
images A

absolute cell addressing

keeping cell reference constant, 9093

Accounting Number Format option

turning values into currency, 129

adding worksheets, 263264

addressing cells, 2

relative cell addressing, formulas, 88


data in cells, 3940, 114121

data orientation, 116118

Format Cell Alignment option, 117

horizontal alignment, 114115

indenting data, 119

Merge and Center options, 120121

vertical alignment, 115116

wrapping text, 119

Alignment button group, fonts, 114

Alignment tab, Format Cells dialog, 117

Alt key

additional shortcut keys, 2425

function key shortcuts, 2122

key tips, 5

Analyze tab, Chart Tools

filtering data in PivotCharts with field buttons, 256

anti-macro-virus defense system, 337

Area chart type, 158, 166

arguments, functions, 84

Arrow keys, 23

navigating worksheets, 32

Auto Fill

auto filling numeric sequence, 4849

copying values with, 48

customizing lists, 5354

speeding up data entry, 4854

using with text, 50

Auto Fill Option button, 5053

Copy Cells option, 51, 52

Fill Formatting option, 52

Fill Without Formatting option, 52, 53

AutoComplete feature, 80

AutoFilter, 207

auto-fit feature

altering column width using, 4243

automatic recalculation, 75

formulas, 86

PivotTables, 241

AutoSum button

adding column of numbers, 74

Average function, 79

Count Numbers function, 79

double-clicking, 75

Formulas tab, 77

functions, 78, 79

Max/Min functions, 79

selecting ranges for formulas, 76

using ranges on other sheets in formulas, 272

viewing and editing formulas, 78

AutoSum function group, 83

Average function, 79


adding using Layout tab, 185188

Format Axis dialog box, charts, 175176

axis title

adding using Layout tab, 183

images B

Backspace key, 23

Backstage, 78

exiting, 8

File tab, 7

Quick Access toolbar, 9

Print Backstage, 290, 294300

banded columns, tables, 214

banded rows, tables, 210, 214

Bar chart type, 158, 166

Between rule, conditional formatting, 149

blank cells

function ranges containing, 79

bold (B) button, 107

books <i>see </i>workbooks


adding to cells, 109111

showing/hiding screen elements, 274

Borders drop-down menu, 109

Line Color/Style options, 111

breaks, printing

adding page breaks, 303305

previewing page breaks, 305308

button groups, 3


accessing with keyboard, 56

adding to Quick Access toolbar, 9

customizing Quick Access toolbar, 8

removing from Quick Access toolbar, 11

Select All button, 5

toggling, 107

images C


calculating an average, 7980

functions, 7384

cell gridlines <i>see </i>gridlines

cell pointer, 3, 5

cell references

absolute cell addressing, 9093

clarifying by naming range, 95102

Name Manager, 101102

range containing one cell, 100

range in Name Box, 9598

range from data in worksheet, 99100

copy-and-paste method, 88

keeping constant, 9093

moving formulas, 89

relative cell addressing, 88

Cell Styles option

applying ready-made formats with styles, 141

customizing styles, 143

cells, 2

adding border to, 109111

adding color to, 111112

addresses, 2, 31

aligning data in, 3940, 114121

applying formats with styles, 141142

Auto Fill speeding up data entry, 4854

calculating an average, 7980

changing data, 6366

conditional formatting, 145152

copying data, 6768

data validation, 5460

deleting contents, 66

deleting columns, 124

deleting rows, 124

determining formatting of, 108

entering data into selected range, 4547

entering numerical data, 44

entering text and data, 3839

Format Cell Alignment option, 117

Format Cells dialog box, 113114

formatting, 34

formatting numbers/values, 129137

inserting and deleting, 128129

inserting columns, 122, 123

inserting rows, 123

Merge and Center options, 120121

moving data, 69

protecting part of worksheet, 282284

referring to cells in other worksheets, 270271

selecting multiple cells, 3437

reasons for, 34

selecting all cells, 36

using keyboard, 36

using mouse, 34, 35

using Name Box, 37

selecting ranges for formulas, 7677

showing formulas in, 274275

sparklines, 189192

spreadsheets, 29

widening and narrowing columns, 4143

wrapping text, 119

Center on page option, printing, 299

centered overlay

adding chart title using Layout tab, 182

centering cell content

Merge and Center options, 120121

Change Chart Type dialog

changing chart type, 164

changing default chart, 167

Changes button group

protecting workbooks, 287

protecting worksheets, 280

changing data <i>see </i>editing data

chart area, 157

changing chart type, 164

deleting charts, 160

reformatting, 172

chart elements

adding elements with Layout tab, 181188

adding axes, 185188

adding axis title, 183

adding chart title, 181182

adding data labels, 184

adding data tables, 185

adding legend, 184

adding plot area, 188

chart area, 157

data point, 157

data series, 156, 157

defining, 156157

horizontal category (x) axis, 156

legend, 157, 184

plot area, 157, 188

vertical value (y) axis, 156, 157

Chart Layouts button group

adding chart elements with, 180181

chart styles

color-coordination using, 177

Chart Styles option, Chart Tools, 177, 178

chart title

adding using Layout tab, 181182

Chart Tools

Chart Styles option, 177, 178

filtering data in PivotCharts with field buttons, 256

Format context tab, 178

Chart Tools contextual tab, 7

chart types

Area, 158, 166

Bar, 158, 166

changing, 163166

choosing, 157158

Column, 158

Line, 158, 166

Other, 158

Pie, 158, 167

Scatter, 158

charts, 155192

adding elements with Chart Layouts, 180181

changing, 160167

changing data, 162

changing default, 167

changing type, 163166

choosing type, 157158

creating column chart, 159160

creating from PivotTables, 253258

creating quickly, 160

defining elements, 156157

deleting, 160

formatting <i>see </i>formatting charts

moving, 160, 161

PivotCharts, 253258

resizing, 161

selecting entire chart, 161

sparklines, 189192

switching rows with columns, 168169

using too many adornments, 156

Charts button group, 157

Clear command, filters, 205

Clear Filter button, Slicer, 246

Clear Print Area option, 301

Clear Rules option

conditional formatting, 152

click-the-tick approach

entering text and data, 39

clipboard, 6971

copying data, 67, 68

emptying, 71

Clipboard button group, 69

copy-and-paste method, formulas, 88

copying formula result only, 94

Clipboard dialog box, 70

Collated option, printing, 296


adding to cells, 111112

color-coordination using chart styles, 177

Fill Color button, 111

Font Color button, 112

formatting charts, 172

Line Color option, borders, 111

recoloring worksheet tabs, 266

Column chart type, 158

creating, 159160

column headings (A, B, C, ...), 3

printing, 319, 320

showing/hiding screen elements, 273

Column Labels area, PivotTables, 229

grouping data, 239

grouping related items using two fields, 237

removing fields from areas, 237


adding numbers in, 7476

adding to tables, 213

altering width manually, 41

banded columns, tables, 214

changing font size, 106

deleting, 124

effect on formulas, 125

Freeze Panes option, 276279

hiding/unhiding, 125127

inserting, 122, 123

effect on formulas, 124

widening/narrowing, 4143

auto-fit feature, 4243

Comma Style button, 132

command tabs, ribbon, 3


macros, 323338

Compact layout option, PivotTables, 251, 252

conditional formatting, 145152

Between rule, 149

Data Bars, 152

Greater Than rule, 146

Highlight Cells Rules option, 146

More Rules option, 149

sorting by cell format, 201

Top/Bottom Rules option, 150

turning off, 152

Conditional Formatting drop-down menu, 146


displaying values based on, 8082

context menu

changing chart type, 164

formatting charts, 171

contextual tabs, 67

changing chart type, 164

Convert to Range option, tables, 217

Copy Cells option

Auto Fill Option button, 51, 52

Copy Level button

sorting by cell format, 202

copy-and-paste method, formulas, 8889


data, 6768

moving data, 69

storing copied/cut data, 6971

formats with Format Painter, 140141

formulas, 8795

copy-and-paste method, 8889

formula result only, 9395

values with Auto Fill, 48

worksheets, 266

Count Numbers function

AutoSum button, 79

Create Names from Selection dialog box, 99, 100

Ctrl key shortcuts, 1921

additional key combinations, 2325

function key combinations, 2123


positioning of currency symbol, 132

turning values into, 129132

Currency format option, 132

Current Selection button group

formatting charts, 171

Custom AutoFilter dialog box

number filters, 208

text filters, 206, 207

Custom Footer button

Page Setup dialog box, 316

Custom Header button

Page Setup dialog, 316

Custom Lists dialog box

customizing auto fill lists, 54

Custom Margins option, printing, 298

Custom option, Number tab

Format Cells dialog, 138139

Custom Sort option

Sort & Filter drop-down menu, 200

cutting data, 69

images D

dashboards, Excel, 262


adding column of numbers, 7476

aligning in cells, 3940, 114121

changing, 6366

deleting cell contents, 66

Redo button, 66

Undo button, 64

charting, 155192

color-coordination using chart styles, 177

copying, 6768

customizing worksheets with formulas, 8495

entering, 39

filtering, 202208

formatting, 103

Freeze Panes option, 276279

functions, 7384

grouping, 219

indenting, 119

moving, 69

orientation of, 116118

PivotTables, 219258

protecting worksheets, 281

sorting, 196202

storing copied/cut data, 6971

wrapping text, 119

data aggregation <i>see </i>PivotTables

Data Bars, conditional formatting, 152

data entry, 3839

adding instructions with input messages, 6061

data validation, 5460

into selected range, 4547

navigating worksheets, 31

numerical data, 44

speeding up with Auto Fill, 4854

data labels

adding using Layout tab, 184

data point, charts, 157

data series, charts, 156, 157

formatting charts, 172

Pie chart type, 167

switching rows with columns, 168

Data tab

accessing with key tips, 6

filtering data, 202

sorting data, 198

data tables

adding chart elements with Chart Layouts, 181

adding using Layout tab, 185

data validation, 5460

changing rule, 57

customizing prompt, 60

error alerts, 5960

Information error alert, 59

personalizing drop-down menu, 5759

Stop error alert, 59

text length rule, 57

two-character rule, 55

Warning error alert, 59


adding records to, 209

converting into table, 209216

converting table to, 217

definition of, 195

filtering data, 202208

Format as Table button, 213

sorting data, 196202

Date & Time function group, 83

Date button, Header dialog, 317


formatting, 134137

grouping PivotTable data, 239

decimal points

formatting, 133

formatting PivotTable, 249

Define Name option

clarifying cell references, 97

Delete Cells command, 128

Delete key, 23

deleting columns, 124

effect on formulas, 125

deleting data

cutting data compared, 69

deleting cell contents, 66

deleting rows, 124

effect on formulas, 125

deleting worksheets, 265

Design tab, Chart Tools

changing chart type, 164

switching rows with columns, 168

dialog box launchers, 5

dollar sign

absolute cell addressing, 92, 93

Double Underline option, 108

drop-down menus, personalizing, 5759

images E

Edit Custom Lists button

customizing auto fill lists, 53

Editing button group, 74

Sort & Filter drop-down menu, 197

editing data

changing data, 6366

redoing undone edit, 66

undoing edit, 64

elements, screen

showing/hiding, 273276

End key/mode, 24

Enter key, 24

entering text and data, 38

navigating worksheets, 32

equals sign

writing formulas, 8586

error alerts

customizing data validation prompt, 60

data validation errors, 5960

Esc key, 24

Excel 2010, 27

Slicer feature, 242247

Excel dashboards, 262

images F

F1, F2, …

function key shortcuts, 2123

field buttons

filtering data in PivotCharts, 256258

removing from PivotCharts, 258

Field List button

creating PivotTables, 226


filtering data, 202208

filtering multiple fields, 208

sorting data, 196202

sorting by two fields, 199201

fields, PivotTables

grouping related items using two fields, 234237

removing fields from areas, 229, 237

File tab, 7, 9

Fill Color button, 111

Fill Formatting option, 52

fill handles

Auto Fill speeding up data entry, 48

auto filling numeric sequence, 49

copy-and-paste method, formulas, 89

copying values with Auto Fill, 48

Fill tab, Format Cells dialog, 148

Fill Without Formatting option, 52, 53

filtering data, 202208

AutoFilter, 207

clearing filters, 205

Filter option, 6

multiple fields, 208

number filters, 207208

tables, 210

text filters, 206207

turning filter off, 205

filtering data, PivotTables

creating report worksheet for items in filter, 231232

in PivotCharts with field buttons, 256258

Report Filter area, 229231

Financial function group, 83

Fit All Columns on One Page option, printing, 300

Font button group, 104

determining cell formatting, 108

Fill Color button, 111

Font Color button, 112

Format Cells dialog box, 113114

Font Color drop-down menu, 112

Font drop-down menu, 104, 105

Font tab, Format Cells dialog, 113


aligning data, 114121

Alignment button group, 114

changing, 104105

changing font size, 106107

strikethrough effect, 113

using bold/italics/underline, 107108


adding, 312319

Page Layout view, 312314

Page Setup dialog, 314315

adding custom footers, 316

Format Axis dialog box, charts, 175176

Format Cell Alignment option, 117

Format Cells dialog box, 113114

Alignment tab, 117

Fill tab, 148

Font tab, 113

Number tab, 135

Custom option, 138139

Special option, 137138

Protection tab, 283

Hidden check box, 285, 286

Locked check box, 284

Format context tab, Chart Tools, 178

Format Data Series dialog box, charts, 173

format dialog boxes, charts, 172175

Format Painter

copying formats with, 140141

Format Text button, Header dialog, 317

formatting, 103152


adding border to, 109111

adding color to, 111112

determining formatting, 108

Format Cells dialog, 113114

sorting by cell format, 201202

charts <i>see</i> formatting charts

conditional formatting, 145152

copying formats with Format Painter, 140141

Font button group, 104


changing font, 104105

changing font size, 106107

using bold, italics, and underline, 107108

general format, 134

mini-toolbar options, 170

numbers/values, 129137

Custom format option, 138139

customizing number formats, 137139

dates, 134137

decimal points, 133

percentages, 132

punctuating values, 132

Special formats option, 137138

turning values into currency, 129132

PivotTables, 247249

select-then-do principle, 104

styles, 141144

formatting charts, 169188

adding chart elements

with Chart Layouts, 180181

with Layout tab, 181188

color-coordination using chart styles, 177

context menu, 171

Current Selection button group, 171

Format Axis dialog, 175176

Format Data Series dialog, 173

formatting text elements with WordArt, 179

mini-toolbar, 170

reformatting vertical axis, 175177

restoring default formatting settings, 175

shape styles, 178179

Formula AutoComplete feature, 80

formula bar, 3

changing data, 63

revealing text in cells, 40

showing/hiding screen elements, 273

viewing and editing formulas, 7779

formulas, 73, 75

absolute cell addressing, 9093, 100

adding column of numbers, 75

automatic recalculation, 75, 86

clarifying cell references by naming range, 95102

copy-and-paste method, 8889

copying, 8795

copying result only, 9395

customizing worksheets with, 8495

dollar sign in, 92, 93

effect of deleting columns/rows, 125

effect of inserting columns/rows, 124

hiding, 284286

hiding worksheets, 267

mathematical operators, 85

moving, 89

order of operations in, 8687

referring to cells in other worksheets, 270271

relative cell addressing, 88

selecting ranges for, 7677

showing in cells, 274275

tables, 212

using ranges on other sheets in, 271273

viewing and editing, 7779

writing, 8586

Freeze Panes option, 276279

Full Screen option, 275, 276

function groups, 83

function key shortcuts, 2123

Function Library

locating functions in, 8284

types (groups) of functions, 82

functions, 7384

adding column of numbers, 7476

arguments, 84

AutoSum button, 78, 79

calculating an average, 7980

displaying values based on conditions, 8082

Formula AutoComplete feature, 80

locating in Function Library, 8284

parentheses in, 82

ranges containing blank cells, 79

selecting ranges for formulas, 7677

structure of, 82

functions, list of

Average, 79

Count Numbers, 79

If, 80, 81

Max/Min, 79

Sum, 75

images G

general format, 134

Gradient fill

formatting charts, 174

Greater Than rule, conditional formatting, 146


size of, 31


printing, 319320

showing/hiding screen elements, 273, 274

group of cells <i>see </i>ranges of cells

grouping data, PivotTables, 219, 239240

related items using two fields, 234236

with row and column value areas, 237

grouping worksheets, 268269

images H

hash marks (UK)

viewing numerical data, 44

header rows

changing PivotTable headers, 250

Freeze Panes option, 276279

printing titles, 309

sorting data, 198

tables, 210


adding, 312319

Page Layout view, 312314

Page Setup dialog, 314315

adding custom headers, 316

Print Titles compared, 312


printing actual row/column headings, 319, 320

showing/hiding screen elements, 273

heightening rows, 116

Hidden check box, Protection tab

Format Cells dialog, 285, 286

hiding formulas, 284286

hiding ribbon, 275276

hiding rows and columns, 125126

clearing filters, 205

hiding worksheets, 267

Highlight Cells Rules, conditional formatting, 146

Between rule, 149

Greater Than rule, 146

More Rules option, 149

Home key, 24

Home tab

formatting, 104

horizontal alignment, 114115

horizontal category (x) axis, charts, 156

adding axes using Layout tab, 185

adding axis titles using Layout tab, 183

switching rows with columns, 168

Horizontally center page option, printing, 299

images I, J

If function, 80, 81

arguments, 84

Ignore Print Area option, 302

indenting data, 119

Information error alert

data validation, 59

input messages

adding data entry instructions with, 6061

insert buttons, Header dialog, 317

Insert Cells command, 128

inserting columns, 122, 123

effect on formulas, 124

inserting rows, 123

effect on formulas, 124

inserting worksheets, 263264

italics (I) button, 107

images K

key tips, 5, 6

accessing Data tab with, 6


accessing buttons with, 56

Arrow keys, 23

Backspace key, 23

Delete key, 23

End key, 24

Enter key, 24

Esc key, 24

Home key, 24

Page Down key, 25

Page Up key, 25

Spacebar key, 25

keyboard shortcuts <i>see </i>shortcuts

images L

Landscape option, printing, 297

layout options, PivotTables, 251253

plus/minus option, 252

Layout tab

adding chart elements using, 181188

axes, 185188

axis title, 183

chart title, 181182

data labels, 184

data tables, 185

legend, 184

plot area, 188


aligning data in cells, 39

legend, charts, 157

adding data table using Layout tab, 185

adding using Layout tab, 184

Line chart type, 158, 166

Line Color/Style options

Borders drop-down menu, 111


personalizing drop-down menu, 5759

Locked check box, Protection tab

Format Cells dialog, 284

Logical function group, 83

logical tests

If function, 81

Lookup & Reference function group, 83

images M

Macro Options dialog

activating macros with keyboard shortcut, 336

macros, 323338

activating with keyboard shortcut, 335337

anti-macro-virus defense system, 337

deleting, 332

editing in VBA, 332334

exposing VBA worksheet, 333334

making available to all workbooks, 330

playing back, 327, 328

recording, 323325, 328

relative references in, 328330

saving to Personal Macro Workbook, 330331

saving workbook with, 326327

security, 337338

VBA programming language, 323

Margins option, printing, 297

Math & Trig function group, 83

mathematical operators, formulas, 85

Max function

AutoSum button, 79

Merge and Center options, 120121

Microsoft Excel 2010 <i>see </i>Excel 2010

Min function

AutoSum button, 79


accessing gradient and other options, 175

applying styles quickly, 144

formatting charts, 170

formatting options, 170

More Functions function group, 83

More Rules option, conditional formatting, 149

moving data, 69

moving formulas, 89

moving worksheet tabs, 264, 266

images N

Name Box, 3

clarifying cell references by naming range in, 9598

navigating worksheets, 33

selecting multiple cells, 37

Name Manager, 101102

navigating worksheets, 3134

going to cell A1 (home), 32

moving cell pointer rapidly, 32

scroll buttons, 32

summary of options, 33

using Name Box, 33

Normal button

Workbook Views button group, 314

Number button group, 129

number filters, 207208

filtering multiple fields, 208

Number Format button

formatting PivotTable, 248

Number Format drop-down menu, 135

Number of Pages button, Header dialog, 317

Number tab, Format Cells dialog, 135

Custom option, 138139

Special option, 137138


<i>see also </i>values

adding column of, 7476

aligning data in cells, 39

auto filling numeric sequence, 4849

customizing formats, 137139

dates, 134137

entering numerical data, 44

formatting decimal points, 133

formatting values, 129137

percentages, 132

punctuating values, 132

turning values into currency, 129132

images O

Office 2007 button, 7


order of operations in formulas, 8687


mathematical operators, formulas, 85

order of operations in formulas, 86

Orientation drop-down menu, 117

Orientation option, printing, 297

orientation, data, 116118

Outline layout option, PivotTables, 251, 252

images P

Page Break Preview, 306

page breaks, printing

adding, 303305

previewing, 305308

Page Down key, 25

Page Layout tab, 302

Breaks options, 303305

clearing Print Area, 301

Print Gridlines and Headings options, 319

printing titles, 310

setting Print Area, 301

Page Layout view

adding headers and footers, 312314

Page Number button, Header dialog, 317

Page Setup dialog box

adding headers and footers, 314315

margin options, 298

printing titles, 310

Sheet tab, 310

Page Setup group

printing titles, 308311

Page Up key, 25

Pages option

deciding pages to print, 295

paintbrush, Format Painter, 140, 141

Paper Size option, printing, 297


functions, 82

order of operations in formulas, 86


protecting workbooks, 288

protecting worksheets, 281

unprotecting worksheets, 282

Paste Values option

copying formula result only, 94, 95

pasting data

copy-and-paste method, formulas, 8889

copying and pasting data, 68

Percent Style button, 132


formatting numbers/values, 132

Personal Macro Workbook

saving macros to, 330331

PgDn/PgUp keys

navigating worksheets, 32

Phone Number option

formatting numbers, 138

Pie chart type, 158, 167

PivotChart Tools contextual tab, 255

PivotCharts, 253258

creating with PivotTable, 258

deleting, 258

filtering data with field buttons, 256258

removing field button from, 258

PivotTable areas, 227

removing fields from, 229

PivotTable Field List, 225, 226

creating PivotTable, 226

moving field data, 228

removing fields from areas, 229

PivotTable Tools contextual tab, 225

removing fields from areas, 238

PivotTables, 219258

accessing button group, 250

adding records to, 241

automatic recalculation, 241

changing data, 240

changing headers, 250

choosing data to work on, 227228

collapsing/expanding, 253

Column Labels area, 229

grouping related items using two fields, 237

Compact layout option, 251, 252

counting records, 232233

creating, 224227

creating charts from, 253258

creating with PivotChart, 258

filtering using Report Filter area, 229231

formatting, 247249

grouping data, 239240

related items using two fields, 234237

layout options, 251253

plus/minus option, 252

moving field data, 228229

Outline layout option, 251, 252

pivoting data sideways, 229

refreshing, 240

removing fields from areas, 229, 237

Report Filter area, 229231

creating report worksheet for items in filter, 231232

Row Labels area, 226, 227, 228, 234236

Slicer feature, 242247

styling reports, 249253

Tabular layout option, 251, 252

Undo command, 224

Values area, 227, 228

changing calculation, 237238

grouping with row/column value areas, 237

selecting mathematical operations, 238

viewing filtered records, 242247

playing back macros, 327, 328

plot area, charts, 157

adding using Layout tab, 188

plus/minus layout option, PivotTables, 252

Portrait option, printing, 297

pound signs (US)

viewing numerical data, 44


order of operations in formulas, 8687

presentation of worksheets

showing/hiding screen elements, 273

previewing page breaks, printing, 305308

previewing printing <i>see </i>print preview

Print Active Sheets option, 290, 291, 292, 295

Print Area

clearing, 301

Ignore Print Area option, 302

setting, 300302

Print Backstage, 290, 294300

Print Gridlines and Headings options, 319

print preview

Fit All Columns on One Page option, 300

page size affecting, 294

positioning print on page, 299

previewing page breaks, 305308

Print Selection option, 293

Print Titles, 308310

headers compared, 312


actual row/column headings, 319, 320

adding headers and footers, 312319

adding page breaks, 303305

collating copies, 296

customizing, 302311

deciding pages to print, 295

deciding what to print, 289294

default Print Active Sheets option, 295

fitting all columns on one page, 300

gridline, 319320

margins, 297, 298, 302

options, 294300

orientation, 297, 302

page centering, 299

Page Layout tab, 302

paper size, 297, 302

previewing page breaks, 305308

printing entire worksheet, 289290

printing part of worksheet, 290294

scaling, 300

selecting printer, 295

setting number of copies, 294

setting Print Area, 300302

titles, 308311

printing options, 294300

Center on page, 299

Clear Print Area, 301

Collated, 296

Copies, 294

Custom Margins, 298

Fit All Columns on One Page, 300

Landscape, 297

Margins, 297

Orientation, 297

Pages, 295

Paper Size, 297

Portrait, 297

Print Area, 301

Printer button, 295

scaling, 300

Set Print Area, 301

Uncollated, 297

Protect Sheet dialog box, 280

protecting workbooks, 286288

protecting worksheets, 279282

hiding formulas, 284286

part of worksheet, 282286

Protection tab, Format Cells dialog, 283

Hidden check box, 285, 286

Locked check box, 284

punctuating values, 132

images Q

Quick Access toolbar, 4

adding button to, 9

customizing, 812

removing button from, 11

images R

ranges of cells

calculating an average, 7980

changing font, 104

changing font size, 106

clarifying cell references by naming, 95102

Name Manager, 101102

range containing one cell, 100

range in Name Box, 9598

ranges from data in worksheet, 99100

converting table to, 217

copying data, 6768

deleting cell contents, 66

entering data into selected range, 4547

function ranges containing blank cells, 79

Merge and Center options, 120121

moving data, 69

printing part of worksheet, 290294

scope of, 98

selecting for formulas, 7677

sparklines, 189, 190

using on other sheets in formulas, 271273

Recently Used function group, 83

Record Macro dialog box

activating macros with keyboard shortcut, 335

recording macros, 323325


adding to PivotTable, 241

adding to tables, 209216

counting, PivotTables, 232233

databases, 195

filtering data, 202208

finding/removing duplicates, 216217

sorting data, 196202

viewing filtered records, PivotTable, 242247

Redo button

changing data, 66

Refresh button, PivotTables, 241

relative cell addressing, formulas, 88

relative references in macros, 328330

relocating data, 69

Remove Duplicates feature, 216, 217

renaming worksheet tabs, 266

Report Filter area, PivotTables, 229232

reports <i>see </i>PivotTables

ribbon, 3

command tabs, 3

hiding, 275, 276

row headings (1, 2, 3, ...), 2

printing, 319, 320

showing/hiding screen elements, 273

Row Labels area, PivotTables

choosing data to work on, 227

creating PivotTable, 226

grouping data, 239

grouping related items using two fields, 234236

moving field data, 228

Row values area, PivotTables

PivotCharts, 255


banded rows, tables, 210, 214

changing font size, 106

deleting, 124

effect on formulas, 125

Freeze Panes option, 276279

header rows sorting data, 198

heightening, 116

hiding/unhiding, 125127

inserting, 123

effect on formulas, 124

Total Row selection, tables, 214

rules <i>see </i>conditional formatting

images S

scaling options, printing, 300

Scatter chart type, 158


ranges of cells, 98

screen elements

showing/hiding, 273276

scroll buttons, 4

navigating worksheets, 32


Freeze Panes option, 276, 278


anti-macro-virus defense system, 337

macros, 337338

Select All button, 5

selecting worksheets, 269

select-then-do principle, formatting, 104

Set Print Area option, 301

shape styles

formatting charts, 178179

Sheet Options button group

Print Gridlines and Headings options, 319

Sheet tab, Page Setup dialog

printing titles, 310

sheets <i>see </i>worksheets

Shift key shortcuts

additional key combinations, 2325

control key combinations, 19

function key combinations, 2123

shortcuts, 1825

activating macros, 335337

arrow keys, 23

Backspace key, 23

copying data, 68

creating table, 210

Ctrl key, 1921

cutting data, 69

Delete key, 23

End key, 24

Enter key, 24

Esc key, 24

function keys, 2123

hiding ribbon, 275

Home key, 24

Page Down key, 25

Page Up key, 25

pasting data, 68

printing entire worksheet, 290

redoing undone edit, 66

selecting all cells, 36

showing formulas in cells, 275

Spacebar key, 25

to home cell (A1), 32

undoing edit, 65

Slicer feature, PivotTables, 242247

Clear Filter button, 246

resizing, 247

restyling, 246

Social Security Number option

formatting numbers, 137

Sort & Filter button group

filtering data, 202

sorting data, 198

Sort & Filter drop-down menu, 197

sorting by two fields, 200

Sort A to Z option, 197

sorting data, 196202

by cell format, 201202

by two fields, 199201

Spacebar key, 25

sparklines, 189192

deleting, 192

grouping of, 191

modifying, 191

representing binary values with, 192

Special option, Number tab

Format Cells dialog box, 137138

spreadsheets, 2829

<i>see also </i>workbooks; worksheets

automatic recalculation, 75

macros, 323338

status bar, 5

Stop error alert

data validation, 59

strikethrough effect, fonts, 113


protecting workbooks, 286


applying formats with, 141142

applying styles quickly, 144

color-coordination using chart styles, 177

customizing, 142144

formatting charts using shape styles, 178179

formatting with, 141144

Line Style option, borders, 111

styling reports, PivotTables, 249253

Table Style Options button group, 214

Table Styles button group, 213

Sum function

adding column of numbers, 75

selecting ranges for formulas, 76

images T

Tab key

navigating worksheets, 32

Table Style Options button group, 214

Table Styles button group, 213

Table Tools context tab, 213

Table Tools Design tab, 211


adding columns to, 213

adding records to, 209

banded columns, 214

banded rows, 210, 214

converting to range, 217

filtering data, 210

finding/removing duplicate records, 216217

Format as Table button, 213

formulas in, 212

header row, 210

naming, 211

PivotTables, 219258

Total Row selection, 214

turning database into, 209216

tabs, worksheets, 4

contextual tabs, 67

File tab, 7

grouping sheets, 269

moving, 264, 266

moving between sheets, 262

recoloring, 266

renaming, 266

selecting sheets, 269

viewing, 265

Tabular layout option, PivotTables, 251, 252


aligning in cells, 39

entering, 3839

formatting chart elements with WordArt, 179

revealing in cells, 40

using Auto Fill with, 50

wrapping, 119

text filters, 206207

Text Filters drop-down menu, 206

Text function group, 83

Time button, Header dialog, 317


adding with Merge and Center, 120121

printing, 308311


formatting buttons, 107


Quick Access toolbar, 4

Top 10 AutoFilter, 208

Top/Bottom Rules, conditional formatting, 150

Total Row selection, tables, 214

Trust Center

anti-macro-virus defense system, 337

images U

Uncollated option, printing, 297

underline (U) button, 107, 108

Undo button

changing data, 64

Undo command, PivotTables, 224

ungrouping worksheets, 269

unhiding rows and columns, 127

unhiding worksheets, 267

images V

validation, data, 5460

Value Field Settings dialog box

selecting mathematical operations, 238


<i>see also </i>numbers

auto filling numeric sequence, 4849

copying formula result only, 9395

copying with Auto Fill, 48

dates, 134137

displaying based on conditions, 8082

formatting decimal points, 133

formatting, 129137

percentages, 132

punctuating, 132

turning into currency, 129132

using Auto Fill with text, 50

Values and Number Formatting option, 95

Values and Source Formatting option, 95

Values area, PivotTables

changing calculation, 237238

choosing data to work on, 227

creating PivotTable, 227

formatting PivotTable, 247

grouping with row and column value areas, 237

moving field data, 228

selecting mathematical operations, 238

VBA programming language

editing macros in, 332334

exposing VBA worksheet, 333334

macros, 323

vertical (value) axis major gridlines, charts, 157

vertical alignment, 115116

vertical value (y) axis, charts, 156

adding axes using Layout tab, 186

adding axis titles using Layout tab, 183

Column chart type, 159

reformatting vertical axis, 175177

Vertically center page option, printing, 299

View tab

showing/hiding screen elements, 273276

Workbook Views button group, 275


anti-macro-virus defense system, 337

images W

Warning error alert

data validation, 59

window arrangement of worksheets

protecting, 286


formatting text-based chart elements with, 179

Workbook Views button group, 275, 306

Normal button, 308, 314

Page Break Preview button, 306

Page Layout button, 312

workbooks, 2

<i>see also </i>spreadsheets; worksheets

adding worksheets, 263264

creating PivotTable, 224

deleting worksheets, 265

grouping worksheets, 268269

hiding worksheets, 267

making macros available to all, 330

moving between worksheets, 262

printing entire workbook, 301

protecting, 286288

protecting worksheets, 279282

recording macros, 323325, 328

referencing other worksheets, 270273

saving macros to Personal Macro Workbook, 330331

saving with macro, 326327

scope of ranges, 98

unprotecting, 288

worksheet tabs, 4

worksheets, 15

<i>see also </i>spreadsheets; workbooks

adding, 263264

adding column of numbers, 7476

adding headers and footers, 312319

aligning data in cells, 3940

applying formats with styles, 141142

Auto Fill speeding up data entry, 4854

automatic recalculation, 75

button groups, 3

calculating an average, 7980

cell addresses, 31

cell pointer, 5

cells and addresses in, 261

changing data, 6366

changing default number of, 262

changing font size, 106

column headings (A, B, C, ...), 3

command tabs, 3

conditional formatting, 145152

copying, 266

copying data, 6768

customizing with formulas, 8495

data validation, 5460

deleting, 265

deleting columns, 124

deleting rows, 124

dialog box launchers, 5

editing macros in VBA, 333

entering data into selected range, 4547

entering numerical data, 44

entering text and data, 3839

Excel dashboards, 262

exposing VBA worksheet, 333334

filtering data, 202208

formatting numbers/values, 129137

formula bar, 3

Freeze Panes option, 276279

functions, 7384

grid, 31

grouping, 268269

hiding, 267

hiding formulas, 284286

hiding/unhiding rows and columns, 125127

inserting and deleting cells, 128129

inserting columns, 122, 123

inserting rows, 123

moving between sheets, 262

moving charts between, 161

moving data, 69

moving sheet tabs, 264, 266

Name Box, 3

naming ranges from data in, 99100

navigating, 3134

Print Active Sheets option, 290, 291, 292

Print Selection option, 293

printing entire worksheet, 289290

printing part of, 290294

protecting, 279282

protecting part of, 282286

protecting window arrangement of, 286

Quick Access toolbar, 4

reasons for multiple sheets, 261

recoloring sheet tabs, 266

referring to cells in other sheets, 270271

renaming sheet tabs, 266

ribbon, 3

row headings (1, 2, 3, ...), 2

scope of ranges, 98

scroll buttons, 4

Select All button, 5

selecting, 269

selecting multiple cells, 3437

selecting ranges for formulas, 7677

showing formulas in cells, 274275

showing/hiding screen elements, 273276

sorting data, 196202

status bar, 5

ungrouping, 269

unhiding, 267

unprotecting, 282

using ranges on other sheets in formulas, 271273

viewing and editing formulas, 7779

viewing sheet tabs, 265

widening and narrowing columns, 4143

writing formulas, 8586

Wrap Text option, 119

wrapping text, 119

images X

x-axis <i>see </i>horizontal category (x) axis, charts

images Y, Z

y-axis <i>see </i>vertical value (y) axis, charts

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