Building a regression model

Since we've explored placeholders and variables, let's build an example model for regression analysis, similar to the one we created in Chapter 13, Parallelizing Neural Network Training with TensorFlow, where our goal is to implement a linear regression model: Building a regression model.

In this model, w and b are the two parameters of this simple regression model that need to be defined as variables. Note that x is the input to the model, which we can define as a placeholder. Furthermore, recall that for training this model, we need to formulate a cost function. Here, we use the Mean Squared Error (MSE) cost function that we defined in Chapter 10, Predicting Continuous Target Variables with Regression Analysis Building a regression model.

Here, y is the true value, which is given as the input to this model for training. Therefore, we need to define y as a placeholder as well. Finally, Building a regression model is the prediction output, which will be computed using TensorFlow operations—tf.matmul and tf.add. Recall that TensorFlow operations return zero or more tensors; here, tf.matmul and tf.add return one tensor.

We can also use the overloaded operator + for adding two tensors; however, the advantage of tf.add is that we can provide an additional name for the resulting tensor via the name parameter.

So, let's summarize all our tensors with their mathematical notations and coding naming, as follows:

  • Input x: tf_x defined as a placeholder
  • Input y: tf_y defined as a placeholder
  • Model parameter w: weight defined as a variable
  • Model parameter b: bias defined as a variable
  • Model output Building a regression model: y_hat returned by the TensorFlow operations to compute the prediction using the regression model

The code to implement this simple regression model is as follows:

>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> import numpy as np
>>> g = tf.Graph()
>>> with g.as_default():
...     tf.set_random_seed(123)
...     ## placeholders
...     tf_x = tf.placeholder(shape=(None),
...                           dtype=tf.float32,
...                           name='tf_x')
...     tf_y = tf.placeholder(shape=(None),
...                           dtype=tf.float32,
...                           name='tf_y')
...     ## define the variable (model parameters)
...     weight = tf.Variable(
...         tf.random_normal(
...             shape=(1, 1),
...             stddev=0.25),
...         name='weight')
...     bias = tf.Variable(0.0, name='bias')
...     ## build the model
...     y_hat = tf.add(weight * tf_x, bias,
...                    name='y_hat')
...     ## compute the cost
...     cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(tf_y - y_hat),
...                           name='cost')
...     ## train the model
...     optim = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(
...         learning_rate=0.001)
...     train_op = optim.minimize(cost, name='train_op')

Now that we've built the graph, our next steps are to create a session to launch the graph and train the model. But before we go further, let's see how we can evaluate tensors and execute operations. We'll create a random regression data with one feature, using the make_random_data function and visualizing the data:

>>> ## create a random toy dataset for regression
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> np.random.seed(0)
>>> def make_random_data():
...     x = np.random.uniform(low=-2, high=4, size=200)
...     y = []
...     for t in x:
...         r = np.random.normal(loc=0.0,
...                              scale=(0.5 + t*t/3),
...                              size=None)
...         y.append(r)
...     return  x, 1.726*x -0.84 + np.array(y)
>>> x, y = make_random_data()
>>> plt.plot(x, y, 'o')

The following figure shows the random regression data that we generated:

Building a regression model

Now we're ready; let's train the previous model. Let's start by creating a TensorFlow session object called sess. Then, we want to initialize our variables which, as we saw, we can do with After this, we can create a for loop to execute the train operator and calculate the training cost at the same time.

So let's combine the two tasks, the first to execute an operator, and the second to evaluate a tensor, into one method call. The code for this is as follows:

>>> ## train/test splits
>>> x_train, y_train = x[:100], y[:100]
>>> x_test, y_test = x[100:], y[100:]
>>> n_epochs = 500
>>> training_costs = []
>>> with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess:
...     ## train the model for n_epochs
...     for e in range(n_epochs):
...         c, _ =[cost, train_op],
...                         feed_dict={tf_x: x_train,
...                                    tf_y: y_train})
...         training_costs.append(c)
...         if not e % 50:
...             print('Epoch %4d: %.4f' % (e, c))
Epoch    0: 12.2230
Epoch   50: 8.3876
Epoch  100: 6.5721
Epoch  150: 5.6844
Epoch  200: 5.2269
Epoch  250: 4.9725
Epoch  300: 4.8169
Epoch  350: 4.7119
Epoch  400: 4.6347
Epoch  450: 4.5742
>>> plt.plot(training_costs)

The code generates the following graph that shows the training costs after each epoch:

Building a regression model
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