Dealing with class imbalance

We've mentioned class imbalances several times throughout this chapter, and yet we haven't actually discussed how to deal with such scenarios appropriately if they occur. Class imbalance is a quite common problem when working with real-world data—samples from one class or multiple classes are over-represented in a dataset. Intuitively, we can think of several domains where this may occur, such as spam filtering, fraud detection, or screening for diseases.

Imagine the breast cancer dataset that we've been working with in this chapter consisted of 90 percent healthy patients. In this case, we could achieve 90 percent accuracy on the test dataset by just predicting the majority class (benign tumor) for all samples, without the help of a supervised machine learning algorithm. Thus, training a model on such a dataset that achieves approximately 90 percent test accuracy would mean our model hasn't learned anything useful from the features provided in this dataset.

In this section, we will briefly go over some of the techniques that could help with imbalanced datasets. But before we discuss different methods to approach this problem, let's create an imbalanced dataset from our breast cancer dataset, which originally consisted of 357 benign tumors (class 0) and 212 malignant tumors (class 1):

>>> X_imb = np.vstack((X[y == 0], X[y == 1][:40]))
>>> y_imb = np.hstack((y[y == 0], y[y == 1][:40]))

In the previous code snippet, we took all 357 benign tumor samples and stacked them with the first 40 malignant samples to create a stark class imbalance. If we were to compute the accuracy of a model that always predicts the majority class (benign, class 0), we would achieve a prediction accuracy of approximately 90 percent:

>>> y_pred = np.zeros(y_imb.shape[0])
>>> np.mean(y_pred == y_imb) * 100

Thus, when we fit classifiers on such datasets, it would make sense to focus on other metrics than accuracy when comparing different models, such as precision, recall, the ROC curve—whatever we care most about in our application. For instance, our priority might be to identify the majority of patients with malignant cancer patients to recommend an additional screening, then recall should be our metric of choice. In spam filtering, where we don't want to label emails as spam if the system is not very certain, precision might be a more appropriate metric.

Aside from evaluating machine learning models, class imbalance influences a learning algorithm during model fitting itself. Since machine learning algorithms typically optimize a reward or cost function that is computed as a sum over the training examples that it sees during fitting, the decision rule is likely going to be biased towards the majority class. In other words, the algorithm implicitly learns a model that optimizes the predictions based on the most abundant class in the dataset, in order to minimize the cost or maximize the reward during training.

One way to deal with imbalanced class proportions during model fitting is to assign a larger penalty to wrong predictions on the minority class. Via scikit-learn, adjusting such a penalty is as convenient as setting the class_weight parameter to class_weight='balanced', which is implemented for most classifiers.

Other popular strategies for dealing with class imbalance include upsampling the minority class, downsampling the majority class, and the generation of synthetic training samples. Unfortunately, there's no universally best solution, no technique that works best across different problem domains. Thus, in practice, it is recommended to try out different strategies on a given problem, evaluate the results, and choose the technique that seems most appropriate.

The scikit-learn library implements a simple resample function that can help with the upsampling of the minority class by drawing new samples from the dataset with replacement. The following code will take the minority class from our imbalanced breast cancer dataset (here, class 1) and repeatedly draw new samples from it until it contains the same number of samples as class label 0:

>>> from sklearn.utils import resample

>>> print('Number of class 1 samples before:',
...       X_imb[y_imb == 1].shape[0])
Number of class 1 samples before: 40
>>> X_upsampled, y_upsampled = resample(X_imb[y_imb == 1],
...                         y_imb[y_imb == 1],
...                         replace=True,
...                         n_samples=X_imb[y_imb == 0].shape[0],
...                         random_state=123)
>>> print('Number of class 1 samples after:',
...        X_upsampled.shape[0])
Number of class 1 samples after: 357

After resampling, we can then stack the original class 0 samples with the upsampled class 1 subset to obtain a balanced dataset as follows:

>>> X_bal = np.vstack((X[y == 0], X_upsampled))
>>> y_bal = np.hstack((y[y == 0], y_upsampled))

Consequently, a majority vote prediction rule would only achieve 50 percent accuracy:

>>> y_pred = np.zeros(y_bal.shape[0])
>>> np.mean(y_pred == y_bal) * 100

Similarly, we could downsample the majority class by removing training examples from the dataset. To perform downsampling using the resample function, we could simply swap the class 1 label with class 0 in the previous code example and vice versa.


Another technique for dealing with class imbalance is the generation of synthetic training samples, which is beyond the scope of this book. The probably most widely used algorithm for synthetic training sample generation is Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE), and you can learn more about this technique in the original research article by Nitesh Chawla and others: SMOTE: Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 16: 321-357, 2002. It is also highly recommended to check out imbalanced-learn, a Python library that is entirely focused on imbalanced datasets, including an implementation of SMOTE. You can learn more about imbalanced-learn at

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