Creative Toolkits

Collections of physical elements organized for participatory modeling, visualization, or creative play

  • Facilitated participatory exercises can provide people with a tangible artifact on which to project thoughts, feelings, desires, and emotions.
  • Flexible or Velcro modeling kits contain a range of three-dimensional forms, buttons, and ambiguous design elements that can be easily configured.
  • Interface kits can contain paper or card elements representing design features for flexible arrangement, suggesting mock or ideal web or device interactions.
  • Collage kits can contain an inventory of images and words or shape and symbol elements for open interpretation and use relevant to the design inquiry.
  • Drawing kits will contain various papers, cards, and writing tools accommodating a range of potential exercises.
  • Depending on the intent of the exercise, kits can be built from original materials or from existing parts, toys, or games.

See alsoDesign WorkshopsGenerative ResearchParticipatory Design

Here is a typical Velcro modeling kit with form and element variations designed for physical manipulation and configuration by participants.


Courtesy of Liz Sanders, MakeTools, LLC

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