Sign Off With Substance

Just as the salutation helps set the tone for the beginning of the e-mail, the sign-off brings your message to a close with the proper mood. Think of your goodbye as the period at the end of a sentence.

Whereas sign-offs to friends and family are often casual (see ya, later, gotta go), sign-offs with business associates, or people you don’t know well, are best left on a more formal note. For example:

• Regards

• Sincerely

• Thank you

• Thanks

• See you soon

• Look forward to seeing you soon

• Hope to hear from you soon

• Best

• Best wishes

If you’re one of those people who likes to end your e-mails with your name or just the initial of your first name, that’s fine, but save it for folks with whom you have a close rapport.

Equally important to your close is the inclusion of an automatic electronic signature file that ends each and every message with critical information about where you can be reached. A basic signature line will usually include the following information:

• Your name

• Your title and/or position

• Your company name

• Your mailing address

• Your fax number

• Your phone number

• Your e-mail address

• The URL for your Website

Here’s an example.

Subject: Potato Salad for Company Picnic
From: Susan Shinehold
Date: July 13
To: Paddy Peeler

Dear Paddy;

Hi. Just checking in to see if you are available to make your world-class potato salad for about 100 people at this year’s company picnic. Of course all potatoes and mayonnaise will be provided. Let me know if you can accommodate this request.



Susan Shinehold, President
The Potato Council
1800 Spud Lane #200
Boise, Idaho 83701
Phone (208) 333-9898
Fax (208) 333-9899

“A Potato a Day Keeps the Blues Away”

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