Choosing activation functions for multilayer networks

For simplicity, we have only discussed the sigmoid activation function in the context of multilayer feedforward neural networks so far; we used it in the hidden layer as well as the output layer in the multilayer perceptron implementation in Chapter 12, Implementing a Multilayer Artifiial Neural Network from Scratch.

Although we referred to this activation function as a sigmoid function—as it is commonly called in literature—the more precise definition would be a logistic function or negative log-likelihood function. In the following subsections, you will learn more about alternative sigmoidal functions that are useful for implementing multilayer neural networks.

Technically, we can use any function as an activation function in multilayer neural networks as long as it is differentiable. We can even use linear activation functions, such as in Adaline (Chapter 2, Training Simple Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification). However, in practice, it would not be very useful to use linear activation functions for both hidden and output layers since we want to introduce nonlinearity in a typical artificial neural network to be able to tackle complex problems. The sum of linear functions yields a linear function after all.

The logistic activation function that we used in Chapter 12, Implementing a Multilayer Artificial Neural Network from Scratch, probably mimics the concept of a neuron in a brain most closely—we can think of it as the probability of whether a neuron fires or not.

However, logistic activation functions can be problematic if we have highly negative input since the output of the sigmoid function would be close to zero in this case. If the sigmoid function returns output that are close to zero, the neural network would learn very slowly and it becomes more likely that it gets trapped in the local minima during training. This is why people often prefer a hyperbolic tangent as an activation function in hidden layers.

Before we discuss what a hyperbolic tangent looks like, let's briefly recapitulate some of the basics of the logistic function and look at a generalization that makes it more useful for multilabel classification problems.

Logistic function recap

As we mentioned in the introduction to this section, the logistic function, often just called the sigmoid function, is in fact a special case of a sigmoid function. Recall from the section on logistic regression in Chapter 3, A Tour of Machine Learning Classifiers Using scikit-learn, that we can use a logistic function to model the probability that sample x belongs to the positive class (class 1) in a binary classification task. The given net input z is shown in the following equation:

Logistic function recap

The logistic function will compute the following:

Logistic function recap

Note that Logistic function recap is the bias unit (y-axis intercept, which means Logistic function recap). To provide a more concrete example, let's assume a model for a two-dimensional data point x and a model with the following weight coefficients assigned to the w vector:

>>> import numpy as np

>>> X = np.array([1, 1.4, 2.5]) ## first value must be 1
>>> w = np.array([0.4, 0.3, 0.5])

>>> def net_input(X, w):
...     return, w)
>>> def logistic(z):
...     return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-z))
>>> def logistic_activation(X, w):
...     z = net_input(X, w)
...     return logistic(z)
>>> print('P(y=1|x) = %.3f' % logistic_activation(X, w))
P(y=1|x) = 0.888

If we calculate the net input and use it to activate a logistic neuron with those particular feature values and weight coefficients, we get a value of 0.888, which we can interpret as 88.8 percent probability that this particular sample x belongs to the positive class.

In Chapter 12, Implementing a Multilayer Artificial Neural Network from Scratch, we used the one-hot-encoding technique to compute the values in the output layer consisting of multiple logistic activation units. However, as we will demonstrate with the following code example, an output layer consisting of multiple logistic activation units does not produce meaningful, interpretable probability values:

>>> # W : array with shape = (n_output_units, n_hidden_units+1)
... #     note that the first column are the bias units
>>> W = np.array([[1.1, 1.2, 0.8, 0.4],
...               [0.2, 0.4, 1.0, 0.2],
...               [0.6, 1.5, 1.2, 0.7]])
>>> # A : data array with shape = (n_hidden_units + 1, n_samples)
... #     note that the first column of this array must be 1
>>> A = np.array([[1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.6]])
>>> Z =, A[0])
>>> y_probas = logistic(Z)
>>> print('Net Input: 
', Z)
Net Input:
 [ 1.78  0.76  1.65]
>>> print('Output Units:
', y_probas)
Output Units:
 [ 0.85569687  0.68135373  0.83889105]

As we can see in the output, the resulting values cannot be interpreted as probabilities for a three-class problem. The reason for this is that they do not sum up to 1. However, this is in fact not a big concern if we only use our model to predict the class labels, not the class membership probabilities. One way to predict the class label from the output units obtained earlier is to use the maximum value:

>>> y_class = np.argmax(Z, axis=0)
>>> print('Predicted class label: %d' % y_class)
Predicted class label: 0

In certain contexts, it can be useful to compute meaningful class probabilities for multiclass predictions. In the next section, we will take a look at a generalization of the logistic function, the softmax function, which can help us with this task.

Estimating class probabilities in multiclass classification via the softmax function

In the previous section, we saw how we could obtain a class label using the argmax function. The softmax function is in fact a soft form of the argmax function; instead of giving a single class index, it provides the probability of each class. Therefore, it allows us to compute meaningful class probabilities in multiclass settings (multinomial logistic regression).

In softmax, the probability of a particular sample with net input z belonging to the ith class can be computed with a normalization term in the denominator, that is, the sum of all M linear functions:

Estimating class probabilities in multiclass classification via the softmax function

To see softmax in action, let's code it up in Python:

>>> def softmax(z):
...     return np.exp(z) / np.sum(np.exp(z))
>>> y_probas = softmax(Z)
>>> print('Probabilities:
', y_probas)
 [ 0.44668973  0.16107406  0.39223621]

>>> np.sum(y_probas)

As we can see, the predicted class probabilities now sum up to 1, as we would expect. It is also notable that the predicted class label is the same as when we applied the argmax function to the logistic output. Intuitively, it may help to think of the softmax function as a normalized output that is useful to obtain meaningful class-membership predictions in multiclass settings.

Broadening the output spectrum using a hyperbolic tangent

Another sigmoid function that is often used in the hidden layers of artificial neural networks is the hyperbolic tangent (commonly known as tanh), which can be interpreted as a rescaled version of the logistic function:

Broadening the output spectrum using a hyperbolic tangent
Broadening the output spectrum using a hyperbolic tangent

The advantage of the hyperbolic tangent over the logistic function is that it has a broader output spectrum and ranges in the open interval (-1, 1), which can improve the convergence of the back propagation algorithm (Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition, C. M. Bishop, Oxford University Press, pages: 500-501, 1995).

In contrast, the logistic function returns an output signal that ranges in the open interval (0, 1). For an intuitive comparison of the logistic function and the hyperbolic tangent, let's plot the two sigmoid functions:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

>>> def tanh(z):
...     e_p = np.exp(z)
...     e_m = np.exp(-z)
...     return (e_p - e_m) / (e_p + e_m)

>>> z = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.005)
>>> log_act = logistic(z)
>>> tanh_act = tanh(z)
>>> plt.ylim([-1.5, 1.5])
>>> plt.xlabel('net input $z$')
>>> plt.ylabel('activation $phi(z)$')
>>> plt.axhline(1, color='black', linestyle=':')
>>> plt.axhline(0.5, color='black', linestyle=':')
>>> plt.axhline(0, color='black', linestyle=':')
>>> plt.axhline(-0.5, color='black', linestyle=':')
>>> plt.axhline(-1, color='black', linestyle=':')
>>> plt.plot(z, tanh_act,
...          linewidth=3, linestyle='--',
...          label='tanh')
>>> plt.plot(z, log_act,
...          linewidth=3,
...          label='logistic')
>>> plt.legend(loc='lower right')
>>> plt.tight_layout()

As we can see, the shapes of the two sigmoidal curves look very similar; however, the tanh function has Broadening the output spectrum using a hyperbolic tangent larger output space than the logistic function:

Broadening the output spectrum using a hyperbolic tangent

Note that we implemented the logistic and tanh functions verbosely for the purpose of illustration. In practice, we can use NumPy's tanh function to achieve the same results:

>>> tanh_act = np.tanh(z)

In addition, the logistic function is available in SciPy's special module:

>>> from scipy.special import expit
>>> log_act = expit(z)

Rectified linear unit activation

Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) is another activation function that is often used in deep neural networks. Before we understand ReLU, we should step back and understand the vanishing gradient problem of tanh and logistic activations.

To understand this problem, let's assume that we initially have the net input Rectified linear unit activation, which changes to Rectified linear unit activation. Computing the tanh activation, we get Rectified linear unit activation and Rectified linear unit activation, which shows no change in the output.

This means the derivative of activations with respect to net input diminishes as z becomes large. As a result, learning weights during the training phase become very slow because the gradient terms may be very close to zero. ReLU activation addresses this issue. Mathematically, ReLU is defined as follows:

Rectified linear unit activation

ReLU is still a nonlinear function that is good for learning complex functions with neural networks. Besides this, the derivative of ReLU, with respect to its input, is always 1 for positive input values. Therefore, it solves the problem of vanishing gradients, making it suitable for deep neural networks. We will use the ReLU activation function in the next chapter as an activation function for multilayer convolutional neural networks.

Now that we know more about the different activation functions that are commonly used in artificial neural networks, let's conclude this section with an overview of the different activation functions that we encountered in this book:

Rectified linear unit activation
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