Analyzing code with Pylint

Pylint is another open source static analyzer originally created by Logilab. Pylint is more complex than Pyflakes; it allows more customization. However, it is slower than Pyflakes. For more information check out

In this recipe, we will again download the NumPy code from the Git repository—this step is omitted for brevity.

Getting ready

You can install Pylint from the source distribution. However, there are many dependencies, so you are better off installing with either easy_install, or pip. The installation commands are as follows:

easy_install pylint
sudo pip install pylint

How to do it...

We will again analyze from the top directory of the NumPy codebase. Please notice that we are getting much more output. In fact, Pylint prints so much text that most of it had to be cut out here:

pylint *.py
$ pylint *.py
No config file found, using default configuration
************* Module pavement
C: 60: Line too long (81/80)
C:139: Line too long (81/80)
W: 50: TODO
W:168: XXX: find out which env variable is necessary to avoid the pb with python
W: 71: Reimport 'md5' (imported line 143)
F: 73: Unable to import 'paver'
F: 74: Unable to import 'paver.easy'
C: 79: Invalid name "setup_py" (should match (([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)|(__.*__))$)
F: 86: Unable to import 'numpy.version'
E: 86: No name 'version' in module 'numpy'
C:149: Operator not followed by a space
if sys.platform =="darwin":
C:202:prepare_nsis_script: Missing docstring
W:228:bdist_superpack: Redefining name 'options' from outer scope (line 74)
C:231:bdist_superpack.copy_bdist: Missing docstring
W:275:bdist_wininst_nosse: Redefining name 'options' from outer scope (line 74)

How it works...

Pylint outputs raw text, by default; but we could have requested HTML output, if desired. The messages have the following format:


The message type can be one of the following:

  • [R] meaning that refactoring is recommended
  • [C] means that there was a code style violation
  • [W] for warning about a minor issue
  • [E] for error or potential bug
  • [F] indicating that a fatal error occurred, blocking further analysis

See also

  • The Performing static analysis with Pyflakes recipe

Performing static analysis with Pychecker

Pychecker is an old, static analysis tool, which is not very actively developed, but it's good enough to be mentioned here. The last version at the time of writing was 0.8.19, and was last updated in 2011. Pychecker tries to import each module and process it. The code is then analyzed to find issues such as passing incorrect number of parameters, incorrect format strings using non-existing methods, and other problems. In this recipe, we will again analyze code, but this time with Pychecker.

How to do it...

  1. Install from tarball.

    Download the tar.gz from Sourceforge ( Unpack the tarball and run the following command:

    python install
  2. Install using pip.

    We can, alternatively, install Pychecker using pip:

    sudo pip install
  3. Analyze the code.

    Let's analyze the code, just like in the previous recipes. The command we need is:

    pychecker *.py
    ... Imported module (re) not used Module (builtins) re-imported

Testing code with docstrings

Docstrings are strings embedded in Python code that resemble interactive sessions. These strings can be used to test certain assumptions, or just provide examples. We need to use the doctest module to run these tests.

Let's write a simple example that is supposed to calculate the factorial, but doesn't cover all the possible boundary conditions. In other words, some tests will fail.

How to do it...

  1. Write the docstring.

    Write the docstring with a test that will pass, and a test that will fail. This should look like what you would normally see in a Python shell:

    Test for the factorial of 3 that should pass.
    >>> factorial(3)
    Test for the factorial of 0 that should fail.
    >>> factorial(0)
  2. Write the NumPy code.

    Write the following NumPy code:

    return numpy.arange(1, n+1).cumprod()[-1]

    We want this code to fail on purpose, sometimes. It will create an array of sequential numbers, calculate the cumulative product of the array, and return the last element.

  3. Run the test.

    As previously stated, we need to use the doctest module to run the tests:


The following is the complete factorial and docstring test example code:

import numpy
import doctest

def factorial(n):
   Test for the factorial of 3 that should pass.
   >>> factorial(3)

   Test for the factorial of 0 that should fail.
   >>> factorial(0)
   return numpy.arange(1, n+1).cumprod()[-1]


We can get verbose output with the -v option, as shown here:

python -v
File "", line 11, in __main__.factorial
Failed example:
Exception raised:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File ".../", line 1253, in __run
        compileflags, 1) in test.globs
      File "<doctest __main__.factorial[1]>", line 1, in <module>
      File "", line 14, in factorial
        return numpy.arange(1, n+1).cumprod()[-1]
    IndexError: index out of bounds
1 items had no tests:
1 items had failures:
   1 of   2 in __main__.factorial
2 tests in 2 items.
1 passed and 1 failed.
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.

How it works...

As you can see, we didn't take into account zero and negative numbers. Actually, we got an index out of bounds error due to an empty array. This is easy to fix of course, which we will do in the next tutorial.

Writing unit tests

Test-driven development (TDD) is the best thing that happened to software development this century. One of the most important aspects of TDD is the almost manic focus on unit testing.

Unit tests are automated tests that test a small piece of code, usually a function or method. Python has the PyUnit API for unit testing. As NumPy users, we can make use of the convenience functions in the numpy.testing module, as well. This module, as its name suggests, is dedicated to testing.

How to do it...

Let's write some code to be tested.

  1. Write the factorial function.

    We start by writing the following factorial function:

    def factorial(n):
      if n == 0:
        return 1
      if n < 0:
        raise ValueError, "Don't be so negative"
      return numpy.arange(1, n+1).cumprod()

    The code is the same as in the previous recipe, but we added a few checks for boundary conditions.

  2. Write the unit test.

    Now we will write the unit test. Maybe you have noticed that we don't have that many classes in this book; somehow, it didn't seem that necessary.

    Let's write a class for a change. This class will contain the unit tests. It extends the TestCase class from the unittest module, which is a part of standard Python. We test for calling the factorial function with:

    • a positive number, the happy path
    • boundary condition 0
    • negative numbers, which should result in an error
      class FactorialTest(unittest.TestCase):
          def test_factorial(self):
            #Test for the factorial of 3 that should pass.
            self.assertEqual(6, factorial(3)[-1])
            numpy.testing.assert_equal(numpy.array([1, 2, 6]), factorial(3))
          def test_zero(self):
            #Test for the factorial of 0 that should pass.
            self.assertEqual(1, factorial(0))
          def test_negative(self):
            #Test for the factorial of negative numbers that should fail.
            # It should throw a ValueError, but we expect IndexError
            self.assertRaises(IndexError, factorial(-10))

The code for the factorial and the unit test in its entirety is as follows:

import numpy
import unittest

def factorial(n):
    if n == 0:
      return 1

    if n < 0:
      raise ValueError, "Don't be so negative"

    return numpy.arange(1, n+1).cumprod()

class FactorialTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_factorial(self):
      #Test for the factorial of 3 that should pass.
      self.assertEqual(6, factorial(3)[-1])
      numpy.testing.assert_equal(numpy.array([1, 2, 6]), factorial(3))

    def test_zero(self):
      #Test for the factorial of 0 that should pass.
      self.assertEqual(1, factorial(0))

    def test_negative(self):
      #Test for the factorial of negative numbers that should fail.
      # It should throw a ValueError, but we expect IndexError
      self.assertRaises(IndexError, factorial(-10))

if __name__ == '__main__':

The negative numbers test failed, as you can see in the following output:

ERROR: test_negative (__main__.FactorialTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 26, in test_negative
    self.assertRaises(IndexError, factorial(-10))
  File "", line 9, in factorial
    raise ValueError, "Don't be so negative"
ValueError: Don't be so negative

Ran 3 tests in 0.001s

FAILED (errors=1)

How it works...

We saw how to implement simple unit tests using the standard unittest Python module. We wrote a test class, which extends the TestCase class from the unittest module. The following functions were used to perform various tests:




Tests whether two NumPy arrays are equal


Tests whether two values are equal


Tests whether an exception is thrown

The NumPy testing package has a number of test functions that we should know about:




Raises an exception if two numbers are not equal up to a specified precision.


Raises an exception if two numbers are not equal up to a certain significance.


Raises an exception if two arrays are not equal up to a specified precision.


Raises an exception if two arrays are not equal.


Raises an exception if two arrays do not have the same shape, and the elements of the first array are strictly less than the elements of the second array.


Fails if a specified exception is not raised by a callable invoked with defined arguments.


Fails if a specified warning is not thrown.


Asserts that two strings are equal.

Testing code with mocks

Mocks are objects created as substitutes for real objects, with the purpose of testing a part of the behavior of the real objects. If you have seen the Body Snatchers movie, you already have an understanding of the basic idea. Generally speaking, mocking is only useful when the real objects under test are expensive to create, such as a database connection, or when testing could have undesired side effects; for instance, we might not want to write to the file system or database.

In this recipe, we will test a nuclear reactor—not a real one, of course. This nuclear reactor class performs a factorial calculation that could, in theory, cause a chain reaction with a nuclear disaster as consequence. We will mock the factorial computation with a mock, using the mock package.

How to do it...

First, we will install the mock package; after which, we will create a mock and test a piece of code.

  1. Install mock.

    In order to install the mock package, execute the following command:

    sudo easy_install mock
  2. Create a mock.

    The nuclear reactor class has a do_work method, which calls a dangerous factorial method, which we want to mock. Create a mock as follows:

    reactor.factorial = MagicMock(return_value=6)

    This ensures that the mock returns a value of 6.

  3. Assert behavior.

    We can check the behavior of a mock and from that, the behavior of the real object under test, in several ways. For instance, we can assert that the potentially explosive factorial method is being called with the correct arguments as follows:

    reactor.factorial.assert_called_with(3, "mocked")

The complete test code with mocks is as follows:

from mock import MagicMock
import numpy
import unittest

class NuclearReactor():
    def __init__(self, n):
      self.n = n

    def do_work(self, msg):
      print "Working"

      return self.factorial(self.n, msg)

    def factorial(self, n, msg):
      print msg 

      if n == 0:
        return 1

      if n < 0:
        raise ValueError, "Core meltdown"

      return numpy.arange(1, n+1).cumprod()

class NuclearReactorTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_called(self):
      reactor = NuclearReactor(3)
      reactor.factorial = MagicMock(return_value=6)
      result = reactor.do_work("mocked")
      self.assertEqual(6, result)
      reactor.factorial.assert_called_with(3, "mocked")

    def test_unmocked(self):
      reactor = NuclearReactor(3)
      reactor.factorial(3, "unmocked")

if __name__ == '__main__':

We pass a string to the factorial method to show that the code with mock does not exercise the real code. The unit test works in the same way as the unit test in the previous recipe. The second test here does not test anything. The purpose of the second test is just to demonstrate what happens if we exercise the real code without mocks.

The output of the tests is as follows:

Ran 2 tests in 0.000s


How it works...

Mocks do not have any behavior. They are like alien clones pretending to be real people, only dumber than aliens. An alien clone wouldn't be able to tell you the birthday of the real person it is replacing. We need to set them up to respond in an appropriate manner. For instance, the mock returned 6 in this example. We can record what is happening to the mock—how many times it is being called and with which arguments.

Testing the BDD way

BDD (Behavior Driven Development) is another hot acronym that you might have come across. In BDD, we start by defining (in English) the expected behavior of the system under test, according to certain conventions and rules. In this recipe, we will see an example of those conventions.

The idea behind this approach is that we can have people who may not be able to program, write a major part of the tests. A feature written by these people takes the form of a sentence consisting of several steps. Each step is more or less a unit test that we can write, for instance, using NumPy. There are many Python BDD frameworks. In this recipe, we will be using Lettuce to test the factorial function.

How to do it…

In this section, we will see how to install Lettuce, set up the tests, and write the specifications for the test.

  1. Installing Lettuce.

    In order to install Lettuce, run either of the following commands:

    pip install lettuce
    sudo easy_install lettuce
  2. Setting up the tests.

    Lettuce requires a special directory structure for the tests. In the tests directory, we will have a directory named features containing the factorial.feature file, along with the functional descriptions and test code in the file:

  3. Writing the specifications.

    Coming up with the business requirements is a hard job. Writing it all down in such a way that it is easy to test is even harder. Luckily, the requirements for these recipes are pretty trivial—we will just write down different input values and the expected outputs.

    We have different scenarios with Given, When, and Then sections, which correspond to different test steps. We will define the following three scenarios for the factorial feature:

    Feature: Compute factorial
        Scenario: Factorial of 0
          Given I have the number 0 
          When I compute its factorial 
          Then I see the number 1
        Scenario: Factorial of 1
          Given I have the number 1 
          When I compute its factorial 
          Then I see the number 1
        Scenario: Factorial of 3
          Given I have the number 3 
          When I compute its factorial 
          Then I see the number 1, 2, 6
  4. Defining the steps.

    We will define methods that correspond to the steps of our scenario. We should pay extra attention to the text used to annotate the methods. It matches the text in the business scenarios file, and we are using regular expressions to get input parameters.

    In the first two scenarios, we are matching numbers, and in the last we match any text. The NumPy fromstring function is used to create a string from a NumPy array, with an integer data type and comma separator in the string. The following code tests our scenarios:

    from lettuce import *
    import numpy
    @step('I have the number (d+)')
    def have_the_number(step, number):
        world.number = int(number)
    @step('I compute its factorial')
    def compute_its_factorial(step):
        world.number = factorial(world.number)
    @step('I see the number (.*)')
    def check_number(step, expected):
        expected = numpy.fromstring(expected, dtype=int, sep=',')
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(world.number, expected, 
            "Got %s" % world.number)
    def factorial(n):
        if n == 0:
          return 1
        if n < 0:
          raise ValueError, "Core meltdown"
        return numpy.arange(1, n+1).cumprod()
  5. Run the tests.

    In order to run the tests, go to the tests directory and type the following command:

    $ lettuce
    Feature: Compute factorial        # features/factorial.feature:1
      Scenario: Factorial of 0        # features/factorial.feature:3
        Given I have the number 0     # features/
        When I compute its factorial  # features/
        Then I see the number 1       # features/
      Scenario: Factorial of 1        # features/factorial.feature:8
        Given I have the number 1     # features/
        When I compute its factorial  # features/
        Then I see the number 1       # features/
      Scenario: Factorial of 3        # features/factorial.feature:13
        Given I have the number 3     # features/
        When I compute its factorial  # features/
        Then I see the number 1, 2, 6 # features/
    1 feature (1 passed)
    3 scenarios (3 passed)
    9 steps (9 passed)

How it works...

We defined a feature with three scenarios and corresponding steps. We used the NumPy testing functions to test the different steps, and the fromstring function to create a NumPy array from the specifications text.

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