Trading periodically on dips

Stock prices periodically dip and go up. We will have a look at the probability distribution of the stock price log returns.

Let's start by downloading the historical data for a stock; for instance, AAPL. Next, calculate the daily log returns ( of the close prices. We will skip these steps because they were already done in the previous recipe.

Getting ready

If necessary, install Matplotlib and SciPy. Refer to the See Also section for the corresponding recipes.

How to do it...

Now comes the interesting part.

  1. Calculate breakout and pullback.

    Let's say we want to trade five times per year, or roughly every 50 days. One strategy would be to buy when the price drops by a certain percentage—a pullback, and sell when the price increases by another percentage—a breakout.

    By setting the percentile appropriate for our trading frequency, we can match the corresponding log returns. SciPy offers the scoreatpercentile function, which we will use:

    freq = 1/float(sys.argv[2])
    breakout = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(logreturns, 100 * (1 - freq) )
    pullback = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(logreturns, 100 * freq)
  2. Generate buys and sells.

    Use the NumPy compress function to generate buys and sells for our close price data. This function returns elements based on a condition:

    buys = numpy.compress(logreturns < pullback, close)
    sells = numpy.compress(logreturns > breakout, close)
    print buys
    print sells 
    print len(buys), len(sells)
    print sells.sum() - buys.sum()

    The output for AAPL and a 50-day period is as follows:

    [ 340.1   377.35  378.    373.17  415.99]
    [ 357.    370.8   366.48  395.2   419.55]
    5 5

    So we have a profit of 24 dollars, if we buy and sell an AAPL share five times.

  3. Plot a histogram of the log returns.

    Just for fun, let's plot the histogram of the log returns with Matplotlib:


    This is what the histogram looks like.

    How to do it...

The following is the complete code:

from import quotes_historical_yahoo
from datetime import date
import numpy
import sys
import scipy.stats
import matplotlib.pyplot
#1. Get close prices.
today =
start = (today.year - 1, today.month,

quotes = quotes_historical_yahoo(sys.argv[1], start, today)
close =  numpy.array([q[4] for q in quotes])

#2. Get log returns.
logreturns = numpy.diff(numpy.log(close))

#3. Calculate breakout and pullback
freq = 1/float(sys.argv[2])
breakout = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(logreturns, 100 * (1 - freq) )
pullback = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(logreturns, 100 * freq)
#4. Generate buys and sells
buys = numpy.compress(logreturns < pullback, close)
sells = numpy.compress(logreturns > breakout, close)
print buys
print sells 
print len(buys), len(sells)
print sells.sum() - buys.sum()

#5. Plot a histogram of the log returns

#AAPL 50
#[ 340.1   377.35  378.    373.17  415.99]
#[ 357.    370.8   366.48  395.2   419.55]
#5 5

How it works...

We encountered the compress function, which returns an array containing the array elements of the input that satisfy a given condition. The input array remains unchanged.

See also

  • The Installing Matplotlib recipe in Chapter 1, Winding Along with IPython
  • The Installing SciPy in Chapter 2, Advanced Indexing and Array Concepts
  • The Discovering a power law recipe
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