Chapter 17
Option Strategies

Optionscan be used to create almost any type of a profit function. Trading with stocks allows the possibility of short selling and leveraging, but options open up a huge number of possibilities for creating a payoff that suits the expectations and the risk profile of an investor. For example, a protective put can be used to protect a portfolio of stocks from negative returns, and a straddle can be used to profit simultaneously from large positive and large negative returns of the stock.

We describe option strategies in three ways: the profit function, the return function, and the return distribution. The profit function shows the profit of the option strategy at the expiration, as a function of the value of the underlying. For example, the profit function of a long call strategy is equal to

where c017-math-002 is the stock price at the expiration, c017-math-003 is the strike price, c017-math-004 is the premium of the call, and c017-math-005 is the interest rate.1 The return function shows the gross return of the option strategy. For example, the return function of a long call strategy is given by

17.2 equation

The return distribution means the probability distribution of the return of the option strategy. For example, the return distribution of a long call strategy is the probability distribution of the random variable c017-math-008. The probability distribution can be described by the distribution function, which in this case is

where c017-math-010, and c017-math-011 is the conditional probability, conditional on the information available at time 0. The probability distribution of the option return depends on the conditional probability distribution of the underlying c017-math-012, and this probability distribution is unknown. We use both the histogram estimator and the tail plot of the empirical distribution function to estimate the unknown return distribution of the option.

The method of using the return distribution (17.3) is the most intuitive and useful to describe an option strategy, from the three methods (17.1)–(17.3). In fact, the return distribution of the option is directly relevant for the investor who considers including options into the portfolio. On the other hand, the use of the return distribution involves both the problem of estimating the probability distribution and the problem of visualizing the probability distribution.

Option strategies provide an instructive case study for the performance measurement. We get more insight into such concepts as Sharpe ratio, cumulative wealth, and risk aversion by studying the performance measurement of option strategies, instead of just studying the performance measurement of portfolios of stocks.

Section 17.1 shows profit functions of option strategies, which include vertical spreads, strangles, straddles, butterflies, condors, calendar spreads, covered calls, and protective puts. Section 17.2 shows return functions and return distributions of the option strategies, and measures the performance of the option strategies.

17.1 Option Strategies

It is possible to create a large number of profit functions by combining calls and puts with different strike prices and expiration dates. Our examples include vertical spreads, strangles, straddles, butterflies, condors, and calendar spreads. In addition, we discuss how to combine options with the underlying to create protective puts and covered calls.

17.1.1 Calls, Puts, and Vertical Spreads

Calls and puts are the basic building blocks for creating profit functions. Vertical spreads are combinations of calls and puts that limit the downside risk of selling pure calls and puts. Calls and Puts

Figure 17.1(a)–(d) shows profit functions of a long call, long put, short call, and short put. For a call, the profit function is


where c017-math-013 is the stock price at the expiration, c017-math-014 is the strike price, c017-math-015 is the premium of the call, and c017-math-016 is the interest rate. For the put, the profit function is


where c017-math-017 is the premium of the put. When a call is bought, the maximum profit is unlimited. When a put is bought, the maximum profit is equal to the strike price minus the premium. The losses are limited both when a call is bought and when a put is bought.2

Graphical representation of Profit functions.

Figure 17.1 Profit functions. (a) Long call; (b) long put; (c) short call; (d) short put; (e) short call spread; (f) short put spread; (g) long call spread; (h) long put spread; (i) long c017-math-018 ratio call spread; (j) long c017-math-019 ratio put spread; (k) long call ladder; and (l) long put ladder. Vertical Spreads

Figure 17.1(e)–(h) shows profit functions of a short call spread, short put spread, long call spread. and long put spread. Let the strike prices satisfy c017-math-020. Vertical spreads are the following trades:

  1. 1. Short call spread. Short c017-math-021 call, long c017-math-022 call.
  2. 2. Short put spread. Long c017-math-023 put, short c017-math-024 put.
  3. 3. Long call spread. Long c017-math-025 call, short c017-math-026 call.
  4. 4. Long put spread. Short c017-math-027 put, long c017-math-028 put.

A short call spread has a special importance, because this trade allows us to sell a call option but it makes the maximum possible loss limited, because a call with a higher strike price is bought simultaneously. Selling a put has a limited loss but a short put spread makes the maximum possible loss smaller; see (17.13).

Figure 17.1(i)–(l) shows profit functions of a long c017-math-029 ratio call spread, long c017-math-030 ratio put spread, long call ladder, and long put ladder. Ratio spreads are generalizations of simple vertical spreads. Ladders are examples of combinations of three options. The strike prices satisfy c017-math-031. Ratio spreads and ladders are defined as follows:

  1. 1. Long c017-math-032 ratio call spread. Short c017-math-033 call, long 2 times c017-math-034 call. (Also called a call backspread.)
  2. 2. Long c017-math-035 ratio put spread. Long 2 times c017-math-036 put, short c017-math-037 put. (Also called a put backspread.)
  3. 3. Long call ladder. Long c017-math-038 call, short c017-math-039 call, short c017-math-040 call.
  4. 4. Long put ladder. Short c017-math-041 put, short c017-math-042 put, long c017-math-043 put.

17.1.2 Strangles, Straddles, Butterflies, and Condors

Figure 17.2(a)–(d) shows profit functions of a long straddle, long strangle, long butterfly, and long condor.

Graphical representation of Profit functions. (a) Long straddle; (b) long strangle; (c) long butterfly; and (d) long condor.

Figure 17.2 Profit functions. (a) Long straddle; (b) long strangle; (c) long butterfly; and (d) long condor.

Long straddles and strangles are profitable when the underlying makes a large move.

  1. 1. Long straddle. Long c017-math-044 put and long c017-math-045 call, where c017-math-046 is close to the current stock price.
  2. 2. Long strangle. The profit function of a long strangle can be constructed in two ways. Let c017-math-047 and let c017-math-048 be the current stock price.
    1. a. Long strangle. Long c017-math-049 put, long c017-math-050 call.
    2. b. Long guts. Long c017-math-051 call, long c017-math-052 put.

Straddles are special cases of strangles and guts: when c017-math-053, then we obtain a straddle from a strangle or from a guts.

Figure 17.3 shows a two-dimensional profit function of a straddle. Now we consider the profit not as a univariate function of the price of the underlying, but as a two-dimensional function of the change in the price of the underlying and of the change in the volatility. The Black–Scholes prices are used to define the profit function. Panel (a) shows a perspective plot of function

where c017-math-055 and c017-math-056 are the Black–Scholes prices at time c017-math-057 of a call and a put, when the underlying has value c017-math-058, strike price is c017-math-059, c017-math-060 is the annualized volatility, and c017-math-061 is the time of expiration. Panel (b) shows slices


for five values of c017-math-062. We can see that a long straddle profits also from a rising volatility, and not only from large moves of the underlying.

Graphical representation of A profit function of a straddle.

Figure 17.3 A profit function of a straddle. (a) A perspective plot of function c017-math-063, defined in (17.4); (b) slices c017-math-064 for five values of c017-math-065.

To profit when the underlying does not move, one can sell a straddle, strangle, or guts. However, these trades have an unlimited downside. Thus, it is useful to apply butterflies and condors, which have a limited downside. Below c017-math-066.

  1. 1. Long butterflies can be constructed in three ways:
    1. a. Call butterfly. Long c017-math-067 call, short two c017-math-068 calls, long c017-math-069 call.
    2. b. Put butterfly. Long c017-math-070 put, short two c017-math-071 puts, long c017-math-072 put.
    3. c. Long iron butterfly. Long c017-math-073 put, short c017-math-074 put and call, long c017-math-075 call.3
  2. 2. Long condors can be constructed in three ways:
    1. a. Call condor. Long c017-math-076 call, short c017-math-077 call, short c017-math-078 call, long c017-math-079 call.
    2. b. Put condor. Long c017-math-080 put, short c017-math-081 put, short c017-math-082 put, long c017-math-083 put.
    3. c. Long iron condor. Long c017-math-084 put, short c017-math-085 call, short c017-math-086 put, long c017-math-087 call.

A long butterfly is obtained from a long condor by taking c017-math-088. Selling a strangle can be considered as obtainable from a condor by letting c017-math-089 and c017-math-090. Selling a straddle can be considered as obtainable from a butterfly by letting c017-math-091 and c017-math-092.

17.1.3 Calendar Spreads

Calendar spreads allow us to profit from a rising volatility by shorting an option with a shorter time to expiration and going long for an option with a longer time to expiration. Calendar spreads are also called “time spreads” and “horizontal spreads.” Diagonal calendar spreads make a simultaneous bet for the direction of the underlying.

  1. 1. Long calendar spread:
    1. a. Call calendar spread. Short c017-math-093 call, long c017-math-094 call.
    2. b. Put calendar spread. Short c017-math-095 put, long c017-math-096 put.
    3. c. Long straddle calendar spread. Short c017-math-097 straddle, long c017-math-098 straddle.
  2. 2. Long diagonal calendar spread:
    1. a. Call diagonal calendar spread. Short c017-math-099, c017-math-100 call, long c017-math-101, c017-math-102 call.
    2. b. Put diagonal calendar spread. Short c017-math-103, c017-math-104 put, long c017-math-105, c017-math-106 put.
    3. c. Long diagonal straddle calendar spread. Short c017-math-107, c017-math-108 straddle, long c017-math-109, c017-math-110 straddle.

Figure 17.4 shows a profit function of call calendar spread. The profit function is a function of two variables: the change in stock price and the change in volatility. At time 0 we short a call with maturity c017-math-111 and buy a call with maturity c017-math-112. The trade is terminated at c017-math-113. Panel (a) shows a perspective plot and panel (b) shows slices c017-math-114 for five values of c017-math-115. The profit function is


where c017-math-116 is the Black–Scholes price at time c017-math-117 of a call option when c017-math-118 is the stock price, c017-math-119 is the strike price, c017-math-120 is the annualized volatility, and c017-math-121 is the expiration time. Here c017-math-122, so that we have c017-math-123.

Figure 17.5 shows a profit function of call diagonal calendar spread. At time 0 we short a call with maturity c017-math-124 and strike c017-math-125, and buy a call with maturity c017-math-126 and strike c017-math-127. The trade is terminated at c017-math-128. Panel (a) shows a perspective plot and panel (b) shows slices c017-math-129 for five values of c017-math-130. The profit function is


where c017-math-131.

Graphical representation of Profit of calendar. (a) A perspective plot; (b) slices.

Figure 17.4 Profit of calendar. (a) A perspective plot; (b) slices.

Graphical representation of Profit of diagonal calendar. (a) A perspective plot; (b) slices.

Figure 17.5 Profit of diagonal calendar. (a) A perspective plot; (b) slices.

17.1.4 Combining Options with Stocks and Bonds

A stock can be replicated by a combination of a call and a put. Furthermore, options can be combined with the underlying to make a protective put and a covered call. A bond and a call can be combined to create a position with bounded losses but a stock type upside potential. Replication of the Underlying

The payout of buying a c017-math-132-call and simultaneously selling a c017-math-133-put is c017-math-134:


The profit of buying a c017-math-135-call and simultaneously selling a c017-math-136-put is


where c017-math-137 and c017-math-138 are the premiums of the call and the put.

Choosing c017-math-139 leads to the profit


Indeed, a forward contract to buy stock at time c017-math-140 for the price c017-math-141 is equivalent to buying a c017-math-142-call and simultaneously selling c017-math-143-put. This is the so called put–call parity


studied in Section 14.1.2. Thus, when c017-math-144, the profit of buying a c017-math-145-call and simultaneously selling a c017-math-146-put is c017-math-147, because the put–call parity gives c017-math-148. Thus, the payoff of a stock can be obtained by options.

Conversely, being long c017-math-149-put and short c017-math-150-call, where c017-math-151, is a bet on a falling stock price.4

Figure 17.6(a) and (b) shows profit functions of replicating being long and being short of a stock.

Graphical representation of Profit functions. (a) Long stock; (b) short stock; (c) protective put; (d) covered call; (e) covered shorting; and (f ) bond and call.

Figure 17.6 Profit functions. (a) Long stock; (b) short stock; (c) protective put; (d) covered call; (e) covered shorting; and (f) bond and call. Protective Put and Covered Call

A protective put consists of a simultaneous buying of the underlying and a put on the underlying. The strike price of the put is c017-math-157, where c017-math-158 is the current price of the underlying. This position gives insurance against a falling price of the underlying, with the cost of paying the premium for the put option.

A covered call consists of a simultaneous buying of the underlying and selling a call with strike price c017-math-159. A covered call has less risk than the pure position in the underlying, because a premium is obtained from selling the call. On the other hand, selling the call limits the potential upside. Note that a covered call has a similarity with a long call spread.

A covered shorting consists of a simultaneous selling of the underlying and buying a call with strike price c017-math-160. A covered shorting has less risk than plain shorting, because buying the call makes the loss bounded from below.

Figure 17.6 shows profit functions of a protective put, covered call, and covered shorting in panels (c)–(e). A Bond and A Call

Let a bond and a call be such that the maturity date of the bond is the same as the expiration date of the call. Buying a bond and a call leads to a position where the guaranteed return is smaller than from the pure bond position, because the premium for buying the call has to be subtracted from the profit. On the other hand, there is a considerable upside potential, unlike in the case of the pure bond position. The combination leads to a capital guarantee product.

Figure 17.6(f) shows a profit function of buying a bond and a call. We assume that the profit from the bond is higher than the premium of the call, and thus the profit is always positive. Thus the profit function of Figure 17.6(f) differs from the profit function of the call in Figure 17.1(a), where a loss is possible.

17.2 Profitability of Option Strategies

We discuss how to study the profitability of option strategies that were defined in Section 17.1. First we list the returns of option strategies, then we study the distributions of the returns of the option strategies, and finally compute Sharpe ratios of the option strategies.

What is the gross return of an option strategy? An option strategy is defined by giving its payoff

where c017-math-162, and c017-math-163 are the payoffs of options. For example, the payoff of a long call spread is


where c017-math-164, c017-math-165, and c017-math-166. Let us include the possibility of investing in the risk-free rate, and let c017-math-167 be the risk-free rate for the period c017-math-168. Let c017-math-169 be the premiums of the options. When c017-math-170, then we can assume without losing generality that


Then the return of the strategy in (17.5) can be written as

where c017-math-172 is the weight of the risk-free rate and c017-math-173 is the weight of the option strategy.

The return can be also written as



A third way to write the return is



In (17.6), (17.7), (17.8), we have assumed that c017-math-176. In the case when c017-math-177, we can combine the option strategy with the risk-free return. We start with the initial wealth c017-math-178 and obtain the wealth


where c017-math-179 is the exposure to the option strategy. The return is

Note that (17.8) leads to (17.9) with c017-math-181.

17.2.1 Return Functions of Option Strategies

We draw return functions


where c017-math-182 is the gross return of the option strategy. We denote the strike prices


We use the following notation for the payoffs of calls:


We use the following notation for the payoffs of puts:


The corresponding premiums are c017-math-183, c017-math-184, c017-math-185 and c017-math-186, c017-math-187, c017-math-188

We draw a blue horizontal line at the level one, because the gross return one means that the wealth does not change. We draw a red horizontal line at the height zero, because in the case of stock trading the gross return zero means bankruptcy. Note that in option trading we interpret the negative gross return as leading to debt, and the amount deposited in the margin account should be used to pay this debt.

The premiums are chosen to be the Black–Scholes prices, with the annualized volatility c017-math-189. The interest rate is c017-math-190. The initial stock price is c017-math-191. The time to expiration is 6 months (which is c017-math-192 in fractions of a year). Calls, Puts, and Vertical Spreads

Figure 17.7(a) shows return functions of buying and selling calls. The gross return is

where c017-math-194 and c017-math-195. We show functions for the weights c017-math-196, c017-math-197, c017-math-198, and c017-math-199. The profit functions of buying and selling calls are shown in Figure 17.1(a) and (c).

Figure 17.7(b) shows return functions of buying and selling puts. The gross return is

where c017-math-201 and c017-math-202. We show functions for the weights c017-math-203, c017-math-204, c017-math-205, and c017-math-206. The profit functions of buying and selling puts are shown in Figure 17.1(b) and (d).

Graphical representation of Return functions of calls, puts, and vertical spreads.

Figure 17.7 Return functions of calls, puts, and vertical spreads. (a) Long and short call; (b) long and short put; (c) long and short call spread; (d) long and short put spread; (e) short c017-math-207 ratio call spread; (f) short c017-math-208 ratio put spread; (g) long call ladder; and (h) long put ladder.

Figure 17.7(c) shows return functions of call vertical spreads. The gross return is

where c017-math-210, c017-math-211, and c017-math-212. When c017-math-213, we obtain a long call spread. When c017-math-214 we obtain a short call spread. The corresponding profit functions are shown in Figure 17.1(e) and (g). It is of interest to note that a short call vertical spread has a return function which is bounded from below. Indeed, we have that c017-math-215.5 Thus, when c017-math-216,


Figure 17.7(d) shows return functions of put vertical spreads. The gross return is


where c017-math-217, c017-math-218, and c017-math-219. When c017-math-220, we obtain a long put spread. When c017-math-221 we obtain a short put spread. The corresponding profit functions are shown in Figure 17.1(f) and (h). It is of interest to calculate the lower bound for the return of a short put vertical spread. We have that c017-math-222. Thus, when c017-math-223,

Figure 17.7(e) shows return functions of c017-math-225 ratio call spreads. The gross return is

where c017-math-227, c017-math-228, and c017-math-229. When c017-math-230, we obtain a short c017-math-231 ratio call spread. When c017-math-232 we obtain a long c017-math-233 ratio call spread. The profit function of a long c017-math-234 ratio call spread is shown in Figure 17.1(i).

Figure 17.7(f) shows return functions of c017-math-235 ratio put spreads. The gross return is


where c017-math-236, c017-math-237, and c017-math-238. When c017-math-239, we obtain a short c017-math-240 ratio put spread. When c017-math-241 we obtain a long c017-math-242 ratio put spread. The profit function of a long c017-math-243 ratio put spread is shown in Figure 17.1(j).

Figure 17.7(g) shows return functions of call ladders. The gross return is

where c017-math-245, c017-math-246, c017-math-247, and c017-math-248. When c017-math-249, we obtain a long call ladder. When c017-math-250 we obtain a short call ladder. The profit function of a long call ladder is shown in Figure 17.1(k).

Figure 17.7(h) shows return functions of put ladders. The gross return is


where c017-math-251, c017-math-252, c017-math-253, and c017-math-254. When c017-math-255, we obtain a long put ladder. When c017-math-256 we obtain a short put ladder. The profit function of a long put ladder is shown in Figure 17.1(l). Straddles, Strangles, Butterflys, and Condors

Figure 17.8(a) and (b) shows return functions of straddles and strangles. The gross return is

where c017-math-258 and c017-math-259. In panel (a) we have straddles: c017-math-260. In panel (b) we have strangles: c017-math-261. When c017-math-262, we obtain a long straddle and strangle. When c017-math-263 we obtain a short straddle and strangle. The profit functions of a long straddle and a long strangle are shown in Figure 17.2(a) and (b).

Graphical representation of Return functions of straddles, strangles, butterflies, and condors.

Figure 17.8 Return functions of straddles, strangles, butterflies, and condors. (a) Long and short straddles; (b) long and short strangles; (c) long and short butterflies; and (d) long and short condors.

Figure 17.8(c) and (d) shows return functions of call butterflies and condors. The gross return is

where c017-math-265, c017-math-266, c017-math-267, and c017-math-268. In panel (b) we have butterflies: c017-math-269. In panel (c) we have condors: c017-math-270. When c017-math-271, we obtain a long butterfly and a long condor. When c017-math-272 we obtain a short butterfly and a short condor. The profit functions of a long butterfly and a long condor are shown in Figure 17.2(c) and (d). Combining Options with Stocks and Bonds

Options can be combined with the underlying to replicate the underlying, to apply a protective put, and to construct a covered call and a covered short. Furthermore, options can be combined with bonds.

Replication of a Stock

Let us replicate the stock by a simultaneous buying of a c017-math-273-call and c017-math-274-put. The put–call parity implies that the prices c017-math-275 and c017-math-276 of the options satisfy


see (14.8) for a discussion of the put–call parity. When c017-math-277, then c017-math-278, and the return is

where c017-math-280.

When c017-math-281, then we can define the return using (17.9) as

17.19 equation

where c017-math-283.

Figure 17.9(a) shows the return function c017-math-284 for the return (17.18), when c017-math-285. Note that Figure 17.6(a) and (b) shows profit functions of being long and being short of a stock.

Graphical representation of Return functions of combination trades. (a) Replication of stock; (b) protective put; (c) covered shorting; and (d) bond and call.

Figure 17.9 Return functions of combination trades. (a) Replication of stock; (b) protective put; (c) covered shorting; and (d) bond and call.

A Protective Put

A protective put is a position where the buying of the underlying is combined with buying a put with a strike price c017-math-286. Let us consider more generally the return

A protective put is obtained when c017-math-288.

Figure 17.9(b) shows a return function of a protective put. In fact, we show the cases c017-math-289, c017-math-290, and c017-math-291.

We can calculate a lower bound to the return of a protective put. In fact,6


When c017-math-292, the return satisfies

A Covered Call and a Covered Short

A covered call is a position where the buying of the underlying is combined with selling a call with a strike price c017-math-293. A covered short is a position where the shorting of a stock is combined by the buying of a call with strike price c017-math-294.

Let us consider returns

A covered call is obtained when c017-math-296. A covered short is obtained when c017-math-297. Figure 17.9(c) shows return functions for the cases c017-math-298, c017-math-299, and c017-math-300.

Selling a stock has an unbounded maximum loss but in a covered short we buy simultaneously a call option, with strike price c017-math-301, which makes the maximum possible loss bounded. Selling a call has an unbounded maximum loss but in a covered call we buy simultaneously the stock, which makes the loss bounded when the stock price goes up, although it is possible to lose the total investment, when the stock price goes to zero. The strike price of the covered call satisfies c017-math-302. The covered call can be used to earn extra return when the stock price does not make a big upside move. We have that7


When c017-math-303, the return satisfies


and thus the return of the covered short is bounded from below. When c017-math-304, the return satisfies


and thus the return of the covered call is bounded from above.

A Bond and a Call

A suitable simultaneous buying of a bond and a call creates a capital guarantee product. We assume that the time to maturity of the bond and the time to the expiration of the call are equal. The return is given in (17.10) by

where c017-math-306, c017-math-307 is the premium of the call, and c017-math-308 is the net return of the bond. Unlike in (17.10) we take c017-math-309 close to zero, in order to guarantee that the capital is not lost.

Figure 17.9(d) shows return functions for the cases c017-math-310, c017-math-311, and c017-math-312.

17.2.2 Return Distributions of Option Strategies

We estimate the return distributions using the S&P 500 daily data, described in Section 2.4.1. The daily data is aggregated to have sampling interval of 20 trading days, and we study options with the time to expiration being 20 days.

The option prices are taken to be the Black–Scholes prices with the volatility being the annualized sample standard deviation of the complete time series of the observations. The risk-free rate is taken to be zero. These simplifications do not prevent us from gaining qualitative insight into the return distributions. The Black–Scholes prices are different from the real market prices, and thus we are not able to obtain precise estimates of the actual return distributions of the past option returns. In particular, the out-of-the-money options tend to have higher market prices than the Black–Scholes prices: this can be seen from the volatility smile, which means that the implied volatilities of the out-of-the-money options have larger implied volatilities than the at-the-money options (see Section 14.3.2).

To estimate the return distributions we use histogram and kernel estimators, as defined in Section 3.2.2. We use the normal reference rule to choose the smoothing parameter of the kernel density estimator. Also, we apply tail plots of the empirical distribution function, as defined in Section 3.2.1. Calls, Puts, and Vertical Spreads

Figure 17.10 shows a return distribution of buying a call option with moneyness c017-math-313. The return is given in (17.10), where we choose c017-math-314. Panel (a) shows a histogram estimate of the call returns. The red curve shows a kernel estimate of the corresponding S&P 500 returns. Panel (b) shows a tail plot of the empirical distribution function of the option returns with black circles. The red circles show a tail plot of the empirical distribution function of the corresponding S&P 500 returns. The corresponding profit function is shown in Figure 17.1(a) and the return function is shown in Figure 17.7(a). We see that there is a large probability of gross return zero, and small probabilities of high returns.

Graphical representation of Long call option: Return distribution.

Figure 17.10 Long call option: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of call returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red).

Figure 17.11 shows the return distribution of buying a put option with moneyness c017-math-315. The return is given in (17.11), where we choose c017-math-316. Panel (a) shows a histogram estimate of the put returns. The red curve shows a kernel estimate of the corresponding S&P 500 returns. Panel (b) shows a tail plot of the option returns (black) and a tail plot of the corresponding S&P 500 returns (red). The corresponding profit function is shown in Figure 17.1(b) and the return function is shown in Figure 17.7(b). We see that the return distribution of buying a put option is close to the return distribution of buying a call option.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 17.11 Long put option: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of call returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red).

Figure 17.12 shows the return distribution of selling a call with moneyness c017-math-317. The return is given in (17.10), where we choose c017-math-318. Panel (a) shows a histogram estimate of the returns. The red curve shows a kernel estimate of the corresponding S&P 500 returns. Panel (b) shows a tail plot of the option returns (black) and a tail plot of the corresponding S&P 500 returns (red). The corresponding profit function is shown in Figure 17.1(c) and the return function is shown in Figure 17.7(a). We see that the return distribution of selling a call option is a mirror image of the return distribution of buying a call option: there is a large probability of a gross return over one, but small probabilities of quite large negative returns.

Graphical representation of Short call option: Return distribution.

Figure 17.12 Short call option: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of option returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red).

Figure 17.13 shows the return distribution of selling a put option with moneyness c017-math-319. The return is given in (17.11), where we choose c017-math-320. Panel (a) shows a histogram estimate of the returns. The red curve shows a kernel estimate of the corresponding S&P 500 returns. Panel (b) shows a tail plot of the option returns (black) and a tail plot of the corresponding S&P 500 returns (red). The corresponding profit function is shown in Figure 17.1(d) and the return function is shown in Figure 17.7(b). We see that the return distribution of selling a put option is close to the return distribution of selling a call option.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 17.13 Short put option: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of option returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red).

Figure 17.14 shows the return distribution of selling a call spread with c017-math-321, c017-math-322, and c017-math-323. The return is given in (17.12), where we take c017-math-324. Panel (a) shows a histogram estimate of the returns. The red curve shows a kernel estimate of the corresponding S&P 500 returns. Panel (b) shows a tail plot of the option returns (black) and a tail plot of the corresponding S&P 500 returns (red). The corresponding profit function is shown in Figure 17.1(e) and the return function is shown in Figure 17.7(c). The return distribution is bounded from below, unlike in the case of Figure 17.12, where a call option is sold.

Graphical representation of Selling a call spread: Return distribution.

Figure 17.14 Selling a call spread: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of option returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red).

Figure 17.15 shows the return distribution of a c017-math-325 ratio call spread with c017-math-326, c017-math-327, and c017-math-328. The return is given in (17.14), where we take c017-math-329. Panel (a) shows a histogram estimate of the return distribution of the option. The red curve shows a kernel estimate of the corresponding S&P 500 returns. Panel (b) shows a tail plot of the option returns (black) and a tail plot of the corresponding S&P 500 returns (red). The corresponding profit function of long position is shown in Figure 17.1(i) and the return function is shown in Figure 17.7(e).

Graphical representation of 2 x 1 ratio call spread: Return distribution.

Figure 17.15 A c017-math-330 ratio call spread: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of option returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red).

Figure 17.16 shows the return distribution of a short call ladder with c017-math-331, c017-math-332, c017-math-333, and c017-math-334. The return is given in (17.15), where we take c017-math-335. Panel (a) shows a histogram estimate of the return distribution of the option. The red curve shows a kernel estimate of the corresponding S&P 500 returns. Panel (b) shows a tail plot of the option returns (black) and a tail plot of the corresponding S&P 500 returns (red). The corresponding profit function of a long position is shown in Figure 17.1(k) and the return function is shown in Figure 17.7(g).

Graphical representation of short call ladder: Return distribution.

Figure 17.16 A short call ladder: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of option returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red). Straddles, Strangles, Butterflys, and Condors

Figure 17.17 shows the return distribution of a straddle with c017-math-336 and c017-math-337. The return is given in (17.16), where we take c017-math-338. Panel (a) shows a histogram estimate of the return distribution of the option strategy. The red curve shows a kernel estimate of the corresponding S&P 500 returns. Panel (b) shows a tail plot of the option strategy returns (black) and a tail plot of the corresponding S&P 500 returns (red). The corresponding profit function of a long position is shown in Figure 17.2(a) and the return function is shown in Figure 17.8(a).

Graphical representation of A straddle: Return distribution.

Figure 17.17 A straddle: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of option returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red).

Figure 17.18 shows a short straddle. The setting is the same as in Figure 17.17.

Graphical representation of short straddle: Return distribution.

Figure 17.18 A short straddle: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of option returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red).

Figure 17.19 shows the return distribution of a strangle with c017-math-339, c017-math-340, and c017-math-341. The return is given in (17.16), where we take c017-math-342. Panel (a) shows a histogram estimate of the return distribution of the option strategy. The red curve shows a kernel estimate of the corresponding S&P 500 returns. Panel (b) shows a tail plot of the option strategy returns (black) and a tail plot of the corresponding S&P 500 returns (red). The corresponding profit function of a long position is shown in Figure 17.2(b) and the return function is shown in Figure 17.8(b).

Graphical representation of strangle: Return distribution.

Figure 17.19 A strangle: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of option returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red).

Figure 17.20 shows a short strangle. The setting is the same as in Figure 17.19.

Graphical representation of short strangle: Return distribution.

Figure 17.20 A short strangle: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of option returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red).

Figure 17.21 shows the return distribution of a butterfly with c017-math-343, c017-math-344, c017-math-345, and c017-math-346. The return is given in (17.17), where we take c017-math-347. Panel (a) shows a histogram estimate of the return distribution of the option strategy. The red curve shows a kernel estimate of the corresponding S&P 500 returns. Panel (b) shows a tail plot of the option strategy returns (black) and a tail plot of the corresponding S&P 500 returns (red). The corresponding profit function of a long position is shown in Figure 17.2(c) and the return function is shown in Figure 17.8(c).

Graphical representation of butterfly: Return distribution.

Figure 17.21 A butterfly: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of option returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red).

Figure 17.22 shows the return distribution of a short butterfly. The setting is the same as in Figure 17.21.

Graphical representation of short butterfly: Return distribution.

Figure 17.22 A short butterfly: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of option returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red).

Figure 17.23 shows the return distribution of a condor with c017-math-348, c017-math-349, c017-math-350, c017-math-351, and c017-math-352. The return is given in (17.17), where we take c017-math-353. Panel (a) shows a histogram estimate of the return distribution of the option strategy. The red curve shows a kernel estimate of the corresponding S&P 500 returns. Panel (b) shows a tail plot of the option strategy returns (black) and a tail plot of the corresponding S&P 500 returns (red). The corresponding profit function of a long position is shown in Figure 17.2(d) and the return function is shown in Figure 17.8(d).

Graphical representation of A condor: Return distribution.

Figure 17.23 A condor: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of option returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red).

Figure 17.24 shows the return distribution of a short condor. The setting is the same as in Figure 17.23.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 17.24 A short condor: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of option returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red). A Protective Put and a Covered Call

Figure 17.25 shows the return distribution of a protective put with c017-math-354 and c017-math-355. The return is given in (17.20), where we take c017-math-356. Panel (a) shows a histogram estimate of the return distribution of the option strategy. The red curve shows a kernel estimate of the corresponding S&P 500 returns. Panel (b) shows a tail plot of the option strategy returns (black) and a tail plot of the corresponding S&P 500 returns (red). The corresponding profit function is shown in Figure 17.6(c) and the return function is shown in Figure 17.9(c).

Graphical representation of protective put: Return distribution.

Figure 17.25 A protective put: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of option returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red).

Figure 17.26 shows the return distribution of a covered call with c017-math-357 and c017-math-358. The return is given in (17.21), where we take c017-math-359. Panel (a) shows a histogram estimate of the return distribution of the option strategy. The red curve shows a kernel estimate of the corresponding S&P 500 returns. Panel (b) shows a tail plot of the option strategy returns (black) and a tail plot of the corresponding S&P 500 returns (red). The corresponding profit function is shown in Figure 17.6(d) and the return function is shown in Figure 17.9(d).

Graphical representation of covered call: Return distribution.

Figure 17.26 A covered call: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of option returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of option returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red). A Bond and a Call

Figure 17.27 shows the return distribution of a capital guarantee product with c017-math-360 and c017-math-361. The bond gross return is 1.01. The return is given in (17.22), where we take c017-math-362. Panel (a) shows a histogram estimate of the return distribution of the option strategy. The red curve shows a kernel estimate of the corresponding S&P 500 returns. Panel (b) shows a tail plot of the option strategy returns (black) and a tail plot of the corresponding S&P 500 returns (red). The corresponding profit function of is shown in Figure 17.6(f) and the return function is shown in Figure 17.9(d).

Graphical representation of bond and a call: Return distribution.

Figure 17.27 A bond and a call: Return distribution. (a) A histogram estimate of strategy returns (black) and a kernel estimate of S&P 500 returns (red); (b) an empirical distribution function of strategy returns (black) and S&P 500 returns (red).

17.2.3 Performance Measurement of Option Strategies

We estimate the Sharpe ratios of few option strategies and show the cumulative wealths and wealth ratios.

We use the S&P 500 daily data, described in Section 2.4.1. The option prices are computed using the Black–Scholes formula, with the volatility equal to the sequentially estimated annualized GARCH(c017-math-363) volatility. The risk-free rate is deduced from the rate of the one-month Treasury bill, using data described in Section 2.4.3.

The Sharpe ratios are not equal to the Sharpe ratios which are obtained using the market prices of options. Also, we do not take the transaction costs into account. However, studying the performance of option strategies gives insights into the concepts of performance measurement. Also, we can interpret the results as giving information about the properties of the Black–Scholes prices, since the fair option prices should be such that statistical arbitrage is excluded. Covered Call and Protective Put

Figure 17.28 shows the Sharpe ratios of buying (a) covered call and (b) protective put. The c017-math-364-axis shows the put moneyness, defined as c017-math-365, where c017-math-366 is the strike price and c017-math-367 is the stock price at the time of the writing of the call option. The c017-math-368-axis shows the Sharpe ratio. The time to expiration is 20 days (black), 40 days (red), and 60 days (green). The blue horizontal lines show the Sharpe ratio of S&P 500. We see that the Sharpe ratio of the covered call converges to the Sharpe ratio of the underlying, when the strike price increases, and the Sharpe ratio of the protective put converges to the Sharpe ratio of the underlying, when the strike price decreases.

Graphical representation of Covered call and protective put: Sharpe ratios.

Figure 17.28 Covered call and protective put: Sharpe ratios. (a) Covered call and (b) protective put. The Sharpe ratios as a function of the put moneyness c017-math-369, when the time to expiration is 20 (black), 40 (red), and 60 (green) trading days.

Figure 17.29 shows the wealth ratios of buying (a) covered call and (b) protective put. The time to expiration is 20 trading days. The strike price is c017-math-370 for the covered call and c017-math-371 for the protective put, when the stock price is c017-math-372.

Graphical representation of Covered call and protective put:Wealth ratios.

Figure 17.29 Covered call and protective put: Wealth ratios. (a) Covered call and (b) protective put. We show the time series of wealth of the option divided by the wealth of S&P 500. Calls, Puts, and Capital Guarantee Products

Figure 17.30 shows the Sharpe ratios of buying (a) call options and (b) put options. The c017-math-373-axis shows the put moneyness, defined as c017-math-374, where c017-math-375 is the strike price and c017-math-376 is the stock price at the time of the writing of the option. The c017-math-377-axis shows the Sharpe ratio. The time to expiration is 20 days (black), 40 days (red), and 60 days (green). The blue horizontal lines show the Sharpe ratio of S&P 500. We see that the Sharpe ratios of the call options converge to the Sharpe ratio of the underlying, when the strike price approaches zero. The Sharpe ratios of the call options are larger than the Sharpe ratio of the underlying when the moneyness is around zero. The Sharpe ratios of the put options are lower than the Sharpe ratio of the underlying.

Graphical representation of Buying calls and puts: Sharpe ratios.

Figure 17.30 Buying calls and puts: Sharpe ratios. (a) Long call and (b) long put. The Sharpe ratios as a function of the moneyness, when the time to expiration is 20 (black), 40 (red), and 60 (green) trading days.

Graphical representation of Buying a call and a bond:Wealth.

Figure 17.31 Buying a call and a bond: Wealth. (a) Time series of cumulative wealths for c017-math-378 (black), c017-math-379 (red), and c017-math-380 (green). The blue curve is the cumulative wealth of S&P 500. (b) Wealth ratios.

Figure 17.31 considers the capital guarantee product, which is constructed by combining a call and a bond to give return


where c017-math-381 is the weight. This return was discussed in (17.22). The Sharpe ratio is given in Figure 17.30(a), because the weight c017-math-382 does not change the Sharpe ratio (see Section 10.1.1). We choose c017-math-383 positive but close to zero, in order to guarantee the preservation of the capital. The strike price is c017-math-384 for the call, when the stock price is c017-math-385. The time to expiration is 20 trading days. Panel (a) shows the cumulative wealth for c017-math-386 (black), c017-math-387 (red), and c017-math-388 (green). The blue curve is the cumulative wealth of S&P 500. Panel (b) shows the wealth ratios where the cumulative wealths of the capital guarantee products are divided by the cumulative wealth of S&P 500. We see that when c017-math-389 (green), then the bankruptcy follows quite soon. When c017-math-390 (red), then the cumulative wealth is larger than for S&P 500, but with the expense of higher volatility.

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