Topic modeling with Latent Dirichlet Allocation

Topic modeling describes the broad task of assigning topics to unlabelled text documents. For example, a typical application would be the categorization of documents in a large text corpus of newspaper articles where we don't know on which specific page or category they appear in. In applications of topic modeling, we then aim to assign category labels to those articles—for example, sports, finance, world news, politics, local news, and so forth. Thus, in the context of the broad categories of machine learning that we discussed in Chapter 1, Giving Computers the Ability to Learn from Data, we can consider topic modeling as a clustering task, a subcategory of unsupervised learning.

In this section, we will introduce a popular technique for topic modeling called Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). However, note that while Latent Dirichlet Allocation is often abbreviated as LDA, it is not to be confused with Linear discriminant analysis, a supervised dimensionality reduction technique that we introduced in Chapter 5, Compressing Data via Dimensionality Reduction.


LDA is different from the supervised learning approach that we took in this chapter to classify movie reviews as positive and negative. Thus, if you are interested in embedding scikit-learn models into a web application via the Flask framework using the movie reviewer as an example, please feel free to jump to the next chapter and revisit this standalone section on topic modeling later on.

Decomposing text documents with LDA

Since the mathematics behind LDA is quite involved and requires knowledge about Bayesian inference, we will approach this topic from a practitioner's perspective and interpret LDA using layman's terms. However, the interested reader can read more about LDA in the following research paper: Latent Dirichlet Allocation, David M. Blei, Andrew Y. Ng, and Michael I. Jordan, Journal of Machine Learning Research 3, pages: 993-1022, Jan 2003.

LDA is a generative probabilistic model that tries to find groups of words that appear frequently together across different documents. These frequently appearing words represent our topics, assuming that each document is a mixture of different words. The input to an LDA is the bag-of-words model we discussed earlier in this chapter. Given a bag-of-words matrix as input, LDA decomposes it into two new matrices:

  • A document to topic matrix
  • A word to topic matrix

LDA decomposes the bag-of-words matrix in such a way that if we multiply those two matrices together, we would be able to reproduce the input, the bag-of-words matrix, with the lowest possible error. In practice, we are interested in those topics that LDA found in the bag-of-words matrix. The only downside may be that we must define the number of topics beforehand—the number of topics is a hyperparameter of LDA that has to be specified manually.

LDA with scikit-learn

In this subsection, we will use the LatentDirichletAllocation class implemented in scikit-learn to decompose the movie review dataset and categorize it into different topics. In the following example, we restrict the analysis to 10 different topics, but readers are encouraged to experiment with the hyperparameters of the algorithm to explore the topics that can be found in this dataset further.

First, we are going to load the dataset into a pandas DataFrame using the local movie_data.csv file of the movie reviews that we have created at the beginning of this chapter:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.read_csv('movie_data.csv', encoding='utf-8')

Next, we are going to use the already familiar CountVectorizer to create the bag-of-words matrix as input to the LDA. For convenience, we will use scikit-learn's built-in English stop word library via stop_words='english':

>>> from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
>>> count = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english',
...                         max_df=.1,
...                         max_features=5000)
>>> X = count.fit_transform(df['review'].values)

Notice that we set the maximum document frequency of words to be considered to 10 percent (max_df=.1) to exclude words that occur too frequently across documents. The rationale behind the removal of frequently occurring words is that these might be common words appearing across all documents and are therefore less likely associated with a specific topic category of a given document. Also, we limited the number of words to be considered to the most frequently occurring 5,000 words (max_features=5000), to limit the dimensionality of this dataset so that it improves the inference performed by LDA. However, both max_df=.1 and max_features=5000 are hyperparameter values that I chose arbitrarily, and readers are encouraged to tune them while comparing the results.

The following code example demonstrates how to fit a LatentDirichletAllocation estimator to the bag-of-words matrix and infer the 10 different topics from the documents (note that the model fitting can take up to five minutes or more on a laptop or standard desktop computer):

>>> from sklearn.decomposition import LatentDirichletAllocation
>>> lda = LatentDirichletAllocation(n_topics=10,
...                                 random_state=123,
...                                 learning_method='batch')
>>> X_topics = lda.fit_transform(X)

By setting learning_method='batch', we let the lda estimator do its estimation based on all available training data (the bag-of-words matrix) in one iteration, which is slower than the alternative 'online' learning method but can lead to more accurate results (setting learning_method='online' is analogous to online or mini-batch learning that we discussed in Chapter 2, Training Simple Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification, and in this chapter).


The scikit-learn library's implementation of LDA uses the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm to update its parameter estimates iteratively. We haven't discussed the EM algorithm in this chapter, but if you are curious to learn more, please see the excellent overview on Wikipedia (–maximization_algorithm) and the detailed tutorial on how it is used in LDA in Colorado Reed's tutorial, Latent Dirichlet Allocation: Towards a Deeper Understanding, which is freely available at

After fitting the LDA, we now have access to the components_ attribute of the lda instance, which stores a matrix containing the word importance (here, 5000) for each of the 10 topics in increasing order:

>>> lda.components_.shape
(10, 5000)

To analyze the results, let's print the five most important words for each of the 10 topics. Note that the word importance values are ranked in increasing order. Thus, to print the top five words, we need to sort the topic array in reverse order:

>>> n_top_words = 5
>>> feature_names = count.get_feature_names()
>>> for topic_idx, topic in enumerate(lda.components_):
...     print("Topic %d:" % (topic_idx + 1))
...     print(" ".join([feature_names[i]
...                     for i in topic.argsort()
...                         [:-n_top_words - 1:-1]]))
Topic 1:
worst minutes awful script stupid
Topic 2:
family mother father children girl
Topic 3:
american war dvd music tv
Topic 4:
human audience cinema art sense
Topic 5:
police guy car dead murder
Topic 6:
horror house sex girl woman
Topic 7:
role performance comedy actor performances
Topic 8:
series episode war episodes tv
Topic 9:
book version original read novel
Topic 10:
action fight guy guys cool

Based on reading the five most important words for each topic, we may guess that the LDA identified the following topics:

  1. Generally bad movies (not really a topic category)
  2. Movies about families
  3. War movies
  4. Art movies
  5. Crime movies
  6. Horror movies
  7. Comedy movies
  8. Movies somehow related to TV shows
  9. Movies based on books
  10. Action movies

To confirm that the categories make sense based on the reviews, let's plot three movies from the horror movie category (horror movies belong to category 6 at index position 5):

>>> horror = X_topics[:, 5].argsort()[::-1]
>>> for iter_idx, movie_idx in enumerate(horror[:3]):
...     print('
Horror movie #%d:' % (iter_idx + 1))
...     print(df['review'][movie_idx][:300], '...')
Horror movie #1:
House of Dracula works from the same basic premise as House of Frankenstein from the year before; namely that Universal's three most famous monsters; Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster and The Wolf Man are appearing in the movie together. Naturally, the film is rather messy therefore, but the fact that ...

Horror movie #2:
Okay, what the hell kind of TRASH have I been watching now? "The Witches' Mountain" has got to be one of the most incoherent and insane Spanish exploitation flicks ever and yet, at the same time, it's also strangely compelling. There's absolutely nothing that makes sense here and I even doubt there  ...

Horror movie #3:
<br /><br />Horror movie time, Japanese style. Uzumaki/Spiral was a total freakfest from start to finish. A fun freakfest at that, but at times it was a tad too reliant on kitsch rather than the horror. The story is difficult to summarize succinctly: a carefree, normal teenage girl starts coming fac ...

Using the preceding code example, we printed the first 300 characters from the top three horror movies, and we can see that the reviews—even though we don't know which exact movie they belong to—sound like reviews of horror movies (however, one might argue that Horror movie #2 could also be a good fit for topic category 1: Generally bad movies).

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