BCC With Caution

On occasion you may choose to use the BCC (blind carbon copy) function. This allows you to send the same message you sent to the main recipient, without that person knowing you sent it to anyone else. A few situations for which the BCC may be your best option include:

When you want to keep the CC list confidential. If you don’t want the primary recipient to know to whom else you have sent your message, a BCC will hide that information. Be warned, however, that if the primary recipient finds out, it can appear as if you were trying to go behind his or her back.

One corporate client in our Essential E-mail seminar reported that she had been BCC’d by her boss on a department problem, without realizing that it was a BCC. She responded by hitting the “Reply All” button, unintentionally setting off a hailstorm of conflict between the sender and the original recipient, who had no idea about the BCC.

When a regular CC would cause confusion. If you want a coworker to be in on the particulars of a customer, vendor, or colleague communication, but the intended party would be confused as to why someone else is being CC’d—use the BCC option.

When you want to protect privacy. When you use the CC field, everyone on the list can see everyone else’s e-mail address. Doing this runs the risk of irritating and even offending those who don’t want their e-mail addresses made public. This is especially true when you are including the e-mail addresses of clients. When in doubt, use the BCC option to protect confidentiality.

When you have a large list. If you have a large list and don’t want to overwhelm (or annoy) your readers with having to view it, use the BCC option.

When you want to prevent data mining. If you are at all concerned that the people to whom you are sending the message, or CCing the message, might use the list to inappropriately contact, market, or try to sell the recipients, go the BCC route.

When revealing the other person might cause stress. On those occasions when you want to keep someone in the loop, but you don’t want the person for whom the e-mail is intended to be intimidated by that fact, you might use the BCC function. For example: The vice president of your division wants to keep close tabs on a special project you have one of your staff working on, but you don’t want the staff member to feel as though the big boss is breathing down his or her neck.

If at any time you find yourself feeling guilty, embarrassed, or nervous about BCCing someone, then don’t. This includes BCCing as a way to punish, harass, or tarnish another’s reputation.

When you need other people to know about the situation. Even if the main reader would be upset to know that other people were CC’d in on the conversation, if you need to keep others informed, you may want to send a summary of the situation to the other people involved, rather than CC the actual e-mail. For all involved, it would be best if you let the recipient know you have done this.

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