
7 ± 2 rule, 1057, 665

abstract artifacts, 401

abstraction, 2478

accessibility, 483

ACM see Association for Computing Machinery

ActiMates™, 200

ACTIVBoards, 156

activities, 421, 4289

see also lifecycle models

activity theory (AT)

field studies, 6689, 6703, 678

theoretical frameworks, 399405

actors, 51013

adaptive software development (ASD), 454

adjacency pairs, 1389

advanced graphical interfaces, 24051, 549

advisory systems, 678

adware, 342

aesthetic design, 687, 700, 705

affective aspects, 180215

agents, 2027, 21314

anthropomorphism, 180, 199202, 214

apologizing, 1945

clarity, 1934

conversational interactions, 2067

deceptive technologies, 1989

emotional design model, 180, 20710

error messages, 1893

evaluation, 6025

expressive interfaces, 180, 1828

gimmicks, 189, 191

negative emotions, 180, 18895, 2089

persuasive technologies, 1957

pleasure model, 180, 210

positive emotions, 1828, 2089

software upgrades, 193

technology as experience frameworks, 180

waiting, 193

affinity diagrams, 374, 3768

affordance, 33

agents see virtual agents

agile development, 4548

aides-memoire, 10910

air traffic management (ATM), 4345


courses, 51011, 513

solutions, 417, 429, 43344, 495, 503


devices, 6989

intelligence, 7

sounds, 281

systems, 3012, 61619

Ambient Wood project, 3012

analysis of data see data analysis

analytical evaluation

DECIDE framework, 628

Fitts' Law, 684, 71315

GOMS model, 684, 70613, 715

heuristic evaluation, 684, 686702, 715, 71822

inspections, 684, 686706

keystroke level model, 70812, 715

Nielsen, Jakob, 71822

predictive models, 684

principles, 590, 592, 5935

walkthroughs, 684, 7026

animations, 182, 184

ANMs see auxiliary nurse midwives

annotating, 125, 1279

anonymity, 6378

anthropology, 631

anthropomorphism, 180, 199202, 214, 285

anti-aliasing, 2356

apologizing, 1945

Apple icons, 182, 184

appliances, interfaces, 2645

appropriation, 401


field studies, 670, 6713

theoretical frameworks, 400, 4012

artist-designer approach, 48991

ASD see adaptive software development

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 6334, 641


chat environments, 6067

communication, 1534

AT see activity theory

At home with Bob, 1889

The Atlantic Systems Guild, 5226

ATM see air traffic management; automated teller machines


design implications, 98

goals, 95

information presentation, 957

sliced, 978

attentive environments, 2701

audio recordings

data analysis, 3569, 37881

data gathering, 2937, 333

transcription, 3567, 358, 37881

audio–video links, 1467, 169

augmented reality interfaces, 216, 27781

autism, 531, 532

AutoCAD, 2223

automated phone systems, 6970

automated teller machines (ATM)

cognitive frameworks, 1312

data analysis, 3768

requirements, 497

automatic prototyping techniques, 575

auxiliary nurse midwives (ANMs), 595600


3D gaming, 80

collaborative technologies, 1523

evaluation, 606

lip-synch applications, 99

virtual reality/environments, 2467

averages, 36072

awareness mechanisms, 16671

axial coding, 389, 3923

Babble, 170, 171

back channeling, 136, 138

Bang and Olufsen, 669

bar graphs, 363, 3645, 368, 372

beatbugs, 7

behavioral level processes, 2078, 209

beta tests, 455


evaluation, 640

interviews, 300, 303

participant selection, 663, 664

BioBLAST®, 2412

BiReality, 15960

blank space, 989, 31011, 692

blind users, 2567, 2667

blogging, 50

Blue Eyes project, 2701

Bluetooth, 61

Blumberg, Bruce, 204

Bly, Sara, 34952

bookmarking, 489

Braille-based cell phones, 8, 2667, 552

brainstorming, 417, 437, 439, 5034

breakdowns, 3956

briefing sessions, 700


interface metaphors, 63

memory, 102

budgetary constraints, 624, 632

calculators, virtual, 623


boxes, 8

centers, 3969, 4035

routing, 259

caller-led speech, 259

cameras see photography

CAQDAS Networking Project, 387

card-based prototypes, 534, 5616, 575

cascading menus, 2323

case-based reasoning, 434

cash machines see automated teller machines

categorization, 373, 37883, 3867

CAVE systems, 757, 245

CD-ROMs, 2413

cell phones

Braille-based, 8, 2667, 552

conceptual models, 542

cuddly, 2045

design principles, 8, 40

design process, 441

evaluation, 5889, 6002, 632

field studies, 668

functionality, 40

gaming, 249, 250

heuristic evaluation, 6978

interfaces, 2659

physical design, 552

problem spaces, 4950

prototypes, 570

transparency, 119

challenge levels, 6025

chat rooms

affective aspects, 201

asynchronous, 6067

evaluation, 637

social mechanisms, 1523

synchronous, 6067

check boxes, 313, 317

clarity, 1934

class diagrams, 5002

ClearBoard, 157

ClipArt, 240

clippings, 34950, 351

Clippy, 18890

closed questions

data analysis, 358, 361

data gathering, 299300, 304, 308, 30911

closely-knit teams, 1679

closing sessions, 307

CMC see computer-mediated communication

co-opting, 41920

coffee and donut tests, 616

COG, 182

cognition, 92133

annotating, 125, 1279

attention, 94, 958

cognitive tracing, 125, 1279

computational offloading, 125, 1268

conceptual frameworks, 92, 122

distributed, 12931

experiential, 94110, 11314

external, 1259

frameworks, 11633

gulf of execution/evaluation, 1212

information processing, 1235

language processing, 11314

learning, 94, 11013

memory, 94, 10110, 1256, 1289

mental models, 11619

perception, 94, 99101

reflective, 94, 11013, 11416

theory of action, 116, 11922

transparency, 11819


load, 700

mechanisms, 1778

tracing, 125, 1279

walkthroughs, 592, 7025

collaborative immersive games, 6025

collaborative technologies

asynchronous communication, 1534

awareness mechanisms, 16671

co-located settings, 14952

communication, 134, 14160, 1612, 177

computer-mediated communication, 15260

coordination mechanisms, 1413, 1616

data gathering, 350

different locations, 1438, 169

ice-breaking, 1502

learning, 1546, 177

overseeing/overhearing, 1679

prototypes, 5656

schedules, rules and conventions, 162, 164

Sellen, Abigail, 1769

shared external representations, 163, 168

social mechanisms, 134, 13671, 1778

synchronous communication, 1523

technology-mediated social phenomena, 1724

color use, 6923

color-blindness, 483

command interfaces, 2204, 286

command-based interactions, 73, 75, 7981

ComMotion, 128, 129

communicability, 673


asynchronous, 1534

co-located settings, 14952

collaborative learning, 1546

collaborative technologies, 134, 14160, 1612, 177

computer-mediated, 15260

conversational mechanisms, 13641

coordinators, 1413

different locations, 1438, 169

formal, 1401, 161

ice-breaking, 1502

informal, 1401, 1468

non-verbal, 136, 1612

pathways, 3956

social mechanisms, 134, 13671

synchronous, 1523

technology-mediated social phenomena, 1724

verbal, 1612

component systems, 574

compositional thread, 21113

compound sentences, 304

compromises, 5368, 539

computational offloading, 125, 1268

computer games see gaming

computer-based tracking systems, 3989

computer-mediated communication (CMC), 15260

computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), 10

conceptual frameworks, 92, 122

conceptual models

available information, 551

bad designs, 623

best practice examples, 548

concepts, 512

conversing, 64, 6770

coupling, 823

design principles, 540

design spaces, 44, 5183

expanding, 5501

exploring, 64, 7582

frameworks, 847

functions, 550

initial development, 5429

instructing, 647

interactions, 6483, 5468

interface metaphors, 44, 512, 5863, 5436

interfaces, 5489

manipulating, 64, 706, 7981

mappings, 523

models, 847

presentation, 549

problem spaces, 44, 4651

process-oriented, 5456, 547

product-oriented, 5456

prototypes, 528, 53951, 5767

relationships, 52

theories, 847

user experiences, 5402

Winograd, Terry, 8991

confidentiality, 634, 636, 657

conflict, 523

conscious requirements, 524

consent, 2923, 6357, 654


analytical evaluation, 687, 689, 693, 721

user experience, 323, 34

console interfaces, 284


conceptual models, 61

evaluation, 621, 624, 632

prototypes, 5756

requirements, 51718, 525

user experience, 312

construction, 528, 5309

consultants, 1315

consumption habits, 375

content analysis, 382

context principle, 498

context of use, 479

context-aware environments, 55, 75, 778, 7981


information, 129

menus, 261


design, 540, 57882

information, 310

inquiry, 421, 457, 4989, 57882

menus, 2324

control, 686

controlled environments

data analysis, 3589

data gathering, 3212, 3348, 344

evaluation, 5889, 590, 594

usability testing, 64466, 6778

controlled experiments, 590

convenience sampling, 318


collaborative technologies, 162, 164

real-world/system-oriented, 686

convergence, 367


analysis, 382

conceptual models, 546, 548

interactions, 2012, 2067

interfaces, 25960

mechanisms, 13641

conversing, 64, 6770, 548

Cook's Collage, 10910

cool-off periods, 307

cooperative inquiry, 301

coordination mechanisms

coordinators, 1413

designing collaborative technologies, 1646

schedules, rules and conventions, 162, 164

shared external representations, 163, 168

verbal/non-verbal communication, 1612

copyright, 4401

Crampton Smith, Gillian, 46770

creativity, 4335, 551

Crickets, 713


incidents, 373, 3836

mass, 607

Cruiser, 147

Crystal, 454

CSCW see computer-supported cooperative work

cuddly cell phones, 2045

cultural aspects

data analysis, 3748

design process, 1719, 432

evaluation, 5989, 6002

field studies, 6746

interface design, 1868

menu design, 2301

prototypes, 5367, 5534, 568

requirements, 4812

cultural probes, 4901

cursor icons, 120

customer support centers, 3969, 4035

Cybelle, 3046, 3601

data analysis

activity theory, 399405

categorization, 373, 37883, 3867

critical incidents, 373, 3836

cultural aspects, 3748

distributed cognition, 385, 3949, 4045

evaluation, 6401

field studies, 6708

graphical representation, 3626, 368, 3713, 387, 394

grounded theory, 385, 38994

interpretation, 354

interviews, 3579, 3934, 403

numerical analysis, 3567

observation, 3589, 36872, 384

presentation, 354, 4059, 5004

qualitative data, 354, 3569, 37286

quantitative data, 354, 35672

question design, 3601

questionnaires, 3589

recurring patterns or themes, 3738

requirements, 5004

rigorous notations, 4056

storytelling, 4067

summarizing findings, 4078

theoretical frameworks, 388405

tools, 3868

usability, 37983

usability testing, 65760

data gathering, 290352

bias, 300, 303

Bly, Sara, 34952

children, 3001

combining techniques, 3426

controlled environments, 3348, 344

degree of participation, 3267

diary studies, 294, 328, 33840

envisioning future settings, 32526

ethnography, 3304, 34950

evaluation, 58895, 596, 6035, 6323

field studies, 3214, 6678, 6708

focus groups, 3023, 308, 309, 343

goals, 292, 324

information, 294

interaction logs, 3402

interviews, 290, 298308, 343

observation, 290, 32144

participants, 2923, 3445

physiological data, 6035, 633

pilot studies, 2924, 319

problematizing existing settings, 3256

product development, 3467

qualitative data, 3569

quantitative data, 3569

questionnaires, 290, 294, 293, 30821, 343

recording methods, 2937

requirements, 484, 489500

resources, 345

study focus, 3424

think-aloud technique, 3358

triangulation, 293

usability testing, 646, 652, 6567

validation, 317

data logs

data analysis, 3589, 36872, 386

ethics, 639

keystroke loggers, 342, 646

software, 3402

usability testing, 646

data requirements, 479, 4867, 5001

databases, 3989

DC see distributed cognition,

debriefing sessions, 701

debugging, 122, 447

deception, 639

deceptive technologies, 1989

DECIDE framework, 62443

approaches, 6289

constraints, 632

data analysis, 6401

equipment, 6312

ethics, 624, 626, 6339

expertise, 632

facilities, 6302

goals, 6268

methodology, 6289

practicalities, 62930

presentation of data, 6401

questions, 6278

users, 6301

decision-making, 11416

demographic information, 310

DENIM, 572

design patterns, 5657

design principles, 2938

alternative solutions, 417, 429, 43344

application, 347

attention, 99

command interfaces, 224

communication, 412

conceptual models, 540

consultants, 1315

good/poor design, 2–6

icons, 23540

interaction design, 8–15, 1738

interface metaphors, 612

language processing, 114

learning, 11213

memory, 1067, 110

menus, 2305

multidisciplinary teams, 1113

perception, 101

process of interaction design, 1719

realism/abstraction, 2478

reflective cognition, 115

Salomon, Gitta, 402

upgrades, 112

usability, 4, 205, 278, 356

user experience, 1517, 2038

user-centered design, 425

virtual reality/environments, 2467

web-based interfaces, 2556

what to design, 5–8

windows, 22630

design process, 41270

activities, 421, 4289, 44465

alternative solutions, 417, 429, 43344

brainstorms, 417, 437, 439

co-opting, 41920

copyright, 4401

Crampton Smith, Gillian, 46770

empirical measurement, 425, 427

evaluation, 416, 429, 448

expectation management, 4189, 420

human-centered design, 4623

human–computer interaction, 448, 45864

initial sketches, 41416

inventions, 4324

iterative design, 425, 428

lifecycle models, 44465

multidisciplinary teams, 420, 422, 462, 46870

needs, 4289, 4323

ownership, 41920, 423

practicalities, 43044

prototypes, 41718, 420, 442, 460

requirements, 416, 418, 4289, 432

software development, 4223, 424, 4457, 44958

stakeholders, 4301, 4423

tasks, 4257

trade-offs, 41617

user-centered design, 412, 4258, 4303, 4557, 464

users, 41727, 4303, 4423, 470

design spaces

bad designs, 623

best practice examples, 548

concepts, 512

conceptual models, 44, 5183

conversing, 64, 6770

exploring, 64, 7582

frameworks, 847

instructing, 647

interaction types, 6483

interface metaphors, 44, 512, 5863

manipulating, 64, 706, 7981

mappings, 523

models, 847

relationships, 52

theories, 847

Winograd, Terry, 8991

designer's models, 85

dialog boxes

affective aspects, 1868

cognitive frameworks, 120

interfaces, 227

DiamondTouch, 272, 273


field studies, 6689

observation, 294, 328, 33840

different-participant design, 663, 664

digital cameras, 239

Digital Desk, 277

digital ink, 262, 263

digitizer tablets, 455

direct manipulation, 713, 7981

direct observation

controlled environments, 3348, 344

evaluation, 6323

field studies, 32334, 343

requirements, 495


Braille-based cell phones, 8, 2667, 552

cognitive, 113, 483, 4879

physical impairment, 483, 552

requirements, 483

discourse analysis, 383, 385

display surfaces, 5656

distributed cognition (DC)

collaborative technologies, 12931

data analysis, 385, 3949, 4045

documentation, 687


robots, 284

technologies, 32830, 3745

DOS, 224

Down Syndrome, 4879

download times, 193

Drift Table, 272, 274

drop-down menus, 31921

DVD players, 245

dynalinking, 11113, 244


icons, 184

information, 276, 2789

dynamic systems development

method (DSDM), 4523

Dynamo system, 149

dyslexia, 113, 483

e-tickets, 627

ecological validity, 641

effectiveness, 21, 414, 4434

efficiency, 21, 414, 4434, 687


questionnaires, 31721

social mechanisms, 140, 142

embedded adjacency pairs, 139

emergency exits, 686, 690

emoticons, 182, 1845


design model, 180, 20710

thread, 21113

see also affective aspects

empirical measurement, 425, 427

engagement, 6025

environmental requirements, 479, 4867

envisioning future settings, 32526

ergonomics, 11

error messages

affective aspects, 190, 1913

analytical evaluation, 687

design tips, 192

ESM see experience sampling method

eSPACE project, 563, 565

essential use cases, 472, 501, 51415

establishing requirements see requirements


DECIDE framework, 624, 626, 6339

informed consent, 2923, 6357, 654


data analysis, 3748, 385, 387, 394, 4012

data gathering, 3304, 34950

evaluation, 626, 628

requirements, 496

evaluation, 584622

affective issues, 6025

ambient systems, 61619

case studies, 595620

combined approaches, 5925, 61416

communicability, 673

constraints, 621, 624, 632

controlled environments, 5889, 590, 594

data analysis, 6401

DECIDE framework, 62443

definitions, 590

design process, 416, 429, 448

equipment, 6312

ethics, 624, 626, 6339

expertise, 632

facilities, 6312

field studies, 58895, 628, 677

formative, 589, 590

function, 5868

inspections, 684, 686706

lifecycle stage, 58990, 594, 60514, 620

methodology, 595, 596, 620, 6289

observation, 321, 334

opportunistic, 593

participant selection, 677

practicalities, 626, 62933

predictive, 590

predictive models, 684

presentation of data, 6401

prototypes, 528, 589, 602, 608

questions, 626, 6278

requirements, 497

stopping testing, 61214

summative, 589, 590

users, 584, 590, 594, 616, 6301

walkthroughs, 684, 7026

see also analytical evaluation; heuristic evaluation; usability testing

evaluation–redesign cycles, 472, 528

event languages, 574


prototyping, 5389

upgrading, 112

Excel spreadsheets, 55, 56

expanding menus, 2323, 234

expectation management, 4189, 420

experience sampling method (ESM), 6678


cognition, 94110, 11314

design, 9

prototyping, 5412

experimental design, 6616, 6801

expertise, 632, 666

exploring, 64, 7582, 548

expressive interfaces, 180, 1828


cognition, 1259

representations, 163, 168

testing, 446

eXtreme programming (XP), 4548

EyeToy, 261

facilitators, 3023

feasibility stage, 4289

feature teams, 446


affective aspects, 184, 1958, 214

cognition, 118, 1201

cognitive walkthroughs, 703

collaborative technologies, 178

data analysis, 390

data gathering, 351

evaluation, 593, 594, 600, 61415, 624

heuristic evaluation, 690

informal, 561, 563, 61415

interaction types, 73

interviews, 308

lifecycle models, 448, 449, 457

persuasive technologies, 1957

prototypes, 552, 561

questionnaires, 319

tangible interfaces, 277

user experience, 29, 301

field studies

activity theory, 669, 6703, 678

communicability, 673

conducting, 32730

cultural aspects, 6746

data analysis, 384, 6708

data gathering, 32134, 343, 644, 66778

degree of participation, 3267

envisioning future settings, 32526

ethnography, 3304, 34950

evaluation, 58895, 628, 677

experience sampling method, 6678

home technologies, 32830

interaction design, 3334

participant selection, 677

planning, 32730

problematizing existing settings, 3256

prototypes, 6746

stopping, 324

structuring frameworks, 3246

usability testing, 6734

web design, 6778

file locking, 164

file management, 105, 224

financial modeling, 54

first person greetings, 2012

Fitts' Law, 684, 71315

flaming, 154, 194

Flash, 535

flat menus, 232, 234

flexibility, 687

Flickr, 50

floor control, 1645

Flow Blocks, 2756

focus groups

data analysis, 3934

data gathering, 3023, 308, 309, 343

requirements, 492, 4967

focus principle, 4989

fonts, 6612


communication, 1401, 161

language-based tools, 574

formative evaluation, 589, 590

forms, 2278

frameworks, 847

fraud, 1989

freedom, 686

frustrating interfaces, 180, 18895

FTWs see future technology workshops

functional requirements, 477, 478, 4867, 526

functionality, 40, 434

future technology workshops (FTWs), 4924

futurefit, 493

futuristic scenarios, 507, 508


affective aspects, 202

cell phones, 249, 250, 2867

challenge levels, 6025

cognition, 92

data analysis, 36972

design principles, 27

engagement, 6025

evaluation, 6025

EyeToy, 261

interaction types, 79

mixed reality interfaces, 2801

problem spaces, 49

virtual reality/environments, 246

general valve theories, 11718

generic icons, 5534

gesture-based input, 2604

gimmicks, 189, 191

global positioning systems (GPS), 3212

global websites, 554


attention, 95

data gathering, 292, 324

DECIDE framework, 6267

requirements, 4847, 5067

usability, 205, 35, 38, 414, 4857, 506

usability testing, 653

users, 418, 426

see also user experience goals goals, operations, methods and selection rules (GOMS), 515, 684, 70613, 715

Google, 98, 99

GPS see global positioning systems

granularity, 394

graphical authentication, 109

graphical user interfaces (GUIs)

attention, 989

conceptual models, 557, 65, 734, 5489

design principles, 37

design process, 4223

icon design, 23540

interactions, 218, 285

learning, 111

memory, 102, 1067

menu design, 2305

reflective cognition, 115

tangible interfaces, 2767

window design, 22630

grounded theory, 385, 38994

group discussion, 4967

GroupSystem, 155

GUIs see graphical user interfaces

gulf of execution/evaluation, 1212

hand-writing recognition, 571

Hawthorne effect, 641

HCI see human–computer interaction

head up displays (HUDs), 278

health warnings, 1978

Hello.Wall, 61719, 628

help facilities

analytical evaluation, 687

interaction types, 678

heuristic evaluation

information design, 699700

interactive products, 697700

interface metaphors, 59

navigation support, 6923

Nielsen, Jakob, 71822

online communities, 6956

principles, 590, 592, 594, 596, 684

problems, 7012

stages, 7001

usability, 6879, 6956, 71820

web design, 68996, 715, 71822

hierarchical task analysis (HTA), 472, 51519, 520

high-fidelity prototypes, 5356, 576

HighFly, 6367

history lists, 489

home technologies, 32830, 3745


interfaces, 56970

prototyping, 537

HTA see hierarchical task analysis

HUDs see head up displays

human factors, 11

human-centered design, 458, 4623

human–computer interaction (HCI)

affective aspects, 185

conceptual models, 85

design principles, 11, 27

field studies, 673

lifecycle models, 448, 45864

memory, 106

performance measures, 680

prototypes, 5657

Shneiderman, Ben, 6803

see also interfaces

The Hunting of the Snark, 2801


case study, 60514, 61920

DECIDE framework, 627, 638

field studies, 668

heuristic evaluation, 696

Hydra, 145

hyperlinks, 692

hypermedia applications, 556

HyperMirror, 157, 159

hypertext, 574

hypotheses, 6612, 666

ICDL see International Children's Digital Library

ice-breaking, 1502


affective aspects, 182, 184

creating palettes, 2378

cultural aspects, 5989

cursors, 121

design principles, 23540

dynamic, 184

emoticons, 182, 1845

evaluation, 5989

generic, 5534

interaction, 225

logo-based, 2378

rollover functions, 240

IDE see interactive development environment

identifying needs see needs

IDEO, 13, 14, 4367

ideo-pleasure, 210

illum commuting jacket, 7

imagineering, 492

implementation, 5389

in-car navigation, 384, 5556

inception stage, 428

incident diaries, 669

index cards, 535, 5607, 576

indirect observation

data gathering, 33842, 344

diary studies, 33840

interaction logs, 3402

requirements, 495

individualism, 482


communication, 1401, 1468

feedback, 561, 563, 61415


architects, 15

data gathering, 294

design, 699700

presentation, 957, 98100

processing, 1235

visualization, 128, 24952

informed consent, 2923, 6357, 654

initial sketches, 41416


brainstorming, 5034

requirements, 5034


heuristic evaluation, 684, 686702

walkthroughs, 684, 7026

instant messaging, 1367, 148

Institutional Review Boards (IRB), 6346

instructing, 647, 548

inter-rater reliability, 3789


analysis, 3856

conceptual models, 5468

logs, 3402

profiles, 370, 3723

types, 6483


graphical tools, 574

installations, 27980

system design, design principles, 9

television, 243

toys, 1956, 2027

interactive development environment (IDE), 705

interfaces, 21688

1980s, 22040

1990s, 24065

2000s, 26585

advanced graphical interfaces, 24051

anthropomorphism, 285

appliances, 2645

attentive environments, 2701

augmented reality, 216, 27781

builders, 574

command-based, 2204, 286

conceptual models, 5489

design principles, 9, 15, 278

evaluation, 608

expressive, 180, 1828

frustrating, 180, 18895

gesture-based input, 2604

horizontal, 5701

icon design, 23540

information visualization, 24951

interactive installations, 27980

menu design, 2301

metaphors, 44, 513, 5863, 5436

mixed reality, 216, 27781, 286

mobile, 2659, 285

multimedia, 2414, 286

multimodal, 26972, 286

paradigms, 21819

pen-based input, 2604

porting, 249, 250

prototypes, 5702

realism/abstraction, 2478

requirements, 4801

robotic, 2845, 286

shareable, 2725, 286

speech-based, 25860, 270, 286

tangible, 216, 2757, 286

tools, 5726

touchscreens, 2604

ubiquitous computing, 21819

usability testing, 6467

virtual reality/environments, 2449, 286

wearable computing, 216, 2814, 286

web-based, 2518, 285

WIMPs, 216, 218, 22440

window design, 22630

see also disabilities; graphical user interfaces


consistency, 687, 689, 693, 721

locus of control, 686, 690

testing, 446

International Children's Digital Library (ICDL), 6746

Internet fraud, 1989

interpretation principle, 498


bias, 300, 303

children, 3001

conducting, 307

contextual inquiry, 4989

data analysis, 3579, 3934, 403

data gathering, 290, 298308, 343

enrichment, 308

evaluation, 6067

field studies, 6689

focus groups, 3023, 308, 309, 343

online, 308

planning, 3047

question development, 3047

requirements, 492, 4969

semi-structured, 299300, 306

structured, 299, 309

telephone, 307, 309

unstructured, 298

usability testing, 646

introductions, 307

inventions, 4324

iPods, 1617

IRB see Institutional Review Boards

ISO, 13407 458, 4623


conceptual models, 540

interaction design, 425, 428

requirements, 472, 474, 500, 501

Ivrea, 46770

JAD see joint application development

Java, 60, 574

joint application development (JAD), 452, 453

Jordan's pleasure model, 180, 210

jump-to options, 3201

keyboard shortcuts, 2212


level model, 70812, 715

loggers, 342, 646

Kismet, 182, 183

KordGrip interface, 4801

lab-in-a-box, 64950, 678

language processing, 11314

language-based tools, 575

LCD see learner-centered design

learnability, 223, 4434

learner-centered design (LCD), 122, 244


artifacts, 6713

cognition, 94, 11013

collaborative technologies, 1546, 177

scenarios, 510

library catalog systems

prototypes, 548, 549, 5624

requirements, 50515, 516

licensing agreements, 4401

lifecycle models, 44465

agile development, 4548

Crampton Smith, Gillian, 46770

dynamic systems development method, 4523

human-centered design, 4623

human–computer interaction, 448, 45864

interaction design models, 4489, 4623

ISO, 13407 458, 4623

joint application development, 452, 453

parallel interaction design, 4558

rapid applications development, 449, 4503

software development, 44958

spiral lifecycle model, 44950, 451

star lifecycle model, 4589

synch and stabilize process, 4457

usability engineering, 4602

user-centered design, 4557, 464

waterfall lifecycle model, 449, 450

Likert scales, 31316, 361

linguistic integrity, 522

lip-synch applications, 99

listening, 11314

Living Memory Box, 496, 497

local websites, 554

logging see data logs

logos, 2378, 6467

long term orientation (LTO), 482

low-fidelity prototypes, 5315, 536, 5389, 577

LTO see long term orientation

Lycos, 3367

McCarthy's technology as experience framework model, 180

Macintosh desktop interface, 734

Magic Cap, 2489

main sessions, 307

Manifesto for Agile Software Development,, 454

manipulating, 64, 706, 7981, 548

mappings, 523

maps, 279

marble answering machine, 3–4

Mars Exploration Rovers (MERs), 3312

Marti, Stefan, 2045

masculinity–femininity, 482

massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMPORGs), 36972

matched-pairs design, 663, 664

mean, 360, 3645

media experiences, 375

Media Space, 145

median, 360, 3645

mediation, 401, 402

medical applications

augmented reality interfaces, 278

conceptual models, 5412

design process, 439

evaluation, 595600, 60514, 61920, 638

field studies, 668

problem spacers, 467

web design, 65060, 678, 68991

MedlinePlus, 65060, 678, 68991

memorability, 23, 245, 4434


7 ± 2 rule, 1057, 665

context, 102

design implications, 1067, 110

filtering process, 1012

load, 10710, 1256, 1289

recognition/recall, 102, 1057, 10910, 687

short-term, 1057

strategies, 103

memos, 390, 3923

mental models, 11619


cognitive frameworks, 1202

context-sensitive, 261

contextual, 2324

design principles, 2305

expanding, 2323, 234

flat, 232, 234

heuristic evaluation, 690, 692

interaction, 225

online questionnaires, 317, 31921

scrolling, 2289, 232

MERs see Mars Exploration Rovers

metaphors see interface metaphors

Microsoft design process, 41920, 421, 4457

milestones, 4467

Milgram, Stanley, 639

Miller's 7 ± 2 rule, 1057, 665

minimalist design, 687

minus scenarios, 5556

mixed reality interfaces, 216, 27781, 286

MMPORGs see massively multiplayer online role-playing games

mnemonics, 103


interfaces, 2659, 285

record-keeping devices, 595600

MobiLearn, 510

mockups, 569, 598

mode, 360, 3645

model-based prototyping, 575

modifying existing products, 528

MoFax, 698

MOOs see multi-user role-playing

more is more mentality, 118, 269, 688

mouse design, 6467

MUDs see multi-user role-playing

multi-apping, 978

multi-user role-playing (MUDs/MOOs), 1435, 36972

multidisciplinary teams

collaborative technologies, 179

design principles, 1113

design process, 41920, 422, 462, 46870

requirements, 504

multimedia interfaces, 2414, 286

multimodal interfaces, 26972, 286

multinational companies, 554


National Library of Medicine (NLM), 65060, 678, 68991

navigation, 467, 6923


design process, 422, 4289

identifying, 474, 499500, 519

users, 6812

negative emotions, 180, 18895, 2089

negative questions, 310

NetMeeting, 648

neutral probes, 300

Nielsen, Jakob, 71822

NLM see National Library of Medicine

Nokia, 6001, 632, 668

non-functional requirements, 4778, 5256

non-verbal communication, 136, 1612

normal courses, 51011, 513

Norman's emotional design model, 180, 20710


data analysis, 3589

data gathering, 2947, 332

numerical analysis, 3567

Nvivo, 387

object-oriented software engineering (OOSE), 460, 510, 574

objectivity, 389

observation, 290, 32144

conducting, 32730

controlled environments, 3212, 3348, 344

data analysis, 3589, 36872, 373, 384, 4012

degree of participation, 3267

diary studies, 328, 33840

direct, 32338, 3434

envisioning future settings, 32526

ethnography, 3304, 34950

evaluation, 321, 334, 596, 6012, 607, 6323

field studies, 32134, 343

goals, 324

home technologies, 32830

indirect, 33842, 344

interaction design, 3334

interaction logs, 3402

planning, 32730

problematizing existing settings, 3256

requirements, 495

socialization, 333

stopping, 324

structuring frameworks, 3246

think-aloud technique, 3358

Observer Video-Pro, 3878

Olympic Messaging System (OMS)

design process, 425

evaluation, 61416, 61920, 627

OMS see Olympic Messaging System

one-stop car shop, 55960, 561


communities, 6956

interviews, 308

questionnaires, 31721

surveys, 4967

OOSE see object-oriented software engineering

open coding, 389, 3912

open questions

data analysis, 358, 3601

data gathering, 298300, 304, 308, 31112

open source software, 4401

operating systems, 65

Opinionizer, 1502, 668

opportunistic evaluation, 593


culture, 537

requirements, 479

orphan pages, 692

outliers, 3624

over-specification, 58

overhearing, 1679

overseeing, 1679

ownership, 41920, 423

PalmPilot, 4778, 530

Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), 2745, 34952

parallel interaction design, 4558

PARC see Palo Alto Research Center

PARCTAB system, 274

participant observers, 3267, 3301

participatory design, 5679

partnership principle, 498

passive observers, 3267


design principles, 234

graphical authentication, 109

memory, 1079

patents, 4401

patient support systems, 60514

patterns, design, 5657

PD see power distance

PDAs see personal digital assistants

pen-based input, 2604

percentages, 357, 36072


design implications, 101

information presentation, 99100

white space, 989

performance measures, 646, 6568, 661, 680

peripheral awareness, 167

permissions, 638

personal digital assistants (PDAs)

conceptual models, 75, 77

interfaces, 2656

personal information management (PIM), 103

personas, 481, 4845, 509, 519

persuasive technologies, 1959

pet robots, 2845

phishing scams, 1989

photo sharing applications, 50


attentive environments, 2702

data analysis, 3589

data gathering, 2947, 333

photo diaries, 6012

requirements, 490


artifacts, 401

design, 528, 5514, 56773

impairments, 483, 552

see also tangible interfaces

physical–digital interaction, 701

physio-pleasure, 210

physiological data, 6035, 633

pie charts, 363

pilot studies, 2924, 319

PIM see personal information management

planning, 11416

Playmates Toys, 200

pleasure model, 180, 210

pluralistic walkthroughs, 7056

plus scenarios, 5556

Pocket Pikachu, 1956

pointers, 225

Pondworld, 11112


affective aspects, 195

menus, 317

portable usability laboratories, 335

Portholes, 16970

porting interfaces, 249, 250

positive emotions, 1828, 2089

positive questions, 310

power distance (PD), 482

power relationships, 639

Powerpoint, 536

predictive evaluation, 590

predictive models

Fitts’ Law, 684, 71315

GOMS model, 684, 70613, 715

keystroke level model, 70812, 715

problems and limitations, 71213

predictive text, 228, 268

Presence Project, 48991


conceptual models, 549

data analysis, 354, 4059, 5004

evaluation, 6401

information, 957, 99100

requirements, 5004

primary users, 430

privacy, 6378


cultural, 4901

interviews, 300

neutral, 300

problem spaces, 44, 4651

problem-solving, 11416

problematizing existing settings, 3256

process-oriented conceptual models, 5456, 547

product development

data gathering, 3467

design principles, 8–9

design process, 412, 4223

product-oriented conceptual models, 5456

productivity, 722


drivers, 525

failure, 475

issues, 524, 526

team leaders, 4223

Project Ernestine, 712

propagation of representational states, 3956, 3979

props, 308, 496, 500

prototypes, 52882

compromises, 5368, 539

conceptual models, 528, 53951, 576

construction, 528, 5309

cultural aspects, 537, 5534

data gathering, 308, 309

definition, 530

design patterns, 5657

design process, 41720, 442, 460

evaluation, 528, 589, 602, 608

field studies, 6746

function, 5301

high-fidelity, 5356, 576

Holtzblatt, Karen, 58082

implementation, 5389

index cards, 535, 5607, 576

low-fidelity, 5315, 536, 5389, 576

modifying existing products, 528

participatory design, 5679

physical design, 528, 5514, 56773

requirements, 4934, 496, 500, 528, 53951

scenarios, 5314, 5402, 55460, 5756

sketches, 531, 5324

tool support, 528, 5725

Wizard of Oz, 535, 614

proxy-users, 418

psycho-pleasure, 210

pull-down menus, 31718

qualitative data

activity theory, 399405

affinity diagrams, 374, 3768

analysis, 354, 3569, 37286

categorization, 373, 37883, 3867

content analysis, 382

conversation analysis, 383

critical incidents, 373, 3836

cultural aspects, 3748

data gathering, 3569

discourse analysis, 383, 385

distributed cognition, 385, 3949, 4045

ethnography, 3748, 385, 387, 394, 4012

evaluation, 594

grounded theory, 385, 38994

interaction analysis, 3856

interviews, 3579, 3934, 403

observation, 3589, 36872, 373, 384, 4012

presentation, 4059

questionnaires, 3589

recurring patterns or themes, 3738

theoretical frameworks, 385, 388405

tools, 3867

usability, 37983

quality, 442

quantitative data

analysis, 354, 35672

data gathering, 3569

data logs, 3589, 36872

evaluation, 594

graphical representation, 3626, 368, 3713

interviews, 3579

Likert scales, 361

observation, 3589, 373

presentation, 4059

question design, 3601

questionnaires, 3589

semantic differential scales, 3668

tools, 387

questionnaire for user interaction satisfaction (QUIS), 31011, 31516, 656

questionnaires, 290, 30821, 343

administering, 31617

data analysis, 3589

data validation, 317

evaluation, 596, 609, 628, 630

format, 31316

incentives, 293

online, 31721

ranges, 313

rating scales, 31316

requirements, 4935, 496

structure design, 31012

templates, 31920

usability testing, 646

QUIS see questionnaire for user interaction satisfaction

QWERTY keyboards, 266, 2689

RAD see rapid applications development

radio buttons, 31921

radio frequency identification (RFID), 70

ranges, 313

rapid applications development (RAD), 449, 4503

Rapid CD, 582–3

rapid prototyping, 460

rating scales, 31316

Rea, 206

reading, 11314, 1778

real-world conventions, 686

realism, 2478

reasoning, 11416

recall, 687

recognition/recall, 102, 1057, 10910, 687

record-keeping, 504

recording data, 2947

recurring patterns or themes, 3738


cognition, 94, 11013, 11416

level processes, 2078, 20910


evaluation, 640

testing, 616

remote control devices, 4–6, 14

representational states, 130, 3956, 3979

requirements, 472526

accessibility, 483

aims, 474

alternative solutions, 495, 503

artist-designer approach, 48991

brainstorming, 5034

class diagrams, 5002

complex tasks, 51819

conceptual models, 53951

constraints, 51718, 525

contextual inquiry, 4989

cultural aspects, 4812

data, 479, 4867, 5001

data analysis, 5004

data gathering, 484, 489500

definition, 4767

design process, 416, 418, 4289, 432

documentation, 495, 4967

environmental, 479, 4867

essential use cases, 472, 501, 51415

evaluation, 497

function, 475

functional, 477, 478, 4867, 526

future technology workshops, 4924

goals, 4847, 5067

graphical representation, 51617

hierarchical task analysis, 472, 51519, 520

identifying needs, 474, 499500, 519, 524

innovation, 5034

interpretation of data, 5004

non-functional, 4778, 5256

notation, 5023

personas, 481, 4845, 509, 519

presentation, 5004

prototypes, 4934, 496, 500, 528, 53951

Robertson, Suzanne, 5226

scenarios, 472, 501, 50510, 51920

sequence diagrams, 5012

task description, 50415

types, 47789, 520

usability, 4859, 506

use cases, 472, 501, 51015

user characteristics, 481, 484, 4867

retrofit, 493

revolutionary upgrading, 112

RFID see radio frequency identification

rigorous notations, 4056

RNIB see Royal National Institute for the Blind

Robertson, Suzanne, 5226

robotic interfaces, 2845, 286

rocker dials, 266, 267


games, 1435, 36972

requirements, 493

rollover functions, 240

Roman numerals, 1267

Roomware furniture, 2724

Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB), 552


collaborative technologies, 162, 164

interface metaphors, 59, 61


design principles, 21

design process, 414, 4434

navigation systems, 46

Salomon, Gitta, 402

same-participant design, 663, 664

scales, rating, 31316

scams, 1989

scatter diagrams, 3636, 3723


prototypes, 5314, 5402, 55460, 5767

requirements, 472, 501, 50510, 51920

storyboarding, 55860


coordination mechanisms, 162, 164

design process, 446

evaluation, 624, 632

scope of data, 6401

screen capture tools, 386

screen readers, 257

scripting languages, 574

scrollbars, 60, 226

scrolling menus, 2289, 232

SCRUM, 454

search engines

affective aspects, 201

cognition, 98, 99, 105, 11920

data gathering, 336

interaction types, 679

interface metaphors, 58

transparency, 11920

secondary users, 430


graphical authentication, 109

memory, 1079

see-through displays, 281

selective coding, 389, 393

self-documenting, 294

self-monitoring, 1978

self-selecting populations, 318

Sellen, Abigail, 1769

semantic differential scales, 31316, 3668

semi-structured interviews, 299300, 306

semiotic engineering, 673

sensitivity, 389

sensual thread, 21113

SensVest, 2823

sequence diagrams, 5012

shareable interfaces, 2725, 286, 549


external representations, 163, 168

resources, 3978

visualizations, 5656

Shneiderman, Ben, 6803

short-term memory, 1057

shortcuts, 690

sign language, 262

Silas T. Dog, 204

simplicity, 345, 251, 253

Six Sigma, 583

SketchBook Pro, 4556


design process, 41416

prototypes, 531, 5324, 567

requirements, 504

sliced attention, 978

Smalltalk, 535

smart homes, 778

SmartBoards, 272, 273

Smartphone, 507

Smartskin, 272

SMS texting

conversational mechanisms, 148

interfaces, 2678

Snake, 249, 250, 2867

sociability, 6956

sociable robots, 284

social mechanisms

activity theory, 401

asynchronous communication, 1534

awareness mechanisms, 16671

co-located settings, 14952

collaborative learning, 1546

collaborative technologies, 134, 13671, 1778

computer-mediated communication, 15260

conversational mechanisms, 13641

coordination mechanisms, 1413, 1616

different locations, 1438, 169

ice-breaking, 1502

overseeing/overhearing, 1679

requirements, 479

schedules, rules and conventions, 162, 164

Sellen, Abigail, 1769

shared external representations, 163, 168

synchronous communication, 1523

technology-mediated social phenomena, 1724

verbal/non-verbal communication, 136, 1612

socio-pleasure, 210

soft displays, 264

softkeys, 266

software bots, 201

software development

agile development, 4548

Crampton Smith, Gillian, 46770

design principles, 9

design process, 4223, 424, 4457, 44958

lifecycle models, 44958

prototypes, 535

requirements, 477

software upgrades, 112, 193

sound effects, 184

spaghetti code, 538

spatio-temporal thread, 21113

speaking, 11314

specialization, 367

specification documents, 446

speculation, 457

speech act theory, 142

speech-based interfaces, 25860, 270, 286

speech-recognition, 67, 555, 5578

spiral lifecycle model, 44950, 451

splash pages, 195

spoken messages, 184

Spotlight search tool, 104, 105


conceptual models, 546

data analysis, 360, 3626, 386

SPSS see Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

SpyCam, 493

spyware, 342

stabilization, 4457


design process, 4301, 4423

requirements, 499500, 5225

Star interface, 557, 91, 224, 235

star lifecycle model, 4589

Star Wars Galaxies (SWG), 36972

state charts, 501

Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), 387

storyboarding, 530, 531, 55860, 579

storytelling, 4067

see also scenarios


interviews, 299, 309

tasks, 6089

summarizing findings, 4078

summative evaluation, 589, 590

SWG see Star Wars Galaxies

Swim, 1314, 402

Symbian, 507

synch and stabilize process, 4457


chat environments, 6067

communication, 1523


functionality, 60, 62

images, 85

monitors, 342

system-oriented conventions, 686

t-tests, 6634, 681

Tablet PC, 455

tabletop interfaces, 5701

tangible interfaces, 216, 2757, 286, 549


allocation, 550

analysis, 472, 51519, 520, 581

development, 653

performance, 596

team leaders, 4223

TechBox, 4367

technical environment, 479

technology as experience frameworks, 180

technology-mediated social phenomena, 1724

telephone interviews, 307, 309

telephone response information system (TRIS), 712

tensions, 403

tertiary users, 430

text messaging see SMS texting


data, 387

interactions, 7980

theoretical frameworks, 388405

activity theory, 399405

distributed cognition, 385, 3949, 4045

grounded theory, 385, 38994

theories, interaction, 847

theory of action, 116, 11922

thermostats, 11718

think-aloud protocols

data analysis, 3589, 378, 37983

data gathering, 3358

Third Age suit, 542

throwaway prototyping, 5389

thumbnails, 253

Tickertape, 170, 171

ticketing machines, 67

time codes, 3878

time-boxing, 4512

timepieces, 4645

TiVo remote control device, 4–6, 14

togetherness, 375

tool support

prototypes, 528, 5736

usability testing, 683

toolbars, 60, 71415

touchscreens, 2604, 571

tracking systems, 3989

Tracksys, 64950

trade-offs, 41617

training-wheels learning, 111


data analysis, 3567, 358, 37881

design process, 424

transparency, 11819

travel planners

conceptual models, 5445, 550, 561

design process, 41416, 431, 435, 4434

physical design, 5702

scenarios, 55860

task description, 50515

treemaps, 2502

triangulation, 293

TRIS see telephone response information system

trust, 635

try-to-destroy-it tests, 616

turn-taking, 138

tutors, 201

UA see uncertainty avoidance

Ubi-finger, 2623

UbiComp see ubiquitous computing ubiquitous computing (UbiComp), 21819

UCD see user-centered design

UED see user environment design

UIMS see user interface management tools

UML see unified modeling language

uncertainty avoidance (UA), 482

unconscious requirements, 524

underwater PCs, 47981

unified modeling language (UML), 406

uniform resource locators (URLs), 489, 523

universal usability, 6823

UNIX, 221, 224

unstructured interviews, 298


affective aspects, 193

design principles, 112

evaluation, 589

software, 112, 193

URLs see uniform resource locators

Urp, 276


criteria, 25

data analysis, 37983

design principles, 4, 205, 278, 356

design process, 414, 433, 455, 457

engineering, 15, 443, 4602, 591

evaluation, 5878, 590, 61011

goals, 205, 35, 38, 414, 4857, 506

heuristic evaluation, 6879, 6956, 71820

laboratories, 3212, 3345, 590, 6479

pen-based interfaces, 2612

prototypes, 570, 580

requirements, 4859, 506

testing, 455, 457

universal, 6823

wearable computing, 283

web-based interfaces, 251, 2535

usability testing, 64466, 6778

data analysis, 65760

data gathering, 646, 652, 6567

evaluation, 5901, 5935, 602, 60514, 6289, 659

experimental design, 6616, 6801

field studies, 6734

goals, 653

heuristic evaluation, 719

hypotheses, 6612, 666

mobile testing equipment, 64950

participant selection, 653, 6623, 664

prototypes, 580

questions, 653

Shneiderman, Ben, 6803

task development, 653

test procedure, 6536

tool support, 683

web design, 65060, 6656

use cases

card-based prototypes, 5616, 575

design process, 472

scenarios, 559

task description, 501, 51015

use-oriented scenarios, 557

user environment design (UED), 57981

user experience

architects, 15

conceptual models, 5402

consistency, 323, 34

constraints, 313

design principles, 1517, 2038

design process, 414, 433

evaluation, 586, 5878

feedback, 29, 301


design principles, 259, 35, 38

evaluation, 603

prototypes, 570

requirements, 485, 486, 506

problem spaces, 48

requirements, 4847, 506

usability, 205, 278, 356

user interface management tools (UIMS), 574

user testing, 590, 596

see also usability testing

user-centered design (UCD)

design principles, 4, 9

design process, 412, 4258, 4302, 4557, 464


artist-designer approach, 48991

behavior, 426

characteristics, 426, 481, 484, 4867

cognition, 92133

collaborative technologies, 1769

consultation, 426

context, 426

control, 686

cultural differences, 1819

design process, 41727, 4302, 4423, 470

error messages, 687

evaluation, 584, 590, 594, 616, 6302

freedom, 686

frustrating interfaces, 180, 18895

goals, 418, 426

identifying, 4302

models, 85

needs, 6812

participatory design, 5679

profiles, 481

roles, 51415

tasks, 4257

what to design, 5–8

see also interfaces; requirements

userzoom, 64950

utility, 22, 4434

UTOPIA project, 567

validation of data, 317

validity, evaluation, 640, 641

VBIC see Virtual Business Information Center

VCRs, 245

vending machines, 657

verbal communication, 1612

vertical prototyping, 537


data analysis, 3589, 3846, 3878

data gathering, 2947, 333

usability testing, 6478


collaborative technologies, 157, 159

usability testing, 648

videophones, 1578

VideoWindow System, 1467


calculators, 623

environments, 75, 76, 2449, 286

pets, 1956, 2027

reality, 2449, 286

virtual agents

affective aspects, 2027, 21314

conceptual models, 68, 7981

data analysis, 3601

data gathering, 3046

design principles, 19, 26

Virtual Business Information Center (VBIC), 6346

Virtual Zoo project, 245

visceral level processes, 2078, 209

visibility, 2930, 686

VisiCalc, 546

vision statements, 446

Visual Basic, 535, 574


mail systems, 2–4

recognition, 67, 555, 5578

voice user interfaces (VUIs), 25860

Volere process, 4767, 5001, 510, 519

VUIs see voice user interfaces

waiting, 193

walkthroughs, 684, 7026


exercises, 504

sessions, 307

WaterBot, 196, 197

waterfall lifecycle model, 449, 450

WCAG see Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

wCommerce, 507

wearable computing, 216, 2814, 286

web browsers

interface metaphors, 63

memory, 102

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), 256

web design

affective aspects, 21213

blind users, 2567

consultants, 14

cultural aspects, 5534

design principles, 9, 346

design process, 441

evaluation, 584

field studies, 6778

heuristic evaluation, 68996, 715, 71822

perception, 989

prototypes, 576

requirements, 519

usability testing, 65060, 6656

Web Fun Central, 4879

web portals, 60


interfaces, 2518, 285

questionnaires, 31721

Webboard, 3903

WebLog, 3401

WetPC, 47981

white space, 989, 311, 692

whiteboards, 166

WIMPs see windows, icons, menus, pointer interfaces


design, 224, 22630

managers/toolkits, 574

windows, icons, menus, pointer interfaces (WIMPs), 22440

conceptual models, 5489

icon design, 23540

interactions, 216, 218

menu design, 2305

window design, 22630

Windows operating system, 4356

Winograd, Terry, 8991

WinWin spiral model, 450

wireless technology, 61

Wizard of Oz prototypes, 535, 614

wizards, 201

Woggles, 203

word games, 504

work-arounds, 418

XP see eXtreme programming

Yahoo! 5667

ZORKI, 1435

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