• Daimler-Benz AG, 48, 59

  • DaimlerChrysler, 330

  • Data, 458

    • analyzing, step in marketing research, 360

    • collecting, marketing research, 360361

    • as information resource, 13

    • primary, 360361

    • secondary, 360

  • Data conferencing, 453

  • Data mining, 349, 459

  • Data warehousing, 349, 459

  • Davidson, Arthur, 352

  • Davidson, Walter, 352

  • The Day After Tomorrow (film), 50

  • Debit cards, 517, 531

  • Debt, 495496

    • national, 24

  • Debt financing, 570572

  • Debtor nation, 24

  • Decentralized organization, 183, 184

  • Decertification, 617

  • Decisional roles of manager, 152, 153154

  • Decision making, 293298

  • Decision-making hierarchy, 179, 183187

    • centralized organization, 183

    • committee and team authority, 187

    • decentralized organization, 183, 184

    • delegation, 185

    • flat organization, 183184, 185

    • line authority, 186, 187

    • span of control, 184185

    • staff authority, 186187

    • tall organization, 183184, 185

  • Decision-making process, 293298

    • conditions in which decisions are made, 294295

    • defined, 293

    • rational, steps in, 295297

    • types of decisions in, 293294

  • Decision-making skills, 154

  • Decision support system (DSS), 462

  • Decision tree approach, 285

  • Decline, in PLC, 391

  • Deductible, 586

  • Default, 227, 566

  • Defensive stance, 57

  • Defined benefit plans, 320

  • Defined contributions plans, 321

  • Deflation, 25, 527

  • Degrees of competition, 1920

  • DeJoria, John Paul, 287

  • DeJoria Diamonds, 287

  • Delegation, 185

    • assigning responsibility, 185

    • creating accountability, 186

    • granting authority, 186

    • ways to delegate effectively, 186

  • Deliveries, 447

  • Dell, Michael, 7778, 81, 154, 230

  • Dell Inc., 16, 7778, 81, 125, 161, 230, 422

  • Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, 482

  • Delta Airlines, 226, 284285

  • Demand

    • conditions, 121

    • and consumer choice, 7

    • curve, 17

    • defined, 16

    • determinant of small business success, 90

    • gauging international demand, 122

    • HR

    • international, gauging, 122

    • laws of, 1618

    • in market economy, 1618

    • profits and, 7

  • Demand and supply schedule, 1617

  • Demand conditions, 121

  • Demand curve, 17

  • Demand deposit, 516517

  • Demographic segmentation, 358

  • Demographic variables, 358

  • Demonstration in personal selling process, 431

  • Denial of service (DoS) attacks, 463

  • Departmentalization, 179, 180183

  • Department of Commerce, U.S., 76

  • Department store, 420

  • Dependability, as business production strategy, 212

  • Depreciation, 490

  • Depression, 27

  • Deregulation, 590

  • Detailed schedule, 220221

  • Developing countries, 112

  • Development, 322323. See also Training and development

  • Diamond Foods, 48

  • Difficult-to-copy microchip, 420

  • Direct channel, 414

  • Directive leader behavior, 285

  • Direct mail marketing, 428, 432, 435

  • Direct marketing

    • defined, 433

    • video retailing, 422

  • Direct regulation, 59

  • Direct-response retailing, 421

  • Direct selling, 421

  • Direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising, 426

  • DirecTV, 122, 399

  • Discount, 401

  • Discount brokers, 557

  • Discount house, 419420

  • Discount rate, 528

  • Discovery Communications, 68

  • Dish Network, 76, 282

  • Disney, Roy, 179

  • Disney, Walt, 146, 179180

  • Disseminator, manager’s role as, 153

  • Dissonance reduction, 253

  • Distribution channels, 355356

  • Distribution mix, 355356, 414417

    • defined, 414

    • intermediaries in, 414

    • international, 368

    • small business, 369, 370

  • Distribution strategies, 416

  • District sales manager, 151

  • Disturbance handler, manager’s role as, 153

  • Diversification, 562563

  • Diversified product lines, 385

  • Diversity

    • distribution of labor force by race, 327

    • talent development and recruiting, 328

    • workforce, 326

  • Divestiture, 97, 98

  • Dividends, 97, 550551, 561562

  • Divine Chocolate, 40, 68

  • Division, 188189

  • Divisional structure, 188189

  • Division controller, 151

  • Division manager, 149, 150

  • DJIA. See Dow Jones Industrial Average

  • Dodd, Chris, 522

  • Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, 522

  • Dole, 130

  • Dollar Rent-A-Car, 398, 418

  • Dollar Shave Club, 387

  • Domestic business environment, 89

  • Donovan, Daniel, 63

  • Dorsey, Jack, 14

  • DoS. See Denial of service attacks

  • DoubleClick, 143

  • Double taxation, 94

  • Douglas, Oliver, 375

  • Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), 557559

  • Dream Dinners, 215

  • Drop shipper, 417

  • Drug tests in employee selection, 318

  • DSS. See Decision support system

  • DTC. See Direct-to-consumer advertising

  • Dubin, Michael, 387

  • Due date, 566

  • Duke Energy, 164

  • Dumping, 131, 401

  • Duncan, David, 63

  • Dunn, Kally, 245

  • DuPont, 49

  • Dynamic pricing, 399, 400

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