255
  • historical dependence  56
  • homeotropic alignment  101, 132, 134, 143
  • homogenous equilibrium situation  40
  • horizontal distance  278
  • Horizontal Driver (H‐Driver)  154
  • HSB color space  67–69
  • hue  147, 199
  • human eye  2, 62, 163, 198, 199
  • humidity range  283
  • hybrid aligned nematic  134, 135
  • hydrodynamic radius  35
  • hydrophobic surface  201, 205, 206, 209, 215–220
  • hysteresis  106, 215


  • illuminance values  274, 278
  • illumination  5, 45, 84, 101, 117, 147, 150, 172, 243, 244, 246, 251, 265, 271, 273, 278–279, 281
  • image
  • imaging chip  275
  • incandescent light source  280
  • incidence angle  82, 83
  • incident light  132, 145, 147, 148, 172, 175, 189, 190, 263, 272
  • incoming light  75, 76, 199, 219
  • Independently Movable Colored Particles (IMCP)  49
  • indium tin oxide (ITO)  110, 174, 237, 245
  • individual charged colloidal particles  44
  • infinite plane waves  77
  • infrared region  228
  • inkjet  4, 143, 182, 234, 236
  • inkjet printer  4, 182
  • inner Helmholtz plane  43
  • inorganic material  228, 247
  • in‐plane switching  175
  • in‐situ  18, 71, 101, 178
  • instantaneous electrical power  249
  • instrumentation  99
  • integrated circuits (ICs)  259
  • intensity modulation  251
  • interdigitated lateral p‐n diode design  257
  • internal residual charge  56
  • Internet of Things (IoT)  168, 263
  • inversed electrorheological effect  47
  • inverse micelles  31, 33–41, 43, 44, 58
  • invisible shaking  58
  • ionic liquid  226, 230
  • irradiation
  • iso‐alkane aliphatic hydrocarbons  47
  • isolate the pixel  144
  • isotropic




  • matrix‐addressed pixels  256
  • matte surface  273
  • Mauguin regime  177
  • Maxwells equation  100
  • measurement device  271, 274, 277, 280
  • mechanical interaction  54
  • mechanical robustness  103, 203
  • mechanical shock  138, 263
  • melting temperature  247–250, 255, 258, 262
  • melt‐quench re‐zamorphization  246
  • memory  10, 12–14, 22, 25, 31, 55, 56, 58, 59, 82, 153–169, 225, 226, 232–234, 237, 243–246, 248, 252, 256, 264
  • memory effect  13, 14, 22, 55, 56, 59, 226, 233, 237
  • memory in pixel (MIP)  10, 82, 153–169, 247
  • MEMs  8, 75
  • merit function  63, 66, 67
  • mesogens  176
  • metal complexes  229
  • metallic reflector  75
  • metastable
    • crystal structure  245
    • state  252
  • metasurfaces  245
  • metrology  5, 10
  • microcapsules  11, 18–22, 24, 62, 89
  • micro‐chamber  47
  • microcontrollers (MCUs)  153, 166
  • microcup  25, 60, 62, 89
  • microfluidics  114, 197
  • microlens  78, 87
  • microlens array  78, 80, 82, 83
  • microstructure  78–80, 85, 158, 159
  • minimal electrical  92
  • modern display evaluation  280
  • modulation transfer function  62
  • molar absorptivity  207, 210
  • molecular volume  173
  • monochrome displays 83, 92, 93, 222, 279
  • monochrome images  92, 93, 279, 281
  • monolayer  21, 41, 172
  • morphology  110–114, 116, 117, 239
  • mosaic filter  280
  • most significant bit (MSB)  157
  • Mott‐Gurney law  38
  • multi‐colored writing  124
  • multi‐domain  172, 173
  • multi‐flash transition  31
  • multilevel voltages  54
  • multi‐particle  90


  • Nasik pattern matrix  64
  • natural image  163–164
  • nematic liquid crystal  99, 131–150
  • neon lamp  280
  • net charge  34, 44
  • nickel layer  141
  • nickel shim  139, 141
  • non‐aqueous colloidal  80
  • non‐polar solvents  31, 33, 34, 44
  • non‐polar tails  34
  • NTSC  87–89, 186, 280


  • Ocean Optics Spectrophotometer  88
  • One Drop Fill (ODF)  96
  • opaque state  205
  • operating voltage  12, 19, 150
  • optical contrast  21, 243, 245–249, 255, 262, 266
  • optical coupling  92
  • optical detector  273
  • optical drift  92
  • optical gain  5, 75, 79–82, 85, 97
  • optically lossy  244
  • optically rewritable (ORW)  10, 171–190
  • optical response  47, 48, 53, 54, 90, 136, 137, 150
  • optical states  89–93, 237, 238
  • optical transition  281
  • optical tweezers  44, 45
  • order parameter  136, 173, 178
  • organic light‐emitting diode (OLED)  1, 158, 226
  • orientational elastic constant  132
  • orientation axis  172
  • oscillator  166, 172, 173
  • oscilloscope  281
  • overflow  217, 219, 220
  • oxygen plasma  216



  • quality criterion  283
  • quarter‐wave plate (QWP)  149, 181
  • quarter‐wave plate film (λ/4)  159
  • quaternization  44
  • quaternization agent  229
  • quick response





  • unipolar waveform  55
  • update process  31
  • UV‐blocking layer  221
  • UV curable gel  230
  • UV exposure  108, 139


  • vacuum permittivity  34
  • van der Waals forces  13, 22, 48
  • vapor deposition process  143
  • vertical alignment (VA)  134, 159
  • Vertical‐Driver (V‐Driver)  154
  • vertically aligned nematic (VAN)  134, 135, 181
  • vertically stacked architecture 209
  • vertical tilt  134
  • video‐speed refresh rates  262
  • view‐angle independence  244
  • viewing angle  2, 4–5, 75, 79, 81–84, 101, 102, 138, 146, 150, 158, 159, 168, 177, 190, 252, 263, 271, 283
  • viewing cone  117
  • viewing properties  146, 147
  • viologen derivative  229, 230
  • viscosity
  • visible light  90, 107, 245
  • visible spectrum  6, 209
  • visual appearance  244, 245, 249, 251–253, 277
  • visual quality  12, 251
  • voltage drop  43, 44, 143
  • voltage holding period  154
  • voltage polarity  43, 154
  • voltage‐reflectance (V‐R) curve  158
  • voltage response  118, 145
  • voltage threshold  13, 14
  • voltage waveform  31, 32, 56, 90, 209



  • zenithal bistable display (ZBD)  10, 131–150
  • zeta potential  33, 57
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