Company Page Analytics

If you have a Company Page on LinkedIn, then there is a wealth of data waiting for you to tap into! Just visit your Company Page and click the Analytics tab to access that data.

You can view 12-month trend graphs for all pages or by individual page (Overview, Career, or Products and Services) to see statistics about page views or unique visitors. You can also see how your Company Page statistics compare to similar Company Pages.

If you’re interested in tracking the clicks people make on your Products and Services page, there is a 12-month trend graph for that metric, too. You can view the graph for people who clicked on the following:

More information link

Contact employees

Promotional banners

Special promotional links

Corporate Recruiting Solutions account holders can create Company Pages with a clickable banner, customizable modules, and additional analytics.

A 12-month trend chart is also available to track the number of LinkedIn members who are following your Company Page and a 12-month trend chart that tracks member visits by industry, function, and company.

This data can tell you what type of people are following and visiting your Company Page and whether your Products and Services page is generating enough clicks to meet your goals. Use the information to modify your Company Page promotional efforts and revise your Products and Services page to generate more interest and clicks.

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