Accounting systems

manufacturing accounting and cost system, 107, 129

Accounting/statistical standards, 1

Activity-based costing (ABC), 132

capital investment, impact on, 295

controlling manufacturing expense, 132, 147

used in budgeting, 157

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Committee on Terminology

depreciation defined, 313


correlation, 40

end use, 42

expense variances in manufacturing, 157158

product line, 42

sales, 3031

time series, 40

Annual plan

advertising budget, 92

marketing expense budget, 96

Anticipation surveys, 46

Area concentration banking, 220


appraisal and appraisal records, 314

depreciation reserve, 314


investment in, 278

loss or gain on, 314

fixed planning and control of, 278280

fully depreciated, 314


Benchmarking, 13

general and administrative expenses, 205

in the planning and control of R&D, 193

Bill of materials (BOM), 137


budgetary control measures, 159

cash budget

length of budget period, 220

relation to other budgets, 219

cash budget relation to other budgets, 219

communication of budgetary information, 159

finished goods, 273, 276

flexibility in standards, 159

for control of G&A expenses, 197

general and administrative expenses, 205

indirect labor, 159

manufacturing expense budget, 149, 156

process for the planning and control of R&D expenses, 177, 184

raw materials, 267, 272

work-in-process, 272273

Business plan

sales planning as the basis of, 3536


Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), 353

Capital budget, 177

budgeting process, 280281

Cash flows

analysis of, 231233

consolidated statement of, 333

discounted cash flow methods of valuation, 286, 291

managing liabilities, 318, 330

planning and control of

accelerating cash receipts, 220221

administration of cash receipts, 220

cash forecasting, 208209

controller vs. the treasurer, duties of the, 208

disbursements, 225228

estimating cash receipts, 214, 219

internal cash receipt procedures, 222

internal control, 226

internal control of cash receipts, 221222

misappropriating cash, methods of, 223, 225

objectives of, 207

Collection of accounts receivables

altered payment methods, 244

collection techniques, 242, 244

control of, 239, 250

measurement of accounts receivable, 245

shrinking the cycle, 244


benchmarking, 13

global, 18

Control function

accounting/statistical control, 12

accounts receivable, 247, 249

benchmarking, 13

collection management, 243, 245

customer margin analysis, 241242

general and administrative expenses, 194, 206

granting credit to customers, 239241

marketing expenses, 73

measurement of accounts receivable, 245246

performance measures, 11

preplanning manufacturing expense, 156

reporting unfavorable trends, 156

sales analysis, 32

stage-gate system, 193

standards, 23, 5, 7


accounts receivable, 249250

business cycle forecasting, 47

compared with treasurer, 208

customer credit level, 241

customer margin analysis, 241

fixed assets, thirteen functions in control and planning of, 279280

general and administrative expenses, 194

influence on decisions in manufacturing expense budget, 134, 138139, 142

influence on R&D activities, 193

manufacturing expense budget, 130, 141, 161

planning and control of sales, 29

R&D budgeting assistance, 185

reporting function in inventory control, 253, 255

sales forecasting, 26

shareholders equity, 344

Cost accounting

storing and allocating costs, 147, 149

Cost estimation methods

engineering method, 143

judgement method, 142

linear regression method, 145146

scattergraph method, 143

Costs, 73

employee-related manufacturing costs, 148

equipment-related manufacturing costs, 148

incentives to reduce, 158

indirect production costs, 147148

inventory costs, 252

materials-related manufacturing costs, 148

occupancy-related manufacturing costs, 148

Cost-volume-profit relationship, 181


credit granting process, 239, 241

margin analysis, 241242

Cyclical indicators, 46



policy and planning, 355, 357

reinvestment programs, 364, 366

Dow Jones Industrials, 353


Econometric models, 46


capital expenditure proposals, 282

cost of automation, 295

depreciation, 313

idle equipment, 312, 313

lease versus buy, 308

obsolescence, 313314

records and recording, 308

Executive opinion composites, 41


bad debt, 239240, 242, 246

formulating the expense account structure, 131


distinguishing characteristics, 130


Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 318

alternative methods of accounting, 173

software development costs, 175

Statement No.2, 175

Statement of Cash Flows, 219

Financial statements

accounting treatment of research and development costs, 173

consolidated balance sheets, 333

consolidated statement of cash flows, 333

consolidated statements of income and retained earnings, 333


business cycle, the, 44

cash forecasting, 208209

information sources, 42

judgmental methods, 39

mathematical statistical methods, 39

methods, 46

sales, 39


prevention, 221


General and administrative expenses (G&A), 194

budgeting, 205206

components of, 194195

control over, 195, 200

reducing, 201, 205

Generally accepted accounting principals (GAAP)

impact on capital budget, 300, 302

shareholders equity, 345

Gross national product (GNP), 42


Hurdle rate. See also capital budget

Hurdle rates

cost of capital, 292

multiple, 293

single rate, 292

value of, 291


Industrial Research Institute, Inc., 178

Inflation, 294

Institute of management accounting (IMA), 175

Internal controls

capital investments, 311, 315

in research and development, 176

management of liabilities, 343


budgeting for finished goods, 273, 276

budgeting for raw materials, 267, 272

budgeting for work-in-process, 272273

controller reporting function in, 253, 255

costs and benefits of carrying inventory, 251, 253

inventory cutoff, 266267

just-in-time, 328

material just-in-time manufacturing systems, 256, 261

material requirements planning systems, 255256

obsolete inventory, 263264

reducing inventory, 265266

reordering systems, 261262

Inventory management, 251


capital assets, 278

capital expenditures

accounting control of, 304

activity-based costing, 295

board of directors approval, 297

budgeting, 280281

classifying and ranking proposed capital projects, 296

controller, 278, 280

cost of capital, 292293

evaluating projects, methods of, 283, 291

foreign investments, 294

GAAP, 300

hurdle rates, 291, 293

impact of, 278

inflation, 294

information gathering to support proposals, 283

information supporting, 282283

lease versus buy decisions, 308

limit of, 281282

manufacturing environment, new, 295

mutually exclusive capital proposals, 308

postproject appraisals or audits, 304, 307

project authorization, 302

project evaluation, 282286, 291

working capital, 307

controller's role in, 278

controls, 236

criteria for selecting, 234

instruments for, 235

reports to management, 237

restrictions, 235

short-term funds, 234, 237

valuation of, 286, 291


reduction of during economic contraction, 45


Just-in-time (JIT)

cost reporting, 108109

manufacturing systems, 256, 261

production techniques, 9



benefits from debt incurrence, 329

bond ratings, 333

contingent, 336337

corrective action, 328329

credit agreements, illustrative provisions of, 319, 323

debt, risks of too much, 329

defined, 316

direct, 317319

current, 317

long-term, 318

information on debt capacity, sources of, 329330

leverage, 336

long-range financial plan, 337, 339

managing, 339, 342

objectives of liability management, 316317

planning the current, 324

reports, 342343

standards for debt capacity, 330, 333

standards to measure and control current, 325

Lockbox system, 220



equity, of shareholders, 344

liabilities, 316, 343

shareholders equity, 348

Manufacturing, 130

allocating indirect production costs, 147, 149

batch size cost factors in cost control, 137138

control of indirect labor cost, 158159

cost center determination, 132

cost control through variance analysis, 146147

cost estimation methods, 142144

direct labor cost factors in cost control, 136137


control of cost elements, 131

departmentalization of expenses, 132

responsibility for, 130

fixed and variable cost factors in cost control, 133134

fixed costs

committed costs, 141

discretionary costs, 141

programmable costs, 141

JIT techniques and manufacturing expenses, 131, 156, 164

overhead factors in cost control, 139141

planning and control of costs

direct material costs, 111, 116

general aspects of manufacturing, 106107

labor costs, 119, 129

manufacturing cost accounting, 107108

manufacturing cost analysis, 109110

manufacturing management problems, 108109

types of cost systems, 110

standards to aid cost control, 132

time factors in cost control, 141

Marketing, 72

expenses, 72

planning and control of expenses, 72

advertising and sales promotion, 96, 100

analysis purpose and methods of, 75, 88

application, analysis by manner of, 76, 7879

basic approach, 74

contribution margin approach, 7778

control of expenses, 100

customer, analysis by, 82, 84

planning marketing expenses, 88

size of order, analysis by, 87

standards, 100, 105

territory, analysis by, 79


National business publications

Business Week, 178

Fortune, 178

Planning Review, 178


Operating budget

R&D, 179


Performance measures, 11

Planning process

near-term plan development, 36

research and development budget, 177

sales management, 29

Plants (physical facilities)

records and recording, 308, 311



accounts receivables, 245

balance sheet measurements

current ratio, 327

earnings per share, 348

quick ratio, 327

return on equity related to growth in earnings per share, 346

current debt to inventory, 328

current debt to net worth, 328

fixed assets to net worth, 282

minimum net working capital, 328

number of days payables on hand, 328

payout ratio, 346

percent return on net sales, 182

return on assets, 181

turnover of plant and equipment, 282

Research and development (R&D), 170

accounting treatment in financial statements, 173

categorization of R&D costs, 175

determining the total budget, 177

determining the effectiveness of the R&D effort, 189, 193

elements of R&D costs, 175

excludable expenses, 176

impact on corporate earnings, 171

information sources on R&D spending, 178

integration with other functions, 172

operating budgets, 179

organization of financial functions, 173

project risk, 183

project selection, 180

quantitative techniques for evaluation of, 181

relation to corporate objectives, 171

role of the financial executive, 176

system focus, 172

Risk analysis

R&D, 183



budget, 37

forecasting, 39

plan, 37

quotas, 5253

reports, 54

Sales analysis

deductions from sales, 32

Sales management function

analytical statements for, 28

benchmarking, 51

budgets and quotas, 28

controller's role in, 26

distribution problems, 27

expense budgets and standards, 28

forecasting variables, 25

marginal cost method effect on pricing, 66

market share, 41

organization problems, 27

periodic income and expense statements, 28

planning and control problems, 28

price problems, 27

product pricing policy, 55, 57

product problems, 26

return-on-assets-employed effect on pricing, 67

sales forecasting, 39

sales method problems, 27

sales reports, 54

sales standards, 49, 5152

total cost method effect on pricing, 64

Sales volumes

customer margins, 242

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 178

form 10-K, 178

shareholders equity, 345

Shareholders equity

controller, the, 344345

cost of capital, 349350

cost of debt, 350351

cost of equity, 351

dividend policy, 355, 357, 364, 366

growth in earnings per share, 348

growth of equity as a source of capital, 345346

importance of, 344

return on, 346

weighted cost of capital, 353, 355

Standard & Poor's 500, 353


accounting/statistical, 3

as cost control, 4

managerial control of business

functions, 7

manufacturing, 116, 118

determining normal activity, 146147

performance, 5

performance standards, 188

planning and control of manufacturing costs, 131132, 149, 156

Statistical process control (SPC), 18


accounting treatment of stock dividends, 366

preferred, 352

records and recording, 368

repurchase of common shares, 366367

stock splits, 366

System focus, 172



cash management and, 233234

electric invoice delivery, 245

Time series analysis, 39

Time series models, 46

Total quality management (TQM), 18

Trend, 156

monitoring and reporting R&D, 185

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