Use the E.M.A.I.L. Acronym

If you want a quick way to check up on your priority-one e-mails, prior to posting them for the entire world to see, try the E.M.A.I.L. acronym. Going through these few steps before you hit the send button will save you time and tension in the long run.

E = Effective Writing

Is your message one run-together text, or is it formatted in paragraphs, making it easier to read?

Is your e-mail written clearly and concisely, with the most important facts upfront in the first paragraph?

Have you checked for spelling, grammar, and typos?

M = Message Tone

Have you avoided using all caps, which could be construed as “flaming” or shouting?

Are you conveying a professional and friendly tone?

Are there any parts of your message that could be misinterpreted or misconstrued?

Have you made a clear request? If not, is this e-mail just an FYI?

A = Appropriateness

Is e-mail the right medium for this message?

Does the message contain anything that might be better communicated in person?

Is this message urgent, and better dealt with over the phone?

Does this message contain credit card details, Social Security numbers, salary information, rumors, hearsay, or anything that might be of an inflammatory nature?

I = Impact on Others

Is the subject line of this message clear and specific?

Did I include a greeting and sign-off?

Have I limited the CC to those people who need to receive this e-mail?

L = Legal

Do you know and understand your company’s electronic communications policies, and does this e-mail meet those?

Does this e-mail contain anything that could be considered trade secrets, intellectual property, or security-sensitive material?

Does this e-mail contain anything inappropriate for which you could be dismissed?

Is their anything in this e-mail that could be used as evidence in a court of law?

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