

accents, adding, 66-67


accents, 66-67

borders, 66-67

master pages, 147

recipients to recipient lists, 158

words to dictionaries, AutoCorrect, 208-210

Add Logo feature, 109

Address Block command, 163

Advanced options, 223

albums, Welcome template, 13

aligning cell contents, 124-125

Alt Text tab, Format Text Box dialog box, 77

applying master pages, 141-143

Apply To command, 142


emailing publications, 93-95

removing, 95

AutoCorrect, 206

adding words to the dictionary, 208-210

correcting errors, 206-208

customizing, 219

Spelling Tool, 210-212

AutoRecover, 221



custom backgrounds

creating, 33

Gradient Fill options, 36-37

pattern fill, 40

Picture or Texture Fill option, 38-40

Solid Fill options, 33-36

master pages, 38

pictures, 59-61

selecting, 32-33

Backstage, 8

blank pages, 26

border options, selecting, 130-131

borders, adding, 66-67

breaking text box links, 78


built-in templates, 9-11

Featured templates, 11-12

Building Blocks Library, 66

built-in templates, browsing, 9-11

business cards, 12

business information, inserting, 105-106

business information set, 103

creating, 103-105

editing, 106-108


calendars, 13

printing, 15

saving, 16

templates, 14-15

captions for pictures, creating, 52-53

cell contents, aligning, 124-125

cells, 114

applying fill, 128-129

merging, 122-123

splitting, 122-123

vertical text, 124


color schemes, 29

margins, 22

orientation, 23

paper size, 23-24

checking publications for problems

Email Checks options, 203

web site checks options, 202-203

checking publications for problems

Design Checker, 179-181

Final Publishing Checks options, 201-202

General Checks options, 200-201


commercial printing checks, 188-189

e-mail checks, 191-193

first design check, 180-185

general checks, 186-187

web site checks, 190-191

Check Spelling dialog box, 212

Checks tab (Design Checker Options dialog box), enabling/disabling checks, 196-200


filters, 160

sorts, 161

text formatting, 72

Color and Lines tab, Format Text Box dialog box, 74

color pictures, printing, 99

colors, text boxes, 74-75

color schemes

changing, 29

creating, 31

previewing, 29-30


deleting, 120-122

inserting, 120-122

resizing, 115

command buttons, 5

commercial printing checks, running (Design Checker), 188-189

company logos, inserting, 109-111

copyright, 46

correcting errors, AutoCorrect, 206-208

corrections, saving, 186

Corrections command button, 57

Create Link command button, 78

custom backgrounds

creating, 33

Gradient Fill options, 36-37

pattern fill, 40

Picture or Texture Fill option, 38-40

Solid Fill options, 33-36

Custom Dictionaries button, 220


Advanced options, 223

AutoCorrect, 219

General options, 218

Language options, 222

Proofing options, 219-220

Quick Access Toolbar, 224

Ribbon, 223-224

Save options, 221

templates, 14

custom pages, 25



pages, 28

pictures, 51

text boxes, 70

deletions, undoing, 28

Design Checker, 179

checking publications for problems, 179-181

corrections, saving, 186


commercial printing checks, 188-189

e-mail checks, 191-193

general checks, 186-187

web site checks, 190-191

running first design check, 180-185

Design Checker Options dialog box, 193

Checks tab, enabling/disabling checks, 196-200

General tab, 194-196

Design tools, 127

applying fill to cells, 128-129


applying table styles, 127-128

selecting border options, 130-131

diagonals, removing, 123

Diagonals feature, 123

dialog launchers, 5-6

displaying Help window, 17

drawing text boxes, 70

Draw Text Box command, 70



business information set, 106-108

master pages, 144-147

recipient lists, 157-161

adding/removing recipients, 158

filtering recipient lists, 159-160

sorting, 161

elements of Publisher window, 5

ellipsis, 78

e-mail checks, running (Design Checker), 191-193

Email Checks, options, 191, 203

emailing publications, 90

as attachments, 93-95

as PDF/XPS files, 95-97

sending pages as HTML, 91-93

Email Merge Wizard, 166, 172-176

entering text in text boxes, 71

errors, correcting with AutoCorrect, 206-208

Excel, importing spreadsheets, 131-132


Featured templates, browsing, 11-12


opening, 89

as read-only, 90

saving for professional printers, 99-101

fill, applying to cells, 128-129

Fill command, 129

filtering recipient lists, 159-160

filters, clearing, 160

Final Publishing Checks, options, 201-202

finding print shops, 101

font size, increasing, 19

foreign languages, proofing tools, 215

Format Background dialog box, 33

formats for pictures, 45

Format Table dialog box, 130

sizing tables, 117

Format Text Box dialog box, 74

Alt Text tab, 77

Color and Lines tab, 74

Layout tab, 76

Text Box tab, 77


resetting, pictures, 59


clearing, 72

in text boxes, 71-72

text boxes

layout options, 76

setting colors and lines, 74-75

specifying size, 76

text box options, 77

WordArt, 64-65


General Checks, options, 200-201

General options, 218

General tab, Design Checker Options dialog box, 194-196

Go Wizard, 99

Gradient Fill options, custom backgrounds, 36-37

graphs, importing, 133-134

Greeting Line command, 163

groups, 5

names, 6


help, 17-19

navigating through help topics, 18

online resources, 19

Help window, displaying, 17


images, 44, 49

backgrounds, 59-61

captions, creating, 52-53

correcting, 57-59

deleting, 51

formats for, 45

formatting, resetting, 59


pictures stored locally, 44-45

pictures stored online, 45-47

placeholders, 50-51

from scratch area, 47-48

licensing, 46

moving, 48-49

recoloring, 57-59

resizing, 48-49

rotating, 49

styles, selecting, 53-54

swapping, 56-57


graphs, 133-134

spreadsheets, 131-132

Increase Font Size button, 19

increasing font size, 19


business information, 105-106

company logos, 109-111


from scratch area, 47-48

placeholders, 50-51

stored locally, 44-45

stored online, 45-47

rows/columns, 120-122

tables, 114-116

WordArt, 62-63


Language options, 222

Language Preferences, 215

languages, proofing tools, 215

layout options, formatting text boxes, 76

Layout tab, Format Text Box dialog box, 76

Layout tools, 120


aligning cell contents, 124-125

insert/deleting rows/columns, 120-122

merging/splitting cells, 122-123

setting table size, 126

libraries, Building Blocks Library, 66

licensing, 46

pictures, 46

lines, text boxes, 74-75


text boxes, 72, 77-79

to spreadsheets, 132

links, breaking text box links, 78

logos, inserting, 109-111

looking up words, Thesaurus, 213-214


mail merge, 151

merging lists with publications, 164-165

recipient lists, 152

creating fresh lists, 155-157

editing, 157-161

filtering, 159

selecting recipients from Outlook contacts, 152-153

using existing lists, 153-155

setting up publication documents, 162-163

troubleshooting, merge problems, 166

wizards, 166

Email Merge Wizard, 172-176

Mail Merge Wizard, 167-171

Mail Merge Recipients dialog box, 160

Mail Merge Wizard, 166-171

Margin command, 8


changing, 22

preset margins, 125

setting, 8

Margins command, 22

master pages, 137

adding, 147

applying, 141-143

backgrounds, 38

creating, 138-141

editing, 144-147

picture backgrounds, 61

renaming, 143

selecting none, 143-144

sending objects to, 148-149

two-page master pages, 141

Master Page view, 142

menus, right-click menus, 121


cells, 122-123

lists with publications, 164-165

minimizing Ribbon, 8

Mini Toolbar, 218

More Layout Options command, 56


pages, 26-28

pictures, 48-49

tables, 118

text boxes, 72-73


names, groups, 6

Navigation pane, 25

New Address List dialog box, 156

New page, browsing built-in templates, 10

new pages, 25

creating, 25-26


Object dialog box, 131-132

online, searching for templates, 13

Online Pictures command button, 45

online resources, help, 19


files, 89

as read-only, 90

PDFs, 86

publications, 88-90


Advanced options, 223

Email Checks, 203

Final Publishing Checks, 201-202

General Checks, 200-201

General options, 218

Language options, 222

Proofing options, 219-220

Save options, 221

web site checks, 202-203

orientation, changing, 23

Orientation command, 23

Outlook, recipients lists, 172


page backgrounds

custom backgrounds

Gradient Fill options, 36-37

pattern fill, 40

Picture or Texture Fill option, 38-40

Solid Fill options, 33-36

pictures, 59-61

selecting, 32-33

page elements

margins, changing, 22

orientation, changing, 23

paper size, changing, 23-24

Page navigation pane, 5


blank pages, 26

creating new, 25-26

deleting, 28

moving, 26-28

new pages, 25

paper size, changing, 23-24

pasting spreadsheets into tables, 132

pattern fill, custom backgrounds, 40


emailing, 95-97

opening, 86

saving publications as, 84-86

photos, saving for printing, 98

picture backgrounds, 59-61

master pages, 61

Picture or Texture Fill option, custom backgrounds, 38-40

Picture Placeholder command button, 50

pictures, 44

backgrounds, 59-61

captions, creating, 52-53

correcting, 57-59

deleting, 51

formats for, 45

formatting, resetting, 59


pictures stored locally, 44-45

pictures stored online, 45-47

placeholders, 50-51

from scratch area, 47-48

licensing, 46

moving, 48-49

recoloring, 57-59

resizing, 48-49

rotating, 49

styles, selecting, 53-54

swapping, 56-57

Pictures command button, 44

Picture Tools

captions, creating, 52-53

Corrections and Recolor options, 57-59

pictures, swapping, 56-57

styles, selecting, 53-54

text, wrapping around pictures, 55

Picture Tools tab, 51

placeholders, inserting, 50-51

preset margins, 125

previewing color schemes, 29-30


calendars, 15

color pictures, 99

publications, 96

setting up for professional printers, 97-101

saving photos for, 98

print shops, finding, 101

professional printers, saving files for, 99-101

Proofing options, 219-220

proofing tools, 205

AutoCorrect, 206

adding words to the dictionary, 208-210

correcting errors, 206-208

Spelling Tool, 210-212

foreign languages, 215

Thesaurus, 213

looking up words, 213-214

PUB files, saving publications as, 82-84

publication documents, setting up, 162-163


emailing, 90

as attachments, 93-95

as PDF/XPS files, 95-97

sending pages as HTML, 91-93

merging with lists, 164-165

opening, 88-90

printing, 96

setting up for professional printers, 97-101

saving, 81-82

as PDFs, 84-86

as PUB files, 82-84

sharing, 90

Publisher’s Pack, 99

Publisher window, 4

elements of, 5


Quick Access toolbar, 5

customizing, 224

QuickTips, 127


read-only, opening files as, 90

recipients lists, 152

creating fresh lists, 155-157

editing, 157-161

adding/removing recipients, 158

filtering recipient lists, 159-160

sorting, 161

filtering, 159-160

Outlook, 172

selecting recipients from Outlook contacts, 152-153

source of, 157

using existing lists, 153-155

recoloring pictures, 57-59


attachments, 95

diagonals, 123

recipients from recipient lists, 158

renaming master pages, 143

resetting, formatting pictures, 59


columns, 115

pictures, 48-49

tables, 116-118

text boxes, 72-73

Ribbon, 5

customizing, 223-224

minimizing, 8

Picture Tools tab, 51

tabs, 5-8

right-click menus, 121

rotating pictures, 49


deleting, 120-122

inserting, 120-122

rulers, 5


commercial printing checks (Design Checker), 188-189

e-mail checks (Design Checker), 191-193

first design check, 180-185

general checks, checking publications for problems, 186-187

web site checks (Design Checker), 190-191


Save options, 221


calendars, 16

corrections, Design Checker, 186

files for professional printers, 99-101

photos for printing, 98

publications, 81-82

as PDFs, 84-86

as PUB files, 82-84

as web pages, 87-88

schemes, 14

scratch area, inserting pictures from, 47-48

searching for templates online, 13


backgrounds, 32-33

border options, tables, 130-131

recipients, from Outlook contacts, 152-153

sending objects to master pages, 148-149

settings, preset margins, 125

setting up publication documents, 162-163

sharing publications, 90

as attachments, 93-95

as PDF/XPS files, 95-97

sending pages as HTML, 91-93


columns, 115

pictures, 48-49

tables, 116-118

text boxes, 72-73, 76

software integration, importing spreadsheets, 131-132

Solid Fill options, custom backgrounds, 33-36

sorting recipient lists, 161

sorts, clearing, 161

source of recipient lists, 157

Spelling Tool, AutoCorrect, 210-212

splitting cells, 122-123


importing, 131-132

linking to, 132

pasting into tables, 132

style pop-ups, 52

styles, pictures (selecting), 53-54

Swap Formatting Only option, 57

swapping pictures, 56-57


tables, 113-114

aligning cell contents, 124-125

applying table styles, 127-128

cells, 114

deleting rows/columns, 120-122

inserting, 114-116

Layout tools, insert/deleting rows/columns, 120-122

merging cells, 122-123

moving, 118

resizing, 116-118

selecting border options, 130-131

setting table size, 126

splitting cells, 122-123

spreadsheets, pasting into tables, 132

table styles, applying, 127-128

tabs, 5

Ribbon, 5, 5-8

templates, 9

built-in templates, browsing, 9-11

business information set

creating, 103-105

editing, 106-108

calendars, 14-15

customizing, 14

Featured templates, browsing, 11-12

searching for online, 13

Welcome template, 13


entering in text boxes, 71


clearing, 72

in text boxes, 71-72

wrapping, 126

around pictures, 55

text boxes, 69

colors, 74-75

deleting, 70

drawing, 70


layout options, 76

setting colors and lines, 74-75

specifying size, 76

text box options, 77

lines, 74-75

linking, 72, 77-79

links, breaking, 78

moving, 72-73

resizing, 72-73

sizing, 76


entering, 71

formatting, 71-72

text box options, formatting text boxes, 77

Text Box tab, Format Text Box dialog box, 77

Thesaurus, 213

looking up words, 213-214


Mini Toolbar, 218

Quick Access Toolbar, customizing, 224


Design tools, 127

applying fill to cells, 128-129

tables, 127-131

Layout tools, 120

proofing tools, 205

AutoCorrect, 206

Thesaurus, 213-214

transparent colors, 201

troubleshooting merge problems, 166

two-page master pages, 141


Undo, 28

undoing deletions, 121


vertical text, cells, 124


web pages, saving publications as, 87-88

web site checks

options, 202-203

running (Design Checker), 190-191

Welcome template, 13


Email Merge Wizard, 166, 172-176

Mail Merge Wizard, 166-171

WordArt, 61-62

formatting, 64-65

inserting, 62-63

WordArt command button, 64


adding to the dictionary (AutoCorrect), 208

looking up words, Thesaurus, 213-214

wrapping text, 126

around pictures, 55

Wrap Text command, 126

Wrap Text options, 56


XPS files, 96

emailing publications, 95-97

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