LinkedIn Advertising Results

If you invest in placing ads on LinkedIn, then you certainly want to make sure that those ads are generating the results you need to earn a positive return on your investment. You can access statistics about your ad performance through your LinkedIn Ads dashboard.

Just click the Home link in the top navigation bar when you’re logged in to your LinkedIn account and choose Advertise on LinkedIn from the drop-down list. Click the Manage Your Ads link near the top right of the page that opens to access your Ads dashboard. From here you should click the Reporting tab to open the page shown in Figure 17.4 where you can select the Report Type, Date Range, and View By format for your report. Both campaign performance and ad performance reports are available for download in CSV format.

Figure 17.4: Configure the options for the type of report you want to use to track your ad performance.

CSV is an acronym for comma-separated values or character-separated values. A CSV file is a simple text format for a database file that can easily be imported to common database and spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel.

Based on the information provided through your ad reports, you can determine whether changes need to be made to your ad for better performance in the future. For example, you might determine from your analytics report that you need to revise the message in your ad, adjust your targeting criteria, or increase your maximum bid. LinkedIn only counts valid clicks on your ads in its reporting, so you can feel confident that the data provided to you in your ad reports is an accurate representation of your ad’s performance.

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