Critical Incident Technique

Understanding how users experience your product at critical moments to optimize future designs

  • Ask individuals to describe a situation with your product or service.
  • Collect positive and negative experiences through directed storytelling, interviews, or diary studies to identify:
    • The incident cause: What were the events leading up to the critical incident?
    • User actions: What were the behaviors that took place during the incident?
    • User sentiment: How did the user feel during the incident and afterward?
    • Incident outcome: Did the user change how he or she behaved after the incident?
    • Ideal outcome: What are possible future outcomes?
  • Representative scenarios cover possible explanations and recommendations.
  • Prioritize and triangulate with other research to gain a better understanding of situations that have a profound impact on user behavior.

See alsoDiary StudiesDirected StorytellingInterviews

The Critical Incident Technique focuses on how people solve problems, with the goal of optimizing and re-creating successful results and eliminating the negative, counterproductive ones.

I missed that last set of directions . . . Where’s the "repeat" button? . . . that was the turn I wanted! Ugh, too late. . . .
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