Questions & Exercises

Questions For Review

  1. 9-1. What are the basic differences between management and leadership?

  2. 9-2. Summarize the basic premises underlying the trait approach to leadership.

  3. 9-3. What are leadership substitutes and neutralizers?

  4. 9-4. List and briefly explain the steps in rational decision making.

Questions for Analysis

  1. 9-5. Describe the five types of power. Which type or types does your current supervisor exercise?

  2. 9-6. When is task-focused leader behavior most important? When is it more important for a leader to exhibit employee-focused behavior?

  3. 9-7. The impact of virtual leadership is likely to grow in the future. As a potential “follower” in a virtual leadership situation, what issues would be of most concern to you? What would the issues be from the perspective of the “leader” role in such a situation?

  4. 9-8. Identify a leader who you believe exhibits charismatic leadership and explain the behaviors that support this conclusion.

Application Exercises

  1. 9-9. Overwhelmingly, the CEOs of the largest companies in the United States are white males, but women and minorities are making inroads. Identify a leader who is a member of a minority group and describe the challenges that he or she faced and overcame.

  2. 9-10. In 2012, Marissa Mayer was appointed president and CEO of Yahoo!, Inc. In her tenure with Yahoo, she made a number of bold decisions, not all of which were popular, such as eliminating the telecommuting option. Research Mayer’s career, especially at Yahoo. What type of leader is Mayer? How would you describe her leadership style? Do you think she is an effective leader? Why?

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