Earning Expertise

At the bottom of the Answers Home page in your LinkedIn account is a list of top experts, which is updated each week. In order to earn expert status, your answer to a question must be rated as Best by the person who originally asked it.

For each Best rating you get, you earn a point, which is added to your expert score. The higher your score, the higher you appear in the weekly list of top experts on the Answers Home page. This provides another way that people can find you on LinkedIn and recognize you as a trustworthy authority in your field.

It’s important to understand that the expert rating process in LinkedIn Answers is far from perfect. It is possible for people to team up and artificially boost their expert status by answering each other’s questions and rating those answers as best. Furthermore, there are many experts on LinkedIn who simply don’t answer questions frequently enough to earn a lot of best ratings and points. Finally, many people who ask questions never take the time to rate the best answers to those questions. Therefore, although the LinkedIn Answers experts list provides another way to find people on LinkedIn, do your due diligence and confirm that person’s real-world expertise by viewing his or her LinkedIn profile.

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